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; Copyright (c) 1993-1999 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING.
; Lexer for Infix Scheme (JAR's obscure syntax)
; Bears no relation to Pratt's CGOL
; To do: add ML-ish binding constructs.
; (sgol-read) reads an expression
; semicolon terminates input
; comment character is # (comment goes to end of line)
; f(x, y) reads as (f x y)
; if x then y else z reads as (if x y z)
; x and y, x or y, not x do the obvious thing
; x + y reads as (+ x y) - similarly for - * / = < > <= >=
; x::y reads as (cons x y) - ML's syntax
; x++y reads as (append x y) - whose syntax? Haskell's?
; [] reads as '()
; [a, b, ...] reads as (list a b ...)
; () reads as the-unit
; (x, y, ...) reads as (tuple x y ...)
; a[i] reads as (vector-ref a i)
; a[i, j, ...] reads as (array-ref a i j ...)
; x := y reads as (set! x y)
; car(x) := y reads as (set-car! x y) - similarly for cdr
; x[y] := z reads as (vector-set! x y z) - similarly for array-ref
; 'foo' tries to read as 'foo but usually loses
(define sgol-lexer-table (make-lexer-table))
(set-char-tokenization! (lexer-ttab sgol-lexer-table)
(lambda (c port)
c ;ignored
(gobble-line port)
(read port))
(define (gobble-line port)
(let loop ()
(let ((c (read-char port)))
(cond ((eof-object? c) c)
((char=? c #\newline) #f)
(else (loop))))))
(define (define-sgol-keyword name op)
(define-keyword sgol-lexer-table name op))
(define (define-sgol-punctuation string op)
(define-punctuation sgol-lexer-table string op))
; Arguments to make-operator are: name lbp rbp nud led
(define (open-paren-nud token stream)
(let ((right (prsmatch close-paren-operator stream)))
(if (null? right)
'the-unit ; ()
(if (null? (cdr right))
(car right) ; (x)
(cons 'tuple right))))) ; (x, y, ..., z)
; f(x, y) reads as (f x y)
; f((x, y)) reads as (f (tuple x y))
(define (open-paren-led token left stream)
(cons left (prsmatch close-paren-operator stream)))
(define-sgol-punctuation "("
(make-operator 'open-paren 200 #f open-paren-nud open-paren-led))
(define-sgol-punctuation "," comma-operator)
(define close-paren-operator
(make-operator 'close-paren 5 #f delim-error erb-error))
(define-sgol-punctuation ")" close-paren-operator)
; Boolean operators
(define-sgol-keyword 'true '#t)
(define-sgol-keyword 'false '#f)
(define-sgol-keyword 'if if-operator)
(define-sgol-keyword 'then then-operator)
(define-sgol-keyword 'else else-operator)
(define-sgol-keyword 'not (make-operator 'not 70 70 parse-prefix #f))
(define-sgol-keyword 'and (make-operator 'and 65 #f #f parse-nary))
(define-sgol-keyword 'or (make-operator 'or 60 #f #f parse-nary))
; Lists
(define (open-bracket-nud token stream)
(let ((elements (prsmatch close-bracket-operator stream)))
(if (null? elements)
`(list ,@elements))))
(define (open-bracket-led token left stream)
(let ((subscripts (prsmatch close-bracket-operator stream)))
(if (and (not (null? subscripts))
(null? (cdr subscripts)))
`(vector-ref ,left ,@subscripts)
`(array-ref ,left ,@subscripts))))
(define-sgol-punctuation "["
(make-operator 'open-bracket 200 #f open-bracket-nud open-bracket-led))
(define close-bracket-operator
(make-operator 'close-bracket 5 #f delim-error erb-error))
(define-sgol-punctuation "]" close-bracket-operator)
(define-sgol-punctuation "::"
(make-operator 'cons 75 74 #f parse-infix))
(define-sgol-punctuation "++"
(make-operator 'append 75 74 #f parse-nary))
; Quotation
(define-sgol-punctuation "'"
(make-operator 'quote 5 #f parse-matchfix #f)) ;This isn't right
; Arithmetic
(define-sgol-punctuation "+"
(make-operator '+ 100 100 parse-prefix parse-infix))
(define-sgol-punctuation "-"
(make-operator '- 100 100 parse-prefix parse-infix))
(define-sgol-punctuation "*"
(make-operator '* 120 120 #f parse-infix)) ;should be parse-nary
(define-sgol-punctuation "/"
(make-operator '/ 120 120 #f parse-infix))
(define-sgol-punctuation "="
(make-operator '= 80 80 #f parse-infix))
(define-sgol-punctuation ">"
(make-operator '> 80 80 #f parse-infix))
(define-sgol-punctuation "<"
(make-operator '< 80 80 #f parse-infix))
(define-sgol-punctuation ">="
(make-operator '>= 80 80 #f parse-infix))
(define-sgol-punctuation "<="
(make-operator '<= 80 80 #f parse-infix))
(define-sgol-punctuation "!="
(make-operator '!= 80 80 #f parse-infix))
; Side effects
(define (:=-led token left stream)
(let* ((form (parse-infix token left stream))
(lhs (cadr form))
(rhs (caddr form)))
(if (pair? lhs)
(case (car lhs)
((car) `(set-car! ,@(cdr lhs) ,rhs))
((cdr) `(set-cdr! ,@(cdr lhs) ,rhs))
((vector-ref) `(vector-set! ,@(cdr lhs) ,rhs))
((array-ref) `(array-set! ,@(cdr lhs) ,rhs))
(else (error "invalid LHS for :=" form)))
(define-sgol-punctuation ":="
(make-operator 'set! 70 #f #f :=-led))
; End of input...
(define-sgol-punctuation ";" end-of-input-operator)
; Read using Pratt parser with SGOL tokenizer table
(define (sgol-read . port-option)
(toplevel-parse (port->stream (if (null? port-option)
(car port-option))
; Read/print loop
(define (rpl)
(let ((thing (sgol-read)))
(if (not (eq? thing end-of-input-operator))
(begin (write thing)
; Read/eval/print loop
(define (rpl)
(let ((thing (sgol-read)))
(if (not (eq? thing end-of-input-operator))
(begin (write thing)