/*Copyright (c) 1993 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING.*/ /* Implementation of the vm-extension opcode. This is completetly optional; nothing in the standard system uses these features. If you have ANSI C but not POSIX support, try compiling with -DPOSIX=0. fdopen: POSIX.1 getenv: POSIX.1, ANSI C setuid, setgid: POSIX.1 popen: POSIX.2 floating point: POSIX.1, ANSI C (should we be linking with -lM or -lm?) sprintf: POSIX.1, ANSI C atof: POSIX.1, ANSI C chroot: not standard */ #ifndef POSIX # define POSIX 2 #endif #include "sysdep.h" #include "scheme48.h" #include <math.h> #include <signal.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> /* setuid & setgid */ /* #include <fcntl.h> /* for O_RDWR */ #define GREATEST_FIXNUM_VALUE ((1 << 29) - 1) #define LEAST_FIXNUM_VALUE (-1 << 29) #define PORT_INDEX(x) EXTRACT_FIXNUM(STOB_REF(x, 1)) #define FOR_INPUT 1 #define FOR_OUTPUT 2 FILE **port_to_stream(scheme_value); typedef struct { char b[sizeof(double)]; } unaligned_double; typedef union { double f; unaligned_double b; } float_or_bytes; /******************************************/ scheme_value extended_vm (long key, scheme_value value) { double x, y; switch (key) { /* Cases 0 through 19 are reserved for the mobot system. */ case 0: /* read jumpers on 68000 board */ return ENTER_FIXNUM(0); #if defined(SOCKET_SUPPORT) case 20: { extern int internet_stream_socket(); int s = internet_stream_socket(); return (s < 0) ? UNDEFINED : ENTER_FIXNUM(s); } case 21: { extern int socket_bind(int, int); int port = socket_bind(EXTRACT_FIXNUM(value), 0); return (port < 0) ? UNDEFINED : ENTER_FIXNUM(port); } case 22: { extern int socket_accept(int); int fd = socket_accept(EXTRACT_FIXNUM(value)); return (fd < 0) ? UNDEFINED : ENTER_FIXNUM(fd); } case 23: if (!PAIRP(value)) return UNDEFINED; { extern int socket_connect(char *, int); char *hostname = &STRING_REF(CAR(value), 0); long port = EXTRACT_FIXNUM(CDR(value)); int fd; fd = socket_connect(hostname, port); return (fd < 0) ? UNDEFINED : ENTER_FIXNUM(fd); } #endif #if POSIX /* fdopen() support */ case 24: case 25: if (!PAIRP(value)) return UNDEFINED; { scheme_value port = CAR(value); long fd = EXTRACT_FIXNUM(CDR(value)); FILE **pstream = port_to_stream(port); FILE *new_stream; if (pstream == NULL) return UNDEFINED; new_stream = fdopen(fd, key == 24 ? "r" : "w"); if (new_stream == NULL) return UNDEFINED; fclose(*pstream); *pstream = new_stream; return UNSPECIFIC; } #endif /* POSIX */ /* getenv() */ case 26: { scheme_value env_var, result_buffer; char *result; size_t result_len; if (!PAIRP(value)) return UNDEFINED; env_var = CAR(value); result_buffer = CDR(value); if (!STRINGP(env_var) || !STRINGP(result_buffer)) return UNDEFINED; result = getenv(&STRING_REF(env_var, 0)); if (result == NULL) return SCHFALSE; result_len = strlen(result); if (result_len > STRING_LENGTH(result_buffer)) return UNDEFINED; strncpy(&STRING_REF(result_buffer, 0), result, result_len); return ENTER_FIXNUM(result_len); } #if POSIX case 27: { /* This is intended for use by HTTP scripts... */ if (!PAIRP(value) || !FIXNUMP(CAR(value)) || !FIXNUMP(CDR(value))) return UNDEFINED; if (setgid(EXTRACT_FIXNUM(CDR(value))) != 0) { perror("setgid"); return SCHFALSE; } if (setuid(EXTRACT_FIXNUM(CAR(value))) != 0) { perror("setuid"); return SCHFALSE; } else return SCHTRUE; } #endif #if defined(HAVE_CHROOT) case 28: { if (!STRINGP(value)) return UNDEFINED; else if (chroot(&STRING_REF(value, 0)) != 0) { perror("chroot"); return SCHFALSE; } else return SCHTRUE; } #endif #if POSIX >= 2 case 96: { int status; if (!STRINGP(value)) return UNDEFINED; status = system(&STRING_REF(value, 0)); if (status == -1) { perror("chroot"); return UNDEFINED; } else return ENTER_FIXNUM(status); /* cf. waitpid() */ } /* popen() support. Rather kludgey; there's no pclose(), so zombies will pile up. */ case 97: case 98: { if (!PAIRP(value)) return UNDEFINED; { scheme_value port = CAR(value); FILE **pstream = port_to_stream(port); scheme_value command = CDR(value); FILE *new_stream; struct sigaction action; if (pstream == NULL) return UNDEFINED; action.