502 lines
14 KiB
502 lines
14 KiB
; -*- scheme -*-
(define (make-enum-table offset keys)
(let ((e (table)))
(for 0 (1- (length keys))
(lambda (i)
(put! e (aref keys i) (+ offset i))))))
(define Instructions
(make-enum-table 0
[:nop :dup :pop :call :tcall :jmp :brf :brt :jmp.l :brf.l :brt.l :ret
:eq? :eqv? :equal? :atom? :not :null? :boolean? :symbol?
:number? :bound? :pair? :builtin? :vector? :fixnum? :function?
:cons :list :car :cdr :set-car! :set-cdr!
:+ :- :* :/ := :< :compare
:vector :aref :aset!
:loadt :loadf :loadnil :load0 :load1 :loadi8 :loadv :loadv.l
:loadg :loada :loadc :loadg.l
:setg :seta :setc :setg.l
:closure :trycatch :argc :vargc :copyenv :let :for :tapply :add2 :sub2 :neg
dummy_t dummy_f dummy_nil]))
(define arg-counts
(table :eq? 2 :eqv? 2
:equal? 2 :atom? 1
:not 1 :null? 1
:boolean? 1 :symbol? 1
:number? 1 :bound? 1
:pair? 1 :builtin? 1
:vector? 1 :fixnum? 1
:cons 2 :car 1
:cdr 1 :set-car! 2
:set-cdr! 2 := 2
:< 2 :compare 2
:aref 2 :aset! 3))
(define (make-code-emitter) (vector () (table) 0))
(define (emit e inst . args)
(if (memq inst '(:loadv :loadg :setg))
(let* ((const-to-idx (aref e 1))
(nconst (aref e 2))
(v (car args))
(vind (if (has? const-to-idx v)
(get const-to-idx v)
(begin (put! const-to-idx v nconst)
(set! nconst (+ nconst 1))
(- nconst 1)))))
(aset! e 2 nconst)
(set! args (list vind))
(if (>= vind 256)
(set! inst (case inst
(:loadv :loadv.l)
(:loadg :loadg.l)
(:setg :setg.l))))))
(aset! e 0 (nreconc (cons inst args) (aref e 0)))
(define (make-label e) (gensym))
(define (mark-label e l) (emit e :label l))
(define (count f l)
(define (count- f l n)
(if (null? l)
(count- f (cdr l) (if (f (car l))
(+ n 1)
(count- f l 0))
(define (peephole c) c)
; convert symbolic bytecode representation to a byte array.
; labels are fixed-up.
(define (encode-byte-code e)
(let* ((cl (peephole (nreverse e)))
(long? (>= (+ (length cl)
(* 3 (count (lambda (i)
(memq i '(:loadv :loadg :setg
:jmp :brt :brf)))
(v (list->vector cl)))
(let ((n (length v))
(i 0)
(label-to-loc (table))
(fixup-to-label (table))
(bcode (buffer))
(vi #f))
(while (< i n)
(set! vi (aref v i))
(if (eq? vi :label)
(begin (put! label-to-loc (aref v (+ i 1)) (sizeof bcode))
(set! i (+ i 2)))
(io.write bcode
(get Instructions
(if (and long?
(memq vi '(:jmp :brt :brf)))
(case vi
(:jmp :jmp.l)
(:brt :brt.l)
(:brf :brf.l))
(set! i (+ i 1))
(if (< i n)
(let ((nxt (aref v i)))
(case vi
((:loadv.l :loadg.l :setg.l)
(io.write bcode (uint32 nxt))
(set! i (+ i 1)))
((:loada :seta :call :tcall :loadv :loadg :setg
:list :+ :- :* :/ :vector :argc :vargc :loadi8
:apply :tapply)
(io.write bcode (uint8 nxt))
(set! i (+ i 1)))
((:loadc :setc) ; 2 uint8 args
(io.write bcode (uint8 nxt))
(set! i (+ i 1))
(io.write bcode (uint8 (aref v i)))
(set! i (+ i 1)))
((:jmp :brf :brt)
(put! fixup-to-label (sizeof bcode) nxt)
(io.write bcode ((if long? uint32 uint16) 0))
(set! i (+ i 1)))
(else #f))))))))
(lambda (addr labl)
(begin (io.seek bcode addr)
(io.write bcode ((if long? uint32 uint16)
(get label-to-loc labl)))))
(io.tostring! bcode))))
(define (const-to-idx-vec e)
(let ((cvec (vector.alloc (aref e 2))))
(table.foreach (lambda (val idx) (aset! cvec idx val))
(aref e 1))
(define (index-of item lst start)
(cond ((null? lst) #f)
((eq? item (car lst)) start)
(else (index-of item (cdr lst) (+ start 1)))))
(define (in-env? s env) (any (lambda (e) (memq s e)) env))
(define (lookup-sym s env lev arg?)
