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1999-09-14 08:45:02 -04:00
; Copyright (c) 1993-1999 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING.
; [This is a kludge. Richard is loathe to include it in the
; distribution. But now the system itself uses it, so we're stuck.]
; Reads arch.scm and data.scm and writes out a C .h file with constants
; and macros for dealing with Scheme 48 data structures.
; Needs Big Scheme.
; (make-c-header-file "scheme48.h" ""
; "vm/arch.scm" "vm/data.scm" "rts/record.scm")
(define (make-c-header-file c-file c-in-file arch-file data-file record-file)
(receive (stob-list stob-data exception-list channel-status-list)
(search-file arch-file
'("stob enumeration"
"(define stob-data ...)"
"exception enumeration"
"channel-status enumeration")
(defines-enum? 'stob)
(lambda (x)
(and (eq? (car x) 'define)
(eq? (cadr x) 'stob-data)))
(lambda (x) (cadr (caddr x)))
(defines-enum? 'exception)
(defines-enum? 'channel-status-option)
(receive (tag-list immediate-list)
(search-file data-file
'("tag enumeration" "imm enumeration")
(defines-enum? 'tag)
(defines-enum? 'imm)
(let ((record-type-fields
(search-file record-file
'("(define record-type-fields ...")
(lambda (x)
(and (eq? (car x) 'define)
(eq? (cadr x) 'record-type-fields)))
(lambda (x) (cadr (caddr x))))))
(with-output-to-file c-file
(lambda ()
(format #t "/* This file was generated automatically.~%")
(format #t " It's probably not a good idea to change it. */~%")
(format #t "#ifndef _H_SCHEME48~%")
(format #t "#define _H_SCHEME48~%")
(copy-file c-in-file)
(tag-stuff tag-list)
(immediate-stuff immediate-list)
(stob-stuff stob-list stob-data)
(enumeration-stuff record-type-fields
"S48_RECORD_TYPE_~A(x) S48_RECORD_REF((x), ~D)")
(enumeration-stuff exception-list "S48_EXCEPTION_~A ~D")
(enumeration-stuff channel-status-list
(format #t "#endif /* _H_SCHEME48 */")
(define (tag-stuff tag-list)
(do ((tags tag-list (cdr tags))
(i 0 (+ i 1)))
((null? tags))
(let ((name (upcase (car tags))))
(c-define "S48_~A_TAG ~D" name i)
(c-define "S48_~A_P(x) (((long)(x) & 3L) == S48_~A_TAG)" name name)))
(c-define "S48_UNSAFE_ENTER_FIXNUM(n) ((s48_value)((n) << 2))")
(c-define "S48_UNSAFE_EXTRACT_FIXNUM(x) ((long)(x) >> 2)"))
(define (immediate-stuff imm-list)
(c-define "S48_MISC_IMMEDIATE(n) ((s48_value)(S48_IMMEDIATE_TAG | ((n) << 2)))")
(do ((imm imm-list (cdr imm))
(i 0 (+ i 1)))
((null? imm))
(let ((name (upcase (car imm))))
(c-define "S48_~A (S48_MISC_IMMEDIATE(~D))" name i)))
(c-define "S48_ENTER_BOOLEAN(n) ((n) ? S48_TRUE : S48_FALSE)")
(c-define "S48_EXTRACT_BOOLEAN(x) ((x) != S48_FALSE)")
(c-define "S48_UNSAFE_ENTER_CHAR(c) (S48_CHAR | ((c) << 8))")
(c-define "S48_UNSAFE_EXTRACT_CHAR(x) ((x) >> 8)")
(c-define "S48_CHAR_P(x) ((((long) (x)) & 0xff) == S48_CHAR)"))
(define (stob-stuff stob-list stob-data)
(let ((type-mask (let ((len (length stob-list)))
(do ((i 2 (* i 2)))
((>= i len) (- i 1))))))
(c-define "S48_ADDRESS_AFTER_HEADER(x, type) ((type *)((x) - S48_STOB_TAG))")
