--*- Mode: Indented-text; -*- scsh: list of bugs and things to do. Last update by BDC on June 1995. Too many things to mention really but... immediate: architecture support (Alpha anyone?) manual: pointers to relevant unix man pages HTML & info versions fdports: rewrite to work with s48 0.39 -also remove post gc vm hack subsystems: a make/build system a replacement for sed TK library: more generally useful code if perl does it, maybe we should look at it -dbm/ndbm sysV shared memory if someone wants it crypt a more winning FORMAT than the s48 one, MIT Scheme? standard syslog stuff configuration: need more system specific code for stdio hacks magic numbers for from c headers should be generated automatically with scsh script... scheme48: dynamicially loadable heaps see also cig below see also the Scheme48 TODO cig: errors/warnings to stderr not stdout portable c structure interface perhaps one day: AFS and file permission bits ,go conversion: sed => scsh find => scsh perl => scsh?