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; Copyright (c) 1993, 1994 Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING.
; Additional port types
(define close-port (structure-ref primitives close-port))
(define write-string (structure-ref ports write-string))
; Keeping track of a port's current row and column.
(define-record-type port-location
((row 0)
(column 0)))
(define make-port-location port-location-maker)
(define (update-row-and-column location char)
(cond ((eof-object? char) (values))
((char=? char #\newline)
(set-port-location-row! location (+ 1 (port-location-row location)))
(set-port-location-column! location 0))
(set-port-location-column! location
(+ 1 (port-location-column location))))))
(define (update-row-and-column-from-string location string)
(let loop ((i 0)
(row (port-location-row location))
(column (port-location-column location)))
(cond ((>= i (string-length string))
(set-port-location-row! location row)
(set-port-location-column! location column))
((char=? #\newline (string-ref string i))
(loop (+ i 1) (+ row 1) 0))
(loop (+ i 1) row (+ column 1))))))
; Input ports that keep track of the current row and column.
(define-record-type input-port-data
((location (make-port-location))))
(define input-port-methods
(lambda (data)
(close-port (input-port-data-sub-port data)))
(lambda (data)
(let ((char (read-char (input-port-data-sub-port data))))
(update-row-and-column (input-port-data-location data) char)
(lambda (data)
(peek-char (input-port-data-sub-port data)))
(lambda (data)
(char-ready? (input-port-data-sub-port data)))
(lambda (data)
(port-location-column (input-port-data-location data)))
(lambda (data)
(port-location-row (input-port-data-location data)))))
(define (make-tracking-input-port sub-port)
(make-extensible-input-port (input-port-data-maker sub-port)
; Output ports that keep track of the current row and column.
(define-record-type output-port-data
((location (make-port-location))))
(define output-port-methods
(lambda (data)
(close-port (output-port-data-sub-port data)))
(lambda (data char)
(write-char char (output-port-data-sub-port data))
(update-row-and-column (output-port-data-location data) char))
(lambda (data string)
(write-string string (output-port-data-sub-port data))
(update-row-and-column-from-string (output-port-data-location data)
(lambda (data)
(force-output (output-port-data-sub-port data)))
(lambda (data)
(let ((location (output-port-data-location data)))
(cond ((not (= 0 (port-location-column location)))
(write-char #\newline (output-port-data-sub-port data))
(set-port-location-column! location 0)
(set-port-location-row! location
(+ 1 (port-location-row location)))))))
(lambda (data)
(port-location-column (output-port-data-location data)))
(lambda (data)
(port-location-row (output-port-data-location data)))))
(define (make-tracking-output-port sub-port)
(make-extensible-output-port (output-port-data-maker sub-port)
; String input ports
(define-record-type string-input-port-data
((location (make-port-location))
(index 0)))
(define (make-string-input-port string)
(make-extensible-input-port (string-input-port-data-maker string)
(define string-input-port-methods
(lambda (data)
(string-length (string-input-port-data-string data))))
(lambda (data)
(let ((string (string-input-port-data-string data))
(index (string-input-port-data-index data)))
(cond ((>= index (string-length string))
(let ((char (string-ref string index)))
(set-string-input-port-data-index! data (+ index 1))
(update-row-and-column (string-input-port-data-location data)
(lambda (data)
(let ((string (string-input-port-data-string data))
(index (string-input-port-data-index data)))
(if (>= index (string-length string))
(string-ref string index))))
(lambda (data)
(let ((string (string-input-port-data-string data))
(index (string-input-port-data-index data)))
(< index (string-length string))))
(lambda (data)
(port-location-column (string-input-port-data-location data)))
(lambda (data)
(port-location-row (string-input-port-data-location data)))))
; String output ports
(define-record-type string-output-port-data
((location (make-port-location))
(strings '())
(index string-port-string-length)
(open? #t)))
(define (make-string-output-port)
(make-extensible-output-port (string-output-port-data-maker)
; The length of the strings used in STRING-OUTPUT-PORTs.
