571 lines
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571 lines
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;;; Sam Thibault
;;; ODBC/SQL interface for scsh
;;; Spring 1999
;;; This is file: odbc0.scm
;;; General Comments
;;; ----------------
;;; This file contains define-foreigns that link to stubs in odbc0.c, a file
;;; automatically generated with cig. The C definitiions are located in two
;;; separate files:
;;; /solidSDK30/Solaris_SPARC/lib/sclssx30.so contains definitions of the
;;; ODBC functions in the first half of this file.
;;; scch-sql.o (compiled from scsh-sql.c) contains the definitions of the
;;; functions in the second half of this file (used for allocating and
;;; freeing memory, and converting some data types.
;;; The headers below will be included in C file the generated by cig
"#if 0"
"#include \"cli0cli.h\""
"#include \"cli0defs.h\""
"#include \"cli0env.h\""
"#include <windows.h>"
"#include <sql.h>"
"#include <sqlext.h>"
;;; ODBC Functions
;;; ---------------
;;; These define-foreigns link to ODBC functions defined in sclssx30.so
;;; This set contains all ODBC core functions.
;;; SQLAllocConnect allocates memory for a connection handle within the
;;; identified environment.
(define-foreign %alloc-connect
("SQLAllocConnect" ((C "SQLHENV~a") environment)
((C "SQLHDBC*~a") connection))
(to-scheme (C "SQLRETURN SQL_API ~a") "ENTER_FIXNUM"))
;;; SQLAllocEnv allocates memory for an environment handle and initializes the
;;; ODBC call level interface for use by an application. AllocEnv must be
;;; called before any other ODBC function can be called.
(define-foreign %alloc-env
("SQLAllocEnv" ((C "SQLHENV*~a") pSQLHENV))
(to-scheme (C "SQLRETURN SQL_API ~a") "ENTER_FIXNUM"))
;;; SQLAllocStmt allocates memory for a statement handle and associates the
;;; statement handle with the specified connection. AllocStmt must be called
;;; before executing any SQL statements.
(define-foreign %alloc-stmt
("SQLAllocStmt" ((C "SQLHDBC ~a") connection)
((C "SQLHSTMT*~a") statement))
(to-scheme (C "SQLRETURN SQL_API ~a") "ENTER_FIXNUM"))
;;; SQLBindCol assigns storage and data type for a column in a result set.
(define-foreign %bind-col
("SQLBindCol" ((C "SQLHSTMT ~a") statement)
((rep integer? "UWORD ~a" "EXTRACT_FIXNUM") column-number)
((rep integer? "SWORD ~a" "EXTRACT_FIXNUM") data-type)
((C "PTR ~a") storage-pointer)
((rep integer? "SDWORD ~a" "EXTRACT_FIXNUM") buffer-length)
((C "SDWORD*~a") available-bytes))
(to-scheme (C "SQLRETURN SQL_API ~a") "ENTER_FIXNUM"))
;;; SQLBindParameter binds a buffer to a parameter marker in an SQL statement.
(define-foreign %bind-parameter
("SQLBindParameter" ((C "SQLHSTMT ~a") statement)
((rep integer? "UWORD ~a" "EXTRACT_FIXNUM") param-number)
((rep integer? "SWORD ~a" "EXTRACT_FIXNUM") param-type)
((rep integer? "SWORD ~a" "EXTRACT_FIXNUM") c-datatype)
((rep integer? "SWORD ~a" "EXTRACT_FIXNUM") sql-datatype)
((rep integer? "UDWORD ~a" "EXTRACT_FIXNUM") precision)
((rep integer? "SWORD ~a" "EXTRACT_FIXNUM") scale)
((C "PTR ~a") storage-pointer)
((rep integer? "SDWORD ~a" "EXTRACT_FIXNUM") buf-length)
((C "SDWORD*~a") available-bytes))
(to-scheme (C "SQLRETURN SQL_API ~a") "ENTER_FIXNUM"))
;;; SQLCancel cancels the processing on a statement.