(if (null? env)
(let* ((curr (car env))
(i (index-of s curr 0)))
(if i
(if arg?
`(arg ,i)
`(closed ,lev ,i))
(lookup-sym s
(cdr env)
(if (or arg? (null? curr)) lev (+ lev 1))
(define (compile-sym g env s Is)
(let ((loc (lookup-sym s env 0 #t)))
(case (car loc)
(arg (emit g (aref Is 0) (cadr loc)))
(closed (emit g (aref Is 1) (cadr loc) (caddr loc)))
(else (emit g (aref Is 2) s)))))
(define (cond->if form)
(cond-clauses->if (cdr form)))
(define (cond-clauses->if lst)
(if (atom? lst)
(let ((clause (car lst)))
(if (or (eq? (car clause) 'else)
(eq? (car clause) #t))
(cons 'begin (cdr clause))
`(if ,(car clause)
,(cons 'begin (cdr clause))
,(cond-clauses->if (cdr lst)))))))
(define (compile-if g env tail? x)
(let ((elsel (make-label g))
(endl (make-label g)))
(compile-in g env #f (cadr x))
(emit g :brf elsel)
(compile-in g env tail? (caddr x))
(if tail?
(emit g :ret)
(emit g :jmp endl))
(mark-label g elsel)
(compile-in g env tail?
(if (pair? (cdddr x))
(cadddr x)
(mark-label g endl)))
(define (compile-begin g env tail? forms)
(cond ((atom? forms) (compile-in g env tail? #f))
((atom? (cdr forms))
(compile-in g env tail? (car forms)))
(compile-in g env #f (car forms))
(emit g :pop)
(compile-begin g env tail? (cdr forms)))))
(define (compile-prog1 g env x)
(compile-in g env #f (cadr x))
(if (pair? (cddr x))
(begin (compile-begin g env #f (cddr x))
(emit g :pop))))
(define (compile-while g env cond body)
(let ((top (make-label g))
(end (make-label g)))
(compile-in g env #f #f)
(mark-label g top)
(compile-in g env #f cond)
(emit g :brf end)
(emit g :pop)
(compile-in g env #f body)
(emit g :jmp top)
(mark-label g end)))
(define (1arg-lambda? func)
(and (pair? func)
(eq? (car func) 'lambda)
(pair? (cdr func))
(pair? (cadr func))
(length= (cadr func) 1)))
(define (compile-for g env lo hi func)
(if (1arg-lambda? func)
(begin (compile-in g env #f lo)
(compile-in g env #f hi)
(compile-in g env #f func)
(emit g :for))
(error "for: third form must be a 1-argument lambda")))
(define (compile-short-circuit g env tail? forms default branch)
(cond ((atom? forms) (compile-in g env tail? default))
((atom? (cdr forms)) (compile-in g env tail? (car forms)))
(let ((end (make-label g)))
(compile-in g env #f (car forms))
(emit g :dup)
(emit g branch end)
(emit g :pop)
(compile-short-circuit g env tail? (cdr forms) default branch)
(mark-label g end)))))
(define (compile-and g env tail? forms)
(compile-short-circuit g env tail? forms #t :brf))
(define (compile-or g env tail? forms)
(compile-short-circuit g env tail? forms #f :brt))
(define MAX_ARGS 127)
(define (list-partition l n)
(define (list-part- l n i subl acc)
(cond ((atom? l) (if (> i 0)
(cons (nreverse subl) acc)
((>= i n) (list-part- l n 0 () (cons (nreverse subl) acc)))
(else (list-part- (cdr l) n (+ 1 i) (cons (car l) subl) acc))))
(if (<= n 0)
(error "list-partition: invalid count")
