import femtolisp source
This commit is contained in:
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
CC = gcc
NAME = flisp
SRCS = $(NAME).c builtins.c equal.c
OBJS = $(SRCS:%.c=%.o)
DOBJS = $(
LLT = llt/libllt.a
FLAGS = -Wall -Wextra -Wno-strict-aliasing -I./llt $(CFLAGS)
LIBS = $(LLT) -lm
SHIPFLAGS = -O3 -DNDEBUG -fomit-frame-pointer $(FLAGS)
default: release test
./flisp unittest.lsp
%.o: %.c
$(CC) $(SHIPFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
|||| %.c
$(CC) $(DEBUGFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
flisp.o: flisp.c cvalues.c flisp.h print.c read.c
|||| flisp.c cvalues.c flisp.h print.c read.c
cd llt && make
debug: $(DOBJS) $(LIBS)
release: $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
rm -f *.o
rm -f *.do
rm -f $(EXENAME)
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
; utilities for AST processing
(define (symconcat s1 s2)
(intern (string s1 s2)))
(define (list-adjoin item lst)
(if (member item lst)
(cons item lst)))
(define (index-of item lst start)
(cond ((null lst) nil)
((eq item (car lst)) start)
(T (index-of item (cdr lst) (+ start 1)))))
(define (each f l)
(if (null l) l
(progn (f (car l))
(each f (cdr l)))))
(define (maptree-pre f tr)
(let ((new-t (f tr)))
(if (consp new-t)
(map (lambda (e) (maptree-pre f e)) new-t)
(define (maptree-post f tr)
(if (not (consp tr))
(f tr)
(let ((new-t (map (lambda (e) (maptree-post f e)) tr)))
(f new-t))))
; collapse forms like (&& (&& (&& (&& a b) c) d) e) to (&& a b c d e)
(define (flatten-left-op op e)
(maptree-post (lambda (node)
(if (and (consp node)
(eq (car node) op)
(consp (cdr node))
(consp (cadr node))
(eq (caadr node) op))
(cons op
(append (cdadr node) (cddr node)))
; convert all local variable references to (lexref rib slot name)
; where rib is the nesting level and slot is the stack slot#
; name is just there for reference
; this assumes lambda is the only remaining naming form
(define (lookup-var v env lev)
(if (null env) v
(let ((i (index-of v (car env) 0)))
(if i (list 'lexref lev i v)
(lookup-var v (cdr env) (+ lev 1))))))
(define (lvc- e env)
(cond ((symbolp e) (lookup-var e env 0))
((consp e)
(if (eq (car e) 'quote)
(let* ((newvs (and (eq (car e) 'lambda) (cadr e)))
(newenv (if newvs (cons newvs env) env)))
(if newvs
(cons 'lambda
(cons (cadr e)
(map (lambda (se) (lvc- se newenv))
(cddr e))))
(map (lambda (se) (lvc- se env)) e)))))
(T e)))
(define (lexical-var-conversion e)
(lvc- e ()))
; convert let to lambda
(define (let-expand e)
(maptree-post (lambda (n)
(if (and (consp n) (eq (car n) 'let))
`((lambda ,(map car (cadr n)) ,@(cddr n))
,@(map cadr (cadr n)))
; flatten op with any associativity
(defmacro flatten-all-op (op e)
(pattern-lambda (,op (-- l ...) (-- inner (,op ...)) (-- r ...))
(cons ',op (append l (cdr inner) r)))
(defmacro pattern-lambda (pat body)
(let* ((args (patargs pat))
(expander `(lambda ,args ,body)))
`(lambda (expr)
(let ((m (match ',pat expr)))
(if m
; matches; perform expansion
(apply ,expander (map (lambda (var) (cdr (or (assoc var m) '(0 . nil))))
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
; utilities for AST processing
(define (symconcat s1 s2)
(string->symbol (string-append (symbol->string s1)
(symbol->string s2))))
(define (list-adjoin item lst)
(if (memq item lst)
(cons item lst)))
(define (index-of item lst start)
(cond ((null? lst) #f)
((eq? item (car lst)) start)
(else (index-of item (cdr lst) (+ start 1)))))
(define (map! f l)
(define (map!- f l start)
(if (pair? l)
(begin (set-car! l (f (car l)))
(map!- f (cdr l) start))
(map!- f l l))
(define (each f l)
(if (null? l) l
(begin (f (car l))
(each f (cdr l)))))
(define (maptree-pre f t)
(let ((new-t (f t)))
(if (pair? new-t)
(map (lambda (e) (maptree-pre f e)) new-t)
(define (maptree-post f t)
(if (not (pair? t))
(f t)
(let ((new-t (map (lambda (e) (maptree-post f e)) t)))
(f new-t))))
; collapse forms like (&& (&& (&& (&& a b) c) d) e) to (&& a b c d e)
(define (flatten-left-op op e)
(maptree-post (lambda (node)
(if (and (pair? node)
(eq? (car node) op)
(pair? (cdr node))
(pair? (cadr node))
(eq? (caadr node) op))
(cons op
(append (cdadr node) (cddr node)))
; convert all local variable references to (lexref rib slot name)
; where rib is the nesting level and slot is the stack slot#
; name is just there for reference
; this assumes lambda is the only remaining naming form
(define (lexical-var-conversion e)
(define (lookup-var v env lev)
(if (null? env) v
(let ((i (index-of v (car env) 0)))
(if i (list 'lexref lev i v)
(lookup-var v (cdr env) (+ lev 1))))))
(define (lvc- e env)
(cond ((symbol? e) (lookup-var e env 0))
((pair? e)
(if (eq? (car e) 'quote)
(let* ((newvs (and (eq? (car e) 'lambda) (cadr e)))
(newenv (if newvs (cons newvs env) env)))
(if newvs
(cons 'lambda
(cons (cadr e)
(map (lambda (se) (lvc- se newenv))
(cddr e))))
(map (lambda (se) (lvc- se env)) e)))))
(else e)))
(lvc- e ()))
; convert let to lambda
(define (let-expand e)
(maptree-post (lambda (n)
(if (and (pair? n) (eq? (car n) 'let))
`((lambda ,(map car (cadr n)) ,@(cddr n))
,@(map cadr (cadr n)))
@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
; tree regular expression pattern matching
; by Jeff Bezanson
(define (unique lst)
(if (null lst)
(cons (car lst)
(filter (lambda (x) (not (eq x (car lst))))
(unique (cdr lst))))))
; list of special pattern symbols that cannot be variable names
(define metasymbols '(_ ...))
