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;;; An awk loop, after the design of David Albertz and Olin Shivers.
;;; Copyright (c) 1994 by Olin Shivers.
;;; This uses the new RX SRE syntax. Defines a Clinger-Rees expander for
;;; the old, pre-SRE syntax AWK, and one for the new SRE-syntax AWK.
;;; Imports:
;;; - Requires RECEIVE from RECEIVING package.
;;; - Would require DESTRUCTURE from DESTRUCTURING package, but it appears
;;; to be broken, so we hack it w/cars and cdrs.
;;; - Requires STRING-MATCH and STRING-MATCH? from RE-EXPORTS package.
;;; - Requires regexp manipulation stuff from SRE-SYNTAX-TOOLS
;;; - Requires ERROR from ERROR-PACKAGE.
;;; - Requires ANY and FILTER frm SCSH-UTILITIES.
;;; Needs error-package receiving sre-syntax-tools scsh-utilities
;;; Exports:
;;; (expand-awk exp r c) Clinger-Rees macro expander, new syntax
;;; (expand-awk/obsolete exp r c) Clinger-Rees macro expander, old syntax
;;; next-range next-:range These four functions are used in the
;;; next-range: next-:range: code output by the expander.
;;; Examples:
;;; ;;; Filter -- pass only lines containing my name.
;;; (awk (read-line) (line) ()
;;; ("Olin" (display line) (newline)))
;;; ;;; Count the number of non-comment lines of code in my Scheme source.
;;; (awk (read-line) (line) ((nlines 0))
;;; ((: bos (* white) ";") nlines) ; A comment line.
;;; (else (+ nlines 1))) ; Not a comment line.
;;; ;;; Read numbers, counting the evens and odds,
;;; ;;; and printing out sign information.
;;; (awk (read) (val) ((evens 0) (odds 0))
;;; ((zero? val) (display "zero ") (values evens odds))
;;; ((> val 0) (display "pos ") (values evens odds))
;;; (else (display "neg ") (values evens odds))
;;; ((even? val) (values (+ evens 1) odds))
;;; (else (values evens (+ odds 1))))
;;; Syntax:
;;; (awk <reader-exp> <rec&field-vars> [<rec-counter>] <state-var-inits>
;;; <clause1>
;;; .
;;; .
;;; <clausen>)
;;; <clause> ::= (ELSE body ...)
;;; | (:RANGE test1 test2 body ...) ; RANGE :RANGE RANGE: :RANGE:
;;; | (AFTER body ...)
;;; | (test => proc)
;;; | (test ==> vars body ...)
;;; | (test body ...)
;;; test ::= integer | sre | (WHEN exp) | exp
;;; (sre/exp ambiguities resolved in favor of SRE)
;;; This macro is written using Clinger/Rees explicit-renaming low-level
;;; macros. So it is pretty ugly. It takes a little care to generate
;;; cosmetically attractive code, for two reasons:
;;; - It makes it easier for humans to examine the expanded code.
;;; - It helps low-tech compilers compile the code well. Some of the
;;; optimisations the expander implements would be hard for even a
;;; sophisticated compiler to perform automatically. For example, it doesn't
;;; introduce a record-counter variable unless required to do so. It's a
;;; non-trivial analysis to spot and remove an unused loop variable (I show
;;; how to do so in my dissertation; I don't know of any production
;;; compilers that do it). Same remarks apply to the variable that tracks
;;; the state bit for ELSE clauses -- we don't introduce one unless the loop
;;; actually contains ELSE clauses. The lesson here is that loop macros
;;; by definition have information about the data-flow of their bodies that
;;; compilers have to work hard to spot by analysis of their expanded forms.
;;; The macro can exploit this knowledge at the high-level.
;;; Interesting research issue: Could one design a macro system that would
;;; allow the macro to communicate this knowledge to the compiler? Could
;;; the macro's assertions be verified by the compiler, as well?
;;; In any even, there's a down-side to this cosmetic clean-up:
;;; all of this optimisation definitely makes the macro a lot more hairy
;;; than it would otherwise be. The expanded code is easier to read; the
;;; macro itself is harder to read.
;;; Simple syntax-hacking utilities.
;;; Return a form that produces multiple values.
;;; () => (values)
;;; (v) => v
;;; (v1 v2 ...) => (values v1 v2 ...)
(define (mult-values vals rename)
(if (or (not (pair? vals)) (pair? (cdr vals)))
`(,(rename 'values) . ,vals)
(car vals)))
;;; () => ()
;;; (v1) => (v1)
;;; (v1 v2) => ((VALUES v1 v2))
;;; Return an expression list, not an expression. (Either 1 or 0 expressions.)
