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<!-- HTML file produced from file: external.tex --
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-- on Emacs 19.34.1, Tue Feb 23 18:21:44 1999 -->
<TITLE>Mixing Scheme 48 and C</TITLE>
<H1 ALIGN=CENTER>Using C code with Scheme 48</H1>
<H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Mike Sperber<BR><TT><FONT SIZE=-1></FONT></TT><BR>Richard Kelsey<BR><TT><FONT SIZE=-1></FONT></TT>
<H3 ALIGN=CENTER>February 23, 1999</H3>
<H3 ALIGN=CENTER>Abstract</H3>
This document describes an interface for calling C functions
from Scheme, calling Scheme functions from C, and allocating
storage in the Scheme heap.
These facilities are designed to link
existing C libraries into Scheme&nbsp;48 in order to use them from Scheme.
To this end, Scheme&nbsp;48 manages stub functions in C that
negotiate between the calling conventions of Scheme and C and the
memory allocation policies of both worlds.
No stub generator is available yet, but writing them is a straightforward task.
<H1><A NAME="1">Available Facilities</A></H1>
<P>The following facilities are available for interfacing between
Scheme&nbsp;48 and C:
<UL><LI>Scheme code can call C functions.
<LI>The external interface provides full introspection for all
Scheme objects. External code may inspect, modify, and allocate
Scheme objects arbitrarily.
<LI>External code may raise exceptions back to Scheme&nbsp;48 to
signal errors.
<LI>External code may call back into Scheme. Scheme&nbsp;48
correctly unrolls the process stack on non-local exits.
<LI>External modules may register bindings of names to values with a
central registry accessible from
Scheme. Conversely, Scheme code can register shared
bindings for access by C code.
This document has three parts: the first describes how bindings are
moved from Scheme to C and vice versa, the second tells how to call
C functions from Scheme, and the third covers the C interface
to Scheme objects, including calling Scheme procedures, using the
Scheme heap, and so forth.
<H2><A NAME="2">Scheme structures</A></H2>
<P>The structure <CODE>external-calls</CODE> has
most of the Scheme functions described here.
The others are in
<CODE>dynamic-externals</CODE>, which has the functions for dynamic loading and
name lookup from
the section on <A HREF="#dynamic-externals">Dynamic Loading</A>,
and <CODE>shared-bindings</CODE>, which has the additional shared-binding functions
described in
the section on the <A HREF="#more-shared-bindings">complete shared-binding interface</A>.
<H2><A NAME="3">C naming conventions</A></H2>
<P>The names of all of Scheme&nbsp;48's visible C bindings begin
with `<CODE>s48_</CODE>' (for procedures and variables) or
`<CODE>S48_</CODE>' (for macros).
Whenever a C name is derived from a Scheme identifier, we
replace `<CODE>-</CODE>' with `<CODE>_</CODE>' and convert letters to lowercase
for procedures and uppercase for macros.
A final `<CODE>?</CODE>' converted to `<CODE>_p</CODE>' (`<CODE>_P</CODE>' in C macro names).
A final `<CODE>!</CODE>' is dropped.
Thus the C macro for Scheme's <CODE>pair?</CODE> is <CODE>S48_PAIR_P</CODE> and
the one for <CODE>set-car!</CODE> is <CODE>S48_SET_CAR</CODE>.
Procedures and macros that do not check the types of their arguments
have `<CODE>unsafe</CODE>' in their names.
<P>All of the C functions and macros described have prototypes or definitions
in the file <CODE>c/scheme48.h</CODE>.
The C type for Scheme values is defined there to be <CODE>s48_value</CODE>.
<H1><A NAME="4">Shared bindings</A></H1>
<P>Shared bindings are the means by which named values are shared between Scheme
code and C code.
There are two separate tables of shared bindings, one for values defined in
Scheme and accessed from C and the other for values going the other way.
Shared bindings actually bind names to cells, to allow a name to be looked
up before it has been assigned.
This is necessary because C initialization code may be run before or after
the corresponding Scheme code, depending on whether the Scheme code is in
the resumed image or is run in the current session.
