; Copyright (c) 1993, 1994 Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING. ; This is file command.scm. ; Command processor. ; The command processor's state is of three kinds: ; 1. User context - preserved across dump commands. ; This includes the designated user and configuration environments. ; 2. Session state - one per "login"; not preserved across dump commands. ; This includes ## and the command loop's interactive ports. ; 3. Command levels - one for each different command level. ; This includes any condition being handled, and continuations. (define command-prefix #\,) ; User context. (define (make-user-context thunk) (let ((t (make-table))) (let-fluid $user-context t (lambda () (for-each (lambda (name+thunk) (table-set! t (car name+thunk) ((cdr name+thunk)))) *user-context-initializers*) (thunk) t)))) (define *user-context-initializers* '()) (define $user-context (make-fluid #f)) ; (set-fluid! $user-context (make-user-context unspecific)) ;Bad for GC (define (user-context) (fluid $user-context)) (define (user-context-accessor name initializer) (set! *user-context-initializers* (append *user-context-initializers* (list (cons name initializer)))) (let ((probe (fluid $user-context))) (if probe (table-set! probe name (initializer)))) (lambda () (table-ref (user-context) name))) (define (user-context-modifier name) (lambda (new) (table-set! (user-context) name new))) ; Session state. (define session-type (make-record-type 'session '(input output values batch-mode? bow?))) (define make-session (record-constructor session-type '(input output values batch-mode? bow?))) (define $session (make-fluid (make-session (current-input-port) (current-output-port) '() #f #f))) (define (session-accessor name) (let ((a (record-accessor session-type name))) (lambda () (a (fluid $session))))) (define (session-modifier name) (let ((m (record-modifier session-type name))) (lambda (new) (m (fluid $session) new)))) (define command-input (session-accessor 'input)) (define command-output (session-accessor 'output)) (define focus-values (session-accessor 'values)) (define set-focus-values! (session-modifier 'values)) (define batch-mode? (session-accessor 'batch-mode?)) (define set-batch-mode?! (session-modifier 'batch-mode?)) (define break-on-warnings? (session-accessor 'bow?)) (define set-break-on-warnings?! (session-modifier 'bow?)) ; Command levels. (define $command-levels (make-fluid '())) (define (command-level) (car (fluid $command-levels))) (define :command-level (make-record-type 'command-level '(throw vm-cont condition interrupts ;; env ))) (define make-command-level (record-constructor :command-level '(throw vm-cont condition interrupts ;; env ))) (define command-level? (record-predicate :command-level)) (define command-level-throw (record-accessor :command-level 'throw)) (define command-level-vm-cont (record-accessor :command-level 'vm-cont)) (define command-level-condition (record-accessor :command-level 'condition)) (define command-level-interrupts (record-accessor :command-level 'interrupts)) ;(define command-level-env ; (record-accessor :command-level 'env)) ;(define set-command-level-env! ; (record-modifier :command-level 'env)) (define environment-for-commands interaction-environment) ; -------------------- ; Main entry point. (define (with-user-context context thunk) (let-fluid $user-context context thunk)) ; Log in. (define (with-new-session context iport oport resume-args batch? thunk) (let-fluids $user-context context $command-levels '() $session (make-session iport oport resume-args batch? #f) thunk)) ;; The double-paren around the w-n-s is because it returns a continuation ;; which is the thing to do after the command-processor exits. (define (start-command-processor resume-args context ;; initial-env start-thunk) (interrupt-before-heap-overflow!) ((with-new-session context (current-input-port) (current-output-port) resume-args (and (pair? resume-args) (equal? (car resume-args) "batch")) (lambda () (command-loop start-thunk #f ;; initial-env ))))) ; Entry for initialization & testing. (define (command-processor command-env args) (start-command-processor args (make-user-context (lambda () (set-user-command-environment! command-env))) ;; (interaction-environment) unspecific)) ; Command loop ; Uses: ; 1. startup, 2. condition handler, 3. abort-to-level, 4. breakpoint (define (command-loop start-thunk condition ;; env ) (call-with-command-level condition ;; env (lambda (level) (start-command-level start-thunk level)))) (define (call-with-command-level condition ;; env proc) (primitive-catch (lambda (vm-cont) ((call-with-current-continuation (lambda (throw) (proc (make-command-level throw vm-cont condition (enabled-interrupts) ;; env )))))))) (define (start-command-level start-thunk level) (with-handler command-loop-condition-handler (lambda () (let-fluids $command-levels (cons level (fluid $command-levels)) $note-undefined #f ;useful (lambda () ;;(with-interaction-environment (command-level-env level) ;;(lambda () (start-thunk) (let ((condition (command-level-condition level))) (if condition (display-condition condition (command-output))) (if (not (= (enabled-interrupts) all-interrupts)) (begin (if (not (and (interrupt? condition) (= (caddr condition) all-interrupts))) (write-line "(Enabling interrupts)" (command-output))) (set-enabled-interrupts! all-interrupts)))) (let loop () (let ((command (read-command-carefully (command-prompt) (form-preferred?) (command-input)))) (showing-focus-object (lambda () (execute-command command))) (loop))))))));;)) (define form-preferred? (user-context-accessor 'form-preferred? (lambda () #t))) ; Command level control (define (pop-command-level) (let ((levels (fluid $command-levels))) (if (null? (cdr levels)) (if (or (batch-mode?) (y-or-n? "Exit the Scheme Shell" #t)) (exit-command-processor (lambda () 0)) (abort-to-command-level (car levels))) (abort-to-command-level (cadr levels))))) (define (abort-to-command-level level) (throw-to-command-level level (lambda () (start-command-level (lambda () (cond ((command-level-condition level) (display "Back to" (command-output))) ((null? (fluid $command-levels)) (newline (command-output)) (write-line "Top level" (command-output))))) ;; Condition will be displayed. level)))) (define (throw-to-command-level level thunk) ((command-level-throw level) thunk)) (define (exit-command-processor thunk) (throw-to-command-level (top-command-level) (lambda () thunk))) ; Condition handler (define (command-loop-condition-handler c next-handler) (cond ((or (warning? c) (note? c)) (if (break-on-warnings?) (deal-with-condition c) (begin (display-condition c (command-output)) (unspecific)))) ;proceed ((or (error? c) (interrupt? c)) (if (batch-mode?) (begin (display-condition c (command-output)) (let ((status (if (error? c) 1 2))) (exit-command-processor (lambda () status)))) (deal-with-condition c))) (else (next-handler)))) (define push-command-levels? (user-context-accessor 'push-command-levels (lambda () #t))) ;(define set-push-command-levels?! ; (user-context-modifier 'push-command-levels)) (define (deal-with-condition c) (if (push-command-levels?) (command-loop list c ;; (interaction-environment) ) (call-with-command-level c ;; (interaction-environment) (lambda (level) (set-focus-object! level) (display-condition c (command-output)) (abort-to-command-level (car (fluid $command-levels))))))) (define-condition-type 'note '()) (define note? (condition-predicate 'note)) (define (command-prompt) (let ((level (- (length (fluid $command-levels)) 1)) (id (environment-id-string (environment-for-commands)))) (string-append (if (= level 0) "" (number->string level)) (if (or (= level 0) (= (string-length id) 0)) "" " ") id "> "))) (define-generic environment-id-string &environment-id-string (env)) (define-method &environment-id-string (env) "") ; Evaluate a form (define (evaluate-and-select form env) (call-with-values (lambda () (evaluate form env)) (lambda results (if (or (null? results) (not (null? (cdr results))) (not (eq? (car results) (unspecific)))) (set-focus-values! results)) (apply values results)))) (define-generic evaluate &evaluate (form env)) (define-method &evaluate (form env) (eval form env)) ; Display the focus object if it changes (sort of like emacs's redisplay) (define (showing-focus-object thunk) (let ((focus-before (focus-values))) (thunk) (let ((focus-after (focus-values))) (if (not (eq? focus-after focus-before)) (show-command-results focus-after))))) (define (focus-object) (let ((v (focus-values))) (if (and (pair? v) (null? (cdr v))) (car v) v))) (define (set-focus-object! obj) (set-focus-values! (list obj))) (define (show-command-results results) (cond ((null? results)) ((not (null? (cdr results))) (let ((out (command-output))) (display "; " out) (write (length results) out) (display " values" out) (newline out)) (for-each show-command-result results)) (else ;(not (eq? (car results) (unspecific))) (show-command-result (car results))))) (define (show-command-result result) (write-carefully (value->expression result) (command-output)) (newline (command-output))) (define $write-depth (make-fluid -1)) (define $write-length (make-fluid -1)) (define (write-carefully x port) (if (error? (ignore-errors (lambda () (limited-write x port (fluid $write-depth) (fluid $write-length)) #f))) (display "" port))) ; Sentinels - run after every command. (define *sentinels* '()) (define (run-sentinels) (for-each (lambda (sentinel) (sentinel)) *sentinels*)) (define (add-sentinel! sentinel) (if (not (memq sentinel *sentinels*)) (set! *sentinels* (cons sentinel *sentinels*)))) ; Commands. (define command-environment (user-context-accessor 'command-environment interaction-environment)) ;(define *command-structure* (unspecific)) ; ;(define (command-structure) ; *command-structure*) ; ;(define (set-command-structure! structure) ; called on initial startup ; (set! *command-structure* structure)) (define command-syntax-table (make-table)) (define *command-help* '()) (define (get-command-syntax name) (or (table-ref (user-command-syntax-table) name) (table-ref