; Copyright (c) 1993, 1994 Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING. ; Multitasking ; A thread has: ; - dynamic environment ; - continuation: #f if the thread is current or finished, ; a primitive continuation otherwise. ; - env-for-spawn - initial dynamic environment for threads spawned ; by this thread ; - run status (active, stopped, done) - used only for stop & start ; operations ; - uid - no semantic content. ; Date: Mon, 31 Aug 92 18:17:23 -0400 ; From: "Guillermo J. Rozas" <jinx@martigny.ai.mit.edu> ; ; 1: Instead of requesting a periodic timer interrupt from the system, ; request one-shot interrupts, and re-request at the end of each throw ; (in the argument to within-continuation). Thus the time to "task ; switch" becomes "system time" and each thread gets the full time ; slice. ; Threads (define-record-type thread :thread (really-make-thread dynamic-env continuation env-for-spawn status queue uid name) thread? (dynamic-env thread-dynamic-env) ;Must be first! (See fluid.scm) (continuation thread-continuation set-thread-continuation!) (env-for-spawn thread-env-for-spawn) (status thread-status set-thread-status!) (queue thread-queue set-thread-queue!) (uid thread-uid) (name thread-name)) ;for debugging (define *thread-uid* 0) (define (make-thread thunk env-for-spawn name) (let ((thread (really-make-thread env-for-spawn (compose-continuation (lambda (ignore) (thread-top-level thunk)) #f) env-for-spawn 'stopped runnable-threads *thread-uid* name))) (set! *thread-uid* (+ *thread-uid* 1)) thread)) (define (thread-top-level thunk) (set-enabled-interrupts! all-interrupts) (thunk) (finish-current-thread)) (define (finish-current-thread) (set-enabled-interrupts! no-interrupts) (set-thread-status! (current-thread) 'done) (schedule-thread (another-thread))) ; Spawn a new thread (define (spawn thunk . name-option) (let* ((name (if (null? name-option) #f (car name-option))) (thread (make-thread thunk (thread-env-for-spawn (current-thread)) name))) (start-thread thread) thread)) ; -------------------- ; Scheduler (define runnable-threads (make-queue)) (define (make-ready! thread) (move-to-queue thread runnable-threads)) (define (handle-timer-interrupt ei) ;; Interrupts are disabled at this point (schedule-interrupt *quantum*) ;Allow another one to come along ;; (dispatch) (make-ready! (current-thread)) (switch-to-thread (another-thread)) ;(suspend-this-thread) (set-enabled-interrupts! ei)) (define (suspend-this-thread) ;Call this with interrupts disabled (switch-to-thread (another-thread))) (define (switch-to-thread thread) (primitive-cwcc (lambda (cont) (set-thread-continuation! (current-thread) cont) (schedule-thread thread)))) (define (schedule-thread thread) ;Call with interrupts disabled (set-current-thread! thread) (schedule-interrupt *quantum*) (let ((cont (thread-continuation (current-thread)))) (set-thread-continuation! (current-thread) #f) (with-continuation cont unspecific))) (define (unspecific) (if #f #f)) (define (another-thread) ;Call with interrupts disabled (if (queue-empty? runnable-threads) (begin (signal 'deadlock) (error "no threads to run")) (dequeue runnable-threads))) (define (dispatch) ;Interrupts disabled (make-ready! (current-thread)) (suspend-this-thread)) (define (relinquish-timeslice) (with-interrupts-inhibited dispatch)) ; -------------------- ; Initialization ; (with-multitasking thunk) initializes for multitasking, then starts ; up a thread for the execution of thunk. That thread and all others ; created will run in the dynamic context of the call to ; with-multitasking. The call to with-multitasking finally returns ; only when the scheduler runs out of things to do. (define interrupt/alarm (enum interrupt alarm)) (define (with-multitasking thunk) (set! runnable-threads (make-queue)) (set! *quantum* (quotient one-second 2)) (with-interrupts-inhibited (lambda () (let ((swap! (let ((save handle-timer-interrupt)) (lambda () (schedule-interrupt 0) ;Turn off alarm (let ((temp (vector-ref interrupt-handlers interrupt/alarm))) (vector-set! interrupt-handlers interrupt/alarm save) (set! save temp)))))) (dynamic-wind swap! (lambda () (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (deadlock) (with-handler (lambda (c punt) (if (deadlock? c) (deadlock 0) (punt))) (lambda () (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (terminate) (with-handler (lambda (c punt) (if (terminate? c) (terminate 0) (punt))) (lambda () ;; Schedule-thread never returns. (schedule-thread (make-thread thunk (get-dynamic-env) 'initial)))))) ;; Interrupts enabled here, probably (finish-current-thread)))))) swap!))))) (define-condition-type 'terminate '()) (define terminate? (condition-predicate 'terminate)) (define-condition-type 'deadlock '()) (define deadlock? (condition-predicate 'deadlock)) (define *quantum* #f) (define no-interrupts 0) ; -------------------- ; Random operations: start, stop, kill, interrupt (define (terminate-current-thread) (signal 