/* To do:
 * - Replace explicit 8/24 splits with macros.
 * - We need to pass the control-chars vecs in as Scheme
 *   strings, and test the length before doing the memcpy.

 * Scheme48/scsh terminal control interface.
 * Routines that require custom C support.
 * Copyright (c) 1995 by Brian D. Carlstrom
 * Re-written by Olin.

#include <unistd.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

/* This #include is for the #ifdef'd code in open_ctty() below, and
** is therefor ifdef'd identically.
#if defined(TIOCSCTTY) && !defined(CIBAUD)
#include <sys/ioctl.h>

#include "tty1.h"	/* Make sure the .h interface agrees with the code. */

extern int errno;


int scheme_tcgetattr(int fd,	     char *control_chars,
		     int *iflag_hi8, int *iflag_lo24,
		     int *oflag_hi8, int *oflag_lo24,
		     int *cflag_hi8, int *cflag_lo24,
		     int *lflag_hi8, int *lflag_lo24,
		     int *ispeed,    int *ospeed)
  struct termios t;
  int result = tcgetattr(fd, &t);
  if (result != -1) {
      memcpy(control_chars, t.c_cc, NCCS);
      *iflag_hi8 =t.c_iflag >> 24; *iflag_lo24=t.c_iflag & 0xffffff;
      *oflag_hi8 =t.c_oflag >> 24; *oflag_lo24=t.c_oflag & 0xffffff;
      *cflag_hi8 =t.c_cflag >> 24; *cflag_lo24=t.c_cflag & 0xffffff;
      *lflag_hi8 =t.c_lflag >> 24; *lflag_lo24=t.c_lflag & 0xffffff;

  return result;


int scheme_tcsetattr(int fd,	    int option,
		     const char *control_chars,
		     int iflag_hi8, int iflag_lo24,
		     int oflag_hi8, int oflag_lo24,
		     int cflag_hi8, int cflag_lo24,
		     int lflag_hi8, int lflag_lo24,
		     int ispeed,    int ospeed,
		     int min,	    int time)
  struct termios t;

  memcpy(t.c_cc, control_chars, NCCS);

  /* This first clause of this conditional test will hopefully
  ** resolve the branch at compile time. However, since VMIN/VEOF
  ** and VTIME/VEOL are allowed by POSIX to colllide, we have to check.
  ** If they do collide, we set EOF & EOL in canonical mode, and MIN & TIME
  ** in raw mode. Ah, Unix.

  if( (VMIN != VEOF && VTIME != VEOL) || !(t.c_lflag & ICANON) ) {
      t.c_cc[VMIN] = min;
      t.c_cc[VTIME] = time;

  t.c_iflag = (iflag_hi8 << 24) | iflag_lo24;
  t.c_oflag = (oflag_hi8 << 24) | oflag_lo24;
  t.c_cflag = (cflag_hi8 << 24) | cflag_lo24;
  t.c_lflag = (lflag_hi8 << 24) | lflag_lo24;

  cfsetispeed(&t, ispeed);
  cfsetospeed(&t, ospeed);

  return tcsetattr(fd, option, &t);


int open_ctty(const char *ttyname, int flags)
    int fd = open(ttyname, flags);

/* The ifdef is tricked by HP-UX, so I'll hardwire it out for now. -Olin */
#if 0
#if defined(TIOCSCTTY) && !defined(CIBAUD)
    fprintf(stderr, "Doing the ioctl.\n");
    /* 4.3+BSD way to acquire control tty. !CIBAUD rules out SunOS.
    ** This code stolen from Steven's *Advanced Prog. in the Unix Env.*
    if( (fd >= 0) && (ioctl(fd, TIOCSCTTY, (char *) 0) < 0) ) {
	int e = errno;
	errno = e;
	return -1;
    return fd;