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; Allocation
; *hp* is the heap pointer and *limit* is the limit beyond which no
; storage should be allocated. Both of these are addresses (not
; descriptors).
(define check-preallocation? #f)
(define *hp* 0)
(define *limit* 0)
; These are all in address units
(define *newspace-begin* (unassigned))
(define *newspace-end* (unassigned))
(define *oldspace-begin* (unassigned))
(define *oldspace-end* (unassigned))
(define (initialize-heap start size)
(let ((semisize (cells->a-units (quotient size 2))))
(set! *newspace-begin* start)
(set! *newspace-end* (addr+ *newspace-begin* semisize))
(set! *oldspace-begin* *newspace-end*)
(set! *oldspace-end* (addr+ *oldspace-begin* semisize))
(set! *hp* *newspace-begin*)
(set! *limit* *newspace-end*)))
(define (available? cells)
(addr< (addr+ *hp* (cells->a-units cells)) *limit*))
(define (available)
(a-units->cells (addr- *limit* *hp*)))
(define (heap-size)
(- *newspace-end* *newspace-begin*))
(define *heap-key* 0)
(define universal-key 0)
(define *okayed-space* 0)
(define (preallocate-space cells)
(cond (check-preallocation?
(assert (available? cells))
(set! *heap-key* (+ *heap-key* 1))
(set! *okayed-space* cells)
(define (make-stob type len key) ;len is in bytes
(if check-preallocation?
(let ((cells (+ (bytes->cells len) 1)))
(assert (available? cells))
(cond ((not (= key universal-key))
(if (not (and (= key *heap-key*)
(>= *okayed-space* cells)))
(error "invalid heap key" key cells))
(set! *okayed-space* (- *okayed-space* cells))))))
(store! *hp* (make-header type len))
(set! *hp* (addr1+ *hp*))
(let ((new (address->stob-descriptor *hp*)))
(set! *hp* (addr+ *hp* (bytes->a-units len)))
(if (> len 0) ; for B-VECTORs that don't want to use all of the
(store! (addr+ *hp* (cells->bytes -1)) 0)) ; last descriptor
(define *pure-areas* (unassigned))
(define *impure-areas* (unassigned))
(define *pure-sizes* (unassigned))
(define *impure-sizes* (unassigned))
(define *pure-area-count* 0)
(define *impure-area-count* 0)
(define (register-static-areas pure-count pure-areas pure-sizes
impure-count impure-areas impure-sizes)
(set! *pure-area-count* pure-count)
(set! *pure-areas* pure-areas)
(set! *pure-sizes* pure-sizes)
(set! *impure-area-count* impure-count)
(set! *impure-areas* impure-areas)
(set! *impure-sizes* impure-sizes))
(define (walk-areas proc areas sizes count)
(let loop ((i 0))
(cond ((>= i count)
((proc (vector-ref areas i)
(+ (vector-ref areas i)
(vector-ref sizes i)))
(loop (+ i 1)))
(define (walk-pure-areas proc)
(walk-areas proc *pure-areas* *pure-sizes* *pure-area-count*))
(define (walk-impure-areas proc)
(walk-areas proc *impure-areas* *impure-sizes* *impure-area-count*))
; Used to find end of an object
(define (header-a-units h)
(bytes->a-units (header-length-in-bytes h)))
(define (walk-over-type-in-area type proc)
(lambda (start end)
(let loop ((addr start))
(cond ((addr< addr end)
(let ((d (fetch addr)))
(cond ((not (header? d))
(write-string "heap is in an inconsistent state."
((or (not (= type (header-type d)))
(proc (address->stob-descriptor (addr1+ addr))))
(loop (addr1+ (addr+ addr (header-a-units d)))))
(define (walk-over-symbols proc)
(let ((proc (walk-over-type-in-area (enum stob symbol) proc))
(start-hp *hp*))
(cond ((and (proc *newspace-begin* *hp*)
(walk-pure-areas proc))
(set! *hp* start-hp) ; out of space, so undo and give up
(define (find-all-xs type)
(let ((proc (walk-over-type-in-area type maybe-push-obj))
(start-hp *hp*))
(store-next! 0) ; reserve space for header
(cond ((and (proc *newspace-begin* start-hp)
(walk-impure-areas proc)
(walk-pure-areas proc))
(let ((size (addr- *hp* (addr1+ start-hp))))
(store! start-hp (make-header (enum stob vector) size) )
(address->stob-descriptor (addr1+ start-hp))))
(set! *hp* start-hp) ; out of space, so undo and give up
(define (maybe-push-obj thing)
(cond ((available? (cells->a-units 1))
(store-next! thing)
(else #f)))
;;;; Write-image and read-image
(define level 15)
(define (image-writing-okay?)
