Extended char-set package.

This commit is contained in:
shivers 1998-06-16 21:04:38 +00:00
parent 269b603081
commit c266ffbf46
4 changed files with 244 additions and 136 deletions

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@ -1,13 +1,42 @@
;;; -*-Scheme-*- ;;; -*-Scheme-*-
;;; ;;;
;;; Character Sets package ;;; Character Sets package
;;; ported from MIT Scheme runtime ;;; - ported from MIT Scheme runtime
;;; by Brian D. Carlstrom ;;; by Brian D. Carlstrom
;;; Sleazy code. ;;; - Rehacked & extended by Olin Shivers 6/98.
;;; This is not great code. Char sets are represented as 256-char
;;; strings. If char i is ASCII 0, then it isn't in the set; if char i
;;; is ASCII 1, then it is in the set.
;;; - Should be rewritten to use bit strings, or at least byte vecs.
;;; - Is ASCII/Latin-1 specific. Would certainly have to be rewritten
;;; for Unicode.
;;; - The standard character sets are not Latin-1 compliant, just ASCII.
;;; This code uses jar's DEFINE-RECORD-TYPE macro to define the char-set
;;; record type, because the scsh-standard DEFINE-RECORD form automatically
;;; defines a COPY-FOO function, which is not the one we want, being a shallow
;;; copy of the record fields.
;;; New dfns:
;;; (char-set= cs1 cs2)
;;; (char-set<= cs1 cs2)
;;; (reduce-char-set kons knil cs)
;;; (set-char-set! cs char in?)
;;; (char-set-for-each f cs)
;;; (copy-char-set cs)
;;; (char-set-size cs)
;;; char-set:printing (char-printing? c)
;;; char-set:blank (char-blank? c)
;;; char-set:control (char-control? c)
;;; char-set:hex-digit (char-hex-digit? c)
;;; char-set:ascii (char-ascii? c)
;;; char-set:empty
;;; char-set:full
(define char:newline (ascii->char 13)) (define char:newline (ascii->char 13))
(define char:tab (ascii->char 9)) (define char:tab (ascii->char 9))
(define char:linefeed (ascii->char 13)) (define char:vtab (ascii->char 11))
(define char:page (ascii->char 12)) (define char:page (ascii->char 12))
(define char:return (ascii->char 10)) (define char:return (ascii->char 10))
(define char:space (ascii->char 32)) (define char:space (ascii->char 32))
@ -23,42 +52,95 @@
;;;; Character Sets ;;;; Character Sets
(define (char-set? object) ;(define-record char-set
(and (string? object) ; s) ; 256-char string; each char is either ASCII 0 or ASCII 1.
(= (string-length object) 256)))
;;; Use jar's record macro.
(define-record-type char-set :char-set
(make-char-set s)
(s char-set:s))
(define (copy-char-set cs) (make-char-set (string-copy (char-set:s cs))))
(define (char-set= cs1 cs2)
(let ((s1 (char-set:s cs1))
(s2 (char-set:s cs2)))
(let lp ((i 255))
(or (< i 0)
(and (char=? (string-ref s1 i) (string-ref s2 i))
(lp (- i 1)))))))
(define (char-set<= cs1 cs2)
(let ((s1 (char-set:s cs1))
(s2 (char-set:s cs2)))
(let lp ((i 255))
(or (< i 0)
(and (<= (char->ascii (string-ref s1 i))
(char->ascii (string-ref s2 i)))
(lp (- i 1)))))))
(define (char-set-size cs)
(let ((s (char-set:s cs)))
(let lp ((i 255) (size 0))
(if (< i 0) size
(lp (- i 1)
(if (= 0 (char->ascii (string-ref s i))) size (+ size 1)))))))
(define (set-char-set! cs char in?)
