/* Posix time support for scsh.
** Copyright (c) 1994 by Olin Shivers.

** This code is so marked.
** The source code is also conditionalised by three #ifdef feature macros:
**   The char *tzname[2] global variable is POSIX. Everyone provides
**   it...except some "classic" versions of SunOS that we still care about
**   running (People in LCS/AI refuse to switch to Solaris). So, we kluge
**   around not having it.
**   Some systems (NetBSD, NeXTSTEP, Solaris) have a non-standard field in the
**   tm struct, the tm_gmtoff field. localtime() sets it to the offset from
**   UTC for the current time. If you have this field, it is trivial to
**   compute the the UTC time zone offset. If you have a strict POSIX system,
**   and don't have it, then the offset can be computed with a slower
**   technique.
** NeXT
**   The presence of this feature macro means that, basically, you are
**   screwed, and should go download yourself a real Unix system off the
**   Net. For free.
**   More specifically, it means that (1) the presence of the strftime()
**   function will cause the whole system build to die at link time,
**   when compiled with the -posix flag. (NeXT bug #59098) There is no fix
**   for this as of November 1994.  Thanks, guys.
**   We handle this problem by abandoning ship. When compiled under NeXT, 
**   your time zone is always computed to be the empty string.
**   The other problem is that (2) NeXT's mktime() procedure pays attention
**   to the gmt_offset field of the tm struct you give it, instead of
**   the $TZ environment variable. So there is no way to convert a date
**   to a time without knowing in advance what the UTC offset is in seconds.
**   This screws up scsh's DATE->TIME procedure.

#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "sysdep.h"
#include "cstuff.h"
#include "time1.h"	/* Make sure the .h interface agrees with the code. */

extern char **environ;

/* To work in the UTC time zone, do "environ = utc_env;". */
static char *utc_env[] = {"TZ=UCT0", 0};

extern char *tzname[];	/* Why isn't this defined in time.h? */

/* These two functions allow you to temporarily override
** the current time zone with one of your choice. make_newenv()
** takes a time zone string as an argument, and constructs a Unix environ
** vector with a single entry: "TZ=<zone>". You pass the new environ vector
** as an argument. It installs the new environment, and returns the old
** one. You can later pass the old environment back to revert_env()
** to reinstall the old environment and free up malloc'd storage.
** On error, make_newenv returns NULL.

static char **make_newenv(scheme_value zone, char *newenv[2])
    int zonelen = STRING_LENGTH(zone);
    char **oldenv = environ,
         *tz = Malloc(char, 4+zonelen);
    if( !tz ) return NULL;
    strcpy(tz, "TZ=");
    strncpy(tz+3, &STRING_REF(zone,0), zonelen);
    tz[zonelen+3] = '\0';
    newenv[0] = tz;
    newenv[1] = NULL;

    environ = newenv;	/* Install it. */
    return oldenv;

static void revert_env(char **old_env)
    char *tz = *environ;
    environ = old_env;


/* Sux because it's dependent on 32-bitness. */
#define hi8(i)  (((i)>>24) & 0xff)
#define lo24(i) ((i) & 0xffffff)
#define comp8_24(hi, lo) (((hi)<<24) + (lo))

scheme_value scheme_time(int *hi_secs, int *lo_secs)
    time_t t;
    errno = 0;
    t = time(NULL);
    if( t == -1 && errno ) return ENTER_FIXNUM(errno);
    *hi_secs = hi8(t);
    *lo_secs = lo24(t);
    return SCHFALSE;

/* Zone:
**   #f		Local time
**   int	Offset from GMT in seconds.
**   string	Time zone understood by OS.
scheme_value time2date(int hi_secs, int lo_secs, scheme_value zone,
		       int *sec, int *min, int *hour,
		       int *mday, int *month, int *year,
		       const char **tz_name, int *tz_secs,
		       int *summer,
		       int *wday, int *yday)
    time_t t = comp8_24(hi_secs, lo_secs);
    struct tm d;

    if( FIXNUMP(zone) ) {			/* Offset from GMT in secs. */
	int offset = EXTRACT_FIXNUM(zone);
	t += EXTRACT_FIXNUM(zone);
	d = *gmtime(&t);
	*tz_name = NULL;
	*tz_secs = offset;
    else {
	char *newenv[2], **oldenv = NULL;

	if( STRINGP(zone) ) {			/* Time zone */
	    oldenv = make_newenv(zone, newenv); 	/* Install new TZ. */
	    if( !oldenv ) return ENTER_FIXNUM(errno);	/* Error installing. */
	    d = *localtime(&t);			   	/* Do it. */
	else					/* Local time */
	    d = *localtime(&t);