(define string-port-string-length 80)
; Write a character to a string-output-port. If there is not room in the
; current string, make a new one and put the character in that; otherwise put
; the character in the current string and increment the index.
(define (write-char-to-string char data)
(let ((index (string-output-port-data-index data))
(strings (string-output-port-data-strings data)))
(cond ((>= index string-port-string-length)
(let ((new (make-string string-port-string-length #\space)))
(string-set! new 0 char)
(set-string-output-port-data-strings! data (cons new strings))
(set-string-output-port-data-index! data 1)))
(string-set! (car strings) index char)
(set-string-output-port-data-index! data (+ index 1))))))
; UPDATE-ROW-AND-COLUMN-FROM-STRING could be integrated with this.
(define (write-string-to-string from data)
(let ((index (string-output-port-data-index data))
(strings (string-output-port-data-strings data)))
(let loop ((i 0) (index index) (strings strings))
(cond ((>= i (string-length from))
(set-string-output-port-data-index! data index)
(set-string-output-port-data-strings! data strings))
((>= index string-port-string-length)
(let ((new (make-string string-port-string-length #\space)))
(string-set! new 0 (string-ref from i))
(loop (+ i 1) 1 (cons new strings))))
(string-set! (car strings) index (string-ref from i))
(loop (+ i 1) (+ index 1) strings))))))
; Concatenates all of the strings of characters in WRITER into a single
; string. Nothing is done if WRITER is not a string-output-port.
(define (string-output-port-output port)
(let* ((data (extensible-output-port-local-data port))
(strings (string-output-port-data-strings data))
(index (string-output-port-data-index data)))
(if (null? strings)
(let* ((total (+ index (* (length (cdr strings))
(result (make-string total #\space)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i string-port-string-length))
(s (reverse (cdr strings)) (cdr s)))
((null? s)
(string-insert result (car strings) i index))
(string-insert result (car s) i string-port-string-length))
; Copy the first COUNT characters from FROM to TO, putting them from START
; onwards.
(define (string-insert to from start count)
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((>= i count))
(string-set! to (+ start i) (string-ref from i))))
(define string-output-port-methods
(lambda (data)
(set-string-output-port-data-open?! data #f))
(lambda (data char)
(cond ((string-output-port-data-open? data)
(write-char-to-string char data)
(update-row-and-column (string-output-port-data-location data)
(error "writing to closed port" data)))) ; not a great argument
(lambda (data string)
(cond ((string-output-port-data-open? data)
(write-string-to-string string data)
(string-output-port-data-location data)
(error "writing to closed port" data)))) ; not a great argument
(lambda (data)
#f) ; nothing to do on a force-output
(lambda (data)
(let ((location (string-output-port-data-location data)))
(cond ((not (string-output-port-data-open? data))
(error "writing to closed port" data)) ; not a great argument
((not (= 0 (port-location-column location)))
(write-char-to-string #\newline data)
(set-port-location-column! location 0)
(set-port-location-row! location
(+ 1 (port-location-row location)))))))
(lambda (data)
(port-location-column (string-output-port-data-location data)))
(lambda (data)
(port-location-row (string-output-port-data-location data)))))
(define (call-with-string-output-port proc)
(let ((port (make-string-output-port)))
(proc port)
(string-output-port-output port)))
; Output ports from a single character writer
(define char-at-a-time-output-port-methods
(lambda (data) #f) ; nothing to do on a close
(lambda (data char)
(data char))
(lambda (data string)
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((>= i (string-length string)))
(data (string-ref string i))))
(lambda (data)
#f) ; nothing to do on a force-output
(lambda (data)
(data #\newline))
(lambda (data)
(lambda (data)
(define (make-char-at-a-time-output-port proc)
(make-extensible-output-port proc
(define (write-one-line port count proc)
(lambda (quit)
(proc (make-char-at-a-time-output-port
(lambda (char)
(write-char char port)
(set! count (- count 1))
(if (<= count 0)
(quit #f))))))))
; Unix-specific kludge
(define eof-object (call-with-input-file "/dev/null" read-char))