(string-set! (char-set:s cs)
(char->ascii char)
(ascii->char (if in? 1 0))))
(define (char-set-for-each f cs)
(let ((s (char-set:s cs)))
(let lp ((i 255))
(cond ((>= i 0)
(if (not (= 0 (char->ascii (string-ref s i))))
(f (ascii->char i)))
(lp (- i 1)))))))
(define (reduce-char-set kons knil cs)
(let ((s (char-set:s cs)))
(let lp ((i 255) (ans knil))
(if (< i 0) ans
(lp (- i 1)
(if (= 0 (char->ascii (string-ref s i)))
(kons (ascii->char i) ans)))))))
(define (char-set . chars) (define (char-set . chars)
(chars->char-set chars)) (chars->char-set chars))
(define (chars->char-set chars) (define (chars->char-set chars)
(let ((char-set (make-string 256 (ascii->char 0)))) (let ((s (make-string 256 (ascii->char 0))))
(for-each (lambda (char) (for-each (lambda (char)
(string-set! char-set (char->ascii char) (ascii->char 1))) (string-set! s (char->ascii char) (ascii->char 1)))
chars) chars)
char-set)) (make-char-set s)))
(define (string->char-set str) (define (string->char-set str)
(let ((char-set (make-string 256 (ascii->char 0)))) (let ((s (make-string 256 (ascii->char 0))))
(do ((i (- (string-length str) 1) (- i 1))) (do ((i (- (string-length str) 1) (- i 1)))
((< i 0) char-set) ((< i 0) (make-char-set s))
(string-set! char-set (char->ascii (string-ref str i)) (string-set! s (char->ascii (string-ref str i))
(ascii->char 1))))) (ascii->char 1)))))
(define (ascii-range->char-set lower upper) (define (ascii-range->char-set lower upper)
(let ((char-set (make-string 256 (ascii->char 0)))) (let ((s (make-string 256 (ascii->char 0))))
(string-fill-range! char-set lower upper (ascii->char 1)) (string-fill-range! s lower upper (ascii->char 1))
char-set)) (make-char-set s)))
(define (predicate->char-set predicate) (define (predicate->char-set predicate)
(let ((char-set (make-string 256))) (let ((s (make-string 256)))
(let loop ((code 0)) (let lp ((i 255))
(if (< code 256) (if (>= i 0)
(begin (string-set! char-set code (begin (string-set! s i (if (predicate (ascii->char i))
(if (predicate (ascii->char code))
(ascii->char 1) (ascii->char 1)
(ascii->char 0))) (ascii->char 0)))
(loop (+ 1 code))))) (lp (- i 1)))))
char-set)) (make-char-set s)))
;;; {string, char, char-set, char predicate} -> char-set ;;; {string, char, char-set, char predicate} -> char-set
@ -74,12 +156,13 @@
;;;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ;;;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
(define (char-set-members char-set) (define (char-set-members cs)
(define (loop code) (let ((s (char-set:s cs)))
(cond ((>= code 256) '()) (let lp ((i 255) (ans '()))
((zero? (char->ascii (string-ref char-set code))) (loop (+ 1 code))) (if (< i 0) ans
(else (cons (ascii->char code) (loop (+ 1 code)))))) (lp (- i 1)
(loop 0)) (if (zero? (char->ascii (string-ref s i))) ans
(cons (ascii->char i) ans)))))))
;;; De-releasing CHAR-SET-MEMBER? ;;; De-releasing CHAR-SET-MEMBER?
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
@ -90,108 +173,101 @@
;;; break code. I ended up just choosing a new proc name that consistent with ;;; break code. I ended up just choosing a new proc name that consistent with
;;; its arg order -- (CHAR-SET-CONTAINS? cset char). ;;; its arg order -- (CHAR-SET-CONTAINS? cset char).
(define (char-set-contains? char-set char) (define (char-set-contains? cs char)
(not (zero? (char->ascii (string-ref char-set (char->ascii char)))))) (not (zero? (char->ascii (string-ref (char-set:s cs)
(char->ascii char))))))
;;; This actually isn't exported. Just CYA. ;;; This actually isn't exported. Just CYA.
(define (char-set-member? . args) (define (char-set-member? . args)
(error "CHAR-SET-MEMBER? is no longer provided. Use CHAR-SET-CONTAINS? instead.")) (error "CHAR-SET-MEMBER? is no longer provided. Use CHAR-SET-CONTAINS? instead."))
(define (char-set-invert char-set) (define (char-set-invert cs)
(predicate->char-set (predicate->char-set (lambda (char)
(lambda (char) (not (char-set-contains? char-set char))))) (not (char-set-contains? cs char)))))
(define (char-set-union char-set-1 char-set-2) ;;; The union, intersection, and difference code is ugly,
(predicate->char-set ;;; because the ops are n-ary.
(lambda (char)
(or (char-set-contains? char-set-1 char)
(char-set-contains? char-set-2 char)))))
(define (char-set-intersection char-set-1 char-set-2) ;;; Apply P to each index and it's char in S: (P I C).
(predicate->char-set ;;; Used by the intersection & difference.
