
275 lines
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;;; Terminal Control for the Scheme Shell
;;; Copyright (c) 1995 by Brian D. Carlstrom.
;;; Scheme48 implementation.
"#include <termios.h>"
"extern int errno;"
"#define errno_on_zero_or_false(x) ((x) ? SCHFALSE : ENTER_FIXNUM(errno))"
"#define errno_or_false(x) (((x) == -1) ? ENTER_FIXNUM(errno) : SCHFALSE)"
"#define False_on_zero(x) ((x) ? ENTER_FIXNUM(x) : SCHFALSE)"
"" )
;;; terminal-info
(define-record terminal-info
;;; tcgetattr
(define (terminal-info fdport)
(let ((control-chars (make-string cc/nccs)))
(receive (iflag-hi8 iflag-lo24
oflag-hi8 oflag-lo24
cflag-hi8 cflag-lo24
lflag-hi8 lflag-lo24
ispeed ospeed)
(%tcgetattr (->fdes fdport) control-chars)
(make-terminal-info (bitwise-ior
(arithmetic-shift iflag-hi8 24) iflag-lo24)
(arithmetic-shift oflag-hi8 24) oflag-lo24)
(arithmetic-shift cflag-hi8 24) cflag-lo24)
(arithmetic-shift lflag-hi8 24) lflag-lo24)
ispeed ospeed))))
(define-errno-syscall (%tcgetattr fdes control-chars) %tcgetattr/errno
iflag-hi8 iflag-lo24
oflag-hi8 oflag-lo24
cflag-hi8 cflag-lo24
lflag-hi8 lflag-lo24
ispeed ospeed)
(define-foreign %tcgetattr/errno
(scheme_tcgetattr (integer fdes)
(string control-chars))
(to-scheme integer errno_or_false)
integer integer
integer integer
integer integer
integer integer
integer integer)
;;; tcsetattr
(define (set-terminal-info fdport option info)
(let ((if (terminal-info:input-flags info))
(of (terminal-info:output-flags info))
(cf (terminal-info:control-flags info))
(lf (terminal-info:local-flags info))
(cc (terminal-info:control-chars info))
(is (terminal-info:input-speed info))
(os (terminal-info:output-speed info)))
(let ((iflag-hi8 (arithmetic-shift if -24))
(iflag-lo24 (bitwise-and if #xffffff))
(oflag-hi8 (arithmetic-shift of -24))
(oflag-lo24 (bitwise-and of #xffffff))
(cflag-hi8 (arithmetic-shift cf -24))
(cflag-lo24 (bitwise-and cf #xffffff))
(lflag-hi8 (arithmetic-shift lf -24))
(lflag-lo24 (bitwise-and lf #xffffff)))
(%tcsetattr (->fdes fdport) option
iflag-hi8 iflag-lo24
oflag-hi8 oflag-lo24
cflag-hi8 cflag-lo24
lflag-hi8 lflag-lo24
is os))))
(define-simple-errno-syscall (%tcsetattr fdes option
iflag-hi8 iflag-lo24
oflag-hi8 oflag-lo24
cflag-hi8 cflag-lo24
lflag-hi8 lflag-lo24
ispeed ospeed)
(define-foreign %tcsetattr/errno
(scheme_tcsetattr (integer fdes)
(integer option)
(integer iflag-hi8)
(integer iflag-lo24)
(integer oflag-hi8)
(integer oflag-lo24)
(integer cflag-hi8)
(integer cflag-lo24)
(integer lflag-hi8)
(integer lflag-lo24)
(string control-chars)
(integer ispeed)
(integer ospeed))
(to-scheme integer errno_or_false))
;;; ->fdes - Peeks at fdes of a port
(define (->fdes fdport)
(cond ((integer? fdport) fdport)
((input-port? fdport)
(fdport-data:fd (extensible-input-port-local-data fdport)))
((output-port? fdport)
(fdport-data:fd (extensible-output-port-local-data fdport)))))
;;; Magic Numbers
;;; <sys/termios.h>
(define tc/set-attributes/now 0) ; make change immediate
(define tc/set-attributes/drain 1) ; drain output, then change
(define tc/set-attributes/flush 2) ; drain output, flush input
;;; Special Control Characters
;; Index into c_cc[] character array.