(define-foreign %cancel
("SQLCancel" ((C "SQLHSTMT ~a") statement))
(to-scheme (C "SQLRETURN SQL_API ~a") "ENTER_FIXNUM"))
;;; SQLColAttributes returns descriptor information for a cloumn in a result
;;; set.
(define-foreign %col-attributes
("SQLColAttributes" ((C "SQLHSTMT ~a") statement)
((rep integer? "UWORD ~a" "EXTRACT_FIXNUM") column-num)
((rep integer? "UWORD ~a" "EXTRACT_FIXNUM") desc-type)
((C "PTR ~a") storage-pointer)
((rep integer? "SWORD ~a" "EXTRACT_FIXNUM") buf-length)
((C "SWORD*~a") available-bytes)
((C "SDWORD*~a") descriptor-pointer))
(to-scheme (C "SQLRETURN SQL_API ~a") "ENTER_FIXNUM"))
;;; SQLConnect loads a driver and establishes a connection to the data source.
(define-foreign %connect
("SQLConnect" ((C "SQLHDBC ~a") connection)
(string source-name)
((rep integer? "SWORD ~a" "EXTRACT_FIXNUM") source-name-length)
(string user-name)
((rep integer? "SWORD ~a" "EXTRACT_FIXNUM") user-name-length)
(string password)
((rep integer? "SWORD ~a" "EXTRACT_FIXNUM") password-length))
(to-scheme (C "SQLRETURN SQL_API ~a") "ENTER_FIXNUM"))
;;; SQLDescribeCol returns the result descriptor for one column in a result
;;; set.
(define-foreign %describe-col
("SQLDescribeCol" ((C "SQLHSTMT ~a") statment)
((rep integer? "UWORD ~a" "EXTRACT_FIXNUM") column-number)
(string column-name)
((rep integer? "SWORD ~a" "EXTRACT_FIXNUM") name-buffer-length)
((C "SWORD*~a") bytes-available)
((C "SWORD*~a") data-type)
((C "UDWORD*~a") precision)
((C "SWORD*~a") scale)
((C "SWORD*~a") nullable))
(to-scheme (C "SQLRETURN SQL_API ~a") "ENTER_FIXNUM"))
;;; SQLDescribeParam returns the description of a parameter marker associated
;;; with a prepared SQL statement.
(define-foreign %describe-param
("SQLDescribeParam" ((C "SQLHSTMT ~a") statement)
((rep integer? "UWORD ~a" "EXTRACT_FIXNUM") param-number)
((C "SWORD*~a") sql-type)
((C "UDWORD*~a") precision)
((C "SWORD*~a") scale)
((C "SWORD*~a") nullable))
(to-scheme (C "SQLRETURN SQL_API ~a") "ENTER_FIXNUM"))
;;; SQLDisconnect closes the connection associated with a specific connection
;;; handle.
(define-foreign %disconnect
("SQLDisconnect" ((C "SQLHDBC ~a") connection))
(to-scheme (C "SQLRETURN SQL_API ~a") "ENTER_FIXNUM"))
;;; SQLError returns error or status information.
(define-foreign %sql-error
("SQLError" ((C "SQLHENV ~a") environment)
((C "SQLHDBC ~a") connection)
((C "SQLHSTMT ~a") statement)
(string state)
((C "SDWORD*~a") error-code)
(string error-message)
((rep integer? "SWORD ~a" "EXTRACT_FIXNUM") buffer-length)
((C "SWORD*~a") bytes-available))
(to-scheme (C "SQLRETURN SQL_API ~a") "ENTER_FIXNUM"))
;;; SQLExecDirect executes a preparable statement.
(define-foreign %exec-direct
("SQLExecDirect" ((C "SQLHSTMT ~a") statement)
(string sql-string)
((rep integer? "SDWORD ~a" "EXTRACT_FIXNUM") string-length))
(to-scheme (C "SQLRETURN SQL_API ~a") "ENTER_FIXNUM"))
;;; SQLExecute executes a prepared statement.