(lambda (char) (define (string-iter s p)
(and (char-set-contains? char-set-1 char) (let lp ((i (- (string-length s) 1)))
(char-set-contains? char-set-2 char))))) (cond ((>= i 0)
(p i (string-ref s i))
(lp (- i 1))))))
(define (char-set-difference char-set-1 char-set-2) (define (char-set-union . csets)
(predicate->char-set (if (pair? csets)
(lambda (char) (let ((cset (copy-char-set (car csets))))
(and (char-set-contains? char-set-1 char) (for-each (lambda (cs)
(not (char-set-contains? char-set-2 char)))))) (char-set-for-each (lambda (c) (set-char-set! cset c #t))
(cdr csets))
(define (char-set-intersection . csets)
(if (pair? csets)
(let* ((cset (copy-char-set (car csets)))
(s (char-set:s cset)))
(for-each (lambda (cs)
(string-iter (char-set:s cs)
(lambda (i c)
(if (= 0 (char->ascii c))
(string-set! s i (ascii->char 0))))))
(cdr csets))
(define (char-set-difference cs1 . csets)
(if (pair? csets)
(let* ((cset (copy-char-set cs1))
(s (char-set:s cset)))
(for-each (lambda (cs)
(string-iter (char-set:s cs)
(lambda (i c)
(if (= 1 (char->ascii c))
(string-set! s i (ascii->char 0))))))
;;;; System Character Sets ;;;; System Character Sets
(define char-set:upper-case (ascii-range->char-set #x41 #x5B))
(define char-set:lower-case (ascii-range->char-set #x61 #x7B)) (define char-set:lower-case (ascii-range->char-set #x61 #x7B))
(define char-set:numeric (ascii-range->char-set #x30 #x3A)) (define char-set:upper-case (ascii-range->char-set #x41 #x5B))
(define char-set:graphic (ascii-range->char-set #x20 #x7F))
(define char-set:not-graphic (char-set-invert char-set:graphic))
(define char-set:whitespace
(char-set char:newline char:tab char:linefeed
char:page char:return char:space))
(define char-set:not-whitespace (char-set-invert char-set:whitespace))
(define char-set:alphabetic (define char-set:alphabetic
(char-set-union char-set:upper-case char-set:lower-case)) (char-set-union char-set:upper-case char-set:lower-case))
(define char-set:numeric (ascii-range->char-set #x30 #x3A))
(define char-set:alphanumeric (define char-set:alphanumeric
(char-set-union char-set:alphabetic char-set:numeric)) (char-set-union char-set:alphabetic char-set:numeric))
(define char-set:standard (define char-set:graphic (ascii-range->char-set #x21 #x7F))
(char-set-union char-set:graphic (char-set char:newline))) (define char-set:printing (ascii-range->char-set #x20 #x7F))
(define char-set:whitespace (char-set char:tab char:newline char:vtab
char:page char:return char:space))
(define char-set:blank (char-set char:space char:tab))
(define char-set:control (char-set-union (ascii-range->char-set 0 32)
(char-set (ascii->char 127))))
(define char-set:punctuation
(string->char-set "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~"))
(define char-set:hex-digit (string->char-set "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"))
(define char-set:ascii (ascii-range->char-set 0 128))
(define char-set:empty (char-set))
(define char-set:full (char-set-invert char-set:empty))
(define (char-upper-case? char)
(char-set-contains? char-set:upper-case char))
(define (char-lower-case? char) (define (char-set->pred cs) (lambda (c) (char-set-contains? cs c)))
(char-set-contains? char-set:lower-case char))
(define (char-numeric? char)
(char-set-contains? char-set:numeric char))
(define (char-graphic? char)
(char-set-contains? char-set:graphic char))
(define (char-whitespace? char)
(char-set-contains? char-set:whitespace char))
(define (char-alphabetic? char)
(char-set-contains? char-set:alphabetic char))
(define (char-alphanumeric? char)
(char-set-contains? char-set:alphanumeric char))
(define (char-standard? char)
(char-set-contains? char-set:standard char))
;;; Bullshit legalese
;$Header: /home/flat/Dropbox/Hacks/scsh/scsh-cvs/scsh-0.5/scsh/char-set.scm,v 1.2 1995/11/20 06:20:12 shivers Exp $
;Copyright (c) 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
;This material was developed by the Scheme project at the Massachusetts
;Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
;Computer Science. Permission to copy this software, to redistribute
;it, and to use it for any purpose is granted, subject to the following
;restrictions and understandings.
;1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice
;in full.
;2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a) to
;return to the MIT Scheme project any improvements or extensions that
;they make, so that these may be included in future releases; and (b)
;to inform MIT of noteworthy uses of this software.
;3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of this
;software shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance with the usual
;standards of acknowledging credit in academic research.
;4. MIT has made no warrantee or representation that the operation of
;this software will be error-free, and MIT is under no obligation to
;provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise.
;5. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this material,
;there shall be no use of the name of the Massachusetts Institute of
;Technology nor of any adaptation thereof in any advertising,
;promotional, or sales literature without prior written consent from
;MIT in each case.