;; Name Subscript Enabled by
(define cc/veof 0) ; icanon
(define cc/veol 1) ; icanon
(define cc/verase 2) ; icanon
(define cc/vkill 3) ; icanon
(define cc/vintr 4) ; isig
(define cc/vquit 5) ; isig
(define cc/vsusp 6) ; isig
(define cc/vstart 7) ; ixon, ixoff
(define cc/vstop 8) ; ixon, ixoff
(define cc/vmin 9) ; !icanon
(define cc/vtime 10) ; !icanon
;; NeXT
(define cc/vwerase 11) ; icanon
(define cc/vreprint 12) ; icanon
(define cc/vlnext 13) ; iexten
(define cc/vdiscard 14) ; iexten
(define cc/vdsusp 15) ; isig
(define cc/vquote 16) ; icanon
;; Number of Control Characters - *Not Exported*
(define cc/nccs 17)
;;; Input flags - software input processing
(define iflag/ignbrk #x00000001) ; ignore break condition
(define iflag/brkint #x00000002) ; map break to sigintr
(define iflag/ignpar #x00000004) ; ignore (discard) parity errors
(define iflag/parmrk #x00000008) ; mark parity and framing errors
(define iflag/inpck #x00000010) ; enable checking of parity errors
(define iflag/istrip #x00000020) ; strip 8th bit off chars
(define iflag/inlcr #x00000040) ; map nl into cr
(define iflag/igncr #x00000080) ; ignore cr
(define iflag/icrnl #x00000100) ; map cr to nl (ala crmod)
(define iflag/ixon #x00000200) ; enable output flow control
(define iflag/ixoff #x00000400) ; enable input flow control
(define iflag/ixany #x00000800) ; any char will restart after stop
(define iflag/imaxbel #x00002000) ; ring bell on input queue full
;;; Output flags - software output processing
(define oflag/opost #x00000001) ; enable following output processing
;; NeXT
(define oflag/onlcr #x00000002) ; map nl to cr-nl (ala crmod)
; use the same bits as old delay flags
(define oflag/nldelay #x00000300) ; \n delay
(define oflag/nl0 #x00000000)
(define oflag/nl1 #x00000100) ; tty 37
(define oflag/nl2 #x00000200) ; vt05
(define oflag/nl3 #x00000300)
(define oflag/tbdelay #x00000c00) ; horizontal tab delay
(define oflag/tab0 #x00000000)
(define oflag/tab1 #x00000400) ; tty 37
(define oflag/tab2 #x00000800)
(define oflag/xtabs #x00000c00) ; expand tabs on output
(define oflag/crdelay #x00003000) ; \r delay
(define oflag/cr0 #x00000000)
(define oflag/cr1 #x00001000) ; tn 300
(define oflag/cr2 #x00002000) ; tty 37
(define oflag/cr3 #x00003000) ; concept 100
(define oflag/vtdelay #x00004000) ; vertical tab delay
(define oflag/ff0 #x00000000)
(define oflag/ff1 #x00004000) ; tty 37
(define oflag/bsdelay #x00008000) ; \b delay
(define oflag/bs0 #x00000000)
(define oflag/bs1 #x00008000)
(define oflag/alldelay (bitwise-ior
(bitwise-ior oflag/nldelay oflag/tbdelay)
(bitwise-ior oflag/crdelay oflag/vtdelay))
;;; Control flags - hardware control of terminal
;; NeXT
(define cflag/cignore #x00000001) ; ignore control flags
(define cflag/csize #x00000300) ; character size mask
(define cflag/cs5 #x00000000) ; 5 bits (pseudo)
(define cflag/cs6 #x00000100) ; 6 bits
(define cflag/cs7 #x00000200) ; 7 bits
(define cflag/cs8 #x00000300) ; 8 bits
(define cflag/cstopb #x00000400) ; send 2 stop bits
(define cflag/cread #x00000800) ; enable receiver
(define cflag/parenb #x00001000) ; parity enable
(define cflag/parodd #x00002000) ; odd parity, else even
(define cflag/hupcl #x00004000) ; hang up on last close
(define cflag/clocal #x00008000) ; ignore modem status lines
;; NeXT
(define cflag/cstopb110 #x00010000)
(define cflag/par0 #x00020000) ; space parity
(define cflag/par1 #x00040000) ; mark parity
;;; "Local" flags - dumping ground for other state
;; Warning: some flags in this structure begin with
;; the letter "I" and look like they belong in the
;; input flag.
;; NeXT
(define lflag/echoke #x00000001) ; visual erase for line kill
(define lflag/echoe #x00000002) ; visually erase chars
(define lflag/echok #x00000004) ; echo nl after line kill
(define lflag/echo #x00000008) ; enable echoing
(define lflag/echonl #x00000010) ; echo nl even if echo is off
(define lflag/icanon #x00000020) ; canonicalize input lines
(define lflag/isig #x00000040) ; enable signals intr, quit, [d]susp
(define lflag/iexten #x00000080) ; enable discard and lnext
;; NeXT
(define lflag/echocrt #x00000100) ; visual erase mode for crt
(define lflag/echoprt #x00000200) ; visual erase mode for hardcopy
(define lflag/echoctl #x00000400) ; echo control chars as ^(char)
(define lflag/altwerase #x00000800) ; use alternate werase algorithm
(define lflag/mdmbuf #x00100000) ; flow control output via carrier
(define lflag/tostop #x00400000) ; stop background jobs from output
;; NeXT
(define lflag/xlcase #x04000000)
(define lflag/xeucbksp #x08000000)
(define lflag/noflsh #x80000000) ; don't flush after interrupt
;;; Baud Rates
(define baud/0 0)
(define baud/50 1)
(define baud/75 2)
(define baud/110 3)
(define baud/134 4)
(define baud/150 5)
(define baud/200 6)
(define baud/300 7)
(define baud/600 8)
(define baud/1200 9)
(define baud/1800 10)
(define baud/2400 11)
(define baud/4800 12)
(define baud/9600 13)
(define baud/19200 14)
(define baud/38400 15)