(define-foreign %execute
("SQLExecute" ((C "SQLHSTMT ~a") statement))
(to-scheme (C "SQLRETURN SQL_API ~a") "ENTER_FIXNUM"))
;;; SQLFetch fetches a row of data from a result set. The driver returns data
;;; for all columns that were bound to storage locations with BindCol.
(define-foreign %fetch
("SQLFetch" ((C "SQLHSTMT ~a") statement))
(to-scheme (C "SQLRETURN SQL_API ~a") "ENTER_FIXNUM"))
;;; SQLFreeConnect releases a connection handle and frees all memory associated
;;; with the handle.
(define-foreign %free-connect
("SQLFreeConnect" ((C "SQLHDBC ~a") connection))
(to-scheme (C "SQLRETURN SQL_API ~a") "ENTER_FIXNUM"))
;;; SQLFreeEnv frees the environment handle and frees all memory associated
;;; with the environment handle.
(define-foreign %free-env
("SQLFreeEnv" ((C "SQLHENV ~a") environment))
(to-scheme (C "SQLRETURN SQL_API ~a") "ENTER_FIXNUM"))
;;; SQLFreeStmt stops processing associated with a specific statement handle,
;;; closes any open cursors, discards pending results, and, optionally, frees
;;; all resources associated with the statement handle.
(define-foreign %free-stmt
("SQLFreeStmt" ((C "SQLHSTMT ~a") statement)
((rep integer? "UWORD ~a" "EXTRACT_FIXNUM") option))
(to-scheme (C "SQLRETURN SQL_API ~a") "ENTER_FIXNUM"))
;;; SQLGetCursorName returns the cursor name associated with a specified
;;; statement handle.
(define-foreign %get-cursor-name
("SQLGetCursorName" ((C "SQLHSTMT ~a") statement)
(string cursor-name)
((rep integer? "SWORD ~a" "EXTRACT_FIXNUM") name-length)
((C "SWORD*~a") bytes-available))
(to-scheme (C "SQLRETURN SQL_API ~a") "ENTER_FIXNUM"))
;;; SQLNumResultCols returns the number of columns in a result set.
(define-foreign %num-result-cols
("SQLNumResultCols" ((C "SQLHSTMT ~a") statement)
((C "SWORD*~a") columns))
(to-scheme (C "SQLRETURN SQL_API ~a") "ENTER_FIXNUM"))
;;; SQLPrepare prepares an SQL string for execution.
(define-foreign %prepare
("SQLPrepare" ((C "SQLHSTMT ~a") statement)
(string sql-string)
((rep integer? "SDWORD ~a" "EXTRACT_FIXNUM") string-length))
(to-scheme (C "SQLRETURN SQL_API ~a") "ENTER_FIXNUM"))
;;; SQLRowCount returns the number of rows affected by an UPDATE, INSERT, or
;;; DELETE statement.
(define-foreign %row-count
("SQLRowCount" ((C "SQLHSTMT ~a") statement)
((C "SDWORD*~a") rows))
(to-scheme (C "SQLRETURN SQL_API ~a") "ENTER_FIXNUM"))
;;; SQLSetCursorName associates a cursor name with an active statement handle.
;;; If an application does not call SetCursorName, the driver generates cursor
;;; names as needed for SQL statement processing.
(define-foreign %set-cursor-name
("SQLSetCursorName" ((C "SQLHSTMT ~a") statement)
(string cursor-name)
((rep integer? "SWORD ~a" "EXTRACT_FIXNUM") name-length))
(to-scheme (C "SQLRETURN SQL_API ~a") "ENTER_FIXNUM"))
;;; SQLTransact requests a commit or rollback operation for all active
;;; operations on all statement handles associated with a connection.
(define-foreign %transact
("SQLTransact" ((C "SQLHENV ~a") environment)
((C "SQLHDBC ~a") connection)
((rep integer? "UWORD ~a" "EXTRACT_FIXNUM") option))
(to-scheme (C "SQLRETURN SQL_API ~a") "ENTER_FIXNUM"))
;;; Other Functions
;;; ---------------
;;; These define-foregins link to functions defined in scsh-sql.c. These
;;; functions are used for allocating and freeing memory in C that the ODBC
;;; functions utilize.
