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;;; Field and record parsing utilities for scsh.
;;; Copyright (c) 1994 by Olin Shivers.
;;; Notes:
;;; - Comment on the dependencies here...
;;; - Awk should deal with case-insensitivity.
;;; - Should I change the field-splitters to return lists? It's the
;;; right thing, and costs nothing in terms of efficiency.
;;; Looping primitives:
;;; It is nicer for loops that loop over a bunch of different things
;;; if you can encapsulate the idea of iterating over a data structure
;;; with a
;;; (next-element state) -> elt next-state
;;; (more-elements? state) -? #t/#f
;;; generator/termination-test pair. You can use the generator with REDUCE
;;; to make a list; you can stick it into a loop macro to loop over the
;;; elements. For example, if we had an extensible Yale-loop style loop macro,
;;; we could have a loop clause like
;;; (loop (for field in-infix-delimited-string ":" path)
;;; (do (display field) (newline)))
;;; and it would be simple to expand this into code using the generator.
;;; With procedural inlining, you can get pretty optimal loops over data
;;; structures this way.
;;; As of now, you are forced to parse fields into a buffer, and loop
;;; over that. This is inefficient of time and space. If I ever manage to do
;;; an extensible loop macro for Scheme 48, I'll have to come back to this
;;; package and rethink how to provide this functionality.
;;; Forward-progress guarantees and empty string matches.
;;; A loop that pulls text off a string by matching a regexp against
;;; that string can conceivably get stuck in an infinite loop if the
;;; regexp matches the empty string. For example, the regexps
;;; ^, $, .*, foo|[^f]* can all match the empty string.
;;; The regexp-loop routines in this code are careful to handle this case.
;;; If a regexp matches the empty string, the next search starts, not from
;;; the end of the match (which in the empty string case is also the
;;; beginning -- there's the rub), but from the next character over.
;;; This is the correct behaviour. Regexps match the longest possible
;;; string at a given location, so if the regexp matched the empty string
;;; at location i, then it is guaranteed they could not have matched
;;; a longer pattern starting with character #i. So we can safely begin
;;; our search for the next match at char i+1.
;;; So every iteration through the loop makes some forward progress,
;;; and the loop is guaranteed to terminate.
;;; This has the effect you want with field parsing. For example, if you split
;;; a string with the empty pattern, you will explode the string into its
;;; individual characters:
;;; ((suffix-splitter "") "foo") -> #("" "f" "o" "o")
;;; However, even though this boundary case is handled correctly, we don't
;;; recommend using it. Say what you mean -- just use a field splitter:
;;; ((field-splitter ".") "foo") -> #("f" "o" "o")
;;; (join-strings string-list [delimiter grammar]) => string
;;; Paste strings together using the delimiter string.
;;; (join-strings '("foo" "bar" "baz") ":") => "foo:bar:baz"
;;; DELIMITER defaults to a single space " "
;;; GRAMMAR is one of the symbols {infix, suffix} and defaults to 'infix.
;;; (join-strings strings [delim grammar])
(define (join-strings strings . args)
(if (pair? strings)
(let-optionals args ((delim " ") (grammar 'infix))
(check-arg string? delim join-strings)
(let ((strings (reverse strings)))
(let lp ((strings (cdr strings))
(ans (case grammar
((infix) (list (car strings)))
((suffix) (list (car strings) delim))
(else (error "Illegal grammar" grammar)))))
(if (pair? strings)
(lp (cdr strings)
(cons (car strings) (cons delim ans)))
; All done
(apply string-append ans)))))
"")) ; Special-cased for infix grammar.
;;; This section defines routines to split a string into fields.
;;; You can parse by specifying a pattern that *separates* fields,
;;; a pattern that *terminates* fields, or a pattern that *matches*
;;; fields.
(define (->delim-matcher x)
(if (procedure? x) x ; matcher proc
(let ((re (cond ((regexp? x) x) ; regexp pattern
((string? x) (make-regexp x)) ; regexp string
(else (error "Illegal pattern/parser" x)))))
;; The matcher proc.
(lambda (s i)
(cond ((regexp-exec re s i) =>
(lambda (m) (values (match:start m 0) (match:end m 0))))
(else (values #f #f)))))))
;;; (infix-splitter [re num-fields handle-delim]) -> parser
;;; (suffix-splitter [re num-fields handle-delim]) -> parser
;;; (sloppy-suffix-splitter [re num-fields handle-delim]) -> parser
;;; (field-splitter [re num-fields]) -> parser
;;; (parser string [start]) -> string-list
(define (make-field-parser-generator default-delim-matcher loop-proc)
;; This is the parser-generator
(lambda args
(let-optionals args ((delim-spec default-delim-matcher)
(num-fields #f)
(handle-delim 'trim))
;; Process and error-check the args
(let ((match-delim (->delim-matcher delim-spec))
(cons-field (case handle-delim ; Field is s[i,j).
((trim) ; Delimiter is s[j,k).