<H2><A NAME="5">Exporting Scheme values to C</A></H2>
<UL><LI><CODE>s48_value s48_get_imported_binding(char *name)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>s48_value S48_SHARED_BINDING_REF(s48_value shared_binding)</CODE>
<P><CODE>Define-exported-binding</CODE> makes <CODE><I>value</I></CODE> available to C code
under as <CODE><I>name</I></CODE> which must be a <CODE><I>string</I></CODE>, creating a new shared
binding if necessary.
The C function <CODE>s48_get_imported_binding</CODE> returns the shared binding
defined for <CODE>name</CODE>, again creating it if necessary.
The C macro <CODE>S48_SHARED_BINDING_REF</CODE> dereferences a shared binding,
returning its current value.
<H2><A NAME="6">Exporting C values to Scheme</A></H2>
<UL><LI><CODE>void s48_define_exported_binding(char *name, s48_value value)</CODE>
<P>These are used to define shared bindings from C and to access them
from Scheme.
Again, if a name is looked up before it has been defined, a new binding is
created for it.
<P>The common case of exporting a C function to Scheme can be done using
the macro <CODE>S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(<EM>name</EM>)</CODE>.
This expands into
<P><CODE>s48_define_exported_binding("<CODE><I>name</I></CODE>", s48_enter_pointer(<CODE><I>name</I></CODE>))</CODE>
<P>which boxes the function into a Scheme byte vector and then
exports it.
Note that <CODE>s48_enter_pointer</CODE> allocates space in the Scheme heap
and might trigger a
<A HREF="#gc">garbage collection</A>.
<UL><LI><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=80%>
<tr> <td><CODE>(import-definition <CODE><I>name</I></CODE>)</CODE></td> <td align=right>syntax</td></tr></table>
<LI><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=80%>
<tr> <td><CODE>(import-definition <CODE><I>name&nbsp;c-name</I></CODE>)</CODE></td> <td align=right>syntax</td></tr></table>
These macros simplify importing definitions from C to Scheme.
They expand into
<P><CODE>(define <CODE><I>name</I></CODE> (lookup-imported-binding <CODE><I>c-name</I></CODE>))</CODE>
<P>where <CODE><I>c-name</I></CODE> is as supplied for the second form.
For the first form <CODE><I>c-name</I></CODE> is derived from <CODE><I>name</I></CODE> by
replacing `<CODE>-</CODE>' with `<CODE>_</CODE>' and converting letters to lowercase.
For example, <CODE>(import-definition my-foo)</CODE> expands into
<P><CODE>(define my-foo (lookup-imported-binding "my_foo"))</CODE>
<H2><A NAME="more-shared-bindings">Complete shared binding interface</A></H2>
<P>There are a number of other Scheme functions related to shared bindings;
these are in the structure <CODE>shared-bindings</CODE>.
<P><CODE>Shared-binding?</CODE> is the predicate for shared-bindings.
<CODE>Shared-binding-name</CODE> returns the name of a binding.
<CODE>Shared-binding-is-import?</CODE> is true if the binding was defined from C.
<CODE>Shared-binding-set!</CODE> changes the value of a binding.
<CODE>Define-imported-binding</CODE> and <CODE>lookup-exported-binding</CODE> are
Scheme versions of <CODE>s48_define_exported_binding</CODE>
and <CODE>s48_lookup_imported_binding</CODE>.
The two <CODE>undefine-</CODE> procedures remove bindings from the two tables.
They do nothing if the name is not found in the table.
<P>The following C macros correspond to the Scheme functions above.
<LI><CODE>int S48_SHARED_BINDING_IS_IMPORT_P(s48_value s_b)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>s48_value S48_SHARED_BINDING_NAME(s48_value s_b)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>void S48_SHARED_BINDING_SET(s48_value s_b, s48_value value)</CODE>
<H1><A NAME="8">Calling C Functions from Scheme</A></H1>
<P>There are three different ways to call C functions from Scheme, depending on
how the C function was obtained.
Each of these applies its first argument, a C function, to the rest of
the arguments.
For <CODE>call-imported-binding</CODE> the function argument must be an
imported binding.
For <CODE>call-external</CODE> the function argument must be an external
bound in the current process
the section on <A HREF="#dynamic-externals">Dynamic Loading</A>).
