; Copyright (c) 1993, 1994 Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING. ; PACkage-manipulation comMANds (add-sentinel! package-system-sentinel) (define (set-environment-for-commands! p) (set-interaction-environment! p) ;; (set-command-level-env! (command-level) p) ) (define user-environment (user-context-accessor 'user-environment interaction-environment)) (define set-user-environment! (user-context-modifier 'user-environment)) (define-command-syntax 'in "<struct> [<command>]" "go to package, or execute single command in package" '(name &opt command)) (define (in name . maybe-command) (if (and (not (null? maybe-command)) (command-just-evaluates-symbol? (car maybe-command))) (set-focus-object! (environment-ref (really-get-package name) (cadr (car maybe-command)))) (in-package (get-package name) maybe-command))) (define (command-just-evaluates-symbol? command) (and (pair? command) (not (car command)) (symbol? (cadr command)))) (define-command-syntax 'new-package "" "make and enter a new package" '()) (define (new-package) (let ((p (make-simple-package (list (get-structure 'scheme)) #t ;unstable? (get-reflective-tower (user-environment)) #f))) (set-package-integrate?! p (package-integrate? (environment-for-commands))) (set-environment-for-commands! p))) (define (get-reflective-tower env) ;Returns promise of (eval . env) (reflective-tower (if (package? env) (package->environment env) env))) ;Mumble ; load-package (define-command-syntax 'load-package "<struct>" "load package's source code" '(name)) (define (load-package name) (ensure-loaded (get-structure name))) (define-command-syntax 'reload-package "<struct>" "load package's source code again" '(name)) (define (reload-package name) (let ((s (get-structure name))) (set-package-loaded?! (structure-package s) #f) (ensure-loaded s))) (define-command-syntax 'structure "<name> <interface>" "create new structure over the current package" '(name expression)) (define (structure name interface-expression) (let* ((c (config-package)) (p (environment-for-commands)) (s (make-structure p (lambda () (evaluate interface-expression c)) name))) ;; (check-structure s) (environment-define! c name s))) (define-command-syntax 'open "<struct> ..." "open a structure" '(&rest name)) (define (open . names) (for-each (lambda (name) (let* ((c (config-package)) (thunk (lambda () (environment-ref c name))) (probe (thunk))) (if (structure? probe) (if (ensure-loaded-query probe) (package-open! (environment-for-commands) thunk) (error "structure not loaded" name)) (error "not a structure" name)))) names)) (define (ensure-loaded-query struct) (let ((p (structure-package struct))) (cond ((or (package-loaded? p) (and (null? (package-clauses p)) (every (lambda (struct) (package-loaded? (structure-package struct))) (package-opens p)))) #t) ((or (batch-mode?) (y-or-n? (string-append "Load structure " (symbol->string (structure-name struct))) #f)) (ensure-loaded struct) #t) (else #f)))) (define-command-syntax 'for-syntax "[<command>]" "go to current package's package for syntax" '(&opt command)) (define (for-syntax . maybe-command) (in-package (cdr (force (get-reflective-tower (environment-for-commands)))) maybe-command)) ; ,user goes to the user initial environment. (define-command-syntax 'user "[<command>]" "go to user package" '(&opt command)) (define (user . maybe-command) (in-package (user-environment) maybe-command)) (define-command-syntax 'user-package-is "[<struct>]" "designate user package (for ,user command)" '(&opt name)) (define (user-package-is . name-option) (set-user-environment! (if (null? name-option) (environment-for-commands) (get-package (car name-option))))) (define set-user-environment! (user-context-modifier 'user-environment)) ; Configuration package (should there be ,load-config as well?) (define-command-syntax 'config "[<command>]" "go to configuration package" '(&opt command)) (define (config . maybe-command) (in-package (config-package) maybe-command)) (define-command-syntax 'config-package-is "<struct>" "designate configuration package" '(name)) (define (config-package-is name) (set-config-package! (get-package name))) ; ,exec goes to the exec initial environment. (define-command-syntax 'exec "[<command>]" "go to command