
898 lines
27 KiB

(define-syntax when
(syntax-rules ()
((_ ?test ?do-this ...)
(if ?test
(begin ?do-this ... (values))
(define-syntax with-lock
(syntax-rules ()
((_ lock exp ...)
(obtain-lock lock)
(let ((val (begin exp ...)))
(release-lock lock)
;; configurable options
(define-option 'main 'switch-command-buffer-mode-key key-f7)
;; configurable options
(define-option 'main 'switch-command-buffer-mode-key key-f7)
;; configurable options
(define-option 'main 'switch-command-buffer-mode-key key-f7)
;; mode of the command buffer
(define-option 'main 'initial-command-mode 'command)
(define *command-buffer-mode*)
(define (command-buffer-in-scheme-mode?)
(eq? *command-buffer-mode* 'scheme))
(define (command-buffer-in-command-mode?)
(eq? *command-buffer-mode* 'command))
(define (enter-scheme-mode!)
(set! *command-buffer-mode* 'scheme))
(define (enter-command-mode!)
(set! *command-buffer-mode* 'command))
(define key-control-x 24)
(define key-o 111)
(define key-tab 9)
;; History
(define history-pos 0)
(define the-history (make-empty-history))
(define (history) the-history)
(define *current-history-item* #f)
(define (current-history-item)
(define-record-type history-entry :history-entry
(make-history-entry command args viewer)
(command history-entry-command)
(args history-entry-args)
(viewer history-entry-viewer set-history-entry-viewer!))
(define (current-history-entry-selector-maker selector)
(lambda ()
=> (lambda (entry)
(selector (entry-data entry))))
(else #f))))
(define active-command
(current-history-entry-selector-maker history-entry-command))
(define active-command-arguments
(current-history-entry-selector-maker history-entry-args))
(define current-viewer
(current-history-entry-selector-maker history-entry-viewer))
(define (update-current-viewer! new-viewer)
=> (lambda (entry)
(if (not (eq? (history-entry-viewer (entry-data entry))
(make-history-entry #f '() new-viewer)))))
(else (values))))
(define (append-to-history! history-entry)
(append-history-item! the-history history-entry)
(set! *current-history-item*
(history-last-entry the-history)))
;; one step back in the history
(define (history-back!)
((and (current-history-item)
(history-prev-entry (current-history-item)))
=> (lambda (prev)
(set! *current-history-item* prev)))
(else (values))))
;; one step forward
(define (history-forward!)
((and *current-history-item*
(history-next-entry *current-history-item*))
=> (lambda (next)
(set! *current-history-item* next)))
(else (values))))
;;active keyboard-interrupt:
;;after each input this is set to #f.
;;If a keyboard-interrupt occurs this can be checked by looking-up this box
(define active-keyboard-interrupt #f)
;;The "user" (who extends the functionality of NUIT) has to inform NUIT
;;about which function is meant to be the receiver, when a certain
;;command is active
;;start the whole thing
(define (nuit)
(let ((tty-name (init-tty-debug-output!)))