;;; Environment handles
(define *environment* #f)
(define-foreign make-environment
(C "SQLHENV*~a"))
(define-foreign de-ref-env
(derefsqlhenv ((C "SQLHENV*~a") EnvPointer))
(C "SQLHENV ~a"))
(define-foreign free-environment
(freesqlhenv ((C "SQLHENV*~a") EnvPointer))
;;; Connection handles
(define-foreign make-connection
(C "SQLHDBC*~a"))
(define-foreign de-ref-con
(derefsqlhdbc ((C "SQLHDBC*~a") DBCPointer))
(C "SQLHDBC ~a"))
(define-foreign free-connection
(freesqlhdbc ((C "SQLHDBC*~a") DBCPointer))
;;; Statement handles
(define-foreign make-statement
(C "SQLHSTMT*~a"))
(define-foreign de-ref-stmt
(derefsqlhstmt ((C "SQLHSTMT*~a") StmtPointer))
(C "SQLHSTMT ~a"))
(define-foreign free-statement
(freesqlhstmt ((C "SQLHSTMT*~a") StmtPointer))
;;; void* (unknown type)
(define-foreign make-storage
("makeStorage" ((C "SDWORD*~a") pcbValue))
(C "void*~a"))
(define-foreign free-storage
("freeStorage" ((C "void*~a") rgbValue))
;;; SDWORDs (long ints)
(define-foreign make-SDWORD
(C "SDWORD*~a"))
(define-foreign de-ref-SDWORD
("derefSDWORD" ((C "SDWORD*~a") SDWORDpointer))
(C "SDWORD ~a"))
(define-foreign extract-SDWORD
("extractSDWORD" ((C "SDWORD*~a") SDWORDpointer))
(to-scheme (C "SDWORD ~a") "ENTER_FIXNUM"))
(define-foreign assign-SDWORD
("assignSDWORD" ((C "SDWORD*~a") SDWORDpointer)
(long value))
(define-foreign free-SDWORD
("freeSDWORD" ((C "SDWORD*~a") SDWORDpointer))
;;; UDWORDs (unsigned long ints)
(define-foreign make-UDWORD
(C "UDWORD*~a"))
(define-foreign de-ref-UDWORD
("derefUDWORD" ((C "UDWORD*~a") UDWORDpointer))
(C "UDWORD ~a"))
(define-foreign extract-UDWORD
("extractUDWORD" ((C "UDWORD*~a") UDWORDpointer))
(to-scheme (C "UDWORD ~a") "ENTER_FIXNUM"))
(define-foreign free-UDWORD
("freeUDWORD" ((C "UDWORD*~a") UDWORDpointer))
;;; SWORDs (short ints)
(define-foreign make-SWORD
(C "SWORD*~a"))
(define-foreign de-ref-SWORD
("derefSWORD" ((C "SWORD*~a") SWORDpointer))
(C "SWORD ~a"))
(define-foreign extract-SWORD
("extractSWORD" ((C "SWORD*~a") SWORDpointer))
(to-scheme (C "SWORD ~a") "ENTER_FIXNUM"))
(define-foreign assign-SWORD
("assignSWORD" ((C "SWORD*~a") SWORDpointer)
(long value))
(define-foreign free-SWORD
("freeSWORD" ((C "SWORD*~a") SWORDpointer))
;;; UCHARs (unsigned chars)
(define-foreign make-UCHAR
(define-foreign de-ref-UCHAR
("derefUCHAR" (string UCHARpointer))
(C "UCHAR ~a"))
(define-foreign extract-UCHAR
("extractUCHAR" (string UCHARpointer))
(define-foreign free-UCHAR
("freeUCHAR" (string UCHARpointer))
;;; Getting values to Scheme
;;; ------------------------
;;; The following define foreigns enable ways to yank values
;;; in a C void* into Scheme.
