(define *env* (unassigned)) (define (current-env) *env*) (define (set-current-env! env) (set! *env* env)) ; Access to environment slots (define env-ref vm-vector-ref) (define env-set! vm-vector-set!) (define (env-parent env) (env-ref env 0)) (define (set-env-parent! env x) (env-set! env 0 x)) (define (env-back env back) ;Resembles NTHCDR (do ((env env (env-parent env)) (i back (- i 1))) ((= i 0) env))) ; Making new environments ; How much heap space we will need. (define (stack-env-space count) (+ 2 count)) (define (pop-args-into-env count key) (check-stack-cons (stack-env-space count) key) (push *env*) (push (make-header (enum stob vector) (cells->bytes (+ count 1)))) (add-env-stats count) (set! *env* (address->stob-descriptor (addr1+ (addr1+ *stack*))))) ; Alternative method for making environments - put the values into the heap. (define (heap-env-space count) (+ count 2)) ; header + superior environment (define (pop-args-into-heap-env count key) (let ((stob (make-d-vector (enum stob vector) (+ count 1) key))) (copy-cells! (addr1+ *stack*) (addr+ (cells->a-units 1) (address-after-header stob)) count) (stack-add (- 0 count)) (vm-vector-set! stob 0 *env*) (set! *env* stob))) ; Migrate the current environment to the heap. Used when creating a closure. ; CURRENT-ENV-SIZE size is conservative. (define (current-env-size) (if (within-stack? *env*) (stack-size) 0)) ; This is what the interpreter calls when it needs to put the current ; environment in a closure. (define (preserve-current-env key) (preserve-current-env-with-reason key (enum copy closure))) (define (preserve-current-env-with-reason key reason) (if (within-stack? *env*) (set! *env* (save-env-in-heap *env* *cont* key reason))) *env*) ; 1) Copy ENV and its ancestors into heap, adding forwarding pointers ; 2) Go down the continuation chain updating the env pointers ; ; This code depends on continuation-cont pointers not crossing environment ; parent pointers on the stack. (define (save-env-in-heap env cont key reason) (let ((top (copy-env env key reason))) (let loop ((env top)) (cond ((within-stack? (env-parent env)) (let ((new (copy-env (env-parent env) key reason))) (set-env-parent! env new) (loop new))))) (let loop ((cont cont)) (let ((env (continuation-env cont))) (cond ((and (stob? env) (stob? (stob-header env))) (set-continuation-env! cont (stob-header env)) (loop (continuation-cont cont)))))) top)) (define (copy-env env key reason) (let ((new (copy-stob env key))) (add-copy-env-stats env reason) (stob-header-set! env new) new))