; -*- Mode: Scheme; Syntax: Scheme; Package: Scheme; -*- ; Copyright (c) 1993, 1994 Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING. ; This is file assem.scm. ;;;; Assembler ; Courtesy John Ramsdell. ; LAP syntax is much like that of the output of the disassembler except ; that global and set-global! take a symbol as an argument, ; statements may be labeled, and jump, jump-if-false, and make-cont ; may make a forward reference to a label to give an offset. ; ; Example: a translation of (define (dog) (if x 0 1)). ; (define dog ; (lap dog ; (check-nargs= 0) ; (global x) ; (jump-if-false 8) ; (literal '0) ; 8 (jump out) ; (literal '1) ; out (return))) (define-compilator '(lap syntax) (let ((op/closure (enum op closure))) (lambda (node cenv depth cont) (let ((exp (node-form node))) (deliver-value (instruction-with-template op/closure (compile-lap (cddr exp) cenv) (cadr exp)) cont))))) ; Assembler label environments are simply a-lists. (define assembler-empty-env '()) (define (assembler-extend sym val env) (cons (cons sym val) env)) (define (assembler-lookup sym env) (let ((val (assv sym env))) (if (pair? val) (cdr val) #f))) (define (compile-lap instruction-list cenv) (assemble instruction-list assembler-empty-env cenv)) ; ASSEMBLE returns a segment. (define (assemble instruction-list lenv cenv) (if (null? instruction-list) (sequentially) (let ((instr (car instruction-list)) (instruction-list (cdr instruction-list))) (cond ((pair? instr) ; Instruction (sequentially (assemble-instruction instr lenv cenv) (assemble instruction-list lenv cenv))) ((or (symbol? instr) ; Label (number? instr)) (let ((label (make-label))) (attach-label label (assemble instruction-list (assembler-extend instr label lenv) cenv)))) (else (error "invalid instruction" instr)))))) ; ASSEMBLE-INSTRUCTION returns a segment. (define (assemble-instruction instr lenv cenv) (let* ((opcode (name->enumerand (car instr) op)) (arg-specs (vector-ref opcode-arg-specs opcode))) (cond ((or (not (pair? arg-specs)) (not (pair? (cdr instr)))) (instruction opcode)) ((eq? (car arg-specs) 'index) (assemble-instruction-with-index opcode arg-specs (cdr instr) cenv)) ((eq? (car arg-specs) 'offset) (let ((operand (cadr instr))) (apply instruction-using-label opcode (let ((probe (assembler-lookup operand lenv))) (if probe probe (begin (syntax-error "can't find forward label reference" operand) empty-segment))) (assemble-operands (cddr instr) arg-specs)))) (else (apply instruction opcode (assemble-operands (cdr instr) arg-specs)))))) ; <index> ::= (quote <datum>) | (lap <name> <instr>) | <name> (define (assemble-instruction-with-index opcode arg-specs operands cenv) (let ((operand (car operands))) (if (pair? operand) (case (car operand) ((quote) (instruction-with-literal opcode (cadr operand))) ((lap) (instruction-with-template opcode (compile-lap (cddr operand)) (cadr operand))) (else (syntax-error "invalid index operand" operand) empty-segment)) ;; Top-level variable reference (instruction-with-location opcode (get-location (lookup cenv operand) cenv operand value-type))))) (define (assemble-operands operands arg-specs) (map (lambda (operand arg-spec) (case arg-spec ((stob) (or (name->enumerand operand stob) (error "unknown stored object type" operand))) ((byte nargs) operand) (else (error "unknown operand type" operand arg-spec)))) operands arg-specs)) (define byte-limit (expt 2 bits-used-per-byte))