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1995-10-13 23:34:21 -04:00
%&latex -*- latex -*-
\chapter{Awk, record I/O, and field parsing}
{\Unix} programs frequently process streams of records,
where each record is delimited by a newline,
and records are broken into fields with other delimiters
(for example, the colon character in \ex{/etc/passwd}).
Scsh has procedures that allow the programmer to easily
do this kind of processing.
Scsh's field parsers can also be used to parse other kinds
of delimited strings, such as colon-separated \verb|$PATH| lists.
These routines can be used with scsh's \ex{awk} loop construct
to conveniently perform pattern-directed computation over streams
of records.
\section{Record I/O and field parsing}
The procedures in this section are used to read records from
I/O streams and parse them into fields.
A record is defined as text terminated by some delimiter (usually a newline).
A record can be split into fields by using regular expressions in
one of several ways: to \emph{match} fields, to \emph{separate} fields,
or to \emph{terminate} fields.
The field parsers can be applied to arbitrary strings (one common use is
splitting environment variables such as \ex{\$PATH} at colons into its
component elements).
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The general delimited-input procedures described in
chapter~\ref{chapt:rdelim} are also useful for reading simple records,
such as single lines, paragraphs of text, or strings terminated by specific
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\subsection{Reading records}
\defun{record-reader} {[delims elide-delims? handle-delim]} {\proc}
Returns a procedure that reads records from a port. The
procedure is invoked as follows:
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\codex{(\var{reader} \var{[port]}) $\longrightarrow$
\textrm{\textit{{\str} or eof}}}
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A record is a sequence of characters terminated by one of the characters
in \var{delims} or eof. If \var{elide-delims?} is true, then a contiguous
sequence of delimiter chars are taken as a single record delimiter. If
\var{elide-delims?} is false, then a delimiter char coming immediately
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after a delimiter char produces an empty-string record. The reader
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consumes the delimiting char(s) before returning from a read.
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The \var{delims} set defaults to the set $\{\mbox{newline}\}$.
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It may be a charset, string, character, or character predicate,
and is coerced to a charset.
The \var{elide-delims?} flag defaults to \ex{\#f}.
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The \var{handle-delim} argument controls what is done with the record's
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terminating delimiter.
\ex{'trim} & Delimiters are trimmed. (The default)\\
\ex{'split}& Reader returns delimiter string as a second argument.
If record is terminated by EOF, then the eof object is
returned as this second argument. \\
\ex{'concat} & The record and its delimiter are returned as
a single string.
The reader procedure returned takes one optional argument, the port
from which to read, which defaults to the current input port. It returns
a string or eof.
\subsection{Parsing fields}
\defun {field-splitter} {[field num-fields]} \proc
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\defunx {infix-splitter} {[delim num-fields handle-delim]} \proc
\defunx {suffix-splitter} {[delim num-fields handle-delim]} \proc
\defunx {sloppy-suffix-splitter} {[delim num-fields handle-delim]} \proc
These functions return a parser function that can be used as follows:
\codex{(\var{parser} \var{string} \var{[start]}) $\longrightarrow$
The returned parsers split strings into fields defined
by regular expressions. You can parse by specifying a pattern that
\emph{separates} fields, a pattern that \emph{terminates} fields, or
a pattern that \emph{matches} fields:
Procedure & Pattern \\ \hline
\ex{field-splitter} & matches fields \\
\ex{infix-splitter} & separates fields \\
\ex{suffix-splitter}& terminates fields \\
\ex{sloppy-suffix-splitter} & terminates fields
These parser generators are controlled by a range of options, so that you
can precisely specify what kind of parsing you want. However, these
options default to reasonable values for general use.
\begin{tabular}{l@{\quad=\quad }ll}
\var{delim} & \ex{(rx (| (+ white) eos))} & (suffix delimiter: white space or eos) \\
\multicolumn{1}{l}{} & \ex{(rx (+ white))} & (infix delimiter: white space) \\
\var{field} & \verb|(rx (+ (~ white)))| & (non-white-space) \\
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\var{num-fields} & \verb|#f| & (as many fields as possible) \\
\var{handle-delim} & \verb|'trim| & (discard delimiter chars)
{\ldots}which means: break the string at white space, discarding the
white space, and parse as many fields as possible.