	/* This little chunk of code copies the calculated time zone into
	** a malloc'd buffer and assigns it to *tz_name. It's a little
	** complicated because we have to clean up after detecting an
	** error w/o walking on errno.
	** The time zone has to be stashed into a malloc'd buffer because
	** when revert_env resets to the original time zone, it will
	** overwrite the static buffer tzname. We have to copy it out before
	** that happens.
	{ int error = 0;
	  char *zone = d.tm_zone; /* Hack it for SunOS. */
	  char *zone = tzname[d.tm_isdst];
	  char *newzone = Malloc(char, 1+strlen(zone));
	  *tz_name = newzone;
	  if( newzone ) strcpy(newzone, zone);
	  else error = errno;
	  if( oldenv ) revert_env(oldenv);		/* Revert TZ & env. */

	  if( !newzone ) return ENTER_FIXNUM(error);

	/* Calculate the time-zone offset in seconds from UTC. */
	*tz_secs = d.tm_gmtoff;
	{ struct tm dcopy = d;
	  char **oldenv = environ;			/* Set TZ to UTC     */
	  environ=utc_env;				/* time temporarily. */
	  tzset(); /* NetBSD, SunOS POSIX-noncompliance requires this. */
	  dcopy.tm_isdst = 0;
	  *tz_secs = mktime(&dcopy) - t;	/* mktime() may mung dcopy. */

    *sec  = d.tm_sec;	*min   = d.tm_min;	*hour   = d.tm_hour;
    *mday = d.tm_mday;	*month = d.tm_mon;	*year   = d.tm_year;
    *wday = d.tm_wday;	*yday  = d.tm_yday;	*summer = d.tm_isdst;
    return SCHFALSE;

/* Oops
** There's a fundamental problem with the Posix mktime() function used below
** -- it's error return value (-1) is also a valid return value, for date
**     11:59:00 UTC, 12/31/1969
** 1. We choose to err on the paranoid side. If mktime() returns -1, it is
**    considered an error.
** 2. If we return an error, we try to return a useful errno value, if we can.
** Who designed this interface?

scheme_value date2time(int sec, int min, int hour,
		       int mday, int month, int year,
		       scheme_value tz_name, scheme_value tz_secs,
		       int summer,
		       int *hi_secs, int *lo_secs)
    time_t t;
    struct tm d;

    d.tm_sec  = sec;	d.tm_min  = min;	d.tm_hour  = hour;
    d.tm_mday = mday;	d.tm_mon  = month;	d.tm_year  = year;
    d.tm_wday = 0;	d.tm_yday = 0;		d.tm_isdst = summer;

    if( FIXNUMP(tz_secs) ) {		/* Offset from GMT in seconds. */
	char **oldenv = environ;			/* Set TZ to UTC     */
	environ = utc_env;				/* time temporarily. */
	tzset(); /* NetBSD, SunOS POSIX-noncompliance requires this. */
	d.tm_isdst = 0; /* FreeBSD, at least, needs this or it sulks. */
	errno = 0;
	t = mktime(&d);
	/* t == -1 => you probably have an error. */
	if( t == -1 ) return ENTER_FIXNUM(errno ? errno : -1);
	t -= EXTRACT_FIXNUM(tz_secs);
	environ = oldenv;

    else if( STRINGP(tz_name) ) {	/* Time zone */
	char *newenv[2];
	char **oldenv = make_newenv(tz_name, newenv);
	if( !oldenv ) return ENTER_FIXNUM(errno);
	tzset(); /* NetBSD, SunOS POSIX-noncompliance requires this. */
	errno = 0;
	t = mktime(&d);
	if( t == -1 ) return ENTER_FIXNUM(errno ? errno : -1);

    else {				/* Local time */
	tzset(); /* NetBSD, SunOS POSIX-noncompliance requires this. */
	errno = 0;
	t = mktime(&d);
	if( t == -1) return ENTER_FIXNUM(errno ? errno : -1);

    *hi_secs = hi8(t);
    *lo_secs = lo24(t);
    return SCHFALSE;

** This code doesn't work under NeXTSTEP.  I have cleverly #included the
** critical call to strftime() out for NeXT. This is because the compiler
** blows up on Posix compiles involving strftime(). Go figure.