For <CODE>call-external-value</CODE> <CODE><I>value</I></CODE> must be a byte vector
whose contents is a pointer to a C function and <CODE><I>name</I></CODE> should be
a string naming the function.
The <CODE><I>name</I></CODE> argument is used only for printing error messages.
<P>For all of these, the C function is passed the <CODE><I>arg<I><sub>i</sub></I></I></CODE> values
and the value returned is that returned by C procedure.
Up to twelve arguments may be passed.
There is no method supplied for returning multiple values to
Scheme from C (or vice versa) (mainly because C does not have multiple return
<P>Keyboard interrupts that occur during a call to a C function are ignored
until the function returns to Scheme (this is clearly a
problem; we are working on a solution).
<UL><LI><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=80%>
<tr> <td><CODE>(import-lambda-definition <CODE><I>name</I></CODE> (<CODE><I>formal</I></CODE> ...))</CODE></td> <td align=right>syntax</td></tr></table>
<LI><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=80%>
<tr> <td><CODE>(import-lambda-definition <CODE><I>name</I></CODE> (<CODE><I>formal</I></CODE> ...) <CODE><I>c-name</I></CODE>)</CODE></td> <td align=right>syntax</td></tr></table>
These macros simplify importing functions from C.
They define <CODE><I>name</I></CODE> to be a function with the given formals that
applies those formals to the corresponding C binding.
<CODE><I>C-name</I></CODE>, if supplied, should be a string.
These expand into
(define temp (lookup-imported-binding <CODE><I>c-name</I></CODE>))
(define <CODE><I>name</I></CODE>
(lambda (<CODE><I>formal</I></CODE> ...)
(external-apply temp <CODE><I>formal</I></CODE> ...)))
If <CODE><I>c-name</I></CODE> is not supplied, it is derived from <CODE><I>name</I></CODE> by converting
all letters to lowercase and replacing `<CODE>-</CODE>' with `<CODE>_</CODE>'.
<H1><A NAME="9">Adding external modules to the <CODE>Makefile</CODE></A></H1>
<P>Getting access to C bindings from Scheme requires that the C code be
compiled an linked in with the Scheme&nbsp;48 virtual machine and that the
relevent shared-bindings be created.
The Scheme&nbsp;48 makefile has rules for compiling and linking external code
and for specifying initialization functions that should be called on
There are three Makefile variables that control which external modules are
included in the executable for the virutal machine (<CODE>scheme48vm</CODE>).
<CODE>EXTERNAL_OBJECTS</CODE> lists the object files to be included in
<CODE>EXTERNAL_FLAGS</CODE> is a list of <CODE>ld</CODE> flags to be used when
creating <CODE>scheme48vm</CODE>, and
<CODE>EXTERNAL_INITIALIZERS</CODE> is a list of C procedures to be called
on startup.
The procedures listed in <CODE>EXTERNAL_INITIALIZERS</CODE> should take no
arguments and have a return type of <CODE>void</CODE>.
After changing the definitions of any of these variables you should
do <CODE>make scheme48vm</CODE> to rebuild the virtual machine.
<H1><A NAME="dynamic-externals">Dynamic Loading</A></H1>
<P>External code can be loaded into a running Scheme&nbsp;48 process
and C object-file bindings can be dereferenced at runtime and
their values called
(although not all versions of Unix support all of this).
The required Scheme functions are in the structure <CODE>dynamic-externals</CODE>.
<CODE>Dynamic-load</CODE> loads the named file into the current
process, raising an exception if the file cannot be found or if dynamic
loading is not supported by the operating system.
The file must have been compiled and linked appropriately.
For Linux, the following commands compile <CODE>foo.c</CODE> into a
file <CODE></CODE> that can be loaded dynamically.
% gcc -c -o foo.o foo.c
% ld -shared -o foo.o
These functions give access to values bound in the current process, and
are used for retrieving values from dynamically-loaded files.
<CODE>Get-external</CODE> returns an <I>external</I> object that contains the
value of <CODE><I>name</I></CODE>, raising an exception if there is no such
value in the current process.
<CODE>External?</CODE> is the predicate for externals, and
<CODE>external-name</CODE> and <CODE>external-value</CODE> return the name and
value of an external.
