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; Copyright (c) 1993-1999 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING.
; Utility for tracking down storage leaks.
; Just do (traverse-depth-first obj1) or (traverse-breadth-first obj1),
; and then (trail obj2) to find out via what path obj1 points to obj2.
; Breadth first traversal needs misc/queue.scm.
(define *mark-table* #f)
(define *interesting-table* #f)
(define *traverse-count* 0)
(define (start-over)
(set! *mark-table* (make-table hash))
(set! *interesting-table* (make-table))
(set! *traverse-count* 0))
(define (traverse-depth-first obj)
(let recur ((obj obj) (parent (list 'root)) (parent-tag 'root))
(if (stored? obj)
(if (not (table-ref *mark-table* obj))
(let ((tag (visit obj parent parent-tag)))
(for-each-subobject (lambda (child)
(recur child obj tag))
(define (traverse-breadth-first obj)
(let ((queue (make-queue)))
(define (deal-with obj parent parent-tag)
(if (stored? obj)
(if (not (table-ref *mark-table* obj))
(enqueue! queue
(cons obj
(visit obj parent parent-tag))))))
(deal-with obj (list 'root) 'root)
(let loop ()
(if (not (queue-empty? queue))
(let* ((parent+tag (dequeue! queue))
(parent (car parent+tag))
(parent-tag (cdr parent+tag)))
(for-each-subobject (lambda (obj)
(deal-with obj parent parent-tag))
(define (visit obj parent parent-tag)
(table-set! *mark-table* obj parent)
(if (interesting? obj)
(let ((tag *traverse-count*))
(table-set! *interesting-table* tag obj)
(set! *traverse-count* (+ *traverse-count* 1))
(write tag) (display " ")
(write (list parent-tag))
(display ": ") (write obj) (newline)
(define (trail obj)
(let loop ((obj (if (integer? obj)
(table-ref *interesting-table* obj)
(let ((probe (table-ref *mark-table* obj)))
(if probe
(loop probe))
(if (not (vector? obj))
(begin (write obj)
(define (interesting? obj)
(and (closure? obj)
(let ((info (template-info (closure-template obj))))
(if (integer? info)
(> info first-interesting-template-info)
(define (template-info tem) (template-ref tem 1))
(define first-interesting-template-info
(template-info (closure-template read))) ;foo
;(define (interesting? obj)
; (if (pair? obj)
; #f
; (if (vector? obj)
; #f
; #t)))
(define (for-each-subobject proc obj)
(cond ((pair? obj)
(proc (car obj))
(proc (cdr obj)))
((symbol? obj)
(proc (symbol->string obj)))
((vector? obj)
(vector-for-each proc obj))
((closure? obj)
(proc (closure-template obj))
(proc (closure-env obj)))
((location? obj)
(proc (location-id obj))
(if (location-defined? obj)
(proc (contents obj))))
((record? obj)
(cond ((eq? obj *mark-table*) ;or (debug-data-table)
(display "skipping mark table") (newline))
((eq? obj *interesting-table*)
(display "skipping interesting table") (newline))
(record-for-each proc obj))))
((continuation? obj)
(continuation-for-each proc obj))
((template? obj)
(template-for-each proc obj))
((extended-number? obj)
(extended-number-for-each proc obj))))
(define (vector-for-each proc v)
(let ((z (vector-length v)))
(do ((i (- z 1) (- i 1)))
((< i 0) #f)
(if (not (vector-unassigned? v i))
(proc (vector-ref v i))))))
(define-syntax define-for-each
(syntax-rules ()
((define-for-each foo-for-each foo-length foo-ref)
(define (foo-for-each proc v)
(let ((z (foo-length v)))
(do ((i (- z 1) (- i 1)))
((< i 0) #f)
(proc (foo-ref v i))))))))
(define-for-each record-for-each
record-length record-ref)
(define-for-each continuation-for-each
continuation-length continuation-ref)
(define-for-each template-for-each
template-length template-ref)
(define-for-each extended-number-for-each
extended-number-length extended-number-ref)
(define (quick-hash obj n)
(cond ((symbol? obj) (string-hash (symbol->string obj)))
((location? obj) (+ 3 (quick-hash (location-id obj) n)))
((string? obj) (+ 33 (string-hash obj)))
((integer? obj) (if (and (>= obj 0)
(< obj hash-mask))
(modulo obj hash-mask)))
((char? obj) (+ 333 (char->integer obj)))
((eq? obj #f) 3001)
((eq? obj #t) 3003)
((null? obj) 3005)
((pair? obj) (if (= n 0)
(+ (quick-hash (car obj) (- n 1))
(quick-hash (cdr obj) (- n 1)))))
((vector? obj) (if (= n 0)
(if (> (vector-length obj) 1)
(+ 30011 (quick-hash (vector-ref obj 1)
(- n 1)))
((number? obj) 4000)
((closure? obj) 4004)
((template? obj) (if (= n 0)
(+ 30027 (quick-hash (template-ref obj 1)
(- n 1)))))
((output-port? obj) 4006)
((input-port? obj) 4007)
((record? obj) 4008)
((continuation? obj) 4009)
((number? obj) 40010)
((string? obj) 40011)
((code-vector? obj) 40012)
((eq? obj (unspecific)) 40013)
(else 50007)))
(define hash-mask (- (arithmetic-shift 1 26) 1))
(define (hash obj) (quick-hash obj 1))
(define (leaf? obj)
(or (and (number? obj)
(not (extended-number? obj)))
;; (symbol? obj)
(string? obj)
(code-vector? obj)
(char? obj)
(eq? obj #f)
(eq? obj #t)
(eq? obj '())
(eq? obj (unspecific))))
(define usual-leaf-predicate leaf?)
(define (set-leaf-predicate! proc) (set! leaf? proc))
(define (stored? obj) (not (leaf? obj)))
(define least-fixnum (arithmetic-shift -1 29))
(define greatest-fixnum (- -1 least-fixnum))