;;; Use this one when we don't care what happens if we are returning 0 vals.
;;; It pairs up with MV-LET below, which ignores the number of values
;;; returned to it when expecting zero values.
(define (sloppy-mult-values vals rename)
(if (and (pair? vals) (pair? (cdr vals)))
`((,(rename 'values) . ,vals))
;; DEBLOCK maps an expression to a list of expressions, flattening BEGINS.
;; (deblock '(begin (begin 3 4) 5 6 (begin 7 8))) => (3 4 5 6 7 8)
(define (deblock exp rename compare)
(let ((%block (rename 'begin)))
(let deblock1 ((exp exp))
(if (and (pair? exp)
; (name? (car exp))
(compare %block (car exp)))
(apply append (map deblock1 (cdr exp)))
(list exp)))))
;; BLOCKIFY maps an expression list to a BEGIN form, flattening nested BEGINS.
;; (blockify '( (begin 3 4) 5 (begin 6) )) => (begin 3 4 5 6)
(define (blockify exps rename compare)
(let ((new-exps (apply append
(map (lambda (exp) (deblock exp rename compare))
(cond ((null? new-exps)
(error "Empty BEGIN" exps))
((null? (cdr new-exps)) ; (begin exp) => exp
(car new-exps))
(else `(,(rename 'begin) . ,new-exps)))))
(define (mv-let r c vars exp body)
(if (pair? vars)
(if (pair? (cdr vars))
`(,(r 'receive) ,vars ,exp . ,(deblock body r c))
`(,(r 'let) ((,(car vars) ,exp)) . ,(deblock body r c)))
(blockify (list exp body) r c)))
;;; Is X one of the keywords {range, :range, range:, :range:}?
(define (range-keyword? x rename compare)
(or (compare x (rename 'range))
(compare x (rename ':range))
(compare x (rename 'range:))
(compare x (rename ':range:))))
;;; Apply PRED to every element of VALS. Collect & return all the non-#f
;;; values produced.
(define (all-trues pred vals)
(let lp ((vals vals) (ans '()))
(if (pair? vals)
(lp (cdr vals)
(cond ((pred (car vals)) => (lambda (elt) (cons elt ans)))
(else ans)))
(reverse ans))))
;;; If STRING-REGEXPS? is true, we use the old, obsolete syntax, where
;;; a test form that is a string, such as "shivers|bdc", is treated as
;;; a regular expression in the Posix string syntax. Otherwise, we use the
;;; new SRE syntax, where strings are treated as SRE constants.
(define (expand-awk exp r c) (really-expand-awk exp r c #f))
(define (expand-awk/obsolete exp r c) (really-expand-awk exp r c #t))
(define (really-expand-awk exp r c string-regexps?)
(let* ((%lambda (r 'lambda)) ; Bind a mess of keywords.
(%let (r 'let))
(%if (r 'if))
(%eof-object? (r 'eof-object?))
(%after (r 'after))
(%else (r 'else))
(%+ (r '+))
(%rx (r 'rx))
(gensym (let ((i 0))
(lambda (s)
(set! i (+ i 1))
(string->symbol (string-append s (number->string i))))))
;; Is the clause a range-test clause?
(range? (lambda (clause) (range-keyword? (car clause) r c)))
;; Make some standard vars we'll need.
(lp-var (r 'lp))
(reader (r 'read-rec))
;; If I throw in an abort-loop or abort-iteration macro,
;; I'll also need to make two vars for the continuations.
;; Rip the form apart.
(reader-exp (cadr exp))
;; Replace #F's with gensym'd variables in the record/field vars.
(rec/field-vars (map (lambda (v) (or v (r (gensym "anon-rfval"))))
(caddr exp)))
(rec-var (car rec/field-vars)) ; The var bound to the record.
(rest (cdddr exp))) ; Stuff after the rec&field-vars.
(receive (rec-counter state-inits clauses) ; Parse out the last
(if (list? (car rest)) ; three parts of the
(values #f (car rest) (cdr rest)) ; form.
(values (car rest) (cadr rest) (cddr rest)))
;; If we are doing the old, obsolete Posix-string syntax, map
;; the clause tests over to the new syntax.
(let* ((clauses (if string-regexps?
(map (lambda (clause)
(hack-clause-for-posix-string-syntax clause r c))
;; Some analysis: what have we got?
;; Range clauses, else clauses, line num tests,...
(recnum-tests? ; Do any of the clauses test the record
(any (lambda (clause) ; count? (I.e., any integer tests?)