The value is returned as byte vector of length four (on 32-bit
The value is that which was extant when <CODE>get-external</CODE> was
The following two functions can be used to update the values of
<CODE>Lookup-external</CODE> updates the value of <CODE><I>external</I></CODE> by looking its
name in the current process, returning <CODE>#t</CODE> if it is bound and <CODE>#f</CODE>
if it is not.
<CODE>Lookup-all-externals</CODE> calls <CODE>lookup-external</CODE> on all extant
externals, returning <CODE>#f</CODE> any are unbound.
An external whose value is a C procedure can be called using
the section on <A HREF="#8">calling C functions from Scheme</A>
for more information.
<P>In some versions of Unix retrieving a value from the current
process may require a non-trivial amount of computation.
We recommend that a dynamically-loaded file contain a single initialization
procedure that creates shared bindings for the values exported by the file.
<H1><A NAME="11">Compatibility</A></H1>
<P>Scheme&nbsp;48's old <CODE>external-call</CODE> function is still available in the structure
<CODE>externals</CODE>, which now also includes <CODE>external-name</CODE> and
The old <CODE>scheme48.h</CODE> file has been renamed <CODE>old-scheme48.h</CODE>.
<H1><A NAME="12">Accessing Scheme data from C</A></H1>
<P>The C header file <CODE>scheme48.h</CODE> provides
access to Scheme&nbsp;48 data structures
(for compatibility, the old <CODE>scheme48.h</CODE> file is available
as <CODE>old-scheme48.h</CODE>).
The type <CODE>s48_value</CODE> is used for Scheme values.
When the type of a value is known, such as the integer returned
by <CODE>vector-length</CODE> or the boolean returned by <CODE>pair?</CODE>,
the corresponding C procedure returns a C value of the appropriate
type, and not a <CODE>s48_value</CODE>.
Predicates return <CODE>1</CODE> for true and <CODE>0</CODE> for false.
<H2><A NAME="13">Constants</A></H2>
<P>The following macros denote Scheme constants:
<DL><DT><B><CODE>S48_FALSE</CODE></B><DD> is <CODE>#f</CODE>.
<DT><B><CODE>S48_TRUE</CODE></B><DD> is <CODE>#t</CODE>.
<DT><B><CODE>S48_NULL</CODE></B><DD> is the empty list.
<DT><B><CODE>S48_UNSPECIFIC</CODE></B><DD> is a value used for functions which have no
meaningful return value
(in Scheme this value returned by the nullary procedure <CODE>unspecific</CODE>
in the structure <CODE>util</CODE>).
<DT><B><CODE>S48_EOF</CODE></B><DD> is the end-of-file object
(in Scheme this value is returned by the nullary procedure <CODE>eof-object</CODE>
in the structure <CODE>i/o-internal</CODE>).
<H2><A NAME="14">Converting values</A></H2>
<P>The following functions convert values between Scheme and C
The `extract' ones convert from Scheme to C and the `enter's go the other
<UL><LI><CODE>unsigned char s48_extract_char(s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>char * s48_extract_string(s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>long s48_extract_integer(s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>double s48_extract_double(s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>s48_value s48_enter_char(unsigned char)</CODE>
<LI><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=80%>
<tr> <td><CODE>s48_value s48_enter_string(char *)</CODE></td> <td align=right>(may GC)</td></tr></table>
<LI><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=80%>
<tr> <td><CODE>s48_value s48_enter_integer(long)</CODE></td> <td align=right>(may GC)</td></tr></table>
<LI><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=80%>
<tr> <td><CODE>s48_value s48_enter_double(double)</CODE></td> <td align=right>(may GC)</td></tr></table>
<P>The value returned by <CODE>s48_extract_string</CODE> points to the actual
storage used by the string; it is valid only until the next
<A HREF="#gc">garbage collection</A>.
<P><CODE>s48_enter_integer()</CODE> needs to allocate storage when
its argument is too large to fit in a Scheme&nbsp;48 fixnum.
In cases where the number is known to fit within a fixnum (currently 30 bits
including the sign), the following procedures can be used.
These have the disadvantage of only having a limited range, but
the advantage of never causing a garbage collection.
