; Copyright (c) 1993, 1994 Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING. ; Rudimentary type reconstruction, hardly worthy of the name. ; Currently, NODE-TYPE is called in two places. One is to determine ; the type of the right-hand side of a DEFINE for a variable that is ; never assigned, so uses of the variable can be checked later. The ; other is when compiling a call, to check types of arguments and ; produce warning messages. ; This is heuristic, to say the least. It's not clear what the right ; interface or formalism is for Scheme; I'm still experimenting. ; Obviously we can't do Hindley-Milner inference. Not only does ; Scheme have subtyping, but it also has dependent types up the wazoo. ; For example, the following is perfectly correct Scheme: ; ; (define (foo x y) (if (even? x) (car y) (vector-ref y 3))) (define (node-type node env) ;; Ignore env, since we don't ever call CLASSIFY or LOOKUP. (reconstruct node 'fast any-values-type)) (define (reconstruct-type node env) (reconstruct node '() any-values-type)) (define (reconstruct node constrained want-type) (cond ((node? node) ((operator-table-ref reconstructors (node-operator-id node)) node constrained want-type)) ((pair? node) any-values-type) ((name? node) value-type) (else (constant-type node)))) (define reconstructors (make-operator-table (lambda (node constrained want-type) (reconstruct-call node constrained want-type)))) (define (define-reconstructor name type proc) (operator-define! reconstructors name type proc)) (define-reconstructor 'lambda syntax-type (lambda (node constrained want-type) (if (eq? constrained 'fast) any-procedure-type (let ((form (node-form node)) (var-nodes (node-ref node 'var-nodes)) (want-result (careful-codomain want-type))) (let ((formals (cadr form))) (if var-nodes (let* ((alist (map (lambda (node) (cons node value-type)) var-nodes)) ;; We can't do (append alist constrained) because the ;; lambda might not be called... (cod (reconstruct-body (cddr form) alist want-result))) (procedure-type (if (n-ary? formals) any-values-type ;lose (make-some-values-type (map cdr alist))) cod #t)) (procedure-type (if (n-ary? formals) any-values-type ;lose (make-some-values-type (map (lambda (f) value-type) formals))) (reconstruct-body (cddr form) constrained want-result) #t))))))) (define (careful-codomain proc-type) (if (procedure-type? proc-type) (procedure-type-codomain proc-type) any-values-type)) (define (reconstruct-body body constrained want-type) (if (null? (cdr body)) (reconstruct (car body) constrained want-type) any-values-type)) (define operator/name (get-operator 'name)) (define-reconstructor 'name 'leaf (lambda (node constrained want-type) (if (eq? constrained 'fast) (reconstruct-name node) (let ((z (assq node constrained))) (if z (let ((type (meet-type (cdr z) want-type))) (begin (set-cdr! z type) type)) (reconstruct-name node)))))) (define (reconstruct-name node) (let ((probe (node-ref node 'binding))) (if (binding? probe) (let ((t (binding-type probe))) (cond ((variable-type? t) (variable-value-type t)) ((subtype? t value-type) t) (else value-type))) value-type))) (define (reconstruct-call node constrained want-type) (let* ((form (node-form node)) (op-type (reconstruct (car form) constrained (procedure-type any-arguments-type want-type #f))) (args (cdr form)) (lose (lambda () (for-each (lambda (arg) (examine arg constrained value-type)) args)))) (if (procedure-type? op-type) (begin (if (restrictive? op-type) (let loop ((args args) (dom (procedure-type-domain op-type))) (if (not (or (null? args) (empty-rail-type? dom))) (begin (examine (car args) constrained (head-type dom)) (loop (cdr args) (tail-type dom))))) (lose)) (procedure-type-codomain op-type)) (begin (lose) any-values-type)))) (define-reconstructor 'literal 'leaf (lambda (node constrained want-type) (constant-type (node-form node)))) (define-reconstructor 'quote syntax-type (lambda (node constrained want-type) (constant-type (cadr (node-form node))))) (define-reconstructor 'if syntax-type (lambda (node constrained want-type) (let ((form (node-form node))) (examine (cadr form) constrained value-type) ;; Fork off two different constrain sets (let ((con-alist (fork-constraints constrained)) (alt-alist (fork-constraints constrained))) (let ((con-type (reconstruct (caddr form) con-alist want-type)) (alt-type (reconstruct (cadddr form) alt-alist want-type))) (if (pair? constrained) (for-each (lambda (c1 c2 c) (set-cdr! c (join-type (cdr c1) (cdr c2)))) con-alist alt-alist constrained)) (join-type con-type alt-type)))))) (define (fork-constraints constrained) (if (pair? constrained) (map (lambda (x) (cons (car x) (cdr x))) constrained) constrained)) (define-reconstructor 'begin syntax-type (lambda (node constrained want-type) ;; This is unsound - there might be a throw out of some subform ;; other than the final one. (do ((forms (cdr (node-form node)) (cdr forms))) ((null? (cdr forms)) (reconstruct (car forms) constrained want-type)) (examine (car forms) constrained any-values-type)))) (define (examine node constrained want-type) (if (pair? constrained) (reconstruct node constrained want-type) want-type)) (define-reconstructor 'set! syntax-type (lambda (node constrained want-type) (examine (caddr (node-form node)) constrained