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; -*- Mode: Scheme; Syntax: Scheme; Package: Scheme; -*-
; This is file gc.scm.
; Collector
(define (store-next! descriptor)
(store! *hp* descriptor)
(set! *hp* (addr1+ *hp*)))
(define (in-oldspace? descriptor)
(and (stob? descriptor)
(let ((a (address-after-header descriptor)))
(and (addr>= a *oldspace-begin*)
(addr< a *oldspace-end*)))))
; The interface to the GC consists of
; (BEGIN-COLLECTION) ; call first
; (TRACE-VALUE value) => copied value
; (TRACE-LOCATIONS start end) ; trace all pointers,
; (DO-GC) ; then do the GC,
; (END-COLLECTION) ; and either finish
; (ABORT-COLLECTION) ; or abort
(define *gc-count* 0)
(define (gc-count) *gc-count*)
(define *saved-hp* 0)
(define *saved-limit* 0)
(define (begin-collection)
(set! *saved-limit* *limit*)
(set! *saved-hp* *hp*)
(set! *limit* *newspace-end*)
(set! *hp* *newspace-begin*)
(set! *weak-pointer-hp* -1))
(define (swap-spaces)
(let ((b *newspace-begin*))
(set! *newspace-begin* *oldspace-begin*)
(set! *oldspace-begin* b))
(let ((e *newspace-end*))
(set! *newspace-end* *oldspace-end*)
(set! *oldspace-end* e)))
(define (trace-value value)
(if (in-oldspace? value)
(copy-object value)
(define (trace-impure-areas)
(lambda (start end)
(trace-locations start end)
(define (end-collection)
(set! *gc-count* (+ *gc-count* 1)))
; Undo the effects of the current collection (assuming that it did not
; modify any VM registers or the stack).
(define (abort-collection)
(set! *limit* *saved-limit*)
(set! *hp* *saved-hp*)
(let loop ((addr *newspace-begin*))
(if (addr< addr *hp*)
(let* ((d (fetch addr))
(h (if (header? d)
(let ((h (stob-header d)))
(store! addr h) ; mend heart
(loop (addr1+ (addr+ addr (header-a-units h))))))))
; Scan the heap, copying pointed to objects, starting from START. Quit once
; the scanning pointer catches up with the heap pointer.
(define (do-gc)
(let loop ((start *newspace-begin*))
(let ((end *hp*))
(trace-locations start end)
(cond ((addr>= *hp* *limit*)
(error "GC error: ran out of space in new heap"))
((addr< end *hp*)
(loop end)))))
; Copy everything pointed to from somewhere between START and END.
(define (trace-locations start end)
(let loop ((addr start))
(if (addr< addr end)
(loop (copy-next addr)))))
; Copy the thing pointed to from ADDR, returning the next address to copy.
(define (copy-next addr)
(let ((thing (fetch addr))
(next (addr1+ addr)))
(cond ((b-vector-header? thing)
(addr+ next (header-a-units thing)))
((in-oldspace? thing)
(store! addr (copy-object thing))
; Copy THING if it has not already been copied.
; It is important that this be in-lined into COPY-NEXT.
(define (copy-object thing)
(let ((h (stob-header thing)))
(cond ((stob? h) ;***Broken heart
;; (assert (in-newspace? h))
((and (vm-eq? weak-pointer-header h)
(in-oldspace? (d-vector-ref thing 0)))
(copy-weak-pointer thing))
(store-next! h)
(let ((new (address->stob-descriptor *hp*)))
(stob-header-set! thing new) ;***Break heart
(let ((new-hp (addr+ *hp* (header-a-units h))))
(do ((o (address-after-header thing) (addr1+ o)))
((addr>= *hp* new-hp))
(store-next! (fetch o))))
; Weak pointers are copied into contiguous blocks so that they can be
; scanned after the main GC has finished. They have their own heap pointer
; and heap limit.
(define *weak-pointer-hp* -1)
(define *weak-pointer-limit* 0)
; header + one slot
(define weak-pointer-size 2)
; The number of weak pointers in each block.
(define weak-pointer-alloc-count 128)
; The size of a block of weak pointers.
(define weak-pointer-alloc-quantum
(cells->a-units (* weak-pointer-alloc-count weak-pointer-size)))
; Used both to detect weak pointers and for setting the headers when the
; weak-pointer blocks are scanned.
(define weak-pointer-header
(make-header (enum stob weak-pointer) (cells->bytes (- weak-pointer-size 1))))
; A header used to stop the GC from scanning weak-pointer blocks.
(define weak-alloc-area-header
(make-header (enum stob code-vector)
(cells->bytes (- (* weak-pointer-alloc-count weak-pointer-size)
1)))) ; don't count the header
(define (copy-weak-pointer weak)
(if (or (= -1 *weak-pointer-hp*)
(>= *weak-pointer-hp* *weak-pointer-limit*))
(let ((new (address->stob-descriptor (addr1+ *weak-pointer-hp*))))
(store! (addr1+ *weak-pointer-hp*) (d-vector-ref weak 0))
(set! *weak-pointer-hp* (addr1+ (addr1+ *weak-pointer-hp*)))
(stob-header-set! weak new) ;***Break heart
; The weak pointer blocks are linked in their third slot (= the header space
; of the second weak pointer). The header for the first weak pointer contains
; a header for the block, and the value slots contain the (untraced) values.
(define (allocate-more-weak-pointer-space)
(let ((old *weak-pointer-hp*))
(set! *weak-pointer-hp* *hp*)
(set! *hp* (+ *hp* weak-pointer-alloc-quantum))
(set! *weak-pointer-limit* *hp*)
(store! *weak-pointer-hp* weak-alloc-area-header)
(store! (addr1+ (addr1+ *weak-pointer-hp*)) old)))
; If any weak pointers were found, then get the limits of the most recently
; allocated block and scan it and the rest of the blocks. Put a string header
; on the unused portion of the block the most recent block.
(define (clean-weak-pointers)
(if (not (= *weak-pointer-hp* -1))
(let ((start (addr- *weak-pointer-limit* weak-pointer-alloc-quantum))
(end *weak-pointer-hp*))
(scan-weak-pointer-blocks start end)
(if (not (>= end *weak-pointer-limit*))
(let ((unused-portion (addr- *weak-pointer-limit* (addr1+ end))))
(store! end (make-header (enum stob code-vector)
(a-units->cells unused-portion)))))))))
(define (scan-weak-pointer-blocks start end)
(let loop ((start start) (end end))
(let ((next (fetch (addr1+ (addr1+ start)))))
(scan-weak-pointer-block start end)
(if (not (= next -1))
(loop (addr- next weak-pointer-alloc-quantum) next)))))
; Go from START to END putting headers on the weak pointers and seeing if
; their contents were traced.
(define (scan-weak-pointer-block start end)
(do ((scan start (addr1+ (addr1+ scan))))
((>= scan end))
(store! scan weak-pointer-header)
(let ((value (fetch (addr1+ scan))))
(if (and (in-oldspace? value)
(stob? value))
(store! (addr1+ scan)
(let ((h (stob-header value)))
(if (stob? h) h false)))))))