(define char-lower-case? (char-set->pred char-set:lower-case))
(define char-upper-case? (char-set->pred char-set:upper-case))
(define char-alphabetic? (char-set->pred char-set:alphabetic))
(define char-numeric? (char-set->pred char-set:numeric))
(define char-alphanumeric? (char-set->pred char-set:alphanumeric))
(define char-graphic? (char-set->pred char-set:graphic))
(define char-printing? (char-set->pred char-set:printing))
(define char-whitespace? (char-set->pred char-set:whitespace))
(define char-blank? (char-set->pred char-set:blank))
(define char-control? (char-set->pred char-set:control))
(define char-punctuation? (char-set->pred char-set:punctuation))
(define char-hex-digit? (char-set->pred char-set:hex-digit))
(define char-ascii? (char-set->pred char-set:ascii))

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@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
;;; should be quite fast. ;;; should be quite fast.
;;; ;;;
;;; N.B.: ;;; N.B.:
;;; The C primitive %READ-DELIMITED-FDPORT!/ERRNO relies on knowing the ;;; The C primitives %READ-DELIMITED-FDPORT!/ERRNO and
;;; representation of character sets. If these are changed from their ;;; %SKIP-CHAR-SET-FDPORT/ERRNO rely on knowing the representation of
;;; current representation as 256-element strings, this code must be changed ;;; character sets. If these are changed from their current representation,
;;; as well. ;;; this code must be changed as well.
;;; (read-delimited delims [port delim-action]) ;;; (read-delimited delims [port delim-action])
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
@ -165,14 +165,15 @@
(error "Illegal START/END substring indices" (error "Illegal START/END substring indices"
buf start end %read-delimited!)) buf start end %read-delimited!))
(let ((delims (->char-set delims))) (let* ((delims (->char-set delims))
(sdelims (char-set:s delims)))
(if (fdport? port) (if (fdport? port)
;; Direct C support for Unix file ports -- zippy quick. ;; Direct C support for Unix file ports -- zippy quick.
(let lp ((start start) (total 0)) (let lp ((start start) (total 0))
(receive (terminator num-read) (receive (terminator num-read)
(%read-delimited-fdport!/errno delims buf gobble? (%read-delimited-fdport!/errno sdelims buf gobble?
port start end) port start end)
(let ((total (+ num-read total))) (let ((total (+ num-read total)))
(cond ((not (integer? terminator)) (values terminator total)) (cond ((not (integer? terminator)) (values terminator total))
@ -222,8 +223,9 @@
(define (skip-char-set skip-chars . maybe-port) (define (skip-char-set skip-chars . maybe-port)
(let ((port (:optional maybe-port (current-input-port))) (let* ((port (:optional maybe-port (current-input-port)))
(cset (->char-set skip-chars))) (cset (->char-set skip-chars))
(scset (char-set:s cset)))
(cond ((not (input-port? port)) (cond ((not (input-port? port))
(error "Illegal value -- not an input port." port)) (error "Illegal value -- not an input port." port))
@ -231,7 +233,7 @@
;; Direct C support for Unix file ports -- zippy quick. ;; Direct C support for Unix file ports -- zippy quick.
((fdport? port) ((fdport? port)
(let lp ((total 0)) (let lp ((total 0))
(receive (err num-read) (%skip-char-set-fdport/errno cset port) (receive (err num-read) (%skip-char-set-fdport/errno scset port)
(let ((total (+ total num-read))) (let ((total (+ total num-read)))
(cond ((not err) total) (cond ((not err) total)
((= errno/intr err) (lp total)) ((= errno/intr err) (lp total))

View File

@ -679,9 +679,18 @@
(define-interface char-set-interface (define-interface char-set-interface
(export char:newline char:tab char:linefeed char:page char:return char:space (export char:newline char:tab char:page char:return char:space char:vtab
char-ascii? char-ascii?
char-set? char-set?
char-set char-set
chars->char-set chars->char-set
@ -698,22 +707,40 @@
char-set-intersection char-set-intersection
char-set-difference char-set-difference
char-set:lower-case char-set:lower-case
char-set:numeric char-set:upper-case
char-set:alphabetic char-set:alphabetic
char-set:alphanumeric char-set:alphanumeric
char-set:graphic char-set:graphic
char-lower-case? char-lower-case?
char-numeric? char-upper-case?
char-alphabetic? char-alphabetic?
char-alphanumeric? char-alphanumeric?
char-graphic?)) char-graphic?
;; This is not properly part of the interface,
;; and should be moved to an internals interface --
;; it is used by rdelim.scm code.
(define-interface scsh-field-reader-interface (define-interface scsh-field-reader-interface

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@ -54,7 +54,10 @@
(define-structure char-set-package char-set-interface (define-structure char-set-package char-set-interface
(open error-package ascii scheme) (open error-package
define-record-types ; JAR's record macro.
(files char-set)) (files char-set))