value-type) unspecific-type)) (define-reconstructor 'letrec syntax-type (lambda (node constrained want-type) (let ((form (node-form node))) (if (eq? constrained 'fast) (reconstruct (last form) 'fast want-type) (let ((types (map (lambda (spec) (reconstruct (cadr spec) constrained value-type)) (cadr form)))) (reconstruct (last form) (let ((nodes (node-ref node 'var-nodes))) (if nodes (append (map cons nodes types) constrained) constrained)) want-type)))))) (define-reconstructor 'primitive-procedure syntax-type (lambda (node constrained want-type) (operator-type (get-operator (cadr (node-form node)))))) ;mumble (define-reconstructor 'loophole syntax-type (lambda (node constrained want-type) (let ((args (cdr (node-form node)))) (examine (cadr args) constrained any-values-type) (sexp->type (schemify (car args)) #t)))) ;Foo (define (node->type node) (if (node? node) (let ((form (node-form node))) (if (pair? form) (map node->type form) (desyntaxify form))) (desyntaxify node))) (define-reconstructor 'define syntax-type (lambda (node constrained want-type) ':definition)) (define-reconstructor 'define-syntax syntax-type (lambda (node constrained want-type) ':definition)) (define call-node? (node-predicate 'call)) (define name-node? (node-predicate 'name)) (define begin-node? (node-predicate 'begin)) ; -------------------- ; Primitive procedures: (define-reconstructor 'values any-procedure-type (lambda (node constrained want-type) (make-some-values-type (map (lambda (node) (meet-type (reconstruct node constrained value-type) value-type)) (cdr (node-form node)))))) (define-reconstructor 'call-with-values (proc ((proc () any-values-type #f) any-procedure-type) any-values-type) (lambda (node constrained want-type) (let* ((args (cdr (node-form node))) (thunk-type (reconstruct (car args) constrained (procedure-type empty-rail-type any-values-type #f)))) (careful-codomain (reconstruct (cadr args) constrained (procedure-type (careful-codomain thunk-type) any-values-type #f)))))) (define (reconstruct-apply node constrained want-type) (let* ((args (cdr (node-form node))) (proc-type (reconstruct (car args) constrained any-procedure-type))) (for-each (lambda (arg) (examine arg constrained value-type)) (cdr args)) (careful-codomain proc-type))) (define-reconstructor 'apply (proc (any-procedure-type &rest value-type) any-values-type) reconstruct-apply) (define-reconstructor 'primitive-catch (proc ((proc (escape-type) any-values-type #f)) any-values-type) reconstruct-apply) ; -------------------- ; Types of simple primitives. (define (declare-operator-type ops type) (if (list? ops) (for-each (lambda (op) (get-operator op type)) ops) (get-operator ops type))) (declare-operator-type 'with-continuation (proc (escape-type (proc () any-values-type #f)) any-arguments-type)) (declare-operator-type 'eq? (proc (value-type value-type) boolean-type)) (declare-operator-type '(number? integer? rational? real? complex? char? eof-object? input-port? output-port?) (proc (value-type) boolean-type)) (declare-operator-type 'exact? (proc (number-type) boolean-type)) (declare-operator-type 'exact->inexact (proc (exact-type) inexact-type)) (declare-operator-type 'inexact->exact (proc (inexact-type) exact-type)) (declare-operator-type '(exp log sin cos tan asin acos sqrt) (proc (number-type) number-type)) (declare-operator-type '(atan) (proc (number-type number-type) number-type)) (declare-operator-type '(floor) (proc (real-type) integer-type)) (declare-operator-type '(real-part imag-part angle magnitude) (proc (complex-type) real-type)) (declare-operator-type '(numerator denominator) (proc (rational-type) integer-type)) (declare-operator-type '(+ * - /) (proc (number-type number-type) number-type)) (declare-operator-type '(= <) (proc (real-type real-type) boolean-type)) (declare-operator-type '(make-polar make-rectangular) (proc (real-type real-type) complex-type)) (declare-operator-type '(quotient remainder) (proc (integer-type integer-type) integer-type)) (declare-operator-type '(bitwise-not) (proc (exact-integer-type) exact-integer-type)) (declare-operator-type '(bitwise-and bitwise-ior bitwise-xor arithmetic-shift) (proc (exact-integer-type exact-integer-type) exact-integer-type)) (declare-operator-type '(char=? char<?) (proc (char-type char-type) boolean-type)) (declare-operator-type 'char->ascii (proc (char-type) exact-integer-type)) (declare-operator-type 'ascii->char (proc (exact-integer-type) char-type)) (declare-operator-type 'string=? (proc (string-type string-type) boolean-type)) (declare-operator-type 'open-port ;; Can return #f (proc (string-type exact-integer-type) value-type)) (declare-operator-type 'cons (proc (value-type value-type) pair-type)) (declare-operator-type 'intern (proc (string-type vector-type) symbol-type)) ; Can't do I/O until the meta-types interface exports input-port-type and ; output-port-type. (define (constant-type x) (cond ((number? x) (meet-type (if (exact? x) exact-type inexact-type) (cond ((integer? x) integer-type) ((rational? x) rational-type) ((real? x) real-type) ((complex? x) complex-type) (else number-type)))) ((boolean? x) boolean-type) ((pair? x) pair-type) ((string? x) string-type) ((char? x) char-type) ((null? x) null-type) ((symbol? x) symbol-type) ((vector? x) vector-type) (else value-type)))