;;; Copyright (c) 1993, 1994 by Olin Shivers. ;;; #! comment read-macro ;;; no case-folding ;;; -flag is a symbol ;;; #! means: skip chars until newline-bang-splat-newline. ;;; For Unix script headers. (define script-skip (lambda (c port) (read-char port) (let lp ((state 0)) (let ((advance-if (lambda (look-for) (let ((c (read-char port))) (if (eof-object? c) (error "EOF inside block comment -- #! missing a closing !#") (lp (cond ((char=? c look-for) (+ state 1)) ((char=? c #\newline) 1) ((char=? c cr) state) (else 0)))))))) (case state ((0) (advance-if #\newline)) ((1) (advance-if #\!)) ; Found \n ((2) (advance-if #\#)) ; Found \n! ((3) (advance-if #\newline)) ; Found \n!# ((4) (read port))))))) ; Found \n!#\n -- done. ; was sub-read ^ (define-sharp-macro #\! script-skip) ;;; Readme and readme are distinct symbols. (define preferred-case (lambda (x) x)) ;;; These are now OK symbols: .. -geometry -O2 9x15 80x5+5+5 +Wn (define (parse-token string port) (if (let ((c (string-ref string 0))) (or (char-numeric? c) (char=? c #\+) (char=? c #\-) (char=? c #\.))) (cond ((string->number string)) ((string=? string ".") dot) (else (string->symbol string))) (string->symbol string))) ;;; | is now an OK symbol (for pipes). (set-standard-syntax! #\| #f (lambda (c port) (parse-token (sub-read-token c port) port))) (define bel (ascii->char 7)) (define bs (ascii->char 8)) (define ff (ascii->char 12)) (define cr (ascii->char 13)) (define ht (ascii->char 9)) (define vt (ascii->char 11)) ;;; Full ANSI C strings: ;;; - read as themselves: \\ \? \" \' ;;; - control chars: ;;; \a alert (bell -- ^g) ;;; \b backspace (^h) ;;; \f form feed (^l) ;;; \n newline (^j) ;;; \r carriage return (^m) ;;; \t tab (^i) ;;; \v vertical tab (^k) ;;; - octal escapes \nnn ;;; - hex escapes \xnn ;;; Is this the elegant thing to do? Too much might make it hard to shift ;;; to Unicode implementations. How about \^g for embedding control chars? ;;; And I haven't done anything about chars (as opposed to strings). (set-standard-read-macro! #\" #t (lambda (c port) c ;ignored (let* ((readc (lambda () (let ((c (read-char port))) (if (eof-object? c) (reading-error port "end of file within a string") c)))) (read-digit (lambda (base base-name) (let* ((c (readc)) (d (- (char->ascii c) (char->ascii #\0)))) (if (and (<= 0 d) (< d base)) d (reading-error port (string-append "invalid " base-name " code in string.") d)))))) (let loop ((l '()) (i 0)) (let ((c (readc))) (cond ((char=? c #\\) (let* ((c (readc)) (rc (case c ((#\\ #\" #\? #\') c) ((#\a) bel) ((#\b) bs) ((#\f) ff) ((#\n) #\newline) ((#\r) cr) ((#\t) ht) ((#\v) vt) ((#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3) (let* ((d1 (- (char->ascii c) (char->ascii #\0))) (d2 (read-digit 8 "octal")) (d3 (read-digit 8 "octal"))) (ascii->char (+ (* 64 d1) (+ (* 8 d2) d3))))) ((#\x) (let ((d1 (read-digit 16 "hex")) (d2 (read-digit 16 "hex"))) (ascii->char (+ (* 16 d1) d2)))) (else (reading-error port "invalid escaped character in string" c))))) (loop (cons rc l) (+ i 1)))) ((char=? c #\") (reverse-list->string l i)) (else (loop (cons c l) (+ i 1)))))))))