(define-options-spec root-options-spec (quit keys "F12") (quit-question string "Really quit orion?") (split-horizontal keys "M-s h") (split-vertical keys "M-s v") (split-horizontal-with-switch-wm keys "M-s s h") (split-vertical-with-switch-wm keys "M-s s v") (split-horizontal-with-move-wm keys "M-s m h") (split-vertical-with-move-wm keys "M-s m v") (create-switch-wm keys "M-k s") (create-move-wm keys "M-k m") (split-question string "What kind of manager do you want in the second frame?\n(S)witch or (M)ove windowmanager:") (execute keys "F3") (execute-question string "Execute:") (attach keys "M-a") (attach-question string "Attach:") (default-split-options sexp '()) (default-switch-options sexp '()) (default-move-options sexp '()) (workspace-options sexp '()) (nth-workspace keys-list '("M-1" "M-2" "M-3" "M-4")) (create-workspace keys "F9") (create-workspace-question string "What kind of manager do you want in the new workspace?\n(S)witch or (M)ove windowmanager:") (kill-client keys "M-c") ) (define-record-type root-wm :root-wm (make-root-wm dpy managers current-manager initial-manager in-channel options finish) root-wm? (dpy root-wm:dpy) (managers root-wm:managers set-root-wm:managers!) (current-manager root-wm:current-manager set-root-wm:current-manager!) (initial-manager root-wm:initial-manager) (in-channel root-wm:in-channel) (options root-wm:options) (finish root-wm:finish)) (define (root-wm-managers root-wm) (filter (lambda (wm) (window-exists? (root-wm:dpy root-wm) (wm:window wm))) (root-wm:managers root-wm))) (define (create-root-wm dpy options) (let* ((window (default-root-window dpy)) (screen (display:default-screen dpy)) (options (create-options dpy (screen:default-colormap screen) root-options-spec options)) (children (window-children dpy window)) (in-channel (make-channel)) ;; TODO: workspace-options... (initial-manager (create-workspace-manager in-channel dpy window options)) (root-wm (make-root-wm dpy '() #f initial-manager in-channel options (make-sync-point))) ) (set-root-wm:current-manager! root-wm initial-manager) (add-manager! root-wm initial-manager) (for-each (lambda (name) (grab-shortcut dpy window (get-option-value options name) name in-channel #t)) '(split-horizontal split-vertical split-horizontal-with-switch-wm split-vertical-with-switch-wm split-horizontal-with-move-wm split-vertical-with-move-wm create-switch-wm create-move-wm execute attach quit create-workspace kill-client)) (spawn* '(root-wm) (lambda (release) (call-with-event-channel dpy window (event-mask substructure-redirect) (lambda (event-channel) (release) (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (exit) (let loop () (select* (wrap (receive-rv event-channel) (lambda (xevent) (handle-xevent root-wm exit xevent))) (wrap (receive-rv in-channel) (lambda (msg) (handle-message root-wm exit msg)))) (loop)))) (sync-point-release (root-wm:finish root-wm)))))) root-wm)) (define (create-workspace-manager in-channel dpy parent options) (let ((wm (create-switch-wm in-channel dpy parent (cons (cons 'titlebar-height 0) (get-option-value options 'workspace-options)))) (select-keys (get-option-value options 'nth-workspace)) (channel (make-channel))) (for-each (lambda (i key) (grab-shortcut dpy (wm:window wm) key i channel #t)) (iota (length select-keys)) select-keys) (spawn* (list 'workspace-manager wm) (lambda (release) (release) (let loop () (let ((msg (receive channel))) (if (number? (car msg)) (let ((i (car msg)) (cs (wm-clients wm))) (if (< i (length cs)) (wm-select-client wm (list-ref cs i) (second msg))))) (loop))))) wm)) (define (wait-for-root-wm root-wm) (sync-point-wait (root-wm:finish root-wm))) (define (root-wm-manage-window root-wm window) (set-wm-state! (root-wm:dpy root-wm) window (wm-state normal) none) (wm-manage-window (root-wm:current-manager root-wm) window)) (define (handle-xevent root-wm exit xevent) (let ((type (any-event-type xevent)) (dpy (root-wm:dpy root-wm))) (cond ((configure-request-event? xevent) ;; TODO: maybe let it configure by the future manager... (configure-window dpy (configure-request-event-window xevent) (configure-request-event-window-change-alist xevent))) ((map-request-event? xevent) (root-wm-manage-window root-wm (map-request-event-window xevent))) ((and (unmap-event? xevent) (not (unmap-event-from-configure? xevent))) ;; syntetic unmap event for a transition to withdrawn state (set-wm-state! dpy (unmap-event-window xevent) (wm-state withdrawn) none)) ))) (define (do-split root-wm orientation new-wm) (let* ((current (root-wm:current-manager root-wm)) (parent (manager-parent root-wm current)) ;; #f if root (dpy (wm:dpy current)) (options (root-wm:options root-wm)) (in-channel (root-wm:in-channel root-wm)) (splitter (create-split-wm in-channel dpy (window-parent dpy (wm:window current)) (cons (cons 'orientation orientation) (get-option-value options 'default-split-options)))) (first current) (creator (if (eq? new-wm 'switch-wm) create-switch-wm create-move-wm)) (second (creator in-channel dpy (wm:window splitter) (get-option-value options (if (eq? new-wm 'switch-wm) 'default-switch-options 'default-move-options))))) ;; we just replace the client:window (if parent (client-replace-window parent (wm:window current) (wm:window splitter)) (map-window dpy (wm:window splitter))) ;; maybe resize ?? (wm-manage-window splitter (wm:window first)) (wm-manage-window splitter (wm:window second)) (add-manager! root-wm splitter) (add-manager! root-wm second))) (define (handle-message root-wm exit msg) (case (car msg) ((split-vertical split-horizontal) (let ((c (prompt (root-wm:dpy root-wm) #f (get-option-value (root-wm:options root-wm) 'split-question) '(#\s #\S #\m #\M) #f))) (if c (do-split root-wm (if (eq? (car msg) 'split-vertical) 'vertical 'horizontal) (if (or (eq? c #\s) (eq? c #\S)) 'switch-wm 'move-wm))))) ((split-horizontal-with-switch-wm) (do-split root-wm 'horizontal 'switch-wm)) ((split-vertical-with-switch-wm) (do-split root-wm 'vertical 'switch-wm)) ((split-horizontal-with-move-wm) (do-split root-wm 'horizontal 'move-wm)) ((split-vertical-with-move-wm) (do-split root-wm 'vertical 'move-wm)) ((create-switch-wm create-move-wm) (let ((current (root-wm:current-manager root-wm))) (create-new-manager root-wm (if (eq? (car msg) 'create-switch-wm) (manager-type switch) (manager-type move)) (get-option-value (root-wm:options root-wm) (if (eq? (car msg) 'create-switch-wm) 'default-switch-options 'default-move-options)) current))) ((create-workspace) (let* ((c (prompt (root-wm:dpy root-wm) #f (get-option-value (root-wm:options root-wm) 'create-workspace-question) '(#\s #\S #\m #\M) #f)) (type (if (or (eq? c #\s) (eq? c #\S)) 'switch-wm 'move-wm))) (if c (create-new-manager root-wm (if (eq? type 'switch-wm) (manager-type switch) (manager-type move)) (get-option-value (root-wm:options root-wm) (if (eq? type 'switch-wm) 'default-switch-options 'default-move-options)) (root-wm:initial-manager root-wm))))) ((kill-client) (let* ((dpy (root-wm:dpy root-wm)) (test (lambda (window) (let* ((managers (root-wm-managers root-wm)) (l (filter (lambda (x) x) (map (lambda (wm) (client-of-window wm window)) managers))) (time (second msg))) (if (not (null? l)) (let ((window (client:window (car l)))) (mdisplay "kill-client: " window "\n") (delete-window dpy window time) #t) #f))))) (let loop ((window (get-input-focus-window dpy))) (if (and (window-exists? dpy window) (not (test window))) (loop (window-parent dpy window)))))) ((manager-focused) (let ((manager (second msg))) ;; a split-wm should never be the current manager and the ;; workspace-wm too (if (and (not (eq? (manager-type split) (wm:type manager))) (not (eq? manager (root-wm:initial-manager root-wm)))) (set-root-wm:current-manager! root-wm manager)))) ((root-drop) (let ((window (second msg)) (pointer-x (third msg)) (pointer-y (fourth msg))) (let ((manager (find-manager-at root-wm pointer-x pointer-y))) (if manager (wm-manage-window manager window) (mdisplay "did not find a manager at " pointer-x ":" pointer-y "\n"))))) ((destroy-wm) ;; specially sent if second split-client terminates (let* ((wm (second msg)) (replacement? (if (> (length msg) 2) (third msg) #f)) (parent (manager-parent root-wm wm))) (if replacement? (client-replace-window parent (wm:window wm) replacement?)) ;; sync?? (mdisplay "TEST\n") (destroy-wm wm))) ((execute) (let* ((cm (root-wm:current-manager root-wm)) (exec (prompt (root-wm:dpy root-wm) (wm:window cm) (get-option-value (root-wm:options root-wm) 'execute-question) #f exec-complete))) (if exec (run (sh -c ,(string-append exec " &")))))) ((attach) (let* ((cm (root-wm:current-manager root-wm)) (all-names (map cdr (filter (lambda (win.name) ;; remove all that are below the current-wm (not (member (wm:window cm) (window-path (wm:dpy cm) (car win.name))))) (get-all-window-names)))) (attach (prompt (root-wm:dpy root-wm) (wm:window cm) (get-option-value (root-wm:options root-wm) 'attach-question) all-names (finite-complete all-names))) (window (find-window-by-name attach))) (if window (wm-manage-window cm window)))) ((quit) (let ((a (prompt (root-wm:dpy root-wm) #f (get-option-value (root-wm:options root-wm) 'quit-question) '(#\y #\Y #\n #\N) #f))) (if (memq a '(#\y #\Y)) (exit #t)))) (else (mdisplay "unknown root message: " msg "\n")))) (define (exec-complete str pos) ;; TODO (cons str pos)) (define (finite-complete strings) (lambda (str pos) (let* ((s (substring str 0 pos)) (candidates (filter (lambda (str) (and (<= (string-length s) (string-length str)) (equal? s (substring str 0 (string-length s))))) strings)) (common (common-substring candidates))) (cond ((null? candidates) (cons str pos)) ((null? (cdr candidates)) (cons (car candidates) ;; or insert ?? (string-length (car candidates)))) ((not (or (equal? common "") (equal? common s))) (cons common ;; or insert?? (string-length common))) (else candidates))))) (define (common-substring strings) (cond ((null? strings) "") ((null? (cdr strings)) (car strings)) (else (let ((s (car strings)) (rec (common-substring (cdr strings)))) (letrec ((loop (lambda (i) (if (and (< i (string-length s)) (< i (string-length rec)) (eq? (string-ref s i) (string-ref rec i))) (loop (+ i 1)) (substring s 0 i))))) (loop 0)))))) ;; *** observing managers ******************************************** (define (add-manager! root-wm manager) (set-root-wm:managers! root-wm (cons manager (root-wm:managers root-wm))) (spawn* (list 'root-wm-observer manager) (lambda (release) (call-with-event-channel (root-wm:dpy root-wm) (wm:window manager) (event-mask structure-notify focus-change) (lambda (event-channel) (release) (let loop () (let ((e (receive event-channel))) (cond ((destroy-window-event? e) (remove-manager! root-wm manager)) ((eq? (event-type focus-in) (any-event-type e)) (let ((mode (focus-change-event-mode e)) (detail (focus-change-event-detail e))) ; (mdisplay "manager focus-event: " manager " " ; (focus-change-event-type e) " " detail "\n") (if (and (eq? mode (notify-mode normal)) (or (eq? detail (notify-detail inferior)) (eq? detail (notify-detail ancestor)) (eq? detail (notify-detail nonlinear)))) (send (root-wm:in-channel root-wm) (list 'manager-focused manager)))) (loop)) (else (loop)))) (loop))))))) (define (remove-manager! root-wm manager) (set-root-wm:managers! root-wm (filter (lambda (m) (not (eq? m manager))) (root-wm:managers root-wm)))) (define (manager-parent root-wm manager) (let loop ((parent-window (window-parent (root-wm:dpy root-wm) (wm:window manager)))) (if (zero? parent-window) #f (let ((l (filter (lambda (m) (equal? (wm:window m) parent-window)) (root-wm-managers root-wm)))) (if (null? l) (loop (window-parent (root-wm:dpy root-wm) parent-window)) (car l)))))) (define (find-manager-at root-wm x y) ;; returns the upper-most manager at root-window's coords x y (let* ((dpy (root-wm:dpy root-wm)) (candidates (filter (lambda (wm) (point-in-rectangle? (root-rectangle dpy (wm:window wm)) x y)) (root-wm-managers root-wm)))) (letrec ((loop (lambda (wm level rest) (if (null? rest) wm (let* ((next (car rest)) (next-level (window-level dpy (wm:window next)))) (if (> next-level level) (loop next next-level (cdr rest)) (loop wm level (cdr rest)))))))) (loop #f -1 candidates)))) (define (get-manager-by-window root-wm window) (let ((l (filter (lambda (wm) (equal? (wm:window wm) window)) (root-wm-managers root-wm)))) (and (not (null? l)) (car l)))) (define (create-new-manager root-wm type options parent) (let* ((creator (cond ((eq? type (manager-type split)) create-split-wm) ((eq? type (manager-type switch)) create-switch-wm) ((eq? type (manager-type move)) create-move-wm))) (wm (creator (root-wm:in-channel root-wm) (root-wm:dpy root-wm) (wm:window parent) options))) (wm-manage-window parent (wm:window wm)) (add-manager! root-wm wm) (set-root-wm:current-manager! root-wm wm) wm))