The \var{delim} parameter is a regular expression matching the text
that occurs between fields.
See chapter~\ref{chapt:sre} for information on regular expressions,
and the \ex{rx} form used to specify them.
In the separator case,
it defaults to a pattern matching white space;
in the terminator case,
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it defaults to white space or end-of-string.
The \var{field} parameter is a regular expression used
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to match fields. It defaults to non-white-space.
The \var{delim} patterns may also be given as a string,
character, or char-set, which are coerced to regular expressions.
So the following expressions are all equivalent,
each producing a function that splits strings apart at colons:
(infix-splitter (rx ":"))
(infix-splitter ":")
(infix-splitter #\:)
(infix-splitter (char-set #\:))\end{verbatim}
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The boolean \var{handle-delim} determines what to do with delimiters.
\ex{'trim} & Delimiters are thrown away after parsing. (default) \\
\ex{'concat} & Delimiters are appended to the field preceding them. \\
\ex{'split} & Delimiters are returned as separate elements in
1995-11-03 23:41:53 -05:00
the field list.
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The \var{num-fields} argument used to create the parser specifies how many
fields to parse. If \ex{\#f} (the default), the procedure parses them all.
If a positive integer $n$, exactly that many fields are parsed; it is an
error if there are more or fewer than $n$ fields in the record. If
\var{num-fields} is a negative integer or zero, then $|n|$ fields
are parsed, and the remainder of the string is returned in the last
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element of the field list; it is an error if fewer than $|n|$ fields
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can be parsed.
The field parser produced is a procedure that can be employed as
\codex{(\var{parse} \var{string} \var{[start]}) \evalto \var{string-list}}
The optional \var{start} argument (default 0) specifies where in the string
to begin the parse. It is an error if
$\var{start} > \ex{(string-length \var{string})}$.
The parsers returned by the four parser generators implement different
kinds of field parsing:
The regular expression specifies the actual field.
Delimiters are interpreted as element \emph{terminators}.
If vertical-bar is the the delimiter, then the string \ex{""}
is the empty record \ex{()}, \ex{"foo|"} produces a one-field record
\ex{("foo")}, and \ex{"foo"} is an error.
The syntax of suffix-delimited records is:
\synvar{record} & ::= & \ex{""} \qquad (Empty record) \\
& $|$ & \synvar{element} \synvar{delim}
It is an error if a non-empty record does not end with a delimiter.
To make the last delimiter optional, make sure the delimiter regexp
matches the end-of-string (sre \ex{eos}).
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\item [\ex{infix-splitter}]
Delimiters are interpreted as element \emph{separators}. If comma is the
delimiter, then the string \ex{"foo,"} produces a two-field
record \ex{("foo" "")}.
The syntax of infix-delimited records is:
\synvar{record} & ::= & \ex{""} \qquad (Forced to be empty record) \\
& $|$ & \synvar{real-infix-record} \\
\synvar{real-infix-record} & ::= & \synvar{element} \synvar{delim}
\synvar{real-infix-record} \\
& $|$ & \synvar{element}
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Note that separator semantics doesn't really allow for empty
records---the straightforward grammar (\ie, \synvar{real-infix-record})
parses an empty string as a singleton list whose one field is the empty
string, \ex{("")}, not as the empty record \ex{()}. This is unfortunate,
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since it means that infix string parsing doesn't make \ex{string-append}
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and \ex{append} isomorphic. For example,
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\codex{((infix-splitter ":") (string-append \var{x} ":" \var{y}))}
doesn't always equal
1995-11-03 23:41:53 -05:00
(append ((infix-splitter ":") \var{x})
((infix-splitter ":") \var{y}))\end{code}
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It fails when \var{x} or \var{y} are the empty string.
Terminator semantics \emph{does} preserve a similar isomorphism.
However, separator semantics is frequently what other Unix software
uses, so to parse their strings, we need to use it. For example,
Unix \verb|$PATH| lists have separator semantics. The path list
\ex{"/bin:"} is broken up into \ex{("/bin" "")}, not \ex{("/bin")}.
Comma-separated lists should also be parsed this way.