(let ((test (car clause)))
(or (integer? test)
(and (range? clause)
(or (integer? (cadr clause))
(integer? (caddr clause)))))))
;; If any ELSE clauses, bind this to the var in which we
;; will keep the else state, otherwise #f.
(else-var (and (any (lambda (clause)
(c (car clause) %else))
(r 'else-state)))
;; We compile all of the *static* regexp patterns into regexp
;; data structures outside the AWK loop. So we need to
;; make a list of all the regexps that are used as tests.
(patterns (apply append
(map (lambda (clause)
(let ((test (car clause)))
(cond ((sre-form? test r c) (list test))
((range? clause)
(let ((t1 (cadr clause))
(t2 (caddr clause)))
(append (if (sre-form? t1 r c)
(list t1)
(if (sre-form? t2 r c)
(list t2)
(else '()))))
;; Gratuitous optimisation: uniquify the patterns.
(patterns (let recur ((pats patterns))
(if (pair? pats)
(let ((pat (car pats))
(ans (recur (cdr pats))))
(if (member pat ans) ans (cons pat ans)))
(pats-static? (map (lambda (sre)
(static-regexp? (parse-sre sre r c)))
;; An alist matching each pattern with the exp that refers
;; to it -- a var if it's static, a Scheme (RX ...) exp otw.
(pats/refs (map (lambda (pat static?)
(cons pat
(if static?
(r (gensym "re."))
`(,%rx ,pat))))
patterns pats-static?))
;; A LET-list binding the regexp vars to their
;; compiled static regexps.
(regexp-inits (apply append
(map (lambda (p/r static?)
(if static?
`((,(cdr p/r) (,%rx ,(car p/r))))
;; Make a list of state vars for the range clauses.
;; For each range clause, we need a boolean var to track
;; whether or not the range is activated.
(range-vars (all-trues (lambda (clause)
(and (range? clause)
(r (gensym "r."))))
(svars (map car state-inits)) ; The user's state variables.
;; If the user didn't declare a record-counter var,
;; but he is testing line numbers (with integer test forms),
;; go ahead and generate a record-counter of our own.
(rec-counter (or rec-counter
(and recnum-tests?
(r (gensym "record-count.")))))
;; Generate the loop vars & their inits.
;; These are: the record counter, the range vars,
;; and the user's state vars.
;; All of these different sets are optional.
(loop-vars (append (if rec-counter (list rec-counter) '())
(loop-var-init-values (append (if rec-counter '(0) '())
(map (lambda (x) #f) range-vars)
(map cadr state-inits)))
;; A LET list initialising all the loop vars.
(loop-var-init (map list loop-vars loop-var-init-values))
;; Build the clause that computes the loop's return value.
;; If the user gave an AFTER clause, use its body. Otherwise,
;; it's (values ,@svars).
(after-clause? (lambda (clause) (c (car clause) %after)))
(after-exp (let ((after-clauses (filter after-clause? clauses)))
(cond ((null? after-clauses)
(mult-values svars r))
((null? (cdr after-clauses))
(blockify (cdar after-clauses) r c))
(else (error "Multiple AFTER clauses in awk body."
after-clauses exp)))))
(loop-body (awk-loop-body lp-var rec-var else-var
rec-counter range-vars svars
clauses pats/refs r c))
;; Variables that have to be updated per-iteration, as a LET list.
;; Note that we are careful not to increment the record counter
;; until after we've verified the new record isn't EOF.
(append (if else-var `((,else-var #t)) '()) ; Else state.
(if rec-counter ; Record count.
`((,rec-counter (,%+ ,rec-counter 1)))
(loop-body (if (pair? per-iteration-updates)
`(,%let ,per-iteration-updates
. ,(deblock loop-body r c))
`(,%let ((,reader (,%lambda () ,reader-exp))
. ,regexp-inits)
(,%let ,lp-var ,loop-var-init
,(mv-let r c rec/field-vars `(,reader)
`(,%if (,%eof-object? ,rec-var) ,after-exp
;;; This maps a clause in the old, obsolete syntax over to a clause
;;; in the new, SRE syntax.
(define (hack-clause-for-posix-string-syntax clause r c)
(let ((hack-simple-test (lambda (test)
(cond ((string? test)
`(,(r 'posix-string) ,test))
((integer? test) test)
(else `(,(r 'when) ,test)))))
(test (car clause)))
(cond ((range-keyword? test r c)
`(,test ,(hack-simple-test (cadr clause))
,(hack-simple-test (caddr clause))
. ,(cdddr clause)))
((or (c test (r 'else))
(c test (r 'after)))
(else `(,(hack-simple-test test) . ,(cdr clause))))))
;;; Expand into the body of the awk loop -- the code that tests & executes
;;; each clause, and then jumps to the top of the loop.