'terminate) (error "can't terminate current thread") 0) ;suppress compiler warning (define (start-thread thread) (if (thread? thread) (with-interrupts-inhibited (lambda () (if (eq? (thread-status thread) 'stopped) (begin (set-thread-status! thread 'active) (move-to-queue (current-thread) runnable-threads) (switch-to-thread thread) #t) (eq? (thread-status thread) 'active)))) (call-error "invalid argument" start-thread thread))) (define (stop-thread thread) (if (thread? thread) (with-interrupts-inhibited (lambda () (if (eq? (thread-status thread) 'active) (let ((q (thread-queue thread))) (if q (delete-from-queue! q thread)) (set-thread-status! thread 'stopped) (if (eq? thread (current-thread)) (suspend-this-thread)) #t) (eq? (thread-status thread) 'stopped)))) (call-error "invalid argument" stop-thread thread))) (define (kill-thread thread) (interrupt-thread thread terminate-current-thread)) (define (interrupt-thread thread thunk) (if (thread? thread) (with-interrupts-inhibited (lambda () (cond ((eq? thread (current-thread)) (thunk)) ((stop-thread thread) (set-thread-queue! thread runnable-threads) (set-thread-continuation! thread (compose-continuation (lambda (ignore) (thunk)) (or (thread-continuation thread) (error "this shouldn't happen" thread)))) (start-thread thread)) (else #f)))) (call-error "invalid argument" interrupt-thread thread))) (define (move-to-queue thread q) (set-thread-queue! thread q) (enqueue q thread)) ; -------------------- ; Locks (= semaphores) (define-record-type lock :lock (really-make-lock owner queue uid) lock? (owner lock-owner set-lock-owner!) (queue lock-queue) (uid lock-uid)) (define *lock-uid* 0) (define (make-lock) (let ((uid *lock-uid*)) (set! *lock-uid* (+ uid 1)) (really-make-lock #f (make-queue) uid))) (define (obtain-lock lock) ;Interrupts enabled (if (lock? lock) (with-interrupts-inhibited (lambda () (let loop () (if (let ((owner (lock-owner lock))) (and owner (not (eq? owner (current-thread))) (not (eq? (thread-status owner) 'done)))) (begin (move-to-queue (current-thread) (lock-queue lock)) (suspend-this-thread) (loop)) (set-lock-owner! lock (current-thread)))))) (call-error "invalid argument" obtain-lock lock))) (define (release-lock lock) ;Interrupts enabled (if (eq? (lock-owner lock) (current-thread)) (with-interrupts-inhibited (lambda () (set-lock-owner! lock #f) (if (not (queue-empty? (lock-queue lock))) (begin (make-ready! (current-thread)) (switch-to-thread (dequeue (lock-queue lock))))))))) (define (with-lock lock thunk) ;Interrupts enabled (if (eq? (lock-owner lock) (current-thread)) (thunk) (dynamic-wind (lambda () (obtain-lock lock)) thunk (lambda () (release-lock lock))))) ; -------------------- ; Condition variables (single-assignment cells) (define-record-type condvar :condvar (really-make-condvar queue id) condvar? (queue condvar-queue set-condvar-queue!) ; #f means it has been set (value condvar-value set-condvar-value!) (id condvar-id)) (define (make-condvar . id-option) (really-make-condvar (make-queue) (if (null? id-option) #f (car id-option)))) (define (condvar-ref condvar) ;Interrupts enabled (if (condvar? condvar) (with-interrupts-inhibited (lambda () (let loop () (if (condvar-queue condvar) (begin (move-to-queue (current-thread) (condvar-queue condvar)) (suspend-this-thread) (loop)) (condvar-value condvar))))) (call-error "invalid argument" condvar-ref condvar))) (define (condvar-set! condvar value) ;Interrupts enabled (if (condvar? condvar) (if (with-interrupts-inhibited (lambda () (let ((q (condvar-queue condvar))) (if q (begin (set-condvar-value! condvar value) (set-condvar-queue! condvar #f) (if (queue-empty? q) #f (let ((first (dequeue q))) (let loop () (if (queue-empty? q) (begin (make-ready! (current-thread)) (switch-to-thread first) #f) (begin (make-ready! (dequeue q)) (loop))))))) ;; OK to store the same value twice. (not (eq? value (condvar-value condvar))))))) (error "condition variable is already assigned" (condvar-value condvar) value)) (call-error "invalid argument" condvar-set! condvar value))) (define (kill-condvar condvar) (for-each kill-thread (with-interrupts-inhibited (lambda () (if (condvar-queue condvar) (queue->list (condvar-queue condvar)) '()))))) ; -------------------- ; Input (define (thread-read-char port) (with-interrupts-inhibited (lambda () (let loop () (if (char-ready? port) (read-char port) (begin (dispatch) (loop))))))) (define (thread-peek-char port) (with-interrupts-inhibited (lambda () (let loop () (if (char-ready? port) (peek-char port) (begin (dispatch) (loop))))))) ; -------------------- ; Silliness (define (active-threads) ;debugging utility (with-interrupts-inhibited (lambda () (queue->list runnable-threads)))) (define-record-discloser :thread (lambda (thread) (cons 'thread (cons (thread-uid thread) (let ((name (thread-name thread))) (if name (list name) '())))))) ;(put 'with-interrupts-inhibited 'scheme-indent-hook 0) ;(put 'with-handler 'scheme-indent-hook 1)