133 lines
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133 lines
3.8 KiB
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; Copyright (c) 1993, 1994 Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING.
; ,open architecture primitives low-level locations debug-data syntactic
; July 5th
;total number of 3-vectors: 10896
;probably table entries: 10381
;symbol keys: 7363
;integer keys: 3018
;symbol values: 3793
;location values: 2062
;pair values: 1723
;operator values: 989
;debug-data values: 1208
;transform values: 510
; pair 4039 48468
; symbol 1067 8536
; vector 4477 124132
; closure 1541 18492
; location 807 9684
; port 2 40
; ratio 0 0
; record 579 16732
; continuation 6 136
; extended-number 0 0
; template 985 23916
; weak-pointer 33 264
; external 0 0
;unused-d-header1 0 0
;unused-d-header2 0 0
; string 1207 19338
; code-vector 986 51097
; double 0 0
; bignum 0 0
; total 15729 320835
(define (analyze-3-vectors)
(let ((vs (find-all-xs (enum stob vector)))
(total 0)
(table-entries 0)
(symbol-keys 0)
(int-keys 0)
(symbols 0)
(locations 0)
(debug-datas 0)
(pairs 0)
(operators 0))
(set! *foo* '())
(lambda (v)
(if (= (vector-length v) 3)
(let ((x (vector-ref v 2)))
(set! total (+ total 1))
(cond ((or (vector? x) (eq? x #f))
(set! table-entries (+ table-entries 1))
(let ((key (vector-ref v 0)))
(cond ((symbol? key)
(set! symbol-keys (+ symbol-keys 1)))
((integer? key)
(set! int-keys (+ int-keys 1)))))
(let ((val (vector-ref v 1)))
(cond ((symbol? val)
(set! symbols (+ symbols 1)))
((location? val)
(set! locations (+ locations 1)))
((pair? val)
(set! pairs (+ pairs 1)))
((transform? val)
(set! operators (+ operators 1)))
((debug-data? val)
(set! debug-datas (+ debug-datas 1)))
(else (set! *foo* (cons v *foo*))))))))))
(display "total number of 3-vectors: ") (write total) (newline)
(display "probably table entries: ") (write table-entries) (newline)
(display "symbol keys: ") (write symbol-keys) (newline)
(display "integer keys: ") (write int-keys) (newline)
(display "symbol values: ") (write symbols) (newline)
(display "location values: ") (write locations) (newline)
(display "pair values: ") (write pairs) (newline)
(display "transform values: ") (write operators) (newline)
(display "debug-data values: ") (write debug-datas) (newline)))
(define *foo* '())
(define (bar)
(vector-size-histogram (find-all-xs (enum stob vector))))
(define (vector-size-histogram vs)
(write (vector-length vs)) (display " vectors") (newline)
(let ((n 0))
(vector-for-each (lambda (v)
(if (eq? v vs) 'foo
(if (> (vector-length v) n)
(set! n (vector-length v)))))
(display "longest: ") (write n) (newline)
(let ((hist (make-vector (+ n 1) 0)))
(vector-for-each (lambda (v)
(let ((l (vector-length v)))
(vector-set! hist l (+ (vector-ref hist l) 1))))
(let loop ((i 0))
(if (< i n)
(let ((m (vector-ref hist i)))
(if (> m 0)
(begin (write-padded i 6)
(write-padded m 7)
(write-padded (* (+ (* i m) 1) 4) 7)
(loop (+ i 1))))))))
(define (write-padded x pad)
(let ((s (if (symbol? x)
(symbol->string x)
(number->string x))))
(do ((i (- pad (string-length s)) (- i 1)))
((<= i 0) (display s))
(write-char #\space))))
(define (vector-for-each proc v)
(let ((z (vector-length v)))
(do ((i (- z 1) (- i 1)))
((< i 0) #f)
(if (not (vector-unassigned? v i))
(proc (vector-ref v i))))))