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; action.sa_flags = 0; sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask); sigaction(SIGPIPE, &action, NULL); new_stream = popen(&STRING_REF(command, 0), key == 97 ? "r" : "w"); if (new_stream == NULL) return UNDEFINED; fclose(*pstream); *pstream = new_stream; return SCHTRUE; } } #endif /* POSIX.2 */ /* Floating point */ #define FLOP 100 #define FLOP2(i) case FLOP+(i): \ if (!STOBP(value) || STOB_LLENGTH(value) != 2) \ return UNDEFINED; #define FLOP3(i) case FLOP+(i): \ if (!STOBP(value) || STOB_LLENGTH(value) != 3) \ return UNDEFINED; #define get_arg(args,i) STOB_REF(args,(i)) #define get_string_arg(args,i) (&STRING_REF(get_arg(args,i), 0)) #define get_float_arg(args, i, var) EXTRACT_FLOAT(get_arg(args, i), var) #define set_float_arg(args, i, val) SET_FLOAT(get_arg(args, i), val) #define EXTRACT_FLOAT(stob, var) \ { scheme_value temp_ = (stob); \ float_or_bytes loser_; \ if (!STOBP(temp_)) return UNDEFINED; \ loser_.b = *(unaligned_double*)(&STOB_REF(temp_, 0)); \ (var) = loser_.f; } #define SET_FLOAT(stob, val) \ { scheme_value temp_ = (stob); \ float_or_bytes loser_; \ if (!STOBP(temp_)) return UNDEFINED; \ loser_.f = (double)(val); \ *(unaligned_double*)(&STOB_REF(temp_, 0)) = loser_.b; } FLOP3(0) { get_float_arg(value, 0, x); get_float_arg(value, 1, y); set_float_arg(value, 2, x + y); return UNSPECIFIC;} FLOP3(1) { get_float_arg(value, 0, x); get_float_arg(value, 1, y); set_float_arg(value, 2, x - y); return UNSPECIFIC;} FLOP3(2) { get_float_arg(value, 0, x); get_float_arg(value, 1, y); set_float_arg(value, 2, x * y); return UNSPECIFIC;} FLOP3(3) { get_float_arg(value, 0, x); get_float_arg(value, 1, y); if (y == 0.0) return UNDEFINED; set_float_arg(value, 2, x / y); return UNSPECIFIC;} FLOP2(4) { get_float_arg(value, 0, x); get_float_arg(value, 1, y); return ENTER_BOOLEAN(x == y);} FLOP2(5) { get_float_arg(value, 0, x); get_float_arg(value, 1, y); return ENTER_BOOLEAN(x < y);} FLOP2(6) { /* fixnum->float */ scheme_value arg = get_arg(value, 0); if (!FIXNUMP(arg)) return SCHFALSE; set_float_arg(value, 1, EXTRACT_FIXNUM(arg)); return SCHTRUE;} FLOP2(7) { /* string->float */ char *str = get_string_arg(value, 0); set_float_arg(value, 1, atof(str)); return UNSPECIFIC;} FLOP2(8) { /* float->string */ size_t len; char *str = get_string_arg(value,1); get_float_arg(value, 0, x); sprintf(str, "%g", x); len = strlen(str); if (len > STRING_LENGTH(get_arg(value,1))) /* unlikely but catastrophic */ fprintf(stderr, "printing float: output too long: %s\n", str); return ENTER_FIXNUM(len);} /* exp log sin cos tan asin acos atan sqrt */ FLOP2(9) { get_float_arg(value, 0, x); set_float_arg(value, 1, exp(x)); return UNSPECIFIC;} FLOP2(10) { get_float_arg(value, 0, x); set_float_arg(value, 1, log(x)); return UNSPECIFIC;} FLOP2(11) { get_float_arg(value, 0, x); set_float_arg(value, 1, sin(x)); return UNSPECIFIC;} FLOP2(12) { get_float_arg(value, 0, x); set_float_arg(value, 1, cos(x)); return UNSPECIFIC;} FLOP2(13) { get_float_arg(value, 0, x); set_float_arg(value, 1, tan(x)); return UNSPECIFIC;} FLOP2(14) { get_float_arg(value, 0, x); set_float_arg(value, 1, asin(x)); return UNSPECIFIC;} FLOP2(15) { get_float_arg(value, 0, x); set_float_arg(value, 1, acos(x)); return UNSPECIFIC;} FLOP3(16) { /* atan */ get_float_arg(value, 0, y); get_float_arg(value, 1, x); set_float_arg(value, 2, atan2(y, x)); return UNSPECIFIC;} FLOP2(17) { get_float_arg(value, 0, x); set_float_arg(value, 1, sqrt(x)); return UNSPECIFIC;} FLOP2(18) { /* floor */ get_float_arg(value, 0, x); set_float_arg(value, 1, floor(x)); return UNSPECIFIC;} case FLOP+19: { /* integer? */ EXTRACT_FLOAT(value, x); return ENTER_BOOLEAN(fmod(x, 1.0) == 0.0); } case FLOP+20: { /* float->fixnum */ EXTRACT_FLOAT(value, x); if (x <= (double)GREATEST_FIXNUM_VALUE && x >= (double)LEAST_FIXNUM_VALUE) return ENTER_FIXNUM((long)x); else return SCHFALSE;} FLOP3(21) { /* quotient */ double z; get_float_arg(value, 0, x); get_float_arg(value, 1, y); if (fmod(x, 1.0) != 0.0 || fmod(y, 1.0) != 0.0) return UNDEFINED; if (y == 0.0) return UNDEFINED; z = x / y; set_float_arg(value, 2, z < 0.0 ? ceil(z) : floor(z)); return UNSPECIFIC;} FLOP3(22) { /* remainder */ get_float_arg(value, 0, x); get_float_arg(value, 1, y); if (fmod(x, 1.0) != 0.0 || fmod(y, 1.0) != 0.0) return UNDEFINED; if (y == 0.0) return UNDEFINED; /* "fmod(double x, double y) returns the floating-point remainder (f) of the division of x by y, where f has the same sign as x, such that x=iy+f for some integer i, and |f| < |y|." */ set_float_arg(value, 2, fmod(x, y)); return UNSPECIFIC;} default: return UNDEFINED; } } FILE ** port_to_stream(scheme_value port) { int index; extern FILE **Sopen_portsS; if (!PORTP(port)) return NULL; /* not a port */ index = PORT_INDEX(port); if (index < 0) return NULL; /* port not open */ return &Sopen_portsS[index]; }