1995-10-13 23:34:21 -04:00
;;; -*-Scheme-*-
;;; Character Sets package
;;; ported from MIT Scheme runtime
;;; by Brian D. Carlstrom
;;; Sleazy code.
(define char:newline (ascii->char 13))
(define char:tab (ascii->char 9))
(define char:linefeed (ascii->char 13))
(define char:page (ascii->char 12))
(define char:return (ascii->char 10))
(define char:space (ascii->char 32))
(define (string-fill-range! str lower upper ch)
(do ((index lower (+ index 1)))
((>= index upper) str)
(string-set! str index ch)))
(define (char-ascii? char)
(let ((maybe-ascii (char->ascii char)))
(if (and (< maybe-ascii 128)
(>= maybe-ascii 0))
;;;; Character Sets
(define (char-set? object)
(and (string? object)
(= (string-length object) 256)))
(define (char-set . chars)
(chars->char-set chars))
(define (chars->char-set chars)
(let ((char-set (make-string 256 (ascii->char 0))))
(for-each (lambda (char)
(string-set! char-set (char->ascii char) (ascii->char 1)))
(define (string->char-set str)
(let ((char-set (make-string 256 (ascii->char 0))))
(do ((i (- (string-length str) 1) (- i 1)))
((< i 0) char-set)
(string-set! char-set (char->ascii (string-ref str i))
(ascii->char 1)))))
(define (ascii-range->char-set lower upper)
(let ((char-set (make-string 256 (ascii->char 0))))
(string-fill-range! char-set lower upper (ascii->char 1))
(define (predicate->char-set predicate)
(let ((char-set (make-string 256)))
(let loop ((code 0))
(if (< code 256)
(begin (string-set! char-set code
(if (predicate (ascii->char code))
(ascii->char 1)
(ascii->char 0)))
(loop (+ 1 code)))))
;;; {string, char, char-set, char predicate} -> char-set
(define (->char-set x)
(cond ((char-set? x) x)
((string? x) (string->char-set x))
((char? x) (char-set x))
((procedure? x) (predicate->char-set x))
(else (error "->char-set: Not a charset, string, char, or predicate."
(define (char-set-members char-set)
(define (loop code)
(cond ((>= code 256) '())
((zero? (char->ascii (string-ref char-set code))) (loop (+ 1 code)))
(else (cons (ascii->char code) (loop (+ 1 code))))))
(loop 0))
;;; De-releasing CHAR-SET-MEMBER?
;;; No other way to do it. MIT Scheme defines it (c-s-m? cset char); scsh 0.3
;;; defined it (c-s-m? char cset). MIT Scheme's arg order is not consistent
;;; with the MEMBER? procedure or common math notation, but they were here
;;; first, so I didn't want to just silently invert their arg order -- could
;;; break code. I ended up just choosing a new proc name that consistent with
;;; its arg order -- (CHAR-SET-CONTAINS? cset char).
(define (char-set-contains? char-set char)
(let ((ascii (char-ascii? char)))
(and ascii (not (zero? (char->ascii (string-ref char-set ascii)))))))
;;; This actually isn't exported. Just CYA.
(define (char-set-member? . args)
(error "CHAR-SET-MEMBER? is no longer provided. Use CHAR-SET-CONTAINS? instead."))
(define (char-set-invert char-set)
(lambda (char) (not (char-set-contains? char-set char)))))
(define (char-set-union char-set-1 char-set-2)
(lambda (char)
(or (char-set-contains? char-set-1 char)
(char-set-contains? char-set-2 char)))))
(define (char-set-intersection char-set-1 char-set-2)
(lambda (char)
(and (char-set-contains? char-set-1 char)
(char-set-contains? char-set-2 char)))))
(define (char-set-difference char-set-1 char-set-2)
(lambda (char)
(and (char-set-contains? char-set-1 char)
(not (char-set-contains? char-set-2 char))))))
;;;; System Character Sets
(define char-set:upper-case (ascii-range->char-set #x41 #x5B))
(define char-set:lower-case (ascii-range->char-set #x61 #x7B))
(define char-set:numeric (ascii-range->char-set #x30 #x3A))
(define char-set:graphic (ascii-range->char-set #x20 #x7F))
(define char-set:not-graphic (char-set-invert char-set:graphic))
(define char-set:whitespace
(char-set char:newline char:tab char:linefeed
char:page char:return char:space))
(define char-set:not-whitespace (char-set-invert char-set:whitespace))
(define char-set:alphabetic
(char-set-union char-set:upper-case char-set:lower-case))
(define char-set:alphanumeric
(char-set-union char-set:alphabetic char-set:numeric))
(define char-set:standard
(char-set-union char-set:graphic (char-set char:newline)))
(define (char-upper-case? char)
(char-set-contains? char-set:upper-case char))
(define (char-lower-case? char)
(char-set-contains? char-set:lower-case char))
(define (char-numeric? char)
(char-set-contains? char-set:numeric char))
(define (char-graphic? char)
(char-set-contains? char-set:graphic char))
(define (char-whitespace? char)
(char-set-contains? char-set:whitespace char))
(define (char-alphabetic? char)
(char-set-contains? char-set:alphabetic char))
(define (char-alphanumeric? char)
(char-set-contains? char-set:alphanumeric char))
(define (char-standard? char)
(char-set-contains? char-set:standard char))
;;; Bullshit legalese
1995-10-13 23:34:21 -04:00
;$Header: /home/flat/Dropbox/Hacks/scsh/scsh-cvs/scsh-0.5/scsh/char-set.scm,v 1995/10/14 03:33:40 bdc Exp $
1995-10-13 23:34:21 -04:00
;Copyright (c) 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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