(if tty-name
(display "Debug messages will be on ")
(display tty-name)
(lambda (condition)
(lambda ()
(display "starting remote handler for condition")
(display condition)
(display "Please connect to port 8888")
(define (toggle-buffer-focus)
(move-cursor (command-buffer) (result-buffer))
(define (current-command-line)
(let ((entered (last (buffer-text (command-buffer)))))
(if (string=? entered "")
(define (replace-current-command-line! text)
(cons text
(cdr (reverse (buffer-text (command-buffer))))))))
(define (toggle-command/scheme-mode)
(move-cursor (command-buffer) (result-buffer))
;; assumes we are in command mode
(define (toggle-command/scheme-mode-with-conversion)
=> (lambda (cmdln)
((lex/parse-partial-command-line cmdln #f)
=> (lambda (parsed)
(let ((scheme-str
(compile-command-line parsed))))
(replace-current-command-line! scheme-str)
(set-buffer-pos-col! (command-buffer)
(+ 2 (string-length scheme-str)))
(move-cursor (command-buffer) (result-buffer))
(else (values)))))
(else (values))))
(define (handle-return-key)
(let ((command-line (cadr (reverse (buffer-text (command-buffer))))))
(debug-message "command-line " command-line)
((string=? command-line "")
(eval-command-in-scheme-mode command-line))
(eval-command-in-command-mode command-line))
(error "Cannot handle return key" command-line)))))
(define (find-command-plugin command)
(or (find (lambda (p)
(string=? (command-plugin-command p) command))
(define (eval-command-in-command-mode command-line)
(lambda ()
(let* ((tokens (split-command-line command-line))
(command (car tokens))
(args (cdr tokens))
(command-plugin (find-command-plugin command))
(lambda ()
((command-plugin-evaluater command-plugin)
command args)))))
(make-history-entry command args viewer)))
;; FIXME, use insert here
(append-to-history! new-entry)
(obtain-lock paint-lock)
(paint-result-window (entry-data (current-history-item)))
(release-lock paint-lock)))))
(define (display-error-and-continue condition more)
(let ((win (app-window-curses-win (result-window))))
(wclear win)
(wattron win (A-BOLD))
(mvwaddstr win 0 0
(string-append "I'm sorry " (user-login-name) ", "
"I'm afraid I can't do that. "
"The following error occured:"))
(wattrset win (A-NORMAL))
(let ((string-port (open-output-string)))
(display condition string-port)
(display " " string-port)
(display more)
(mvwaddstr win 5 0 (get-output-string string-port)))
(define (process-scheme-command command-line)
(receive (command args) (split-scheme-command-line command-line)
(let* ((viewer
(lambda ()
(eval-scheme-command command args)))))
(make-history-entry command args viewer)))
(append-to-history! new-entry)
(obtain-lock paint-lock)
(paint-result-window new-entry)
(move-cursor (command-buffer) (result-buffer))
(release-lock paint-lock))))
(define (eval-command-in-scheme-mode command-line)
(if (scheme-command-line? command-line)
(process-scheme-command command-line)
(let* ((viewer
(lambda ()
(eval-string command-line)))))
(make-history-entry command-line '() viewer)))
;; #### shouldn't we use some kind of insertion here?
(append-to-history! new-entry)
(obtain-lock paint-lock)
(paint-result-window new-entry)
(move-cursor (command-buffer) (result-buffer))
(release-lock paint-lock))))
;; #### crufty, and a very dumb idea
(define split-command-line string-tokenize)
(define (paste-selection/refresh viewer)
(send (current-viewer)
(command-buffer-in-scheme-mode?) (focus-table)))
(print-command-buffer (app-window-curses-win (command-window))
(move-cursor (command-buffer) (result-buffer))
(define (paste-focus-object/refresh viewer)
(if (command-buffer-in-command-mode?)
(send (current-viewer)
(send (current-viewer) 'get-selection-as-ref (focus-table))))
(print-command-buffer (app-window-curses-win (command-window))
(move-cursor (command-buffer) (result-buffer))
;; #### implement me
(define terminal-input-handler
(lambda ignore
;; #### implement me
(define terminal-output-handler
(lambda ignore
(define (install-signal-handlers)
(lambda (signal)
(set-interrupt-handler signal #f))
(list interrupt/int
(set-interrupt-handler signal/ttin terminal-input-handler)
(set-interrupt-handler signal/ttou terminal-output-handler))
(define (enable-tty-output-control! port)
(let ((info (copy-tty-info (tty-info port))))
(bitwise-ior (tty-info:local-flags info)
(set-tty-info/now port info)))
(define (process-group-leader?)
(= (process-group) (pid)))
;; handle input
(define (run)
(ignore-signal signal/ttou)
(save-initial-tty-info! (current-input-port))
(set! *command-buffer-mode* (config 'main 'initial-command-mode))
(set-evaluation-package! 'nuit-eval)
(if (not (process-group-leader?))
(set-tty-process-group (current-input-port) (pid))
(enable-tty-output-control! (current-output-port))
;; init joblist
(let ((statistics-channel (spawn-joblist-surveillant)))
(lambda ()
(let lp ((stats (cml-receive statistics-channel)))
(debug-message "statistics update " stats)
(obtain-lock paint-lock)
(paint-job-status-list stats)
(wrefresh (app-window-curses-win (command-frame-window)))
(move-cursor (command-buffer) (result-buffer))
(release-lock paint-lock)
(lp (cml-receive statistics-channel))))))
(let loop ((ch (wait-for-input)) (c-x-pressed? #f)
(completion-selector #f))
(if (maybe-modal-window ch)
(when (current-history-item)
(paint-result-window (entry-data (current-history-item)))
(loop (wait-for-input) c-x-pressed? completion-selector))
;; Ctrl-x -> wait for next input
((= ch key-control-x)
(loop (wait-for-input) #t completion-selector))
;; tab pressed twice, select completion using select-list
((and (focus-on-command-buffer?)
