; Copyright (c) 1993, 1994 Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING. ; A dirty little inspector. ; This breaks abstractions left and right. ; Look and feel shamelessly plagiarized from the Lucid Lisp inspector. ; Eventually, integrate this better with the command processor. ; Inspector state: ; thing = (focus-object) ; menu = (prepare-menu thing) ; start = position within menu; modified by M (more) command ; stack = list of other things (define *menu-limit* 15) (define *write-depth* 3) (define *write-length* 5) (define (with-limited-output thunk) (let-fluids $write-depth *write-depth* $write-length *write-length* thunk)) (define (make-inspector-state menu position stack) (cons (cons position menu) stack)) (define $inspector-state (make-fluid (make-inspector-state '() 0 '()))) (define-command-syntax 'inspect "[<exp>]" "invoke the inspector" '(&opt form)) (define-command-syntax 'debug "" "inspect the current continuation" '()) (define (debug) (showing-focus-object (lambda () (set-focus-object! (command-continuation)))) (inspect)) (define (inspect . maybe-exp) (if (not (null? maybe-exp)) (with-limited-output (lambda () (showing-focus-object (lambda () (evaluate-and-select (car maybe-exp) (environment-for-commands))))))) (let-fluid $inspector-state (make-inspector-state (prepare-menu (focus-object)) 0 '()) (lambda () (present-menu) (let loop () (let ((command (read-command-carefully "inspect: " #f ;command preferred (command-input) inspector-commands))) (cond ((eof-object? command) (newline (command-output)) (unspecific)) ((not command) ; read command error (loop)) (else (with-limited-output (lambda () (execute-inspector-command command))) (loop)))))))) (define (present-menu) (let ((pos+menu (car (fluid $inspector-state)))) (display-menu (cdr pos+menu) (car pos+menu) (command-output)))) (define (new-selection thing stack) (set-fluid! $inspector-state (make-inspector-state (prepare-menu thing) 0 stack))) (define (read-selection-command port) (let ((x (read port))) (if (or (integer? x) (memq x '(u d t))) x (read-command-error port "invalid selection command" x)))) (define selection-command-syntax (list '&rest read-selection-command)) (define (inspector-commands name) (if (integer? name) selection-command-syntax (case name ((? m q) '()) ; no arguments ((u d t) selection-command-syntax) (else #f)))) (define (execute-inspector-command command) (let ((result-before (focus-object)) (state-before (fluid $inspector-state))) (showing-focus-object (lambda () (let ((name (car command))) (if (integer? name) (execute-selection-command command) (case name ((u d t) (execute-selection-command command)) ((m) (inspect-more)) ((q) (abort-to-command-level (car (fluid $command-levels)))) ((?) (inspect-help)) (else (execute-command command))))))) (let ((result-after (focus-object)) (state-after (fluid $inspector-state))) ;; Prepare & display a new menu if we're looking at ;; a new thing. Push old thing on stack only if ;; no one's been futzing with the stack. (if (not (eq? result-after result-before)) (begin (if (eq? state-after state-before) (new-selection result-after (cons result-before (cdr state-before)))) (present-menu)))))) (define (execute-selection-command command) (if (not (null? command)) (let ((name (car command))) (if (integer? name) (let ((menu (cdar (fluid $inspector-state)))) (if (and (>= name 0) (< name (length menu))) (move-to-object! (menu-ref menu name)) (write-line "Invalid choice." (command-output)))) (case name ((u) (pop-inspector-stack)) ((d) (inspect-next-continuation)) ((t) (select-template)) (else (error "bad selection command" name)))) (execute-selection-command (cdr command))))) (define (move-to-object! object) (new-selection object (cons (focus-object) (cdr (fluid $inspector-state)))) (set-focus-object! object)) (define (pop-inspector-stack) (let ((stack (cdr (fluid $inspector-state)))) (if (pair? stack) (begin (new-selection (car stack) (cdr stack)) (set-focus-object! (car stack))) (write-line "Can't go up from here." (command-output))))) (define (inspect-next-continuation) (if (continuation? (focus-object)) (move-to-object! (continuation-parent (focus-object))) (write-line "Can't go down from a non-continuation." (command-output)))) (define (inspect-more) (let* ((state (fluid $inspector-state)) (pos+menu (car state)) (menu (cdr pos+menu)) (position (car pos+menu))) (if (> (length menu) (+ *menu-limit* position)) (let ((position (- (+ position *menu-limit*) 1))) (set-car! pos+menu position) (present-menu)) (write-line "There is no more." (command-output))))) (define (select-template) (move-to-object! (coerce-to-template (focus-object)))) (define (inspect-help) (let ((o-port (command-output))) (for-each (lambda (s) (display s o-port) (newline o-port)) '("q quit" "u up stack (= go to previous object)" "d down stack" "t template" "<form> evaluate a form (## is current object)" "<integer> menu item" "or any command processor command" "multiple u d t <integer> commands can be put on one line")))) (define (menu-ref menu n) (cadr (list-ref menu n))) ; Menus. (define (prepare-menu thing) (cond ((list? thing) (map (lambda (x) (list #f x)) thing)) ((pair? thing) `((car ,(car thing)) (cdr ,(cdr thing)))) ((vector? thing) (prepare-menu (vector->list thing))) ((closure? thing) (prepare-environment-menu (closure-env thing) (get-shape (template-debug-data (closure-template thing)) 0))) ((template? thing) (prepare-menu (template->list thing))) ((continuation? thing) (prepare-continuation-menu thing)) ((record? thing) (prepare-record-menu thing)) ((location? thing) `((id ,(location-id thing)) (contents ,(contents thing)))) ((weak-pointer? thing) `((ref ,(weak-pointer-ref thing)))) (else '()))) (define (template->list template) (do ((i (- (template-length template) 1) (- i 1)) (r '() (cons (template-ref template i) r))) ((< i 0) r))) (define (prepare-continuation-menu thing) (let ((dd (continuation-debug-data thing)) (next (continuation-parent thing))) `(,@(let recur ((c thing)) (if (eq? c next) '() (let ((z (continuation-arg-count c))) (do ((i (- z 1) (- i 1)) (l (recur (continuation-cont c)) (cons (list #f (continuation-arg c i)) l))) ((< i 0) l))))) ,@(prepare-environment-menu (continuation-env thing) (get-shape dd (continuation-pc thing)))))) (define (continuation-debug-data thing) (template-debug-data (continuation-template thing))) (define (prepare-record-menu thing) (let ((rt (record-type thing)) (z (record-length thing))) (if (record-type? rt) (do ((i (- z 1) (- i 1)) (f (reverse (record-type-field-names rt)) (cdr f)) (l '() (cons (list (car f) (record-ref thing i)) l))) ((< i 1) l)) (do ((i (- z 1) (- i 1)) (l '() (cons (list #f (record-ref thing i)) l))) ((< i 0) l))))) (define (prepare-environment-menu env shape) (if (vector? env) (let ((values (rib-values env))) (if (pair? shape) (append (map list (car shape) values) (prepare-environment-menu (vector-ref env 0) (cdr shape))) (append (map (lambda (x) (list #f x)) values) (prepare-environment-menu (vector-ref env 0) shape)))) '())) (define (rib-values env) (let ((z (vector-length env))) (do ((i 1 (+ i 1)) (l '() (cons (if (vector-unassigned? env i) 'unassigned (vector-ref env i)) l))) ((>= i z) l)))) ; Returns a list of proper lists describing the environment in effect ; at the given pc with the given template's code vector. ; ; Entries in the environment-maps table (one per template) have the form ; #(parent-uid pc-in-parent (env-map ...)) ; ; Each environment map (one per let or lambda-expression) has the form ; #(pc-before pc-after (var ...) (env-map ...)) ; ; Cf. procedure (note-environment vars segment) in comp.scm. (define (get-shape dd pc) (if dd (let loop ((emaps (debug-data-env-maps dd)) (shape (get-shape (get-debug-data (debug-data-parent dd)) (debug-data-pc-in-parent dd)))) (if (null? emaps) shape (let ((pc-before (vector-ref (car emaps) 0)) (pc-after (vector-ref (car emaps) 1)) (vars (vector-ref (car emaps) 2)) (more-maps (vector-ref (car emaps) 3))) (if (and (>= pc pc-before) (< pc pc-after)) (loop more-maps (cons (vector->list vars) shape)) (loop (cdr emaps) shape))))) '())) ; Information display (define (display-menu menu start port) (newline port) (let ((thing (focus-object))) (if (continuation? thing) (let ((dd (continuation-debug-data thing))) (if dd (let ((source (assoc (continuation-pc thing) (debug-data-source dd)))) (if source (display-source-info (cdr source)))))))) (let ((menu (list-tail menu start)) (limit (+ start *menu-limit*))) (let loop ((i start) (menu menu)) (with-limited-output (lambda () (cond ((null? menu)) ((and (>= i limit) (not (null? (cdr menu)))) (display " [m] more..." port) (newline port)) (else (let ((item (car menu))) (display " [" port) (write i port) (if (car item) (begin (display ": " port) (write-carefully (car item) port))) (display "] " port) (write-carefully (value->expression (cadr item)) port) (newline port) (loop (+ i 1) (cdr menu)))))))))) (define (display-source-info info) (if (pair? info) (let ((o-port (command-output)) (i (car info)) (exp (cdr info))) (if (and (integer? i) (list? exp)) (begin (display "Waiting for " o-port) (limited-write (list-ref exp i) o-port *write-depth* *write-length*) (newline o-port) (display " in " o-port) (limited-write (append (sublist exp 0 i) (list '^^^) (list-tail exp (+ i 1))) o-port *write-depth* *write-length*) (newline o-port)))))) (define (where-defined thing) (let loop ((dd (template-debug-data (closure-template thing)))) (if (debug-data? dd) (if (string? (debug-data-name dd)) (debug-data-name dd) (loop (debug-data-parent dd))) #f))) (define-command-syntax 'where "[<procedure>]" "show procedure's source file name" '(&opt expression)) (define (where . maybe-exp) (let ((proc (if (null? maybe-exp) (focus-object) (evaluate (car maybe-exp) (environment-for-commands)))) (port (command-output))) (if (procedure? proc) (let ((probe (where-defined proc))) (if probe (display probe port) (display "Source file not recorded" port))) (display "Not a procedure" port)) (newline port))) (define (coerce-to-template obj) ;utility for various commands (cond ((template? obj) obj) ((closure? obj) (closure-template obj)) ((continuation? obj) (continuation-template obj)) (else (error "expected a procedure or continuation" obj))))