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;;; Copyright (c) 1993 by Olin Shivers.
;;; Signal handler system
;;; The principal trickiness here is that we have to interface to Unix signals
;;; *through* an intermediate interface, the S48 vm's idea of interrupts.
;;; So there is a difference between delivering a signal to the underlying
;;; Unix process and delivering it to the program that runs on the VM.
;;; These system calls can return EINTR or restart. In order for the S48 vm's
;;; interrupt system to detect a signal and invoke the handler, they *must*
;;; return EINTR, and this must cause a return from C to Scheme.
;;; open close dup2 accept connect
;;; read recv recvfrom recvmsg
;;; write send sendto sendmsg
;;; select
;;; wait
;;; fcntl* ioctl
;;; sigsuspend
;;; HP-UX, but I don't use: poll lockf msem_lock msgsnd msgrcv semop
;;; * Only during a F_SETLKW
"extern int errno;"
"/* Make sure foreign-function stubs interface to the C funs correctly: */"
"#include \"sighandlers1.h\""
"" "")
;;; Blocking interrupts
;;; I think all of this code (and associated C code) has been obsoleted by
;;; the new system that uses S48's sigblocking machinery.
(define (interrupt-set . interrupts)
(let lp ((ints interrupts) (ans 0))
(if (pair? ints)
(lp (cdr ints) (bitwise-ior ans (arithmetic-shift 1 (- (car ints) 1))))
(define-simple-syntax (with-blocked-interrupts mask body ...)
(with-blocked-interrupts* mask (lambda () body ...)))
(define (with-blocked-interrupts* mask thunk)
(let ((old-mask #f))
(lambda () (set! old-mask (set-blocked-interrupts! mask)))
(lambda () (set-blocked-interrupts! old-mask)))))
(define (set-blocked-interrupts! mask)
(receive (hi-out lo-out)
(%set-blocked-interrupts! (hi8 mask) (lo24 mask))
(compose-8/24 hi-out lo-out)))
(define (blocked-interrupts)
(call-with-values %blocked-interrupts compose-8/24))
(define-foreign %set-blocked-interrupts! (set_procmask (fixnum hi)
(fixnum lo))
fixnum ; hi
fixnum) ; lo
(define-foreign %blocked-interrupts (get_procmask)
fixnum ; hi
fixnum) ; lo
;;; Get/Set signal handlers
;;; When you set a signal's handler to "default," if the default for that
;;; signal is something other than "ignore," we actually install this guy.
;;; When he is called by the S48 interrupt system, he'll magically make
;;; the default action happen (by calling C code that *really* sets the
;;; handler to SIGDFL, and then re-sending the signal). This basically
;;; terminates the process, since if the default isn't "ignore," it's always
;;; "terminate" of some kind. Doing it this way means the exit code given
;;; to our waiting parent proc correctly reflects how we died, and also
;;; makes the core dump happen if it should. Details, details.
(define (default-handler sig)
(lambda (enabled-interrupts) (%do-default-sigaction sig)))
(define-foreign %do-default-sigaction (do_default_sigaction (fixnum signal))
;;; HANDLER is #f (ignore), #t (default), or an integer procedure.
;;; The interrupt is delivered to a procedure by (1) setting the
;;; ENABLED-INTERRUPTS register to 0 (i.e., blocking all interrupts),
;;; and (2) applying the procedure to the previous value of the
;;; ENABLED-INTERRUPTS register. If the procedure returns normally
;;; (i.e., it doesn't throw to a continuation), the ENABLED-INTERRUPTS
;;; register will be restored to its previous value.
;;; Should have extra args, MASK & FLAGS.
(define (set-signal-handler sig handler)
(let ((handler (if (eq? handler #t) ; Hack the default handler.
(default-handler sig)
(receive (handler flags) ; Should be (handler mask flags).
(%set-signal-handler! sig handler 0)
(define (signal-handler sig)
(receive (handler flags) (%signal-handler sig)
(define (%signal-handler sig)
(receive (err handler flags) (%%signal-handler sig)
(if err (errno-error err %signal-handler sig)
(values handler flags))))
;;; (%set-signal-handler! sig handler [mask flags]) -> [handler mask flags]
;;; Except no MASK for now.
(define (%set-signal-handler! sig handler . args)
(let-optionals args ((flags 0))
(receive (err handler flags)
(%%set-signal-handler! sig handler flags)
(if err
(errno-error err %set-signal-handler! sig handler flags)
(values handler flags)))))
(define-foreign %%set-signal-handler! (set_sig_handler (fixnum signal)
(desc handler)
(fixnum flags))
desc ; #f or errno
desc ; handler
fixnum) ; flags
(define-foreign %%signal-handler (get_sig_handler (fixnum signal))
desc ; #f or errno
desc ; handler
fixnum) ; flags
(define-foreign %%install-new-handler-vec
(install_new_handler_vector (vector-desc vec))