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% LCS note style modification of title -*- latex -*-
% To use this, you should have the companion postscript file
% somewhere latex can find it. If you can't do it, then just say \nologo
% and you'll get logo-less alternative.
% This is useful for a little paper or note you're writing that isn't
% a T.R. or a conference submission, just a paper. Maybe an early draft.
% Something to hand out to your friends for comments. That kind of thing.
% An example is the three "Scheme Flow-Analysis Working Notes" I wrote
% that later got folded into my dissertation.
% -Olin
\typeout{LCS Note style option -- 12 August 1994}
\newif\if@logo \@logotrue
% Here are the basic parameters and their defaults
% Note that \author, \title, and \date still work, too.
% To get the time in the date, try \date{\Time, \today}
\def\@project{Personal Information Architecture Project}
\def\@dept{Laboratory for Computer Science}
% The 'tute:
\def\@univ{\normalfont\scshape massachusetts institute of technology}
% The following "Time" macro will return the current (24 hour) time.
\def\Time{{\count1=\time \count2=\count1 \divide\count1 by 60
\the\count1 :\multiply \count1 by 60 \advance\count2 by -\count1
\count1=\count2 \divide\count1 by 10 \the\count1
\multiply \count1 by 10 \advance\count2 by -\count1 \the\count2}}
\noteheadwidth = \textwidth
\def\@headline##1{\hbox to\noteheadwidth{##1}}
\vskip -\topmargin \vskip -0.5in
\vskip -\headsep
\vskip -\headheight
\kern .72in
\hskip 23mm plus 1fil
\hskip 23mm plus 1fil minus 23mm}
\hbox to\textwidth{\hfill {\LARGE {\bf \@univ}} \hfill}
\hbox to\textwidth{\hfill {\Large {\bf \@dept}} \hfill}
\vskip 1.5em
\@headline{\@project\ \@note\ \the\notenumber \hfill \@date}
\vskip 0.5em
\hrule width \noteheadwidth
{\LARGE \@title \par}
\vskip .5em
{\lineskip .5em
{\em \begin{tabular}[t]{c} \@author \end{tabular}}
\vskip 1em
\par \vskip 1.5em}