
326 lines
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(define-options-spec split-special-options-spec
(orientation symbol 'horizontal) ;; horizontal | vertical
(aspect number 1/1))
;; ---------- ----------
;; | | | | |
;; ---------- vertical | | | horizontal
;; | | | | |
;; ---------- ----------
(define (create-split-wm external-in-channel dpy parent options
special-options . children)
(let ((special-options (create-options dpy #f
(create-wm dpy parent options special-options children
(manager-type split)
(lambda (wm in-channel)
(init-split-wm wm in-channel)
(define-record-type split-data :split-data
(make-split-data resizer first-client second-client)
(resizer data:resizer set-data:resizer!)
(first-client data:first-client set-data:first-client!)
(second-client data:second-client set-data:second-client!))
(define (init-split-wm wm channel)
(let* ((data (make-split-data #f #f #f))
(resizer (create-resizer wm data)))
(set-data:resizer! data resizer)
(spawn* (list 'split-wm wm)
(lambda (release)
(map-window (wm:dpy wm) resizer)
(lambda (exit)
(let loop ()
(let ((msg (receive channel)))
(handle-message wm channel data exit msg)
(free-options (wm:special-options wm) #t)))))
(define (handle-message wm channel data exit msg)
(let ((dpy (wm:dpy wm)))
(case (car msg)
(let ((sp (second msg))
(message (third msg)))
(handle-message wm channel data
(lambda args
(sync-point-release sp)
(apply exit args))
(sync-point-release sp)))
(destroy-window dpy (data:resizer data))
(exit 'deinit-manager))
((draw-main-window) #t)
((update-manager-state) #t)
(fit-windows wm data))
(let ((client (second msg))
(first? (not (data:first-client data))))
(if first?
(set-data:first-client! data client)
(set-data:second-client! data client))
(set-window-border-width! dpy (client:window client) 0)
(fit-windows wm data)
(map-window dpy (client:window client))
(map-window dpy (client:client-window client))
(let ((opt (if (eq? (get-option-value (wm:special-options wm)
(if first? 'select-right 'select-left)
(if first? 'select-down 'select-up))))
(grab-shortcut dpy (client:client-window client)
(get-option-value (wm:options wm) opt)
(if first? 'select-second 'select-first)
channel #f))
(let ((client (second msg)))
(if (eq? client (data:first-client data))
(set-data:first-client! data #f))
(if (eq? client (data:second-client data))
(set-data:second-client! data #f))
;; destroy split if only one client left. replace the
;; wm by the remaining client.
(let ((first-client (data:first-client data))
(second-client (data:second-client data)))
(if (and (not (and first-client second-client))
(or first-client second-client))
(let ((r (client:window (or first-client second-client))))
(send (wm:out-channel wm) (list 'destroy-wm wm r)))))))
((iconfiy-client maximize-client) #t)
((draw-client-window) #t)
;; client-window changed it's size
(fit-client-windows wm (second msg)))
;; client changed it's size ??
(let ((time (second msg))
(cc (wm-current-client wm)))
(if cc (wm-select-client wm cc time))))
((update-client-state) #t)
((update-client-name) #t)
;; Shortcuts
(let ((time (second msg)))
(if (data:first-client data)
(wm-select-client wm (data:first-client data) time))))
(let ((time (second msg)))
(if (data:second-client data)
(wm-select-client wm (data:second-client data) time))))
((show-clients) #t)
(else (warn "unhandled split-wm message" wm msg)))))
(define (calc-rectangles wm data)
(let* ((options (wm:options wm))
(special-options (wm:special-options wm))
(bar-width (get-option-value options 'bar-width))
(orientation (get-option-value special-options 'orientation))
(aspect (get-option-value special-options 'aspect))
(r (clip-rectangle (wm:dpy wm) (wm:window wm))))
(if (eq? orientation 'horizontal)
(let* ((r1 (make-rectangle 0 0
(floor (/ (- (rectangle:width r) bar-width)
(+ 1 (/ 1 aspect))))
(rectangle:height r)))
(r2 (make-rectangle (rectangle:width r1) 0
bar-width (rectangle:height r)))
(r3 (make-rectangle (+ (rectangle:width r1) bar-width) 0
(- (rectangle:width r)
(+ (rectangle:width r1) bar-width))
