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; For example:
; (do-it 100000 "~/s48/debug/little.image" "little-heap.c")
; The first argument to do-it should be somewhat larger than the size,
; in bytes, of the image file to be converted (which you can obtain with
; "ls -l").
; If the image contains 0-length stored objects, then the .c file will
; have to be compiled by gcc, since 0-length arrays aren't allowed in
; ANSI C. This wouldn't be difficult to work around.
(define *comments?* #f)
; 800,000 bytes => 200,000 words => at least 100,000 objects
; 50 chunks => 16,000 bytes per chunk => 2,000 objects per chunk
(define *chunk-size* 10000)
(define (do-it bytes infile outfile)
(let ((start (init bytes infile)))
(call-with-output-file outfile
(lambda (port)
(format port "#define D(x) (long)(&x)+7~%")
(format port "#define H unsigned long~%")
(emit-area-declarations "p" immutable? "const " port)
(emit-area-declarations "i" mutable? "" port)
(emit-area-initializers "p" immutable? "const " port)
(emit-area-initializers "i" mutable? "" port)
(display "const long entry = " port)
(emit-descriptor start port)
(write-char #\; port)
(newline port)))))
(define (init bytes infile)
(create-memory (quotient bytes 2) quiescent) ;Output of ls -l
(initialize-heap (memory-begin) (memory-size))
(let ((start (read-image infile 0)))
(message (nchunks)
" chunks")
(define (nchunks) (+ (chunk-number (heap-pointer)) 1))
; emit struct declarations for areas
(define (emit-area-declarations name in-area? const port)
(lambda (chunk)
(message name chunk " declaration")
(display "struct " port) (display name port) (display chunk port)
(display " {" port) (newline port))
(lambda (x)
(if (in-area? x)
(emit-declaration x port)))
(lambda (chunk)
(display "};" port)
(newline port)
(display const port)
(display "extern struct " port) (display name port) (display chunk port)
(write-char #\space port) (display name port) (display chunk port)
(write-char #\; port) (newline port)
(define (emit-declaration x port)
(display " H x" port)
(writex x port)
(cond ((d-vector? x)
(display "; long d" port)
(writex x port)
(write-char #\[ port)
(write (d-vector-length x) port))
((vm-string? x)
(display "; char d" port)
(writex x port)
(write-char #\[ port)
;; Ensure alignment (thanks Ian)
(write (cells->bytes (bytes->cells (b-vector-length x)))
(display "; unsigned char d" port)
(writex x port)
(write-char #\[ port)
;; Ensure alignment
(write (cells->bytes (bytes->cells (b-vector-length x)))
(display "];" port)
(if *comments?*
(begin (display " /* " port)
(display (enumerand->name (stob-type x) stob) port)
(display " */" port)))
(newline port))
; Emit initializers for areas
(define (emit-area-initializers name in-area? const port)
(lambda (chunk)
(message name chunk " initializer")
(display const port)
(display "struct " port) (display name port) (write chunk port)
(write-char #\space port) (display name port) (write chunk port)
(display " =" port) (newline port)
(write-char #\{ port) (newline port))
(lambda (x)
(if (in-area? x)
(emit-initializer x port)))
(lambda (chunk)
(display "};" port) (newline port)))
(let ((n (nchunks)))
(format port "const long ~a_count = ~s;~%" name n)
(format port "~a long * const ~a_areas[~s] = {" const name n)
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i n))
(format port "(~a long *)&~a~s, " const name i))
(format port "};~%const long ~a_sizes[~s] = {" name n)
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i n))
(format port "sizeof(~a~s), " name i))
(format port "};~%")))
(define (message . stuff)
(for-each display stuff) (newline))
(define (emit-initializer x port)
(display " " port)
(write (stob-header x) port)
(write-char #\, port)
(cond ((d-vector? x)
(emit-d-vector-initializer x port))
((vm-string? x)
(write-char #\" port)
(let ((len (vm-string-length x)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i len) (write-char #\" port))
(let ((c (vm-string-ref x i)))
(cond ((or (char=? c #\") (char=? c #\\))
(write-char #\\ port))
((char=? c #\newline)
(display "\\n\\" port)))
(write-char c port)))))
(write-char #\{ port)
(let ((len (b-vector-length x)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i len) (write-char #\} port))
(write (b-vector-ref x i) port)
(write-char #\, port)))))
(write-char #\, port)
(if *comments?*
(begin (display " /* " port)
(writex x port)
(display " */" port)))
(newline port))
(define (emit-d-vector-initializer x port)
(write-char #\{ port)
(let ((len (d-vector-length x)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i len) (write-char #\} port))
(emit-descriptor (d-vector-ref x i) port)
(write-char #\, port))))
(define (emit-descriptor x port)
(if (stob? x)
(begin (if (immutable? x)
(display "D(p" port)
(display "D(i" port))
(display (chunk-number x) port)
(display ".x" port)
(writex x port)
(write-char #\) port))
(write x port)))
; Foo
(define (writex x port)
(write (quotient (- (- x (memory-begin)) 7) 4) port))
(define (chunk-number x)
(quotient (- (- x (memory-begin)) 7) *chunk-size*))
; Image traversal utility
(define (for-each-stored-object chunk-start proc chunk-end)
(let ((limit (heap-pointer)))
(let chunk-loop ((addr (newspace-begin))
(i 0)
(chunk (+ (newspace-begin) *chunk-size*)))
(if (addr< addr limit)
(begin (chunk-start i)
(let loop ((addr addr))
(if (and (addr< addr limit)
(addr< addr chunk))
(let ((d (fetch addr)))
(if (not (header? d))
(warn "heap is in an inconsistent state" d))
(proc (address->stob-descriptor (addr1+ addr)))
(loop (addr1+ (addr+ addr (header-a-units d)))))
(begin (chunk-end i)
(chunk-loop addr
(+ i 1)
(+ chunk *chunk-size*))))))))))
(define (mutable? x) (not (immutable? x)))