<UL><LI><CODE>long s48_extract_fixnum(s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>s48_value s48_enter_fixnum(long)</CODE>
<P>An error is signalled if <CODE>s48_extract_fixnum</CODE>'s argument
is not a fixnum or if the argument to <CODE>s48_enter_fixnum</CODE> is less than
(<I>-2<sup>29</sup></I> and <I>2<sup>29</sup>-1</I> in the current system).
<H2><A NAME="15">C versions of Scheme procedures</A></H2>
<P>The following macros and procedures are C versions of Scheme procedures.
The names were derived by replacing `<CODE>-</CODE>' with `<CODE>_</CODE>',
`<CODE>?</CODE>' with `<CODE>p</CODE>', and dropping `<CODE>!</CODE>.
<UL><LI><CODE>int S48_EQ_P(s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>int S48_CHAR_P(s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>int S48_INTEGER_P(s48_value)</CODE>
<UL><LI><CODE>int S48_PAIR_P(s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>s48_value S48_CAR(s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>s48_value S48_CDR(s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>void S48_SET_CAR(s48_value, s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>void S48_SET_CDR(s48_value, s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=80%>
<tr> <td><CODE>s48_value s48_cons(s48_value, s48_value)</CODE></td> <td align=right>(may GC)</td></tr></table>
<LI><CODE>long s48_length(s48_value)</CODE>
<UL><LI><CODE>int S48_VECTOR_P(s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>long S48_VECTOR_LENGTH(s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>s48_value S48_VECTOR_REF(s48_value, long)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>void S48_VECTOR_SET(s48_value, long, s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=80%>
<tr> <td><CODE>s48_value s48_make_vector(long, s48_value)</CODE></td> <td align=right>(may GC)</td></tr></table>
<UL><LI><CODE>int S48_STRING_P(s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>long S48_STRING_LENGTH(s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>char S48_STRING_REF(s48_value, long)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>void S48_STRING_SET(s48_value, long, char)</CODE>
<LI><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=80%>
<tr> <td><CODE>s48_value s48_make_string(long, char)</CODE></td> <td align=right>(may GC)</td></tr></table>
<UL><LI><CODE>int S48_SYMBOL_P(s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>s48_value s48_SYMBOL_TO_STRING(s48_value)</CODE>
<UL><LI><CODE>int S48_BYTE_VECTOR_P(s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>long S48_BYTE_VECTOR_LENGTH(s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>char S48_BYTE_VECTOR_REF(s48_value, long)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>void S48_BYTE_VECTOR_SET(s48_value, long, int)</CODE>
<LI><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=80%>
<tr> <td><CODE>s48_value s48_make_byte_vector(long, int)</CODE></td> <td align=right>(may GC)</td></tr></table>
<H1><A NAME="16">Calling Scheme functions from C</A></H1>
<P>External code that has been called from Scheme can call back to Scheme
procedures using the following function.
<UL><LI><CODE>scheme_value s48_call_scheme(s48_value proc, long nargs, ...)</CODE>
This calls the Scheme procedure <CODE>proc</CODE> on <CODE>nargs</CODE>
arguments, which are passed as additional arguments to <CODE>s48_call_scheme</CODE>.
There may be at most ten arguments.
The value returned by the Scheme procedure is returned by the C procedure.
Invoking any Scheme procedure may potentially cause a garbage collection.
<P>There are some complications that occur when mixing calls from C to Scheme
with continuations and threads.
C only supports downward continuations (via <CODE>longjmp()</CODE>).
Scheme continuations that capture a portion of the C stack have to follow the
same restriction.
For example, suppose Scheme procedure <CODE>s0</CODE> captures continuation <CODE>a</CODE>
and then calls C procedure <CODE>c0</CODE>, which in turn calls Scheme procedure
Procedure <CODE>s1</CODE> can safely call the continuation <CODE>a</CODE>, because that
is a downward use.
When <CODE>a</CODE> is called Scheme&nbsp;48 will remove the portion of the C stack used
by the call to <CODE>c0</CODE>.
On the other hand, if <CODE>s1</CODE> captures a continuation, that continuation
cannot be used from <CODE>s0</CODE>, because by the time control returns to
<CODE>s0</CODE> the C stack used by <CODE>c0</CODE> will no longer be valid.