(c-define "S48_STOB_REF(x, i) (S48_ADDRESS_AFTER_HEADER(x, s48_value)[i])")
(c-define (string-append
"S48_STOB_BYTE_REF(x, i) "
"(((char *)S48_ADDRESS_AFTER_HEADER(x, s48_value))[i])"))
(c-define (string-append
"S48_STOB_SET(x, i, v) "
"do { "
"s48_value __stob_set_x = (x); "
"long __stob_set_i = (i); "
"s48_value __stob_set_v = (v); "
"if (S48_STOB_IMMUTABLEP(__stob_set_x)) "
"s48_raise_argument_type_error(__stob_set_x); "
1999-09-14 08:45:02 -04:00
"else { "
"S48_WRITE_BARRIER((__stob_set_x), "
"(char *) (&S48_STOB_REF((__stob_set_x), (__stob_set_i))),"
"(__stob_set_v)); "
"*(&S48_STOB_REF((__stob_set_x), (__stob_set_i))) = (__stob_set_v); "
"} "
"} while (0)"))
(c-define (string-append
"S48_STOB_BYTE_SET(x, i, v) "
"do { "
2000-08-28 08:45:00 -04:00
"s48_value __stob_set_x = (x); "
1999-09-14 08:45:02 -04:00
"long __stob_set_i = (i); "
2000-08-28 08:45:00 -04:00
"char __stob_set_v = (v); "
1999-09-14 08:45:02 -04:00
"if (S48_STOB_IMMUTABLEP(__stob_set_x)) "
"s48_raise_argument_type_error(__stob_set_x); "
1999-09-14 08:45:02 -04:00
"else "
"*(&S48_STOB_BYTE_REF((__stob_set_x), (__stob_set_i))) = (__stob_set_v); "
"} while (0)"))
(c-define "S48_STOB_TYPE(x) ((S48_STOB_HEADER(x)>>2)&~D)" type-mask)
(c-define "S48_STOB_HEADER(x) (S48_STOB_REF((x),-1))")
(c-define "S48_STOB_ADDRESS(x) (&(S48_STOB_HEADER(x)))")
(c-define "S48_STOB_BYTE_LENGTH(x) (S48_STOB_HEADER(x) >> 8)")
(c-define "S48_STOB_DESCRIPTOR_LENGTH(x) (S48_STOB_HEADER(x) >> 10)")
(c-define "S48_STOB_IMMUTABLEP(x) ((S48_STOB_HEADER(x)>>7) & 1)")
(c-define "S48_STOB_MAKE_IMMUTABLE(x) ((S48_STOB_HEADER(x)) |= (1<<7))")
(do ((stob stob-list (cdr stob))
(i 0 (+ i 1)))
((null? stob))
(let ((name (upcase (car stob))))
(c-define "S48_STOBTYPE_~A ~D" name i)
(c-define "S48_~A_P(x) (s48_stob_has_type(x, ~D))" name i)))
(for-each (lambda (data)
(let ((type (upcase (car data))))
(do ((accs (cdddr data) (cdr accs))
(i 0 (+ i 1)))
((null? accs))
(let ((name (upcase (caar accs))))
(c-define "S48_~A_OFFSET ~D" name i)
(c-define "S48_~A(x) (s48_stob_ref((x), S48_STOBTYPE_~A, ~D))"
name type i)
(c-define "S48_UNSAFE_~A(x) (S48_STOB_REF((x), ~D))" name i))
(if (not (null? (cdar accs)))
(let ((name (upcase (cadar accs))))
1999-09-23 10:36:25 -04:00
(c-define "S48_~A(x, v) (s48_stob_set((x), S48_STOBTYPE_~A, ~D, (v)))"
1999-09-14 08:45:02 -04:00
name type i)
(c-define "S48_UNSAFE_~A(x, v) S48_STOB_SET((x), ~D, (v))" name i))))))
(for-each (lambda (type index)
(c-define "S48_~A_LENGTH(x) (s48_stob_length((x), S48_STOBTYPE_~A))"
type type)
(c-define "S48_~A_REF(x, i) (s48_stob_ref((x), S48_STOBTYPE_~A, ~A))"
type type index)
(c-define "S48_~A_SET(x, i, v) (s48_stob_set((x), S48_STOBTYPE_~A, ~A, (v)))"
type type index)
(c-define "S48_UNSAFE_~A_REF(x, i) (S48_STOB_REF((x), ~A))"
type index)
(c-define "S48_UNSAFE_~A_SET(x, i, v) S48_STOB_SET((x), ~A, (v))"
type index))
'("(i)" "(i) + 1"))
(c-define "S48_RECORD_TYPE(x) (s48_stob_ref((x), S48_STOBTYPE_RECORD))")
(c-define "S48_UNSAFE_RECORD_TYPE(x) (STOB_REF((x), 0))")
