;; ,open conditions extended-ports define-record-types srfi-1 srfi-6 srfi-8 srfi-13 srfi-14 silly signals handle ;; command line language: ;; ;; ::= ( ( )* ? ;; ::= * * ;; ::= ;; ::= ">" | ">>" | "<<" | "<" ;; ::= | ;; ::= | ;; ::= "..." | char+ with char = ASCII\{"&","|","<",">",","} ;; ::= "&" | "&*" ;; ::= "|" | "&&" | "||" | ";" ;; ::= "," | ",@" ;; lexer stuff (define-record-type token :token (really-make-token token type start-pos cursor-pos) token? (token token-token) (type token-type) (start-pos token-start-pos) (cursor-pos token-cursor-pos)) ;; all indices and positions are zero-based (define-record-discloser :token (lambda (r) `(token ,(token-type r) ,(token-token r) ,(token-cursor-pos r)))) (define (make-token token type start-pos cursor-index port) (really-make-token token type start-pos (and cursor-index (<= start-pos cursor-index (current-column port)) (- cursor-index start-pos)))) (define (make-string-token data start-pos cursor-index port) (make-token data 'string start-pos cursor-index port)) (define (string-token? thing) (and (token? thing) (eq? (token-type thing) 'string))) (define (make-s-expr-token data start-pos cursor-index port) (make-token data 's-expr start-pos cursor-index port)) (define (s-expr-token? thing) (and (token? thing) (eq? (token-type thing) 's-expr))) (define (make-operator-token data start-pos cursor-index port) (make-token data 'operator start-pos cursor-index port)) (define (operator-token? thing) (and (token? thing) (eq? (token-type thing) 'operator))) (define (cursor-on-token? token) (or (to-complete? token) (integer? (token-cursor-pos token)))) (define-record-type to-complete :to-complete (make-to-complete prefix pos) to-complete? (prefix to-complete-prefix) (pos to-complete-pos)) (define-record-discloser :to-complete (lambda (r) `(to-complete ,(to-complete-prefix r) ,(to-complete-pos r)))) (define to-complete-without-prefix? to-complete-prefix) (define (make-empty-to-complete pos) (make-to-complete #f pos)) (define operator-chars (char-set #\& #\| #\< #\> #\, #\;)) (define composed-operator-derivations (char-set #\& #\* #\| #\> #\<)) (define (valid-operator? str) (member str '("&" "&&" "&*" "|" "||" "<" "<<" ">" ">>" "," ",@" ";"))) (define token-terminating-chars (char-set-union operator-chars char-set:whitespace)) (define (lex-token cursor-index port) (let ((start-pos (current-column port))) (let lp ((c (peek-char port)) (chars '())) (cond ((or (eof-object? c) (char-set-contains? token-terminating-chars c)) (make-string-token (reverse-list->string chars (length chars)) start-pos cursor-index port)) (else (read-char port) (lp (peek-char port) (cons c chars))))))) (define (lex-operator cursor-index port) (let ((start-pos (current-column port)) (c-1 (read-char port)) (c-2 (peek-char port))) (if (eof-object? c-2) (make-operator-token (string->symbol (string c-1)) start-pos cursor-index port) (let ((c (if (char-set-contains? composed-operator-derivations c-2) (begin (read-char port) (string-append (string c-1) (string c-2))) (string c-1)))) (cond ((valid-operator? c) (make-operator-token (string->symbol c) start-pos cursor-index port)) (else (error "Invalid operator in command line" c start-pos))))))) (define (lex-port cursor-index port) (let lp ((c (peek-char port)) (tokens '())) (cond ((eof-object? c) (reverse tokens)) ((or (char=? c #\") (char=? c #\,)) (let* ((start-pos (current-column port)) (s-expr (read port)) (token (make-s-expr-token s-expr start-pos cursor-index port))) (lp (peek-char port) (cons token tokens)))) ((char-set-contains? operator-chars c) (let ((token (lex-operator cursor-index port))) (lp (peek-char port) (cons token tokens)))) ((char-set-contains? char-set:whitespace c) (let ((start-pos (current-column port))) (read-char port) (let read-whitspaces ((c (peek-char port)) (cursor? #f)) (cond ((eof-object? c) (lp c (if (or cursor? (= (current-column port) cursor-index)) (cons (make-empty-to-complete cursor-index) tokens) tokens))) ((char-set-contains? char-set:whitespace c) (read-char port) (read-whitspaces (peek-char port) (or cursor? (and cursor-index (= (current-column port) cursor-index))))) (else (lp c tokens)))))) (else (let ((token (lex-token cursor-index port))) (lp (peek-char port) (cons token tokens))))))) (define (lex-command-line cmd-line . args) (let-optionals args ((cursor-index #f)) (with-handler (lambda (c more) (if (read-error? c) (signal-syntax-error (condition-stuff c)) (more))) (lambda () (lex-port cursor-index (make-tracking-input-port (make-string-input-port cmd-line))))))) ;; abstract syntax (define-record-type command-line :command-line (make-command-line first-cmd combinator/cmds job-ctrl) command-line? (first-cmd command-line-first-cmd) (combinator/cmds command-line-combinator/cmds) (job-ctrl command-line-job-ctrl)) (define-record-discloser :command-line (lambda (r) `(command-line ,(command-line-first-cmd r) ,(command-line-combinator/cmds r) ,(command-line-job-ctrl r)))) (define-record-type command :command (make-command executable args redirections) command? (executable command-executable) (args command-args) (redirections command-redirections)) (define-record-discloser :command (lambda (r) `(command ,(command-executable r) ,(command-args r) ,(command-redirections r)))) (define-record-type redirection :redirection (make-redirection op dest) redirection? (op redirection-op) (dest redirection-dest)) (define-record-discloser :redirection (lambda (r) `(redir ,(redirection-op r) ,(redirection-dest r)))) ;; condition raised during parsing (define-condition-type 'parser-error '(error)) (define parser-error? (condition-predicate 'parser-error)) (define-condition-type 'parser-syntax-error '(parser-error)) (define parser-syntax-error? (condition-predicate 'parser-syntax-error)) (define-condition-type 'parser-unexpected-eof '(parser-error)) (define parser-unexpected-eof? (condition-predicate 'parser-unexpected-eof)) (define (signal-syntax-error info) (signal 'parser-syntax-error info)) (define (signal-unexpected-eof info) (signal 'parser-unexpected-eof info)) ;; a simple recursive descent parser (define (extract-token t) (cond ((to-complete? t) t) ((cursor-on-token? t) (make-to-complete (token-token t) (token-cursor-pos t))) (else (token-token t)))) (define (string-or-s-expr? t) (or (string-token? t) (s-expr-token? t) (to-complete? t))) (define (parse-string/s-expr tokens) (if (null? tokens) (signal-unexpected-eof 'parse-string/s-expr) (let ((t (car tokens))) (if (or (string-token? t) (s-expr-token? t)) (values (extract-token t) (cdr tokens)) (signal-syntax-error `(parse-string/s-expr ,t ,tokens)))))) (define (parse-many-satisfying predicate tokens) (let lp ((tokens tokens) (found '())) (if (or (null? tokens) (not (predicate (car tokens)))) (values (reverse found) tokens) (lp (cdr tokens) (cons (car tokens) found))))) (define (parse-redirection tokens) (if (< (length tokens) 2) (values #f tokens) (let ((op (car tokens)) (obj (cadr tokens))) (cond ((and (operator-token? op) (member (token-token op) '(> < >>)) (string-or-s-expr? obj)) (values (make-redirection (token-token op) (extract-token obj)) (cddr tokens))) ((and (operator-token? op) (eq? (token-token op) '<<) (s-expr-token? obj)) (values (make-redirection (token-token op) (extract-token obj)) (cddr tokens))) (else (values #f tokens)))))) (define (parse-redirections tokens) (let lp ((tokens tokens) (redirs '())) (receive (redir tokens) (parse-redirection tokens) (if redir (lp tokens (cons redir redirs)) (values (reverse redirs) tokens))))) (define (parse-command tokens) (receive (executable tokens) (parse-string/s-expr tokens) (receive (args tokens) (parse-many-satisfying string-or-s-expr? tokens) (receive (redirs tokens) (parse-redirections tokens) (values (make-command executable (map extract-token args) redirs) tokens))))) (define combinator-tokens (map string->symbol '(";" "|" "&&" "||"))) (define (combinator-token? token) (and (operator-token? token) (member (token-token token) combinator-tokens))) (define (parse-combinator/command tokens) (if (< (length tokens) 2) (values #f tokens) (let ((comb (car tokens)) (cmd (cdr tokens))) (cond ((combinator-token? comb) (receive (command tokens) (parse-command cmd) (values (cons (extract-token comb) command) tokens))) (else (values #f tokens)))))) (define (parse-combinators/commands-list tokens) (let lp ((tokens tokens) (combs/cmds '())) (receive (comb/cmd tokens) (parse-combinator/command tokens) (if comb/cmd (lp tokens (cons comb/cmd combs/cmds)) (values (reverse combs/cmds) tokens))))) (define (parse-job-control tokens) (if (null? tokens) (values #f tokens) (let ((t (car tokens))) (if (and (operator-token? t) (member (token-token t) '(&* &))) (values (token-token t) (cdr tokens)) (values #f tokens))))) (define (parse-command-line tokens) (receive (command tokens) (parse-command tokens) (receive (combinator/command-list tokens) (parse-combinators/commands-list tokens) (receive (job-control tokens) (parse-job-control tokens) (if (null? tokens) (make-command-line command combinator/command-list job-control) (signal-syntax-error `(parse-command-line ,tokens))))))) ;; for use with tab completion (define (parse-command-line-carefully tokens) (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (esc) (with-handler (lambda (condition . more) (if (parser-error? condition) (esc #f) (more))) (lambda () (parse-command-line tokens)))))) (define (lex/parse-partial-command-line cmdln cursor-index) (let ((tokens (lex-command-line cmdln cursor-index))) (let lp ((tokens tokens)) (cond ((null? tokens) (make-command-line (make-command (make-to-complete #f 0) '() '()) '() #f)) ((parse-command-line-carefully tokens) => (lambda (v) v)) (else (lp (drop-right tokens 1))))))) ;; unparser (define (unparse-string/s-expr completion pos v) (cond ((and completion (to-complete? v)) (completion v) (cell-set! pos (current-column (current-output-port)))) ((string? v) (display v)) ((and (pair? v) (eq? (car v) 'unquote)) (display ",") (display (cadr v))) ((and (pair? v) (eq? (car v) 'unquote-splicing)) (display ",@") (display (cadr v))) (else (error "Don't know how to unparse this." v)))) (define (unparse-redirection completion pos rd) (display (symbol->string (redirection-op rd))) (display " ") (unparse-string/s-expr completion pos (redirection-dest rd))) (define (unparse-command completion pos cmd) (unparse-string/s-expr completion pos (command-executable cmd)) (display " ") (for-each (lambda (arg) (unparse-string/s-expr completion pos arg) (display " ")) (command-args cmd)) (for-each (lambda (arg) (unparse-redirection completion pos arg) (display " ")) (command-redirections cmd))) (define (unparse-command-line cmdln . arg) (let-optionals arg ((completion #f)) (let* ((pos (make-cell #f)) (string-port (make-string-output-port)) (track-port (make-tracking-output-port string-port))) (with-current-output-port track-port (unparse-command completion pos (command-line-first-cmd cmdln)) (display " ") (for-each (lambda (comb.cmd) (display (symbol->string (car comb.cmd))) (display " ") (unparse-command completion pos (cdr comb.cmd))) (command-line-combinator/cmds cmdln)) (cond ((command-line-job-ctrl cmdln) => (lambda (sym) (display " ") (display (symbol->string sym))))) ;; we're done (close-output-port track-port) (values (string-output-port-output string-port) (cell-ref pos))))))