(define (awk-loop-body lp-var rec-var else-var rec-counter
range-vars svars clauses pats/refs r c)
(let ((clause-vars (if else-var (cons else-var svars) svars))
(loop-vars (append (if rec-counter (list rec-counter) '())
(range-clause? (lambda (clause) (range-keyword? (car clause) r c)))
(%after (r 'after))
(%else (r 'else)))
(let expand ((clauses clauses) (range-vars range-vars))
(if (pair? clauses)
(let* ((clause (car clauses))
(test (car clause)))
(cond ((range-keyword? test r c)
(let ((tail (expand (cdr clauses) (cdr range-vars))))
(expand-range-clause clause tail (car range-vars)
rec-var else-var rec-counter svars
r c)))
((c test %after) ; An AFTER clause. Skip it.
(expand (cdr clauses) range-vars))
((c test %else) ; An ELSE clause.
(let ((tail (expand (cdr clauses) range-vars)))
(expand-else-clause clause tail else-var svars r c)))
(else ; A simple clause.
(let ((tail (expand (cdr clauses) range-vars)))
(expand-simple-clause clause tail
rec-var else-var rec-counter svars
pats/refs r c)))))
;; No clauses -- just jump to top of loop.
`(,lp-var . ,loop-vars)))))
;;; Make a Scheme expression out of a test form.
;;; Integer i => (= i <record-counter>)
;;; SRE s => (regexp-search <re> <record>)
;;; (when e) => e
;;; Expression e => e
;;; If FOR-VALUE? is true, then we do regexp searches with REGEXP-SEARCH,
;;; otherwise, we use the cheaper REGEXP-SEARCH?.
(define (->simple-clause-test test-form for-value? rec-var rec-counter pats/refs r c)
(cond ((integer? test-form) `(,(r '=) ,rec-counter ,test-form))
((sre-form? test-form r c)
`(,(r (if for-value? 'regexp-search 'regexp-search?))
,(cdr (assoc test-form pats/refs))
((and (pair? test-form)
(c (r 'when) (car test-form)))
(if (= 2 (length test-form)) (cadr test-form)
(error "Illegal WHEN test in AWK" test-form)))
(else test-form)))
(define (expand-simple-clause clause tail
rec-var else-var rec-counter svars
pats/refs r c)
(let* ((%let (r 'let))
(%arrow (r '=>))
(%long-arrow (r '==>))
(%if (r 'if))
(%mss (r 'match:substring))
(test (car clause))
(mktest (lambda (for-value?)
(->simple-clause-test test for-value? rec-var
rec-counter pats/refs r c)))
;; Is clause of the form (test => proc)
(arrow? (and (= 3 (length clause))
(c (cadr clause) %arrow)))
;; How about (test ==> (var ...) body ...)?
(long-arrow? (and (< 3 (length clause))
(c (cadr clause) %long-arrow)))
(null-clause-list (null-clause-action else-var svars r))
;; The core form conditionally executes the body.
;; It returns the new else var and the new state vars, if any.
(core (cond (arrow?
(let* ((tv (r 'tval)) ; APP is the actual
(app `(,(caddr clause) ,tv)) ; body: (proc tv).
(test (mktest #t)))
`(,%let ((,tv ,test))
(,%if ,tv
,(clause-action (list app) else-var svars r c)
. ,null-clause-list))))
(let* ((tv (r 'tval))
(test (mktest #t))
(bindings ; List of LET bindings for submatches.
(let lp ((i 0)
(vars (caddr clause))
(bindings '()))
(if (pair? vars)
(let ((var (car vars)))
(lp (+ i 1) (cdr vars)
(if var
`((,var (,%mss ,tv ,i)) . ,bindings)
bindings))) ; #F = "don't-care"
`(,%let ((,tv ,test))
(,%if ,tv
(,%let ,bindings ; Bind submatches.
. ,(deblock (clause-action (cdddr clause)
else-var svars
r c)
r c))
. ,null-clause-list))))
`(,%if ,(mktest #f) ,(clause-action (cdr clause)
else-var svars r c)
. ,null-clause-list))))
(loop-vars (if else-var (cons else-var svars) svars)))
;; Do the core computation, update the iteration vars,
;; and then do the tail in the scope of the updated environment.