The same as the \ex{suffix} case, except that the parser will skip an
initial delimiter string if the string begins with one instead of parsing
an initial empty field. This can be used, for example, to field-split a
sequence of English text at white-space boundaries, where the string may
begin or end with white space, by using regex
\begin{code}{(rx (| (+ white) eos))}\end{code}
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(But you would be better off using \ex{field-splitter} in this case.)
Figure~\ref{fig:splitters} shows how the different parser grammars
split apart the same strings.
Record & : suffix & \verb!:|$! suffix & : infix & non-: field \\
\ex{""} & \ex{()} & \ex{()} & \ex{()} & \ex{()} \\
\ex{":"} & \ex{("")} & \ex{("")} & \ex{("" "")} & \ex{()} \\
\ex{"foo:"} & \ex{("foo")} & \ex{("foo")} & \ex{("foo" "")} & \ex{("foo")} \\
\ex{":foo"}& \emph{error} & \ex{("" "foo")}& \ex{("" "foo")}& \ex{("foo")} \\
\ex{"foo:bar"} & \emph{error} & \ex{("foo" "bar")} & \ex{("foo" "bar")} & \ex{("foo" "bar")}
\caption{Using different grammars to split records into fields.}
Having to choose between the different grammars requires you to decide
what you want, but at least you can be precise about what you are parsing.
Take fifteen seconds and think it out. Say what you mean; mean what you
\defun{join-strings} {string-list [delimiter grammar]} \str
This procedure is a simple unparser---it pastes strings together using
the delimiter string.
The \var{grammar} argument is one of the symbols \ex{infix} (the default)
or \ex{suffix}; it determines whether the
delimiter string is used as a separator or as a terminator.
The delimiter is the string used to delimit elements; it defaults to
a single space \ex{" "}.
(join-strings '("foo" "bar" "baz") ":")
\qquad{\evalto} "foo:bar:baz"\end{code}
\subsection{Field readers}
\defun{field-reader} {[field-parser rec-reader]} \proc
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This utility returns a procedure that reads records with field structure
from a port.
The reader's interface is designed to make it useful in the \ex{awk}
loop macro (section~\ref{sec:awk}).
The reader is used as follows:
\codex{(\var{reader} \var{[port]}) {\evalto} \var{[raw-record parsed-record]} or \var{[eof ()]}}
When the reader is applied to an input port (default: the current
input port), it reads a record using \var{rec-reader}. If this record isn't
the eof object, it is parsed with \var{field-parser}. These two
values---the record, and its parsed representation---are returned
as multiple values from the reader.
When called at eof, the reader returns [eof-object \ex{()}].
Although the record reader typically returns a string, and
the field-parser typically takes a string argument, this is not
required. The record reader can produce, and the field-parser consume,
values of any type. However, the empty list returned as the
parsed value on eof is hardwired into the field reader.
For example, if port \ex{p} is open on \ex{/etc/passwd}, then
\codex{((field-reader (infix-splitter ":" 7)) p)}
returns two values:
1995-11-03 23:41:53 -05:00
1995-10-13 23:34:21 -04:00
"dalbertz:mx3Uaqq0:107:22:David Albertz:/users/dalbertz:/bin/csh"
("dalbertz" "mx3Uaqq0" "107" "22" "David Albertz" "/users/dalbertz"
1995-11-03 23:41:53 -05:00
1995-10-13 23:34:21 -04:00
The \var{field-parser} defaults to the value of \ex{(field-splitter)},
a parser that picks out sequences of non-white-space strings.
The \var{rec-reader} defaults to \ex{read-line}.
Figure~\ref{fig:field-readers} shows \ex{field-reader} being
used to read different kinds of Unix records.
;;; /etc/passwd reader
(field-reader (infix-splitter ":" 7))
; wandy:3xuncWdpKhR.:73:22:Wandy Saetan:/usr/wandy:/bin/csh
;;; Two ls -l output readers
(field-reader (infix-splitter (rx (+ white)) 8))
(field-reader (infix-splitter (rx (+ white)) -7))
1995-10-13 23:34:21 -04:00
; -rw-r--r-- 1 shivers 22880 Sep 24 12:45 scsh.scm
;;; Internet hostname reader
(field-reader (field-splitter (rx (+ (~ ".")))))