execution package" '(&opt command)) (define (exec . maybe-command) (in-package (user-command-environment) maybe-command)) ; ,undefine foo removes definition of foo from current package. (define-command-syntax 'undefine "<name>" "remove definition" '(name)) (define (undefine name) (package-undefine! (interaction-environment) name)) ; -------------------- ; Auxiliaries for package commands (define (in-package p maybe-command) (if (null? maybe-command) (set-environment-for-commands! p) (with-interaction-environment p (lambda () (let ((command (car maybe-command))) (if (procedure? command) (command) (execute-command (car maybe-command)))))))) (define config-package (user-context-accessor 'config-package user-environment)) (define set-config-package! (user-context-modifier 'config-package)) (define (get-package name) (let ((p (really-get-package name))) (if (package-unstable? p) p (error "read-only structure" p)))) (define (really-get-package name) (let ((s (get-structure name))) (ensure-loaded-query s) (structure-package s))) (define (get-structure name) (let ((thing (environment-ref (config-package) name))) (cond ((structure? thing) thing) (else (error "not a structure" name thing))))) ; Main entry point, with package setup. (define (new-command-processor info commands built-in . meta-structs) ;; Argument to ,build command (lambda (arg) (call-with-values (lambda () (new-user-context commands built-in meta-structs)) (lambda (context env) (with-interaction-environment env (lambda () (start-command-processor arg context ;; env (lambda () (greet-user info))))))))) (define (new-user-context commands built-in meta-structs) (let* ((tower (make-reflective-tower eval (list (*structure-ref built-in 'scheme)) 'user)) (user (make-user-package built-in tower)) (config-package (make-config-package 'config tower built-in meta-structs)) (exec-package (make-exec-package commands tower built-in))) (values (make-user-context (lambda () (set-user-environment! user) (set-config-package! config-package) (set-user-command-environment! exec-package))) user))) ; User package (define (make-user-package built-in tower) (let* ((scheme-structure (*structure-ref built-in 'scheme)) (user (make-simple-package (list scheme-structure) #t ;unstable? tower 'user))) (set-package-integrate?! user #f) (environment-define! user 'access-scheme-48 access-scheme-48) user)) (define (access-scheme-48 name) ;For PSD and SLIB, ugh. (case name ((error) error) ((ascii->char) ascii->char) ((force-output) force-output) ((error-output-port) error-output-port) (else (call-error "unrecognized name" access-scheme-48 name)))) ; Configuration package (define (make-config-package name tower built-in meta-structs) (let* ((module-system (*structure-ref built-in 'module-system)) (config (make-simple-package (cons module-system (append meta-structs (list built-in))) #t ;unstable? tower name))) (set-reflective-tower-maker! config (lambda (clauses id) (if (null? clauses) tower ;? (delay (let ((p (eval `(a-package ((for-syntax ,id)) ,@clauses) config))) (really-ensure-loaded (and (not (batch-mode?)) (current-output-port)) (make-structure p (lambda () (make-simple-interface #f '())) 'for-syntax)) (cons eval p)))))) config)) ; Exec package (define (make-exec-package commands tower built-in) (make-simple-package (list commands (*structure-ref built-in 'scheme)) #t ;unstable? tower 'exec)) ; for prompt string (define-method &environment-id-string ((env :package)) (if (eq? env (user-environment)) "" (if (symbol? (package-name env)) (symbol->string (package-name env)) (number->string (package-uid env))))) (define user-environment (user-context-accessor 'user-environment interaction-environment)) ; Extract a package-specific evaluator from a package. Eventually, it ; would be nice if load, eval-from-file, eval-scanned-forms, and ; perhaps other things were also generic over different kinds of ; environments. (define funny-name/evaluator (string->symbol ".evaluator.")) (define (set-package-evaluator! p evaluator) (package-define-funny! p funny-name/evaluator evaluator)) (define (package-evaluator p) (or (get-funny (package->environment p) funny-name/evaluator) eval)) (define-method &evaluate (form (env :package)) ((package-evaluator env) form env))