(nreverse (list-part- l n 0 () ()))))
(define (length> lst n)
(cond ((< n 0) lst)
((= n 0) (and (pair? lst) lst))
((null? lst) (< n 0))
(else (length> (cdr lst) (- n 1)))))
(define (just-compile-args g lst env)
(for-each (lambda (a)
(compile-in g env #f a))
(define (compile-arglist g env lst)
(let ((argtail (length> lst MAX_ARGS)))
(if argtail
(begin (just-compile-args g (list-head lst MAX_ARGS) env)
(let ((rest
(cons nconc
(map (lambda (l) (cons list l))
(list-partition argtail MAX_ARGS)))))
(compile-in g env #f rest))
(+ MAX_ARGS 1))
(begin (just-compile-args g lst env)
(length lst)))))
(define (emit-nothing g) g)
(define (argc-error head count)
(error (string "compile error: " head " expects " count
(if (= count 1)
" argument."
" arguments."))))
(define (compile-app g env tail? x)
(let ((head (car x)))
(if (and (pair? head)
(eq? (car head) 'lambda)
(list? (cadr head)))
(compile-let g env tail? x)
(compile-call g env tail? x))))
(define (compile-let g env tail? x)
(let ((head (car x))
(args (cdr x)))
(unless (length= args (length (cadr head)))
(error (string "apply: incorrect number of arguments to " head)))
(emit g :loadv (compile-f env head #t))
(let ((nargs (compile-arglist g env args)))
(emit g :copyenv)
(emit g (if tail? :tcall :call) (+ 1 nargs)))))
(define (builtin->instruction b)
(let ((sym (intern (string #\: b))))
(and (has? Instructions sym) sym)))
(define (compile-call g env tail? x)
(let ((head (car x)))
(let ((head
(if (and (symbol? head)
(not (in-env? head env))
(bound? head)
(constant? head)
(builtin? (top-level-value head)))
(top-level-value head)
(let ((b (and (builtin? head)
(builtin->instruction head))))
(if (not b)
(compile-in g env #f head))
(let ((nargs (compile-arglist g env (cdr x))))
(if b
(let ((count (get arg-counts b #f)))
(if (and count
(not (length= (cdr x) count)))
(argc-error head count))
(case b ; handle special cases of vararg builtins
(:list (if (= nargs 0) (emit g :loadnil) (emit g b nargs)))
(:+ (cond ((= nargs 0) (emit g :load0))
((= nargs 2) (emit g :add2))
(else (emit g b nargs))))
(:- (cond ((= nargs 0) (argc-error head 1))
((= nargs 1) (emit g :neg))
((= nargs 2) (emit g :sub2))
(else (emit g b nargs))))
(:* (if (= nargs 0) (emit g :load1)
(emit g b nargs)))
(:/ (if (= nargs 0)
(argc-error head 1)
(emit g b nargs)))
(:vector (if (= nargs 0)
(emit g :loadv [])
(emit g b nargs)))
(:apply (if (< nargs 2)
(argc-error head 2)
(emit g (if tail? :tapply :apply) nargs)))
(else (emit g b))))
(emit g (if tail? :tcall :call) nargs)))))))
(define (fits-i8 x) (and (fixnum? x) (>= x -128) (<= x 127)))
(define (compile-in g env tail? x)
(cond ((symbol? x) (compile-sym g env x [:loada :loadc :loadg]))
((atom? x)
(cond ((eq? x 0) (emit g :load0))
((eq? x 1) (emit g :load1))
((eq? x #t) (emit g :loadt))
((eq? x #f) (emit g :loadf))
((eq? x ()) (emit g :loadnil))
((fits-i8 x) (emit g :loadi8 x))
