;;; Substitution ops with regexps ;;; Copyright (c) 1998 by Olin Shivers. ;;; These function have to be in a separate package because they use ;;; the scsh I/O function WRITE-STRING. The rest of the regexp system ;;; has no dependencies on scsh system code, and is defined independently ;;; of scsh -- which scsh, in turn, relies upon: pieces of scsh-level-0 ;;; use the regexp basics. So we have to split this code out to avoid ;;; a circular dependency in the modules: scsh-level-0 needs the regexp ;;; package which needs WRITE-STRING, which comes from the regexp package. (define (regexp-substitute port match . items) (let* ((str (regexp-match:string match)) (sv (regexp-match:start match)) (ev (regexp-match:end match)) (range (lambda (item) ; Return start & end of (cond ((integer? item) ; ITEM's range in STR. (values (vector-ref sv item) (vector-ref ev item))) ((eq? 'pre item) (values 0 (vector-ref sv 0))) ((eq? 'post item) (values (vector-ref ev 0) (string-length str))) (else (error "Illegal substitution item." item regexp-substitute)))))) (if port ;; Output port case. (for-each (lambda (item) (if (string? item) (write-string item port) (receive (si ei) (range item) (write-string str port si ei)))) items) ;; Here's the string case. Make two passes -- one to ;; compute the length of the target string, one to fill it in. (let* ((len (foldl (lambda (item i) (+ i (if (string? item) (string-length item) (receive (si ei) (range item) (- ei si))))) 0 items)) (ans (make-string len))) (foldl (lambda (item index) (cond ((string? item) (string-copy! ans index item) (+ index (string-length item))) (else (receive (si ei) (range item) (string-copy! ans index str si ei) (+ index (- ei si)))))) 0 items) ans)))) (define (regexp-substitute/global port re str . items) (let ((str-len (string-length str)) (range (lambda (start sv ev item) ; Return start & end of (cond ((integer? item) ; ITEM's range in STR. (values (vector-ref sv item) (vector-ref ev item))) ((eq? 'pre item) (values start (vector-ref sv 0))) (else (error "Illegal substitution item." item regexp-substitute/global))))) (num-posts (foldl (lambda (item count) (+ count (if (eq? item 'post) 1 0))) 0 items))) (if (and port (< num-posts 2)) ;; Output port case, with zero or one POST items. (let recur ((start 0)) (if (<= start str-len) (let ((match (regexp-search re str start))) (if match (let* ((sv (regexp-match:start match)) (ev (regexp-match:end match)) (s (vector-ref sv 0)) (e (vector-ref ev 0)) (empty? (= s e))) (for-each (lambda (item) (cond ((string? item) (write-string item port)) ((procedure? item) (write-string (item match) port)) ((eq? 'post0 item) (if (and empty? (< s str-len)) (write-char (string-ref str s) port))) ((eq? 'post item) (recur (if empty? (+ 1 e) e))) (else (receive (si ei) (range start sv ev item) (write-string str port si ei))))) items)) (write-string str port start))))) ; No match. ;; Either we're making a string, or >1 POST. (let* ((pieces (let recur ((start 0)) (if (> start str-len) '() (let ((match (regexp-search re str start)) (cached-post #f)) (if match (let* ((sv (regexp-match:start match)) (ev (regexp-match:end match)) (s (vector-ref sv 0)) (e (vector-ref ev 0)) (empty? (= s e))) (foldl (lambda (item pieces) (cond ((string? item) (cons item pieces)) ((procedure? item) (cons (item match) pieces)) ((eq? 'post0 item) (if (and empty? (< s str-len)) (cons (string (string-ref str s)) pieces) pieces)) ((eq? 'post item) (if (not cached-post) (set! cached-post (recur (if empty? (+ e 1) e)))) (append cached-post pieces)) (else (receive (si ei) (range start sv ev item) (cons (substring str si ei) pieces))))) '() items)) ;; No match. Return str[start,end]. (list (if (zero? start) str (substring str start (string-length str))))))))) (pieces (reverse pieces))) (if port (for-each (lambda (p) (write-string p port)) pieces) (apply string-append pieces))))))