(define footer-length 0) (define (make-inspector-selection-list num-cols num-lines focus-obj) (let ((menu (prepare-menu focus-obj))) (make-select-list (map (lambda (e) (make-unmarked-element (cdr e) #t (layout-menu-entry num-cols e))) menu) num-lines))) (define (make-header focus-obj num-cols) (cons (val-to-string focus-obj num-cols) (maybe-source focus-obj #f))) ; (if (exception-continuation? focus-obj) ; "Press cont-down key to see more" ; ""))) (define (header-length header) (length header)) (define (set-header-message! header msg) (if (null? (cdr header)) (set-cdr! header (list msg)) (begin (set-car! (cdr header) msg) (set-cdr! (cdr header) '())))) (define (layout-menu-entry num-cols entry) (let ((head (format #f "[~a]" (or (car entry) "")))) (string-append head (val-to-string (cdr entry) (- num-cols (string-length head)))))) (define *write-depth* 3) (define *write-length* 5) (define (val-to-string val max-length) (let ((out (open-output-string))) (limited-write val out *write-depth* *write-length*) (let ((str (get-output-string out))) (substring str 0 (min (string-length str) max-length))))) (define (prepare-selection-for-scheme-mode file-names) (string-append "'" (exp->string file-names))) (define (continuation-debug-data thing) (template-debug-data (continuation-template thing))) ; Exception continuations don't have source, so we get the source from ; the next continuation if it is from the same procedure invocation. (define (maybe-source thing exception?) (cond ((not (continuation? thing)) '()) ((exception-continuation? thing) (let ((next (continuation-cont thing))) (if (not (eq? next (continuation-parent thing))) (maybe-source next #t) '()))) (else (let ((dd (continuation-debug-data thing))) (if dd (let ((source (assoc (continuation-pc thing) (debug-data-source dd)))) (if source (maybe-source-info (cdr source) exception?) '())) '()))))) ; Show the source code for a continuation, if we have it. (define (maybe-source-info info exception?) (if (pair? info) (let ((i (car info)) (exp (cdr info))) (if (and (integer? i) (list? exp)) (let ((out1 (open-output-string)) (out2 (open-output-string))) (display (if exception? "Next call is " "Waiting for ") out1) (limited-write (list-ref exp i) out1 *write-depth* *write-length*) (display " in " out2) (limited-write (append (sublist exp 0 i) (list '^^^) (list-tail exp (+ i 1))) out2 *write-depth* *write-length*) (list (get-output-string out1) (get-output-string out2))) '())) '())) (define (inspect-value val) (error "not yet")) (define key-d 100) (define key-u 117) (define key-return 10) (define down-key key-d) (define up-key key-u) (define inspect-key key-return) (define (make-inspector focus-obj buffer) (let* ((num-cols (result-buffer-num-cols buffer)) (num-lines (result-buffer-num-lines buffer)) (val focus-obj) (stack '()) (header (make-header focus-obj num-cols)) (num-cols num-cols) (num-lines num-lines) (selection-list (make-inspector-selection-list num-cols (- num-lines (header-length header)) focus-obj))) (define (push-val! new) (set! header (make-header new num-cols)) (set! stack (cons val stack)) (set! val new) (set! selection-list (make-inspector-selection-list num-cols (- num-lines (header-length header)) new))) (define (inspect-next-continuation) (if (continuation? val) (push-val! (continuation-parent val)) (set-header-message! header "Can't go down from a non-continuation."))) (define (pop-val!) (if (null? stack) (set-header-message! header "Can't go up from here.") (begin (set! val (car stack)) (set! header (make-header val num-cols)) (set! stack (cdr stack)) (set! selection-list (make-inspector-selection-list num-cols (- num-lines (header-length header)) val))))) (define (get-focus-object self focus-object-table) (let ((marked (select-list-get-selection selection-list)) (make-reference (lambda (obj) (make-focus-object-reference focus-object-table obj)))) (if (null? marked) (exp->string (make-reference (select-list-selected-entry selection-list))) (string-append "(list " (string-join (map exp->string (map make-reference marked))) ")")))) (define (get-selection self for-scheme-mode?) (if for-scheme-mode? (let ((marked (select-list-get-selection selection-list))) (prepare-selection-for-scheme-mode marked)) "")) (lambda (message) (case message ((paint) (lambda (self win result-buffer have-focus?) (let ((hdr-len (header-length header))) (for-each (lambda (text y) (mvwaddstr win y 0 text)) header (iota hdr-len)) (paint-selection-list-at selection-list 0 hdr-len win result-buffer have-focus?)))) ((key-press) (lambda (self key control-x-pressed?) (cond ((= key down-key) (inspect-next-continuation)) ((= key up-key) (pop-val!)) ((= key inspect-key) (push-val! (select-list-selected-entry selection-list))) (else (set! selection-list (select-list-handle-key-press selection-list key)))) self)) ((get-focus-object) get-focus-object) ((get-selection) get-selection) (else (debug-message "inspector did not handle message " message)))))) (register-plugin! (make-view-plugin make-inspector exception-continuation?))