(lambda (s i j k fields)
(cons (substring s i j) fields)))
(lambda (s i j k fields)
(cons (substring s j k)
(cons (substring s i j) fields))))
(lambda (s i j k fields)
(cons (substring s i k)
(error "Illegal handle-delim spec"
(receive (num-fields nfields-exact?)
(cond ((not num-fields) (values #f #f))
((not (integer? num-fields))
(error "Illegal NUM-FIELDS value" num-fields))
((<= num-fields 0) (values (- num-fields) #f))
(else (values num-fields #t)))
;; This is the parser.
(lambda (s . maybe-start)
(reverse (loop-proc s (:optional maybe-start 0)
match-delim cons-field
num-fields nfields-exact?))))))))
(define default-field-matcher (->delim-matcher "[^ \t\n]+"))
;;; (field-splitter [field-spec num-fields])
(define (field-splitter . args)
(let-optionals args ((field-spec default-field-matcher)
(num-fields #f))
;; Process and error-check the args
(let ((match-field (->delim-matcher field-spec)))
(receive (num-fields nfields-exact?)
(cond ((not num-fields) (values #f #f))
((not (integer? num-fields))
(error "Illegal NUM-FIELDS value"
field-splitter num-fields))
((<= num-fields 0) (values (- num-fields) #f))
(else (values num-fields #t)))
;; This is the parser procedure.
(lambda (s . maybe-start)
(reverse (fieldspec-field-loop s (:optional maybe-start 0)
match-field num-fields nfields-exact?)))))))
;;; These four procedures implement the guts of each parser
;;; (field, infix, suffix, and sloppy-suffix).
;;; The CONS-FIELD argument is a procedure that parameterises the
;;; HANDLE-DELIM action for the field parser.
;;; The MATCH-DELIM argument is used to match a delimiter.
;;; (MATCH-DELIM S I) returns two integers [start, end] marking
;;; the next delimiter after index I in string S. If no delimiter is
;;; found, it returns [#f #f].
;;; In the main loop of each parser, the loop variable LAST-NULL? tells if the
;;; previous delimiter-match matched the empty string. If it did, we start our
;;; next delimiter search one character to the right of the match, so we won't
;;; loop forever. This means that an empty delimiter regexp "" simply splits
;;; the string at each character, which is the correct thing to do.
;;; These routines return the answer as a reversed list.
(define (fieldspec-field-loop s start match-field num-fields nfields-exact?)
(let ((end (string-length s)))
(let lp ((i start) (nfields 0) (fields '()) (last-null? #f))
(let ((j (if last-null? (+ i 1) i)) ; Where to start next delim search.
;; Check to see if we made our quota before returning answer.
(finish-up (lambda ()
(if (and num-fields (< nfields num-fields))
(error "Too few fields in record." num-fields s)
(cond ((> j end) (finish-up)) ; We are done. Finish up.
;; Read too many fields. Bomb out.
((and nfields-exact? (> nfields num-fields))
(error "Too many fields in record." num-fields s))
;; Made our lower-bound quota. Quit early.
((and num-fields (= nfields num-fields) (not nfields-exact?))
(if (= i end) fields ; Special case hackery.
(cons (substring s i end) fields)))
;; Match off another field & loop.
(else (receive (m0 m1) (match-field s j)
(if m0 (lp m1 (+ nfields 1)
(cons (substring s m0 m1) fields)
(= m0 m1))
(finish-up))))))))) ; No more matches. Finish up.
(define (infix-field-loop s start match-delim cons-field
num-fields nfields-exact?)
(let ((end (string-length s)))
(if (= start end) '() ; Specially hack empty string.
(let lp ((i start) (nfields 0) (fields '()) (last-null? #f))
(let ((finish-up (lambda ()
;; s[i,end) is the last field. Terminate the loop.
(cond ((and num-fields (< (+ nfields 1) num-fields))
(error "Too few fields in record."
num-fields s))
((and nfields-exact?
(>= nfields num-fields))
(error "Too many fields in record."
num-fields s))
(cons (substring s i end) fields)))))
(j (if last-null? (+ i 1) i))) ; Where to start next search.
;; If we've read NUM-FIELDS fields, quit early .
((and num-fields (= nfields num-fields))
(if nfields-exact?
(error "Too many fields in record." num-fields s)
(cons (substring s i end) fields)))
((<= j end) ; Match off another field.
(receive (m0 m1) (match-delim s j)
(if m0
(lp m1 (+ nfields 1)
(cons-field s i m0 m1 fields)
(= m0 m1))
(finish-up)))) ; No more delimiters - finish up.
;; We've run off the end of the string. This is a weird
;; boundary case occuring with empty-string delimiters.
(else (finish-up))))))))
;;; Match off an optional initial delimiter,
;;; then jump off to the suffix parser.
(define (sloppy-suffix-field-loop s start match-delim cons-field
num-fields nfields-exact?)
;; If sloppy-suffix, skip an initial delimiter if it's there.