(= ch key-tab))
(loop (wait-for-input) #f completion-selector))
;; tab is pressed in the first place, offer completions
((and (focus-on-command-buffer?)
(= ch key-tab))
(offer-completions (last (buffer-text (command-buffer))))
(loop (wait-for-input) #f #f))
((and (focus-on-command-buffer?)
(= ch (config 'main 'switch-command-buffer-mode-key)))
(loop (wait-for-input) #f #f))
((= ch (config 'main 'switch-command-buffer-mode-key))
(loop (wait-for-input) #f #f))
((= ch key-end)
(loop (wait-for-input) #f #f))
;; C-x o --- toggle buffer focus
((and c-x-pressed? (= ch key-o))
(loop (wait-for-input) #f #f))
;; C-x p --- insert selection
((and c-x-pressed? (current-history-item)
(= ch 112))
(paste-selection/refresh (current-viewer))
(loop (wait-for-input) #f #f))
;; C-x P --- insert focus object(s)
((and c-x-pressed? (current-history-item)
(= ch 80))
(paste-focus-object/refresh (current-viewer))
(loop (wait-for-input) #f #f))
((and c-x-pressed? (focus-on-result-buffer?))
(send (current-viewer)
'key-press ch key-control-x))
(loop (wait-for-input) #f #f))
;; C-x r --- redo
((and c-x-pressed? (focus-on-command-buffer?)
(= ch 114))
(debug-message "Eric should re-implement redo..."))
((= ch key-f1)
((= ch key-f2)
(loop (wait-for-input) c-x-pressed? #f))
;; forward in result history
((= ch key-npage)
(obtain-lock paint-lock)
(when (current-history-item)
(paint-result-window (entry-data (current-history-item))))
(release-lock paint-lock)
(loop (wait-for-input) c-x-pressed? #f))
;; back in result history
((= ch key-ppage)
(obtain-lock paint-lock)
(when (current-history-item)
(paint-result-window (entry-data (current-history-item))))
(release-lock paint-lock)
(loop (wait-for-input) c-x-pressed? #f))
((and (focus-on-command-buffer?) (= ch 10))
(input (command-buffer) ch)
(obtain-lock paint-lock)
(werase (app-window-curses-win (command-window)))
(print-command-buffer (app-window-curses-win (command-window))
(move-cursor (command-buffer) (result-buffer))
(release-lock paint-lock)
(loop (wait-for-input) c-x-pressed? #f))
(when (current-history-item)
(send (current-viewer)
'key-press ch c-x-pressed?))
(obtain-lock paint-lock)
(paint-result-window (entry-data (current-history-item)))
(move-cursor (command-buffer) (result-buffer))
(release-lock paint-lock))
(loop (wait-for-input) #f #f))
(input (command-buffer) ch)
(obtain-lock paint-lock)
(werase (app-window-curses-win (command-window)))
(print-command-buffer (app-window-curses-win (command-window))
(move-cursor (command-buffer) (result-buffer))
(release-lock paint-lock)
(loop (wait-for-input) c-x-pressed? #f)))))))
(define (paint-bar-1)
(mvwaddstr (app-window-curses-win (bar-1)) 0 1 "Commander S")
(wrefresh (app-window-curses-win (bar-1))))
(define (paint-command-buffer-mode-indicator)
(let ((mode-string
"[ "
(if (command-buffer-in-command-mode?)