1995-10-13 23:34:21 -04:00
;;; Internet IP address reader
(field-reader (field-splitter (rx (+ (~ "."))) 4))
1995-10-13 23:34:21 -04:00
;;; Line of integers
(let ((parser (field-splitter (rx (? ("+-")) (+ digit)))))
1995-10-13 23:34:21 -04:00
(field-reader (\l{s} (map string->number (parser s))))
; 18 24 0 241
;;; Same as above.
(let ((reader (field-reader (field-splitter (rx (? ("+-"))
(+ digit))))))
1995-10-13 23:34:21 -04:00
(\lx{maybe-port} (map string->number (apply reader maybe-port))))
; Yale beat harvard 26 to 7.\end{centercode}
\caption{Some examples of \protect\ex{field-reader}}
1995-11-03 23:41:53 -05:00
1995-10-13 23:34:21 -04:00
1995-11-03 23:41:53 -05:00
\subsection{Forward-progress guarantees and empty-string matches}
1995-10-13 23:34:21 -04:00
A loop that pulls text off a string by repeatedly matching a regexp
against that string can conceivably get stuck in an infinite loop if
the regexp matches the empty string. For example, the SREs
\ex{bos}, \ex{eos}, \ex{(* any)}, and \ex{(| "foo" (* (~ "f")))}
can all match the empty string.
1995-10-13 23:34:21 -04:00
The routines in this package that iterate through strings with regular
expressions are careful to handle this empty-string case.
If a regexp matches the empty string, the next search starts, not from
the end of the match (which in the empty string case is also the
beginning---that's the problem), but from the next character over.
This is the correct behaviour. Regexps match the longest possible
string at a given location, so if the regexp matched the empty string
at location $i$, then it is guaranteed it could not have matched
a longer pattern starting with character $i$. So we can safely begin
our search for the next match at char $i+1$.
With this provision, every iteration through the loop makes some forward
progress, and the loop is guaranteed to terminate.
This has the effect you want with field parsing. For example, if you split
a string with the empty pattern, you will explode the string into its
individual characters:
\codex{((suffix-splitter (rx)) "foo") {\evalto} ("" "f" "o" "o")}
1995-10-13 23:34:21 -04:00
However, even though this boundary case is handled correctly, we don't
recommend using it. Say what you mean---just use a field splitter:
\codex{((field-splitter (rx any)) "foo") {\evalto} ("f" "o" "o")}
1995-10-13 23:34:21 -04:00
Or, more efficiently,
\codex{((\l{s} (map string (string->list s))) "foo")}
\subsection{Reader limitations}
Since all of the readers in this package require the ability to peek
ahead one char in the input stream, they cannot be applied to raw
integer file descriptors, only Scheme input ports. This is because
Unix doesn't support peeking ahead into input streams.
Scsh provides a loop macro and a set of field parsers that can
be used to perform text processing very similar to the Awk programming
1995-11-03 23:41:53 -05:00
The basic functionality of Awk is factored in scsh into its component
1995-10-13 23:34:21 -04:00
The control structure is provided by the \ex{awk} loop macro;
the text I/O and parsers are provided by the field-reader subroutine library
This factoring allows the programmer to compose the basic loop structure
with any parser or input mechanism at all.
If the parsers provided by the field-reader package are insufficient,
the programmer can write a custom parser in Scheme and use it with
equal ease in the awk framework.
Awk-in-scheme is given by a loop macro called \ex{awk}. It looks like
(awk \synvar{next-record} \synvar{record\&field-vars}
{\rm[\synvar{counter}]} \synvar{state-var-decls}
\synvar{clause$_1$} \ldots)\index{awk}\end{code}
The body of the loop is a series of clauses, each one representing
a kind of condition/action pair. The loop repeatedly reads a record,
and then executes each clause whose condition is satisfied by the record.
Here's an example that reads lines from port \ex{p}
and prints the line number and line of every line containing the
string ``\ex{Church-Rosser}'':
(awk (read-line) (ln) lineno ()
("Church-Rosser" (format #t "~d: ~s~%" lineno ln)))\end{code}
This example has just one clause in the loop body, the one that
tests for matches against the regular expression ``\ex{Church-Rosser}''.
The \synvar{next-record} form is an expression that is evaluated each time
through the loop to produce a record to process.
This expression can return multiple values;
these values are bound to the variables given in the
\synvar{record\&field-vars} list of variables.
