(id set) (description "Which set of status codes") (type "symbol") (id code) (description "Numeric or pseudo-numeric status code") (type "exact integer or symbol") (id symbol) (description "Mnemonic status identifier") (type "symbol") (id message) (description "Brief human-readable status message") (type "string") (id message-locales) (description "Languages in which message is available") (type "list of BCP 47 strings") (id message-detail) (description "Detailed human-readable status message") (type "string") (id message-hint) (description "Human-readable troubleshooting tips") (type "string") (id filename) (description "File that this status concerns") (type "string") (id line-number) (description "Line number in text") (type "positive exact integer") (id column-number) (description "Column number on this line of text") (type "positive exact integer") (id sqlstate) (description "5-character ANSI/ODBC SQLSTATE code") (type "string") (id class-code) (description "Numeric or pseudo-numeric code of the status class") (type "exact integer or symbol") (id class-title) (description "Human-readable name of the status class") (type "string") (id facility) (description "syslog-style facility") (type "symbol") (id severity) (description "syslog-style how severe the situation is") (type "symbol")