%&latex -*- latex -*- \chapter{Todo} {\parindent 0pt The {\LaTeX} hackery needs yet another serious pass. Most importantly, long procedure ``declarations'' need to be broken across two lines. Fix up 0-or-more and 1-or-more parameter typesetting, with subscripts. Parameter subscripts need to be made real subscripts. Job control, after \ex{jcontrol.scm} Static heaps; fast startup. Gnu readline lib. Interrupt system. Make it all coexist with S48 threads as well as can be done for Unix. The DEC SRC tech report gives a good discussion of the issues. Support for file locking: \ex{(lock-file fd op)}, \ex{with-file-locked}, \ldots Testing broken symlinks -- new value for \var{chase?} flag? Interactive flag machinery Rename and release \ex{ensure-file-name-is-\{non,\}directory}. More informative errno exception packets \& documentation for them. Other things should be available: hash tables, sort, list utils, pattern matchers. But things start to overload. The module system is the appropriate way to use these. Support for writing scripts that use the module language. Need calls to control port i/o buffering. Need to do file-control (\ie, \ex{fcntl()}). \ex{fcntl} is ugly. Better to have a procedure for each different operation. Tty stuff and control tty. More documentation for the \ex{wait()} machinery. We need a general time/date parser, that can convert strings like ``Thursday after Christmas'' into date records. }