(core-then-tail loop-vars core tail r c)))
(define (core-then-tail loop-vars core tail r c)
(mv-let r c loop-vars core tail))
(define (expand-range-clause clause tail range-var
rec-var else-var rec-counter svars
pats/refs r c)
(let* ((start-test (cadr clause))
(stop-test (caddr clause))
(body (cdddr clause))
(%receive (r 'receive))
(%if (r 'if))
(%lambda (r 'lambda))
(keyword (car clause)) ; range or :range or range: or :range:
(tester (r (cond ((c keyword (r 'range)) 'next-range)
((c keyword (r ':range)) 'next-:range)
((c keyword (r 'range:)) 'next-range:)
((c keyword (r ':range:)) 'next-:range:)
(else (error "Unrecognised range keyword!" clause)))))
;; Convert the start and stop test forms to code.
(start-test (->simple-clause-test start-test #f rec-var
rec-counter pats/refs r c))
(stop-test (->simple-clause-test stop-test #f rec-var
rec-counter pats/refs r c))
(start-thunk `(,%lambda () ,start-test)) ; ...and thunkate them.
(stop-thunk `(,%lambda () ,stop-test))
(loop-vars (if else-var (cons else-var svars) svars))
(this-rec (r 'this-record?))
(core `(,%if ,this-rec
,(clause-action body else-var svars r c)
. ,(null-clause-action else-var svars r))))
`(,%receive (,this-rec ,range-var)
(,tester ,start-thunk ,stop-thunk ,range-var)
,(core-then-tail loop-vars core tail r c))))
(define (expand-else-clause clause tail else-var svars r c)
(let* ((body (cdr clause))
(tail-exps (deblock tail r c))
(%if (r 'if))
(%let (r 'let))
;; We are hard-wiring the else var to #t after this, so the core
;; expression doesn't need to return it -- just the new values
;; of the user's state vars.
(core `(,%if ,else-var
,(clause-action body #f svars r c)
. ,(sloppy-mult-values svars r))))
(mv-let r c svars core `(,%let ((,else-var #t)) . ,tail-exps))))
;;; BODY is a list of expressions from a loop clause. We want to evaluate it,
;;; under some conditions.
;;; - The body evaluates to multiple values, one for each state variable.
;;; However, if there are no state variables, we want to *ignore* the
;;; values produced by the body, and explicitly return 0 values,
;;; not blow up if the body should happen not to return exactly zero values.
;;; - If we are tracking an else-variable, then the body firing will turn
;;; it off by returning its new #f value.
(define (clause-action body else-var svars r c)
(let ((%values (r 'values))
(%receive (r 'receive)))
(blockify (if (pair? svars)
(if else-var
(if (pair? (cdr svars)) ; state vars and an else var.
`((,%receive ,svars ,(blockify body r c)
(,%values #f . ,svars)))
`((,%values #f ,(blockify body r c)))) ; Gratuitous.
body) ; State vars, but no else var.
;; No state vars -- ignore value computed by BODY forms.
`(,@body . ,(if else-var '(#f) `())))
r c)))
;;; The clause didn't execute. Return the svars unchanged, and also
;;; return the current else-value if we are tracking one. We return
;;; a 0 or 1 element expression list -- if no values are being expected
;;; this returns the empty list.
(define (null-clause-action else-var svars r)
(sloppy-mult-values (if else-var (cons else-var svars) svars)
;;; These procs are for handling RANGE clauses.
;;; First return value tells whether this line is active;
;;; next value tells whether region is active after this line.
;;; (:range 0 4) = 0 1 2 3 This is the most useful one.
;;; (range: 0 4) = 1 2 3 4
;;; (range 0 4) = 1 2 3
;;; (:range: 0 4) = 0 1 2 3 4
;;; If these were inlined and the test thunks substituted, it would
;;; be acceptably efficient. But who writes Scheme compilers that good
;;; in the 90's?
(define (next-:range start-test stop-test state)
(let ((new-state (if state
(or (not (stop-test)) ; Stop,
(start-test)) ; but restart.
(and (start-test) ; Start,
(not (stop-test)))))) ; but stop, too.
(values new-state new-state)))
(define (next-range: start-test stop-test state)
(values state
(if state
(or (not (stop-test)) ; Stop,
(start-test)) ; but restart.
(and (start-test) ; Start,
(not (stop-test)))))) ; but stop, too.
(define (next-range start-test stop-test state)
(if state
(let ((not-stop (not (stop-test))))
(values not-stop
(or not-stop ; Stop,
(start-test)))) ; but restart.
(values #f
(and (start-test) ; Start,
(not (stop-test)))))) ; but stop, too.
(define (next-:range: start-test stop-test state)
(if state
(values #t
(or (not (stop-test)) ; Stop
(start-test))) ; but restart.
(let ((start? (start-test)))
(values start?
(and start? ; Start,
(not (stop-test))))))) ; but stop, too.