command-syntax-table name))) (define (define-command-syntax name help1 help2 arg-descriptions) (table-set! command-syntax-table name arg-descriptions) (if help1 (set! *command-help* (add-help *command-help* name help1 help2)))) (define (add-help help name help1 help2) (insert (list name (string-append (symbol->string name) " " help1) help2) help (lambda (z1 z2) (string<=? (cadr z1) (cadr z2))))) (define user-command-syntax-table (user-context-accessor 'user-command-syntax-table (lambda () (make-table)))) (define user-command-environment (user-context-accessor 'user-command-environment (lambda () #f))) (define set-user-command-environment! (user-context-modifier 'user-command-environment)) (define user-command-help (user-context-accessor 'user-command-help (lambda () *command-help*))) (define set-user-command-help! (user-context-modifier 'user-command-help)) (define (define-user-command-syntax name help1 help2 arg-descriptions) (table-set! (user-command-syntax-table) name arg-descriptions) (if help1 (set-user-command-help! (add-help (user-command-help) name help1 help2)))) (define (execute-command command) (cond ((eof-object? command) (newline (command-output)) (pop-command-level)) ((not command)) ; error while reading (else (let* ((name (car command)) (proc (evaluate name (user-command-environment)))) (dynamic-wind (lambda () #f) (lambda () (apply proc (cdr command))) run-sentinels))))) ; help (define (help . maybe-id) (if (null? maybe-id) (list-commands) (print-command-help (car maybe-id)))) (define (print-command-help id) (let ((o-port (command-output))) (display #\space o-port) (cond ((assq id (user-command-help)) => (lambda (data) (if (form-preferred?) (display command-prefix o-port)) (display (cadr data) o-port) (display " " o-port) (display (caddr data) o-port))) (else (display #\" o-port) (display id o-port) (display #\" o-port) (display #\space o-port) (display "is not a command."))) (newline o-port))) (define (list-commands) (let ((o-port (command-output)) (widest 28) (f? (form-preferred?))) (for-each (lambda (s) (write-line s o-port)) '( "This is an alpha-test version of Scheme 48. You are interacting with" "the command processor. A command is either a Scheme form to evaluate" "or one of the following:" "")) (list-command-help (user-command-help) f? o-port) (for-each (lambda (s) (write-line s o-port)) '( "" "Square brackets [...] indicate optional arguments." "" "The expression ## evaluates to the last value displayed by the command" "processor." )))) (define (list-command-help data prefix? o-port) (let* ((strings (map (if prefix? (lambda (d) (string-append (command-prefix-string command-prefix) (cadr d))) cadr) data)) (count (length strings)) (back-half (list-tail strings (quotient (+ 1 count) 2)))) (let loop ((s1 strings) (s2 back-half)) (cond ((not (eq? s1 back-half)) (display #\space o-port) (display (car s1) o-port) (write-spaces (max 1 (- 32 (string-length (car s1)))) o-port) (if (not (null? s2)) (display (car s2) o-port)) (newline o-port) (loop (cdr s1) (if (null? s2) s2 (cdr s2)))))))) ; Utilities (define (top-command-level) (last (fluid $command-levels))) (define (error-form proc args) (cons proc (map value->expression args))) (define (value->expression obj) ;mumble (if (or (number? obj) (char? obj) (string? obj) (boolean? obj)) obj `',obj)) (define (write-spaces count o-port) (do ((count count (- count 1))) ((<= count 0)) (display #\space o-port))) (define (command-prefix-string prefix) (cond ((string? prefix) prefix) ((char? prefix) (string prefix)) ((symbol? prefix) (symbol->string prefix)))) (define (write-line string port) (display string port) (newline port)) (define (y-or-n? question eof-value) (let ((i-port (command-input)) (o-port (command-output))) (let loop ((count *y-or-n-eof-count*)) (display question o-port) (display " (y/n)? " o-port) (let ((line (read-line i-port))) (cond ((eof-object? line) (newline o-port) (if (= count 0) eof-value (begin (display "I'll only ask another " o-port) (write count o-port) (display " times." o-port) (newline o-port) (loop (- count 1))))) ((< (string-length line) 1) (loop count)) ((char=? (string-ref line 0) #\y) #t) ((char=? (string-ref line 0) #\n) #f) (else (loop count))))))) (define *y-or-n-eof-count* 100) (define (read-line port) (let loop ((l '())) (let ((c (read-char port))) (if (eof-object? c) c (if (char=? c #\newline) (list->string (reverse l)) (loop (cons c l))))))) (define (greet-user info) (let ((port (command-output))) (display "Welcome to Scheme 48 " port) (display version-info port) (if info (begin (write-char #\space port) (display info port))) (display "." port) (newline port) (write-line "Copyright (c) 1993, 1994 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees." port) (write-line "Please report bugs to scheme-48-bugs@martigny.ai.mit.edu." port) (if (not (batch-mode?)) (write-line "Type ,? (comma question-mark) for help." port)))) (define (command-continuation) ;utility for debugger (let ((obj (focus-object))) (command-level-vm-cont (if (command-level? obj) obj (command-level)))))