/* It's disgusting how long and tortuous this function is, just
** to interface to the strftime() function. -Olin
** There's a weird screw case this code is careful to handle. Exhibiting
** classic Unix design (we use the term loosely), strftime()'s error
** return (0) is also a legal return value for some boundary cases.
** For example, if the format string is empty, or it is "%Z" and
** the time-zone is not available, then the result string is 0 chars long.
** We distinguish this case by suffixing an "x" to the format string,
** and flushing the last char in the formatted result.
** Don't consider *prefixing* an "x" instead, because then you'd
** probably pass back &result[1] to skip the x, and that would lose --
** the guy we are handing the string to will later pass it to free(),
** so we can't pass back a pointer to anything other than the very front
** of the block.
** Professional programmers sacrifice their pride that others may live.
** Why me? Why Unix?
scheme_value format_date(const char *fmt, int sec, int min, int hour,
			 int mday, int month, int year,
			 scheme_value tz, int summer,
			 int week_day, int year_day,
			 const char **ans)
    struct tm d;
    int fmt_len = strlen(fmt);
    char *fmt2 = Malloc(char, 2+2*fmt_len); /* 1 extra for prefixed "x" char.*/
    int target_len = 1; 	/* 1 for the prefixed "x" char. Ugh. */
    int zone = 0; 		/* Are we using the time-zone? */
    char *q, *target;
    const char *p;
    char *newenv[2], **oldenv = NULL;
    int result_len;
    *ans = NULL;	/* In case we error out. */
    if( !fmt2 ) return ENTER_FIXNUM(errno);

    d.tm_sec  = sec;		d.tm_min  = min;	d.tm_hour  = hour;
    d.tm_mday = mday;		d.tm_mon  = month;	d.tm_year  = year;
    d.tm_wday = week_day;	d.tm_yday = year_day;	d.tm_isdst = summer;

    /* Copy fmt -> fmt2, converting ~ escape codes to % escape codes.
    ** Set zone=1 if fmt has a ~Z.
    ** Build up an estimate of how large the target buffer needs to be.
    ** The length calculation is not required to be accurate.
    for(q=fmt2, p=fmt; *p; p++) {
	if( *p != '~' ) {
	    *q++ = *p;
	    if( *p == '%' ) *q++ = '%';	/* Percents get doubled. */
	else {
	    char c = *++p;
	    if( ! c ) {
		return SCHTRUE;	/* % has to be followed by something. */
	    else if( c == '~' ) {
		*q++ = '~';
	    else {
		*q++ = '%';
		*q++ = c;
		switch (c) {
		    case 'a': target_len += 3;  break;
		    case 'A': target_len += 9;  break;
		    case 'b': target_len += 3;  break;
		    case 'B': target_len += 9;  break;
		    case 'c': target_len += 10; break;	/* wtf */
		    case 'd': target_len += 2;  break;
		    case 'H': target_len += 2;  break;
		    case 'I': target_len += 2;  break;
		    case 'j': target_len += 3;  break;
		    case 'm': target_len += 2;  break;
		    case 'M': target_len += 2;  break;
		    case 'p': target_len += 2;  break;
		    case 'S': target_len += 2;  break;
		    case 'U': target_len += 2;  break;
		    case 'w': target_len += 1;  break;
		    case 'W': target_len += 2;  break;
		    case 'x': target_len += 10; break;	/* wtf */
		    case 'X': target_len += 10; break;	/* wtf */
		    case 'y': target_len += 2;  break;
		    case 'Y': target_len += 4;  break;
		    case 'Z': target_len += 6;  zone++; break;
		         target_len += 5; break;	/* wtf */
    *q++ = 'x'; *q = '\0'; /* Append the guard "x" suffix and nul-terminate. */

    /* Fix up the time-zone if it is being used and the user passed one in. */
    if( zone && STRINGP(tz) ) {
	oldenv = make_newenv(tz, newenv);
	if( !oldenv ) {
	    int err = errno;
	    return ENTER_FIXNUM(err);

    /* Call strftime with increasingly larger buffers until the result fits. */
    target = Malloc(char, target_len);
    if( !target ) goto lose; /* Alloc lost. */
#ifndef NeXT
    while( !(result_len=strftime(target, target_len, fmt2, &d)) ) {
	target_len *= 2;
	target = Realloc(char, target, target_len);
	if( !target ) goto lose;
    target[result_len-1] = '\0'; /* Flush the trailing "x". */
    *ans = target;
    if( oldenv ) revert_env(oldenv);
    return SCHFALSE;

    /* We lost trying to allocate space for the strftime() target buffer. */
    {int err = errno;
     if( oldenv ) revert_env(oldenv); /* Clean up */
     return ENTER_FIXNUM(err);

#if 0
/* This is a kludge one can use should the tzname variable
** not be present on the system. Only SunOS is broken this way,
** and it has a non-standard alternative we can use for this application.
** So this code is commented out.
** tzname_loser(int dst) returns a string containing the current time zone
** for loser OS's. The string is statically allocated. If the time zone
** is longer than some hidden, arbitrary length, the function simply
** returns the empty string. It is a workaround for tzname[dp->tm_isdst].
char *tzname_loser(struct tm *dp)
    static char buf[1024];
    return strftime(buf, 1024, "x%Z", dp) ? buf+1 : "";

/* clear errno before mktime() and time(), if -1 ret, return errno.
**     This is defined to work under HP-UX at least; 
**     other man pages are silent.
** gettimeofday() returns -1/errno
** localtime() & gmtime() don't error.