An attempt to invoke an upward continuation that is closed over a portion
of the C stack will raise an exception.
<P>In Scheme&nbsp;48 threads are implemented using continuations, so the downward
restriction applies to them as well.
An attempt to return from Scheme to C at a time when the appropriate
C frame is not on top of the C stack will cause the current thread to
block until the frame is available.
For example, suppose thread <CODE>t0</CODE> calls a C procedure which calls back
to Scheme, at which point control switches to thread <CODE>t1</CODE>, which also
calls C and then back to Scheme.
At this point both <CODE>t0</CODE> and <CODE>t1</CODE> have active calls to C on the
C stack, with <CODE>t1</CODE>'s C frame above <CODE>t0</CODE>'s.
If thread <CODE>t0</CODE> attempts to return from Scheme to C it will block,
as its frame is not accessable.
Once <CODE>t1</CODE> has returned to C and from there to Scheme, <CODE>t0</CODE> will
be able to resume.
The return to Scheme is required because context switches can only occur while
C code is running.
<CODE>T0</CODE> will also be able to resume if <CODE>t1</CODE> uses a continuation to
throw past its call to C.
<H1><A NAME="gc">Interacting with the Scheme Heap</A></H1>
<P>Scheme&nbsp;48 uses a copying, precise garbage collector.
Any procedure that allocates objects within the Scheme&nbsp;48 heap may trigger
a garbage collection.
Variables bound to values in the Scheme&nbsp;48 heap need to be registered with
the garbage collector so that the value will be retained and so that the
variables will be updated if the garbage collector moves the object.
The garbage collector has no facility for updating pointers to the interiors
of objects, so such pointers, for example the ones returned by
<CODE>EXTRACT_STRING</CODE>, will likely become invalid when a garbage collection
<H2><A NAME="18">Registering Objects with the GC</A></H2>
<P>A set of macros are used to manage the registration of local variables with the
garbage collector.
<LI><CODE>void S48_GC_PROTECT_<I>n</I>(s48_value<I><sub>1</sub></I>, <I>...</I>, s48_value<I><sub>n</sub></I>)</CODE>
<P><CODE>S48_DECLARE_GC_PROTECT(<I>n</I>)</CODE>, where <I>1 &lt;= n &lt;= 9</I>, allocates
storage for registering <I>n</I> variables.
At most one use of <CODE>S48_DECLARE_GC_PROTECT</CODE> may occur in a block.
<CODE>S48_GC_PROTECT_<I>n</I>(<I>v<sub>1</sub></I>, <I>...</I>, <I>v<sub>n</sub></I>)</CODE> registers the
<I>n</I> variables (l-values) with the garbage collector.
It must be within scope of a <CODE>S48_DECLARE_GC_PROTECT(<I>n</I>)</CODE>
and be before any code which can cause a GC.
<CODE>S48_GC_UNPROTECT</CODE> removes the block's protected variables from
the garbage collectors list.
It must be called at the end of the block after
any code which may cause a garbage collection.
Omitting any of the three may cause serious and
hard-to-debug problems.
Notably, the garbage collector may relocate an object and
invalidate <CODE>s48_value</CODE> variables which are not protected.
<P>A <CODE>gc-protection-mismatch</CODE> exception is raised if, when a C
procedure returns to Scheme, the calls
to <CODE>S48_GC_PROTECT()</CODE> have not been matched by an equal number of
calls to <CODE>S48_GC_UNPROTECT()</CODE>.
<P>Global variables may also be registered with the garbage collector.
<P><CODE>S48_GC_PROTECT_GLOBAL</CODE> permanently registers the
variable <CODE><I>value</I></CODE> (an l-value) with the garbage collector.
There is no way to unregister the variable.
<H2><A NAME="19">Keeping C data structures in the Scheme heap</A></H2>
<P>C data structures can be kept in the Scheme heap by embedding them
inside byte vectors.
The following macros can be used to create and access embedded C objects.