The first value returned is assumed to be the record;
when it is the end-of-file object, the loop terminates.
1995-11-03 23:41:53 -05:00
For example, let's suppose we want to read items from \ex{/etc/password},
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and we use the \ex{field-reader} procedure to define a record parser for
\ex{/etc/passwd} entries:
\codex{(define read-passwd (field-reader (infix-splitter ":" 7)))}
binds \ex{read-passwd} to a procedure that reads in a line of text when
it is called, and splits the text at colons. It returns two values:
the entire line read, and a seven-element list of the split-out fields.
(See section~\ref{sec:field-reader} for more on \ex{field-reader} and
So if the \synvar{next-record} form in an \ex{awk} expression is
\ex{(read-passwd)}, then \synvar{record\&field-vars} must be a list of
two variables, \eg,
\codex{(record field-vec)}
since \ex{read-passwd} returns two values.
Note that \ex{awk} allows us to use \emph{any} record reader we want in the
loop, returning whatever number of values we like. These values
don't have to be strings or string lists. The only requirement
is that the record reader return the eof object as its first value
when the loop should terminate.
The \ex{awk} loop allows the programmer to have loop variables. These are
declared and initialised by the \synvar{state-var-decls} form, a
\codex{((\var{var} \var{init-exp}) (\var{var} \var{init-exp}) \ldots)}
list rather like the \ex{let} form. Whenever a clause in the loop body
executes, it evaluates to as many values as there are state variables,
updating them.
The optional \synvar{counter} variable is an iteration counter.
It is bound to 0 when the loop starts.
The counter is incremented each time a non-eof record is read.
There are several kinds of loop clause. When evaluating the body of the
loop, \ex{awk} evaluates \emph{all} the clauses sequentially.
Unlike \ex{cond}, it does not stop after the first clause is satisfied;
it checks them all.
\itum{\ex{(\var{test} \vari{body}1 \vari{body}2 \ldots)}}
If \var{test} is true, execute the body forms. The last body form
is the value of the clause. The test and body forms are evaluated
in the scope of the record and state variables.
The \var{test} form can be one of:
\var{integer}: & The test is true for that iteration of the loop.
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The first iteration is \#1. \\
\var{sre}: & A regular expression, in SRE notation
(see chapter~\ref{chapt:sre}) can be used as
a test. The test is successful if the pattern
matches the record.
In particular, note that any string is an SRE. \\
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\ex{(when \var{expr})}: &
The body of a \ex{when} test is evaluated as a
Scheme boolean expression in the inner scope of the
\ex{awk} form. \\
\var{expr}: & If the form is none of the above, it is treated as
a Scheme expression---in practice, the \ex{when}
keyword is only needed in cases where SRE/Scheme
expression ambiguity might occur.
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1995-11-03 23:41:53 -05:00
\ex{(range\ \ \ \var{start-test} \var{stop-test} \vari{body}1 \ldots)} \\
\ex{(:range\ \ \var{start-test} \var{stop-test} \vari{body}1 \ldots)} \\
\ex{(range:\ \ \var{start-test} \var{stop-test} \vari{body}1 \ldots)} \\
\ex{(:range:\ \var{start-test} \var{stop-test} \vari{body}1 \ldots)}
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These clauses become activated when \var{start-test} is true;
they stay active on all further iterations until \var{stop-test}
is true.
So, to print out the first ten lines of a file, we use the clause:
\codex{(:range: 1 10 (display record))}
The colons control whether or not the start and stop lines
are processed by the clause. For example:
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\ex{(range\ \ \ 1 5\ \ \ldots)} & Lines \phantom{1} 2 3 4 \\
\ex{(:range\ \ 1 5\ \ \ldots)} & Lines 1 2 3 4 \\
\ex{(range:\ \ 1 5\ \ \ldots)} & Lines \phantom{1} 2 3 4 5 \\
\ex{(:range: 1 5\ \ \ldots)} & Lines 1 2 3 4 5
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A line can trigger both tests, either simultaneously starting and
stopping an active region, or simultaneously stopping one and starting
a new one, so ranges can abut seamlessly.
\itum{\ex{(else \vari{body}1 \vari{body}2 \ldots)}}
If no other clause has executed since the top of the loop, or
since the last \ex{else} clause, this clause executes.
