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;;; Regexp "fold" combinators -*- scheme -*-
;;; Copyright (c) 1998 by Olin Shivers.
;;; REGEXP-FOLDL re kons knil s [finish start] -> value
;;; REGEXP-FOLDR re kons knil s [finish start] -> value
;;; REGEXP-FOR-EACH re proc s [start] -> unspecific
;;; Non-R4RS imports: let-optionals :optional error ?
;;; regexp-foldl re kons knil s [finish start] -> value
;;; The following definition is a bit unwieldy, but the intuition is
;;; simple: this procedure uses the regexp RE to divide up string S into
;;; non-matching/matching chunks, and then "folds" the procedure KONS
;;; across this sequence of chunks.
;;; Search from START (defaulting to 0) for a match to RE; call
;;; this match M. Let I be the index of the end of the match
;;; (that is, (match:end M 0)). Loop as follows:
;;; (regexp-foldl re kons (kons START M knil) s finish I)
;;; If there is no match, return instead
;;; (finish START knil)
;;; FINISH defaults to (lambda (i knil) knil)
;;; In other words, we divide up S into a sequence of non-matching/matching
;;; chunks:
;;; NM1 M1 NM1 M2 ... NMk Mk NMlast
;;; where NM1 is the initial part of S that isn't matched by the RE, M1 is the
;;; first match, NM2 is the following part of S that isn't matched, M2 is the
;;; second match, and so forth -- NMlast is the final non-matching chunk of
;;; S. We apply KONS from left to right to build up a result, passing it one
;;; non-matching/matching chunk each time: on an application (KONS i m KNIL),
;;; the non-matching chunk goes from I to (match:begin m 0), and the following
;;; matching chunk goes from (match:begin m 0) to (match:end m 0). The last
;;; non-matching chunk NMlast is processed by FINISH. So the computation we
;;; perform is
;;; (final q (kons Jk MTCHk ... (kons J2 MTCH2 (kons J1 MTCH1 knil))...))
;;; where Ji is the index of the start of NMi, MTCHi is a match value
;;; describing Mi, and Q is the index of the beginning of NMlast.
(define (regexp-foldl re kons knil s . maybe-finish+start)
(let-optionals maybe-finish+start ((finish (lambda (i x) x))
(start 0))
(if (> start (string-length s))
(error "Illegal START parameter"
regexp-foldl re kons knil s finish start))
(let lp ((i start) (val knil))
(? ((regexp-search re s i) =>
(lambda (m)
(let ((next-i (match:end m 0)))
(if (= next-i (match:start m 0))
(error "An empty-string regexp match has put regexp-foldl into an infinite loop."
re s start next-i)
(lp next-i (kons i m val))))))
(else (finish i val))))))
;;; regexp-foldr re kons knil s [finish start] -> value
;;; This procedure repeatedly matches regexp RE across string S.
;;; This divides S up into a sequence of matching/non-matching chunks:
;;; NM0 M1 NM1 M2 NM2 ... Mk NMk
;;; where NM0 is the initial part of S that isn't matched by the RE,
;;; M1 is the first match, NM1 is the following part of S that isn't
;;; matched, M2 is the second match, and so forth. We apply KONS from
;;; right to left to build up a result
;;; (final q (kons MTCH1 J1 (kons MTCH2 J2 ...(kons MTCHk JK knil)...)))
;;; where MTCHi is a match value describing Mi, Ji is the index of the end of
;;; NMi (or, equivalently, the beginning of Mi+1), and Q is the index of the
;;; beginning of M1. In other words, KONS is passed a match, an index
;;; describing the following non-matching text, and the value produced by
;;; folding the following text. The FINAL function "polishes off" the fold
;;; operation by handling the initial chunk of non-matching text (NM0, above).
;;; FINISH defaults to (lambda (i knil) knil)
(define (regexp-foldr re kons knil s . maybe-finish+start)
(let-optionals maybe-finish+start ((finish (lambda (i x) x))
(start 0))
(if (> start (string-length s))
(error "Illegal START parameter" regexp-foldr re kons knil s
finish start))
(? ((regexp-search re s start) =>
(lambda (m)
(finish (match:start m 0)
(let recur ((last-m m))
(? ((regexp-search re s (match:end last-m 0)) =>
(lambda (m)
(let ((i (match:start m 0)))
(if (= i (match:end m 0))
(error "An empty-string regexp match has put regexp-foldr into an infinite loop."
re s start i)
(kons last-m i (recur m))))))
(else (kons last-m (string-length s) knil)))))))
(else (finish (string-length s) knil)))))
;;; regexp-for-each re proc s [start] -> unspecific
;;; Repeatedly match regexp RE against string S.
;;; Apply PROC to each match that is produced.
;;; Matches do not overlap.
(define (regexp-for-each re proc s . maybe-start)
(let ((start (:optional maybe-start 0)))
(if (> start (string-length s))
(apply error "Illegal START parameter" regexp-for-each re proc s start)
(let lp ((i start))
(? ((regexp-search re s i) =>
(lambda (m)
(let ((next-i (match:end m 0)))
(if (= (match:start m 0) next-i)
(error "An empty-string regexp match has put regexp-for-each into an infinite loop."
re proc s start next-i))
(proc m)
(lp next-i)))))))))