<UL><LI><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=80%>
<tr> <td><CODE>s48_value S48_MAKE_VALUE(type)</CODE></td> <td align=right>(may GC)</td></tr></table>
<LI><CODE>type S48_EXTRACT_VALUE(s48_value, type)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>type * S48_EXTRACT_VALUE_POINTER(s48_value, type)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>void S48_SET_VALUE(s48_value, type, value)</CODE>
<P><CODE>S48_MAKE_VALUE</CODE> makes a byte vector large enough to hold an object
whose type is <CODE><I>type</I></CODE>.
<CODE>S48_EXTRACT_VALUE</CODE> returns the contents of a byte vector cast to
<CODE><I>type</I></CODE>, and <CODE>S48_EXTRACT_VALUE_POINTER</CODE> returns a pointer
to the contents of the byte vector.
The value returned by <CODE>S48_EXTRACT_VALUE_POINTER</CODE> is valid only until
the next <A HREF="#gc">garbage collection</A>.
<P><CODE>S48_SET_VALUE</CODE> stores <CODE>value</CODE> into the byte vector.
<H2><A NAME="20">C code and heap images</A></H2>
<P>Scheme&nbsp;48 uses dumped heap images to restore a previous system state.
The Scheme&nbsp;48 heap is written into a file in a machine-independent and
operating-system-independent format.
The procedures described above may be used to create objects in the
Scheme heap that contain information specific to the current
machine, operating system, or process.
A heap image containing such objects may not work correctly on
when resumed.
<P>To address this problem, a record type may be given a `resumer'
On startup, the resumer procedure for a type is applied to each record of
that type in the image being restarted.
This procedure can update the record in a manner appropriate to
the machine, operating system, or process used to resume the
<P><CODE>Define-record-resumer</CODE> defines <CODE><I>procedure</I></CODE>,
which should accept one argument, to be the resumer for
The order in which resumer procedures are called is not specified.
<P>The <CODE><I>procedure</I></CODE> argument to <CODE>define-record-resumer</CODE> may
be <CODE>#f</CODE>, in which case records of the given type are
not written out in heap images.
When writing a heap image any reference to such a record is replaced by
the value of the record's first field, and an exception is raised
after the image is written.
<H1><A NAME="21">Using Scheme records in C code</A></H1>
<P>External modules can create records and access their slots
<UL><LI><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=80%>
<tr> <td><CODE>s48_value S48_MAKE_RECORD(s48_value)</CODE></td> <td align=right>(may GC)</td></tr></table>
<LI><CODE>int S48_RECORD_P(s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>s48_value S48_RECORD_TYPE(s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>s48_value S48_RECORD_REF(s48_value, long)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>void S48_RECORD_SET(s48_value, long, s48_value)</CODE>
The argument to <CODE>S48_MAKE_RECORD</CODE> should be a shared binding
whose value is a record type.
In C the fields of Scheme records are only accessible via offsets,
with the first field having offset zero, the second offset one, and
so forth.
If the order of the fields is changed in the Scheme definition of the
record type the C code must be updated as well.
<P>For example, given the following record-type definition
(define-record-type thing :thing
(make-thing a b)
(a thing-a)
(b thing-b))
the identifier <CODE>:thing</CODE> is bound to the record type and can
be exported to C:
(define-exported-binding "thing-record-type" :thing)
<CODE>Thing</CODE> records can then be made in C:
static scheme_value thing_record_type_binding = SCHFALSE;
void initialize_things(void)
thing_record_type_binding =
scheme_value make_thing(scheme_value a, scheme_value b)
s48_value thing;
S48_GC_PROTECT_2(a, b);
thing = s48_make_record(thing_record_type_binding);
S48_RECORD_SET(thing, 0, a);
S48_RECORD_SET(thing, 1, b);
return thing;
Note that the variables <CODE>a</CODE> and <CODE>b</CODE> must be protected
against the possibility of a garbage collection occuring during
the call to <CODE>s48_make_record()</CODE>.
<H1><A NAME="22">Raising exceptions from external code</A></H1>
<P>The following macros explicitly raise certain errors, immediately
returning to Scheme&nbsp;48.
Raising an exception performs all
necessary clean-up actions to properly return to Scheme&nbsp;48, including
adjusting the stack of protected variables.