\itum{\ex{(\var{test} => \var{exp})}}
If evaluating \ex{test} produces a true value,
apply \var{exp} to that value.
If \var{test} is a regular expression, then \var{exp} is applied
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to the match data structure returned by the regexp match routine.
\itum{\ex{(after \vari{body}1 \ldots)}}
This clause executes when the loop encounters EOF. The body forms
execute in the scope of the state vars and the record-count var,
if there are any. The value of the last body form is the value
of the entire awk form.
If there is no \ex{after} clause, \ex{awk} returns the loop's state
variables as multiple values.
Here are some examples of \ex{awk} being used to process various types
of input stream.
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(define $ nth) ; Saves typing.
1995-10-13 23:34:21 -04:00
;;; Print out the name and home-directory of everyone in /etc/passwd:
(let ((read-passwd (field-reader (infix-splitter ":" 7))))
(call-with-input-file "/etc/passwd"
(lambda (port)
(awk (read-passwd port) (record fields) ()
(#t (format #t "~a's home directory is ~a~%"
($ fields 0)
($ fields 5)))))))\end{code}
;;; Print out the user-name and home-directory of everyone whose
;;; name begins with "S"
(let ((read-passwd (field-reader (infix-splitter ":" 7))))
(call-with-input-file "/etc/passwd"
(lambda (port)
(awk (read-passwd port) (record fields) ()
((: bos "S")
(format #t "~a's home directory is ~a~%"
($ fields 0)
($ fields 5)))))))\end{code}
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;;; Read a series of integers from stdin. This expression evaluates
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;;; to the number of positive numbers that were read. Note our
;;; "record-reader" is the standard Scheme READ procedure.
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(awk (read) (i) ((npos 0))
((> i 0) (+ npos 1)))\end{code}
;;; Filter -- pass only lines containing my name.
(awk (read-line) (line) ()
("Olin" (display line) (newline)))\end{code}
;;; Count the number of non-comment lines of code in my Scheme source.
(awk (read-line) (line) ((nlines 0))
((: bos (* white) ";") nlines) ; A comment line.
(else (+ nlines 1))) ; Not a comment line.\end{code}
1995-10-13 23:34:21 -04:00
;;; Read numbers, counting the evens and odds.
(awk (read) (val) ((evens 0) (odds 0))
((> val 0) (display "pos ") (values evens odds)) ; Tell me about
((< val 0) (display "neg ") (values evens odds)) ; sign, too.
(else (display "zero ") (values evens odds))
((even? val) (values (+ evens 1) odds))
(else (values evens (+ odds 1))))\end{code}
;;; Determine the max length of all the lines in the file.
(awk (read-line) (line) ((max-len 0))
(#t (max max-len (string-length line))))\end{code}
;;; (This could also be done with PORT-FOLDL:)
(port-foldl (current-input-port) read-line
(lambda (line maxlen) (max (string-length line) maxlen))
1995-10-13 23:34:21 -04:00
;;; Print every line longer than 80 chars.
;;; Prefix each line with its line #.
(awk (read-line) (line) lineno ()
((> (string-length line) 80)
(format #t "~d: ~s~%" lineno line)))\end{code}
;;; Strip blank lines from input.
(awk (read-line) (line) ()
((~ white) (display line) (newline)))\end{code}
1995-10-13 23:34:21 -04:00
;;; Sort the entries in /etc/passwd by login name.
(for-each (lambda (entry) (display (cdr entry)) (newline)) ; Out
(sort (lambda (x y) (string<? (car x) (car y))) ; Sort
(let ((read (field-reader (infix-splitter ":" 7)))) ; In
(awk (read) (line fields) ((ans '()))
(#t (cons (cons ($ fields 0) line) ans))))))\end{code}
;;; Prefix line numbers to the input stream.
(awk (read-line) (line) lineno ()
(#t (format #t "~d:\\t~a~%" lineno line)))\end{code}
\section{Backwards compatibility}
Previous scsh releases provided an \ex{awk} form with a different syntax,
designed around regular expressions written in Posix notation as strings,
rather than SREs.
This form is still available in a separate module for old code.
It'll be documented in the next release of this manual. Dig around
in the sources for it.