(else (emit g :loadv x))))
(case (car x)
(quote (emit g :loadv (cadr x)))
(cond (compile-in g env tail? (cond->if x)))
(if (compile-if g env tail? x))
(begin (compile-begin g env tail? (cdr x)))
(prog1 (compile-prog1 g env x))
(lambda (begin (emit g :loadv (compile-f env x))
(emit g :closure)))
(and (compile-and g env tail? (cdr x)))
(or (compile-or g env tail? (cdr x)))
(while (compile-while g env (cadr x) (cons 'begin (cddr x))))
(for (compile-for g env (cadr x) (caddr x) (cadddr x)))
(return (compile-in g env #t (cadr x))
(emit g :ret))
(set! (compile-in g env #f (caddr x))
(compile-sym g env (cadr x) [:seta :setc :setg]))
(trycatch (compile-in g env #f `(lambda () ,(cadr x)))
(unless (1arg-lambda? (caddr x))
(error "trycatch: second form must be a 1-argument lambda"))
(compile-in g env #f (caddr x))
(emit g :trycatch))
(else (compile-app g env tail? x))))))
(define (compile-f env f . let?)
(let ((g (make-code-emitter))
(args (cadr f)))
(cond ((not (null? let?)) (emit g :let))
((null? (lastcdr args)) (emit g :argc (length args)))
(else (emit g :vargc (if (atom? args) 0 (length args)))))
(compile-in g (cons (to-proper args) env) #t (caddr f))
(emit g :ret)
(function (encode-byte-code (aref g 0))
(const-to-idx-vec g))))
(define (compile f) (compile-f () f))
(define (compile-thunk expr) (compile `(lambda () ,expr)))
(define (ref-uint32-LE a i)
(+ (ash (aref a (+ i 0)) 0)
(ash (aref a (+ i 1)) 8)
(ash (aref a (+ i 2)) 16)
(ash (aref a (+ i 3)) 24)))
(define (ref-uint16-LE a i)
(+ (ash (aref a (+ i 0)) 0)
(ash (aref a (+ i 1)) 8)))
(define (hex5 n)
(string.lpad (number->string n 16) 5 #\0))
(define (disassemble f . lev?)
(if (null? lev?)
(begin (disassemble f 0)
(return #t)))
(let ((fvec (function->vector f))
(lev (car lev?)))
(let ((code (aref fvec 0))
(vals (aref fvec 1)))
(define (print-val v)
(if (and (function? v) (not (builtin? v)))
(begin (princ "\n")
(disassemble v (+ lev 1)))
(print v)))
(let ((i 0)
(N (length code)))
(while (< i N)
; find key whose value matches the current byte
(let ((inst (table.foldl (lambda (k v z)
(or z (and (eq? v (aref code i))
#f Instructions)))
(if (> i 0) (newline))
(dotimes (xx lev) (princ "\t"))
(princ (hex5 i) ": "
(string.tail (string inst) 1) "\t")
(set! i (+ i 1))
(case inst
((:loadv.l :loadg.l :setg.l)
(print-val (aref vals (ref-uint32-LE code i)))
(set! i (+ i 4)))
((:loadv :loadg :setg)
(print-val (aref vals (aref code i)))
(set! i (+ i 1)))
((:loada :seta :call :tcall :list :+ :- :* :/ :vector
:argc :vargc :loadi8 :apply :tapply)
(princ (number->string (aref code i)))
(set! i (+ i 1)))
((:loadc :setc)
(princ (number->string (aref code i)) " ")
(set! i (+ i 1))
(princ (number->string (aref code i)))
(set! i (+ i 1)))
((:jmp :brf :brt)
(princ "@" (hex5 (ref-uint16-LE code i)))
(set! i (+ i 2)))
((:jmp.l :brf.l :brt.l)
(princ "@" (hex5 (ref-uint32-LE code i)))
(set! i (+ i 4)))
(else #f))))))))