(let ((start (receive (i j) (match-delim s start)
(if (and i (zero? i)) j start))))
(suffix-field-loop s start match-delim cons-field
num-fields nfields-exact?)))
(define (suffix-field-loop s start match-delim cons-field
num-fields nfields-exact?)
(let ((end (string-length s)))
(let lp ((i start) (nfields 0) (fields '()) (last-null? #f))
(let ((j (if last-null? (+ i 1) i))) ; Where to start next delim search.
(cond ((= i end) ; We are done.
(if (and num-fields (< nfields num-fields)) ; Didn't make quota.
(error "Too few fields in record." num-fields s)
;; Read too many fields. Bomb out.
((and nfields-exact? (= nfields num-fields))
(error "Too many fields in record." num-fields s))
;; Made our lower-bound quota. Quit early.
((and num-fields (= nfields num-fields) (not nfields-exact?))
(cons (substring s i end) fields))
(else ; Match off another field.
(receive (m0 m1) (match-delim s j)
(if m0 (lp m1 (+ nfields 1)
(cons-field s i m0 m1 fields)
(= m0 m1))
(error "Missing field terminator" s)))))))))
;;; Now, build the exported procedures: {infix,suffix,sloppy-suffix}-splitter.
(define default-suffix-matcher (->delim-matcher "[ \t\n]+|$"))
(define default-infix-matcher (->delim-matcher "[ \t\n]+"))
(define infix-splitter
(make-field-parser-generator default-infix-matcher infix-field-loop))
(define suffix-splitter
(make-field-parser-generator default-suffix-matcher suffix-field-loop))
(define sloppy-suffix-splitter
(make-field-parser-generator default-suffix-matcher sloppy-suffix-field-loop))
;;; Reading records
(define default-record-delims (char-set #\newline))
;;; (record-reader [delims elide? handle-delim]) -> reader
;;; (reader [port]) -> string or eof
(define (record-reader . args)
(let-optionals args ((delims default-record-delims)
(elide? #f)
(handle-delim 'trim))
(let ((delims (->char-set delims)))
(case handle-delim
((trim) ; TRIM-delimiter reader.
(lambda maybe-port
(let ((s (apply read-delimited delims maybe-port)))
(if (and (not (eof-object? s)) elide?)
(apply skip-char-set delims maybe-port)) ; Snarf extra delims.
((concat) ; CONCAT-delimiter reader.
(let ((not-delims (char-set-invert delims)))
(lambda maybe-port
(let* ((p (:optional maybe-port (current-input-port)))
(s (read-delimited delims p 'concat)))
(if (or (not elide?) (eof-object? s)) s
(let ((extra-delims (read-delimited not-delims p 'peek)))
(if (eof-object? extra-delims) s
(string-append s extra-delims))))))))
((split) ; SPLIT-delimiter reader.
(let ((not-delims (char-set-invert delims)))
(lambda maybe-port
(let ((p (:optional maybe-port (current-input-port))))
(receive (s delim) (read-delimited delims p 'split)
(if (eof-object? s) (values s s)
(values s
(if (or (not elide?) (eof-object? delim))
;; Elide: slurp in extra delims.
(let ((delim (string delim))
(extras (read-delimited not-delims
p 'peek)))
(if (eof-object? extras) delim
(string-append delim extras)))))))))))
(error "Illegal delimiter-action" handle-delim))))))
;;; Reading and parsing records
;;; (field-reader [field-parser rec-reader]) -> reader
;;; (reader [port]) -> [raw-record parsed-record] or [eof #()]
;;; This is the field reader, which is basically just a composition of
(define default-field-parser (field-splitter))
(define (field-reader . args)
(let-optionals args ((parser default-field-parser)
(rec-reader read-line))
(lambda maybe-port
(let ((record (apply rec-reader maybe-port)))
(if (eof-object? record)
(values record '#())
(values record (parser record)))))))
;;; Parse fields by regexp
;;; This code parses up a record into fields by matching a regexp specifying
;;; the field against the record. The regexp describes the *field*. In the
;;; other routines, the regexp describes the *delimiters*. They are
;;; complimentary.
;;; Repeatedly do (APPLY PROC M STATE) to generate new state values,
;;; where M is a regexp match structure made from matching against STRING.
;(define (regexp-reduce string start regexp proc . state)
; (let ((end (string-length string))
; (regexp (if (string? regexp)
; (make-regexp regexp)
; regexp)))
; (let lp ((i start) (state state) (last-null? #f))
; (let ((j (if last-null? (+ i 1) i)))
; (cond ((and (<= j end) (regexp-exec regexp string j)) =>
; (lambda (m)
; (receive state (apply proc m state)
; (lp (match:end m) state (= (match:start m) (match:end m))))))
; (else (apply values state)))))))
;(define (all-regexp-matches regexp string)
; (reverse (regexp-reduce string 0 regexp
; (lambda (m ans) (cons (match:substring m 0) ans))
; '())))