(for-each (lambda (type)
(c-define "S48_~A_LENGTH(x) (s48_stob_byte_length((x), S48_STOBTYPE_~A))"
type type)
(c-define "S48_~A_REF(x, i) (s48_stob_byte_ref((x), S48_STOBTYPE_~A, (i)))"
type type)
(c-define "S48_~A_SET(x, i, v) (s48_stob_byte_set((x), S48_STOBTYPE_~A, (i), (v)))"
type type)
(c-define "S48_UNSAFE_~A_REF(x, i) (S48_STOB_BYTE_REF((x), (i)))"
2000-08-28 08:45:00 -04:00
(c-define "S48_UNSAFE_~A_SET(x, i, v) S48_STOB_BYTE_SET((x), (i), (v))"
1999-09-14 08:45:02 -04:00
(c-define "S48_UNSAFE_STRING_LENGTH(x) (S48_STOB_BYTE_LENGTH(x) - 1)")
(c-define "S48_UNSAFE_EXTRACT_STRING(x) (S48_ADDRESS_AFTER_HEADER((x), char))")
1999-11-04 11:06:25 -05:00
1999-09-14 08:45:02 -04:00
(c-define (string-append "S48_EXTRACT_EXTERNAL_OBJECT(x, type) "
"((type *)(S48_ADDRESS_AFTER_HEADER(x, long)+1))"))))
(define (enumeration-stuff names format-string)
(do ((names names (cdr names))
(i 0 (+ 1 i)))
((null? names))
(let ((name (upcase (car names))))
(c-define format-string name i))))
; - becomes _ > becomes TO_ (so -> turns into _TO_)
; ? becomes P
; ! disappears
(define (upcase symbol)
(do ((chars (string->list (symbol->string symbol)) (cdr chars))
(res '() (case (car chars)
((#\>) (append (string->list "_OT") res))
((#\-) (cons #\_ res))
((#\?) (cons #\P res))
((#\/ #\!) res)
(else (cons (char-upcase (car chars)) res)))))
((null? chars)
(list->string (reverse res)))))
(define (c-define string . stuff)
(format #t "#define ~?~%" string stuff))
(define (defines-enum? name)
(lambda (x)
(and (eq? (car x) 'define-enumeration)
(eq? (cadr x) name))))
(define enum-definition-list caddr)
; Copy the file to the current-output-file.
(define (copy-file filename)
(call-with-input-file filename
(lambda (in)
(let loop ()
(let ((c (read-char in)))
(if (not (eof-object? c))
(write-char c)
; WHAT-FOR is a list of names, used only for debugging.
; PRED+EXTRACT is a list of <predicate0> <extract0> <predicate1> <extract1> ... .
; Each form in the file is read and passed to the predicates that haven't yet
; matched. If the predicate matches the corresponding extractor is called on
; the form. The results of the extractors are returned.
; STUFF is list of ((predicate . extract) . name). <name> is replaced
; with the value when it is found.
(define (search-file file what-for . pred+extract)
(let ((stuff (do ((p+e pred+extract (cddr p+e))
(names what-for (cdr names))
(ps '() (cons (cons (cons (car p+e) (cadr p+e))
(car names))
((null? p+e) (reverse ps)))))
(define (search next not-found)
(let loop ((n-f not-found) (checked '()))
(cond ((null? n-f)
(((caaar n-f) next)
(set-cdr! (car n-f) ((cdaar n-f) next))
(append (reverse checked) (cdr n-f)))
(loop (cdr n-f) (cons (car n-f) checked))))))
(with-input-from-file file
(lambda ()
(let loop ((not-found stuff))
(let ((next (read)))
(cond ((null? not-found)
(apply values (map cdr stuff)))
((eof-object? next)
(error "file ~S doesn't have ~A" file (cdar not-found)))
(loop (or (and (pair? next)
(search next not-found))