" ]")))
(app-window-curses-win (command-frame-window))
(- (- (app-window-width (command-frame-window))
(string-length mode-string))
(define (paint-command-frame-window)
(box (app-window-curses-win (command-frame-window))
(ascii->char 0) (ascii->char 0))
(wrefresh (app-window-curses-win (command-frame-window))))
(define paint-job-status-list
(let ((latest-statistics (initial-job-statistics)))
(lambda args
(let-optionals args
((statistics latest-statistics))
(let* ((stat-item (lambda (text number)
(string-append text (number->string number))))
(lambda (status.count)
(case (car status.count)
((running) (stat-item "run:" (cdr status.count)))
((ready) (stat-item "ready:" (cdr status.count)))
((stopped) (stat-item "stop:" (cdr status.count)))
((new-output) (stat-item "out:" (cdr status.count)))
((waiting-for-input) (stat-item "in:" (cdr status.count)))))
(line (string-append "[ " stat " ]")))
(set! latest-statistics statistics)
(app-window-curses-win (command-frame-window))
(- (app-window-height (command-frame-window)) 1)
(- (- (app-window-width (command-frame-window))
(string-length line))
(define (paint-command-window-contents)
(set-buffer-num-lines! (command-buffer)
(- (app-window-height (command-window)) 2))
(set-buffer-num-cols! (command-buffer)
(- (app-window-width (command-window)) 3))
(werase (app-window-curses-win (command-window)))
(print-command-buffer (app-window-curses-win (command-window))
(define (refresh-command-window)
(wrefresh (app-window-curses-win (command-window))))
(define (paint-result-frame-window)
(let ((win (app-window-curses-win (result-frame-window))))
(werase win)
(box win (ascii->char 0) (ascii->char 0))
(wrefresh win)))
(define (paint-result-window entry)
(let ((win (app-window-curses-win (result-window))))
(werase win)
(send (history-entry-viewer entry)
'paint win (result-buffer) (focus-on-result-buffer?))))
(define (refresh-result-window)
(wrefresh (app-window-curses-win (result-window))))
(define (paint-result/command-buffer history-entry)
(paint-result-window history-entry)
(move-cursor (command-buffer) (result-buffer))
(define (paint)
(move-cursor (command-buffer) (result-buffer))
(define (wait-for-input)
(keypad (app-window-curses-win (bar-1)) #t)
(set! active-keyboard-interrupt #f)
(let ((ch (wgetch (app-window-curses-win (bar-1)))))
(define (find/init-plugin-for-result result)
;; #### a hack
((null? result)
(make-standard-viewer result (result-buffer)))
((determine-plugin-by-type result)
=> (lambda (view-plugin)
((view-plugin-constructor view-plugin)
result (result-buffer))))
(make-standard-viewer result (result-buffer)))))
;;scroll buffer after one command was entered
(define (scroll-command-buffer)
(set-buffer-pos-line! (command-buffer)
(+ (buffer-pos-line (command-buffer)) 1))
(set-buffer-pos-col! (command-buffer) 2))
(define (determine-plugin-by-type result)
(find (lambda (r)
((view-plugin-type-predicate r) result))
;;Management of the upper buffer
;;add a char to the buffer
(define (add-to-command-buffer ch)
(let* ((text (buffer-text (command-buffer)))
(last-pos (- (length text) 1))
(old-last-el (list-ref text last-pos))
(old-rest (sublist text 0 last-pos))
(before-ch (substring old-last-el 0
(max 0 (- (buffer-pos-col (command-buffer)) 2))))
(after-ch (substring old-last-el
(max 0 (- (buffer-pos-col (command-buffer)) 2))
(string-length old-last-el)))
(new-last-el (string-append before-ch
(string (ascii->char ch))
(set-buffer-text! (command-buffer)
(append old-rest (list new-last-el)))
(set-buffer-pos-col! (command-buffer)
(+ (buffer-pos-col (command-buffer)) 1))))
;;add a string to the buffer
(define (add-string-to-command-buffer string)
(let loop ((str string))
(if (string=? str "")
(let ((first-ch (string-ref str 0)))
(add-to-command-buffer (char->ascii first-ch))
(loop (substring str 1 (string-length str)))))))
;;; FIXME: I guess s48 knows a better way to do this (see ,inspect)
(define (maybe-shorten-string string width)
(if (> (string-length string) width)
(string-append (substring string 0 (- width 3))
(define (paint-active-command-window)
(let ((win (app-window-curses-win (active-command-window)))
(width (app-window-width (active-command-window))))