(define-foreign void*->string
("VoidToString" ((C "PTR ~a") pointer))
(define-foreign void*->integer
("VoidToInteger" ((C "PTR ~a") pointer))
(define (void*->number val)
(string->number (void*->string val)))
;;; Date manipulations using sql-date records
(define-record sql-date
seconds ; Seconds after the minute [0-59] or #f
minute ; Minutes after the hour [0-59] or #f
hour ; Hours since midnight [0-23] or #f
month-day ; Day of the month [1-31] or #f
month ; Months since January [1-12] or #f
year) ; Years since 1900 or #f
;;; Conversion from string into sql-date records
(define (void*->date val)
(let ((date-string (void*->string val)))
(make-sql-date #f #f #f
(string->number (substring date-string 8 10))
(string->number (substring date-string 5 7))
(string->number (substring date-string 0 4)))))
(define (void*->time val)
(let ((time-string (void*->string val)))
(make-sql-date (substring time-string 6 8)
(substring time-string 3 5)
(substring time-string 0 2)
#f #f #f)))
(define (void*->timestamp val)
(let ((timestamp-string (void*->string val)))
(make-sql-date (string->number (substring timestamp-string 17 19))
(string->number (substring timestamp-string 14 16))
(string->number (substring timestamp-string 11 13))
(string->number (substring timestamp-string 8 10))
(string->number (substring timestamp-string 5 7))
(string->number (substring timestamp-string 0 4)))))
;;; Conversion from sql-date records into strings
(define (number->string/len n l)
(let* ((s (number->string n))
(dif (- l (string-length n))))
(case dif
((0) s)
((1) (string-append "0" s))
((2) (string-append "00" s))
((3) (string-append "000" s)))))
(define (sql-date->string d)
(let ((sd (sql-date:seconds d))
(mn (sql-date:minute d))
(hr (sql-date:hour d))
(md (sql-date:month-day d))
(mo (sql-date:month d))
(yr (sql-date:year d)))
(cond ((and sd mn hr md mo yr) ;make timestamp
(number->string/len yr 4) "-"
(number->string/len mo 2) "-"
(number->string/len md 2) " "
(number->string/len md 2) ":"
(number->string/len md 2) ":"
(number->string/len sd 2)))
((and sd mn hr) ;make time
(number->string/len md 2) ":"
(number->string/len md 2) ":"
(number->string/len sd 2)))
((and md mo yr) ;make date
(number->string/len yr 4) "-"
(number->string/len mo 2) "-"
(number->string/len md 2)))
(else (error "sql-date record contains incomplete fields" d)))))
;;; Conversion from scsh date record to sql-date record
(define (date->sql-date d)
(make-sql-date (date:seconds d)
(date:minute d)
(date:hour d)
(date:month-day d)
(+ 1 (date:month d))
(date:year d)))
;;; Conversion from sql-date record to scsh date record
;;; This function may return an error if fields in sql-date record are #f.
;;; Raising an error here will prevent later scsh date manipulations from
;;; blowing up.
(define (sql-date->date d)
(let ((sd (sql-date:seconds d))
(mn (sql-date:minute d))
(hr (sql-date:hour d))
(md (sql-date:month-day d))
(mo (sql-date:month d))
(yr (sql-date:year d)))
(if (and sd mn hr md mo yr)
(make-date sd mn hr md (- mo 1) yr)
(error "sql-date record contains incomplete fields" d))))
;;; Getting values to C
;;; -------------------
;;; The following define foreigns enable was to stuff values
;;; from Scheme into a C void*
(define-foreign string->void*
("StringToVoid" (string-desc value)
((C "PTR ~a") pointer))
(C "void*~a"))
(define-foreign fixed-string->void*
("FixedStringToVoid" (string-desc value)
((rep integer? "UDWORD ~a" "EXTRACT_FIXNUM") precision)
((C "PTR ~a") pointer))
(C "void*~a"))
(define (number->void* num ptr)
(string->void* (number->string num) ptr))
(define-foreign integer->void*
("IntegerToVoid" (integer value)
((C "PTR ~a") pointer))
(C "void*~a"))