(rectangle:height r))))
(list r1 r2 r3))
(let* ((r1 (make-rectangle 0 0 (rectangle:width r)
(floor (/ (- (rectangle:height r) bar-width)
(+ 1 (/ 1 aspect))))))
(r2 (make-rectangle 0 (rectangle:height r1)
(rectangle:width r) bar-width))
(r3 (make-rectangle 0 (+ (rectangle:height r1) bar-width)
(rectangle:width r)
(- (rectangle:height r)
(+ (rectangle:height r1) bar-width)))))
(list r1 r2 r3)))))
(define (fit-windows wm data)
(let ((resizer-window (data:resizer data))
(first-client (data:first-client data))
(second-client (data:second-client data)))
(let* ((rects (calc-rectangles wm data))
(dpy (wm:dpy wm)))
(move-resize-window* dpy resizer-window (second rects))
(if first-client
(move-resize-window* dpy
(client:client-window first-client)
(first rects)))
(if second-client
(move-resize-window* dpy
(client:client-window second-client)
(third rects))))))
(define (fit-client-windows wm client)
(let ((dpy (wm:dpy wm)))
(maximize-window dpy (client:window client))))
;; *******************************************************************
;; Resizer
;; *******************************************************************
(define (create-resizer wm data)
(let* ((dpy (wm:dpy wm))
(main-window (wm:window wm))
(options (wm:options wm))
(soptions (wm:special-options wm))
(window (create-simple-window dpy main-window 0 0 1 1 0
(white-pixel dpy) (black-pixel dpy)))
(root (window-root dpy window))
(gc (create-gc dpy window '()))
(root-gc (create-gc dpy window
(function (gc-function xor))
(subwindow-mode (subwindow-mode
(cursor (create-font-cursor
dpy (if (eq? (get-option-value soptions 'orientation)
(set-window-cursor! dpy window cursor)
(list 'split-resizer wm)
(lambda (release)
dpy window (event-mask structure-notify
button-press button-release
(lambda (event-channel)
((idle (lambda ()
(let* ((e (receive event-channel))
(type (any-event-type e)))
((eq? (event-type button-press) type)
(let ((r (root-rectangle dpy window)))
(grab-server dpy)
(draw-resizer r)
(drag r r (button-event-x e) (button-event-y e))))
((expose-event? e)
(if (= 0 (expose-event-count e))
((destroy-window-event? e) #t)
(else (idle))))))
(drag (lambda (start-rect last-rect start-x start-y)
(let* ((e (receive event-channel))
(type (any-event-type e)))
((motion-event? e)
(draw-resizer last-rect)
(let ((new-rect (calc-new-rect
(- (motion-event-x e) start-x)
(- (motion-event-y e) start-y))))
(draw-resizer new-rect)
(drag start-rect new-rect start-x start-y)))
((eq? (event-type button-release) type)
(draw-resizer last-rect)
(ungrab-server dpy)
(commit-resize (- (button-event-x e) start-x)
(- (button-event-y e) start-y))
((expose-event? e)
(if (= 0 (expose-event-count e))
(drag start-rect last-rect start-x start-y))
((destroy-window-event? e) #t)
(drag start-rect last-rect start-x start-y))))))
(lambda (rect)
(draw dpy root root-gc rect)))
(lambda ()
(draw dpy window gc (clip-rectangle dpy window))))
(lambda (dx dy)
;; check if outside... TODO
(let* ((rects (calc-rectangles wm data))
(r1 (first rects)) (r2 (third rects))
(if (eq? 'horizontal
(get-option-value (wm:special-options wm)
(if (= 0 (- (rectangle:width r2) dx))
(/ (+ (rectangle:width r1) dx)
(- (rectangle:width r2) dx)))
(if (= 0 (- (rectangle:height r2) dy))
(/ (+ (rectangle:height r1) dy)
(- (rectangle:height r2) dy))))))
(if (> aspect 0)
(set-option! (wm:special-options wm) 'aspect aspect)
(send (wm:internal-out-channel wm)
(lambda (start-rect dx dy)
(let ((width (rectangle:width start-rect))
(height (rectangle:height start-rect)))
(if (eq? (get-option-value (wm:special-options wm)
(make-rectangle (+ (rectangle:x start-rect) dx)
(rectangle:y start-rect)
width height)
(make-rectangle (rectangle:x start-rect)
(+ (rectangle:y start-rect) dy)
width height)))))
(lambda (dpy window gc r)
(let ((colors (get-option-value options 'bar-colors)))
(set-gc-foreground! dpy gc (second colors))
(fill-rectangle dpy window gc
(rectangle:x r) (rectangle:y r)
(rectangle:width r) (rectangle:height r))
;; Rest ??
(free-cursor dpy cursor)
(free-gc dpy gc)
(free-gc dpy root-gc))))))