(wclear win)
(box win (ascii->char 0) (ascii->char 0))
=> (lambda (entry)
(mvwaddstr win 1 2
(if (history-entry-command (entry-data entry))
(history-entry-command (entry-data entry))
"user interaction")
(wrefresh win)))
;;move cursor to the corrct position
(define (move-cursor command-buffer result-buffer)
(app-window-curses-win (command-window))
(compute-y-x result-buffer)
(wmove (app-window-curses-win (result-window))
(result-buffer-y result-buffer)
(result-buffer-x result-buffer))
(wrefresh (app-window-curses-win (result-window))))))
;;compue pos-x and pos-y
(define (compute-y-x result-buffer)
(let ((pos-result (result-buffer-line result-buffer))
(pos-result-col (result-buffer-column result-buffer))
(result-lines (result-buffer-num-lines result-buffer)))
(if (>= pos-result result-lines)
(set-result-buffer-y! result-buffer result-lines)
(set-result-buffer-y! result-buffer pos-result))
(set-result-buffer-x! result-buffer pos-result-col)))
(define (sublist l pos k)
(let ((tmp (list-tail l pos)))
(reverse (list-tail (reverse tmp)
(- (length tmp) k)))))
;;When NUIT is closed the state has to be restored, in order to let the
;;user start again from scratch
(define (restore-state)
(set! history '())
(set! history-pos 0)
(set! active-keyboard-interrupt #f))
(define (get-param-as-str param-lst)
(let loop ((lst param-lst)
(str ""))
(if (null? lst)
(loop (cdr lst)
(string-append str " " (car lst))))))
(define (completions->select-list completions num-lines)
(debug-message "possible completions " completions)
(map (lambda (s) (make-unmarked-text-element s #f s))
(define (display-completed-line line cursor-pos)
(debug-message "display-completed-line " line "," cursor-pos)
(set-buffer-pos-col! (command-buffer) cursor-pos)
(set-buffer-text! (command-buffer)
(drop-right (buffer-text (command-buffer)) 1)
(list line)))
(wclrtoeol (app-window-curses-win (command-window)))
(print-command-buffer (app-window-curses-win (command-window))
(move-cursor (command-buffer) (result-buffer))
(define (paint-completion-select-list win width select-list command)
(wclear win)
(wattron win (A-BOLD))
(mvwaddstr win 0 0
(string-append "Possible completions for " command))
(wattrset win (A-NORMAL))
(paint-selection-list-at select-list 0 2
win width #t)
(wrefresh win))
(define (current-cursor-index)
;; #### No, I will not comment on this.
(- (buffer-pos-col (command-buffer)) 2))
(define (offer-completions command)
(debug-message "offer-completions '" command "' " (current-cursor-index))
(let ((completion-info (complete command (current-cursor-index))))
(if (not completion-info)
;; #### the completion mechanism was too confused to do anything
;; #### beep or so
(((maybe-completed-line completions cursor-index to-complete cmdln) completion-info))
(if maybe-completed-line
;; #### don't ask about the 2...
(display-completed-line maybe-completed-line (+ 2 cursor-index)))
((null? completions)
((list? completions)
(make-completions-window command completions cmdln to-complete)))
(error "COMPLETE returned an unexpected value"
(define (make-completions-window command completions
cmdln to-complete)
(define header-line "Select completion")
(define header-length (string-length header-line))
(let* ((lines 10)
(min (apply max header-length
(map string-length completions))
(dialog (make-app-window (- (quotient (COLS) 2)
(quotient inner-width 2))
(+ 4 inner-width)
(app-window-init-curses-win! dialog)
(let* ((dialog-win (app-window-curses-win dialog))
(- lines 3))))
(define (paint)
(werase dialog-win)
(box dialog-win
(ascii->char 0) (ascii->char 0))
(mvwaddstr dialog-win
(+ 1 (quotient (- inner-width header-length) 2))
(paint-completion-select-list dialog-win inner-width select-list command)
(wrefresh dialog-win))
(lambda (key)
((= key 10)
(let ((completion
(select-list-selected-entry select-list)))
;; #### No, I will not comment on this.
(lambda ()
(unparse-command-line cmdln
(lambda (to-complete)
(display completion))))
(lambda (completed-line new-cursor-pos)
(display-completed-line completed-line
(+ 2 new-cursor-pos))))
(delete-app-window! dialog)
((select-list-key? key)
(set! select-list
(select-list-handle-key-press select-list key))