<UL><LI><CODE>s48_raise_scheme_exception(int type, int nargs, ...)</CODE>
<P><CODE>s48_raise_scheme_exception</CODE> is the base procedure for
raising exceptions.
<CODE>type</CODE> is the type of exception, and should be one of the
<CODE>S48_EXCEPTION_</CODE>...constants defined in <CODE>scheme48arch.h</CODE>.
<CODE>nargs</CODE> is the number of additional values to be included in the
exception; these follow the <CODE>nargs</CODE> argument and should all have
type <CODE>s48_value</CODE>.
<CODE>s48_raise_scheme_exception</CODE> never returns.
<P>The following procedures are available for raising particular
types of exceptions.
Like <CODE>s48_raise_scheme_exception</CODE> these never return.
<LI><CODE>s48_raise_argument_number_error(int nargs, int min, int max)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>s48_raise_index_range_error(long value, long min, long max)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>s48_raise_os_error(int errno)</CODE>
<P>An argument type error indicates that the given value is of the wrong
An argument number error is raised when the number of arguments, <CODE>nargs</CODE>,
should be, but isn't, between <CODE>min</CODE> and <CODE>max</CODE>, inclusive.
Similarly, and index range error is raised when <CODE>value</CODE> is not between
between <CODE>min</CODE> and <CODE>max</CODE>, inclusive.
<P>The following macros raise argument type errors if their argument does not
have the required type.
<UL><LI><CODE>void S48_CHECK_SYMBOL(s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>void S48_CHECK_PAIR(s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>void S48_CHECK_STRING(s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>void S48_CHECK_INTEGER(s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>void S48_CHECK_CHANNEL(s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>void S48_CHECK_BYTE_VECTOR(s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>void S48_CHECK_RECORD(s48_value)</CODE>
<H1><A NAME="23">Unsafe functions and macros</A></H1>
<P>All of the C procedures and macros described above check that their
arguments have the appropriate types and that indexes are in range.
The following procedures and macros are identical to those described
above, except that they do not perform type and range checks.
They are provided for the purpose of writing more efficient code;
their general use is not recommended.
<UL><LI><CODE>char S48_UNSAFE_EXTRACT_CHAR(s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>char * S48_UNSAFE_EXTRACT_STRING(s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>s48_value S48_UNSAFE_ENTER_FIXNUM(long)</CODE>
<UL><LI><CODE>s48_value S48_UNSAFE_CAR(s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>s48_value S48_UNSAFE_CDR(s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>void S48_UNSAFE_SET_CAR(s48_value, s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>void S48_UNSAFE_SET_CDR(s48_value, s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>s48_value S48_UNSAFE_VECTOR_REF(s48_value, long)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>void S48_UNSAFE_VECTOR_SET(s48_value, long, s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>char S48_UNSAFE_STRING_REF(s48_value, long)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>void S48_UNSAFE_STRING_SET(s48_value, long, char)</CODE>
<UL><LI><CODE>s48_value S48_UNSAFE_SYMBOL_TO_STRING(s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>char S48_UNSAFE_BYTE_VECTOR_REF(s48_value, long)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>void S48_UNSAFE_BYTE_VECTOR_SET(s48_value, long, int)</CODE>
<UL><LI><CODE>s48_value S48_UNSAFE_SHARED_BINDING_REF(s48_value s_b)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>s48_value S48_UNSAFE_SHARED_BINDING_NAME(s48_value s_b)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>void S48_UNSAFE_SHARED_BINDING_SET(s48_value s_b, s48_value value)</CODE>
<UL><LI><CODE>s48_value S48_UNSAFE_RECORD_TYPE(s48_value)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>s48_value S48_UNSAFE_RECORD_REF(s48_value, long)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>void S48_UNSAFE_RECORD_SET(s48_value, long, s48_value)</CODE>
<UL><LI><CODE>type S48_UNSAFE_EXTRACT_VALUE(s48_value, type)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>type * S48_UNSAFE_EXTRACT_VALUE_POINTER(s48_value, type)</CODE>
<LI><CODE>void S48_UNSAFE_SET_VALUE(s48_value, type, value)</CODE>
<HR ><ADDRESS><a href="">Mike
Sperber</a>, <a href="">Richard Kelsey</a></ADDRESS><BR>