(and (= 0 *pure-area-count*)
(= 0 *impure-area-count*)))
(define (write-image port restart-proc)
(write-string "This is a Scheme48 heap image file." port)
(newline port)
(write-page port)
(newline port)
(write-number level port)
(write-number bytes-per-cell port)
(write-number (a-units->cells *newspace-begin*) port)
(write-number (a-units->cells *hp*) port)
(write-number restart-proc port)
(write-page port)
(store! *hp* 1) ; used to detect endianess of image
(write-bytes *hp* (- (addr1+ *hp*) *hp*) port)
(write-bytes *newspace-begin* (- *hp* *newspace-begin*) port)
(- *hp* *newspace-begin*))
; Make sure the image file is okay and return the size of the heap it
; contains.
(define (check-image-header filename)
(call-with-input-file filename
(lambda (port)
(let ((lose (lambda (message)
(let ((out (current-output-port)))
(write-string message out)
(newline out)
(cond ((null-port? port)
(lose "Can't open heap image file"))
(read-page port) ; read past any user cruft at the beginning of the file
(let* ((old-level (read-number port))
(old-bytes-per-cell (read-number port))
(old-begin (cells->a-units (read-number port)))
(old-hp (cells->a-units (read-number port))))
(cond ((not (= old-level level))
(lose "format of image is incompatible with this version of system"))
((not (= old-bytes-per-cell bytes-per-cell))
(lose "incompatible bytes-per-cell in image"))
(- old-hp old-begin))))))))))
(define (read-image filename startup-space)
(call-with-input-file filename
(lambda (port)
(if (null-port? port)
(error "Can't open heap image file"))
(read-page port) ; read past any user cruft at the beginning of the file
(let* ((old-level (read-number port))
(old-bytes-per-cell (read-number port))
(old-begin (cells->a-units (read-number port)))
(old-hp (cells->a-units (read-number port)))
(startup-proc (read-number port)))
(read-page port)
(if (not (= old-level level))
(error "format of image is incompatible with this version of system"
old-level level))
(if (not (= old-bytes-per-cell bytes-per-cell))
(error "incompatible bytes-per-cell"
old-bytes-per-cell bytes-per-cell))
(let* ((delta (- *hp* old-begin))
(new-hp (+ old-hp delta))
(new-limit *newspace-end*)
(start *hp*))
(if (addr>= (+ startup-space new-hp) new-limit)
(error "heap not big enough to restore this image"
new-hp new-limit))
(let ((reverse? (check-image-byte-order port)))
(read-bytes *hp* (- old-hp old-begin) port)
(if reverse?
(reverse-byte-order start new-hp))
(if (not (= delta 0))
(relocate-image delta start new-hp))
(set! *hp* new-hp)
(adjust startup-proc delta)))))))
(define (check-image-byte-order port)
(read-bytes *hp* (cells->a-units 1) port)
(cond ((= (fetch *hp*) 1)
(reverse-descriptor-byte-order! *hp*)
(if (= (fetch *hp*) 1)
(begin (error "unable to correct byte order" (fetch *hp*))
#f))))) ; to keep from confusing the type checker
; memory intensive, but independent of Scheme's integer size
(define (reverse-descriptor-byte-order! addr)
(let ((x (fetch-byte addr)))
(store-byte! addr (fetch-byte (addr+ addr 3)))
(store-byte! (addr+ addr 3) x))
(let ((x (fetch-byte (addr+ addr 1))))
(store-byte! (addr+ addr 1) (fetch-byte (addr+ addr 2)))
(store-byte! (addr+ addr 2) x)))
(define (reverse-byte-order start end)
(write-string "Correcting byte order of resumed image."
(newline (current-output-port))
(let loop ((ptr start))
(reverse-descriptor-byte-order! ptr)
(let ((value (fetch ptr)))
(if (addr< ptr end)
(loop (if (b-vector-header? value)
(addr+ (addr1+ ptr) (header-a-units value))
(addr1+ ptr)))))))
(define (adjust descriptor delta)
(if (stob? descriptor)
(address->stob-descriptor (addr+ (address-after-header descriptor) delta))
(define (relocate-image delta start end)
(let loop ((ptr start))
(if (addr< ptr end)
(let ((d (adjust (fetch ptr) delta)))
(store! ptr d)
(loop (if (b-vector-header? d)
(addr+ (addr1+ ptr) (header-a-units d))
(addr1+ ptr)))))))
; The page character is used to mark the ends of the user and prelude sections
; of image files.
(define page-character (ascii->char 12))
(define (write-page port)
(write-char page-character port))
(define (read-page port)
(let loop ()
(ps-read-char port
(lambda (ch)
(if (not (char=? ch page-character))
(lambda ()
(error "end of file while looking for page break")))))