; expression tree pattern matching
; matches expr against pattern p and returns an assoc list ((var . expr) (var . expr) ...)
; mapping variables to captured subexpressions, or #f if no match.
; when a match succeeds, __ is always bound to the whole matched expression.
; p is an expression in the following pattern language:
; _ match anything, not captured
; <func> any scheme function; matches if (func expr) returns #t
; <var> match anything and capture as <var>. future occurrences of <var> in the pattern
; must match the same thing.
; (head <p1> <p2> etc) match an s-expr with 'head' matched literally, and the rest of the
; subpatterns matched recursively.
; (-/ <ex>) match <ex> literally
; (-^ <p>) complement of pattern <p>
; (-- <var> <p>) match <p> and capture as <var> if match succeeds
; regular match constructs:
; ... match any number of anything
; (-$ <p1> <p2> etc) match any of subpatterns <p1>, <p2>, etc
; (-* <p>) match any number of <p>
; (-? <p>) match 0 or 1 of <p>
; (-+ <p>) match at least 1 of <p>
; all of these can be wrapped in (-- var ) for capturing purposes
; This is NP-complete. Be careful.
(define (match- p expr state)
(cond ((symbolp p)
(cond ((eq p '_) state)
(let ((capt (assoc p state)))
(if capt
(and (equal expr (cdr capt)) state)
(cons (cons p expr) state))))))
((functionp p)
(and (p expr) state))
((consp p)
(cond ((eq (car p) '-/) (and (equal (cadr p) expr) state))
((eq (car p) '-^) (and (not (match- (cadr p) expr state)) state))
((eq (car p) '--)
(and (match- (caddr p) expr state)
(cons (cons (cadr p) expr) state)))
((eq (car p) '-$) ; greedy alternation for toplevel pattern
(match-alt (cdr p) () (list expr) state nil 1))
(and (consp expr)
(equal (car p) (car expr))
(match-seq (cdr p) (cdr expr) state (length (cdr expr)))))))
(and (equal p expr) state))))
; match an alternation
(define (match-alt alt prest expr state var L)
(if (null alt) nil ; no alternatives left
(let ((subma (match- (car alt) (car expr) state)))
(or (and subma
(match-seq prest (cdr expr)
(if var
(cons (cons var (car expr))
(- L 1)))
(match-alt (cdr alt) prest expr state var L)))))
; match generalized kleene star (try consuming min to max)
(define (match-star- p prest expr state var min max L sofar)
(cond ; case 0: impossible to match
((> min max) nil)
; case 1: only allowed to match 0 subexpressions
((= max 0) (match-seq prest expr
(if var (cons (cons var (reverse sofar)) state)
; case 2: must match at least 1
((> min 0)
(and (match- p (car expr) state)
(match-star- p prest (cdr expr) state var (- min 1) (- max 1) (- L 1)
(cons (car expr) sofar))))
; otherwise, must match either 0 or between 1 and max subexpressions
(or (match-star- p prest expr state var 0 0 L sofar)
(match-star- p prest expr state var 1 max L sofar)))))
(define (match-star p prest expr state var min max L)
(match-star- p prest expr state var min max L ()))
; match sequences of expressions
(define (match-seq p expr state L)
(cond ((not state) nil)
((null p) (if (null expr) state nil))
(let ((subp (car p))
(var nil))
(if (and (consp subp)
(eq (car subp) '--))
(progn (setq var (cadr subp))
(setq subp (caddr subp)))
(let ((head (if (consp subp) (car subp) ())))
(cond ((eq subp '...)
(match-star '_ (cdr p) expr state var 0 L L))
((eq head '-*)
(match-star (cadr subp) (cdr p) expr state var 0 L L))
((eq head '-+)
(match-star (cadr subp) (cdr p) expr state var 1 L L))
((eq head '-?)
(match-star (cadr subp) (cdr p) expr state var 0 1 L))
((eq head '-$)
(match-alt (cdr subp) (cdr p) expr state var L))
(and (consp expr)
(match-seq (cdr p) (cdr expr)
(match- (car p) (car expr) state)
(- L 1))))))))))
(define (match p expr) (match- p expr (list (cons '__ expr))))
; given a pattern p, return the list of capturing variables it uses
(define (patargs- p)
(cond ((and (symbolp p)
(not (member p metasymbols)))
(list p))
((consp p)
(if (eq (car p) '-/)
(unique (apply append (map patargs- (cdr p))))))
(T ())))
(define (patargs p)
(cons '__ (patargs- p)))
; try to transform expr using a pattern-lambda from plist
; returns the new expression, or expr if no matches
(define (apply-patterns plist expr)
(if (null plist) expr
(if (functionp plist)
(let ((enew (plist expr)))
(if (not enew)
(let ((enew ((car plist) expr)))
(if (not enew)
(apply-patterns (cdr plist) expr)
; top-down fixed-point macroexpansion. this is a typical algorithm,
; but it may leave some structure that matches a pattern unexpanded.
; the advantage is that non-terminating cases cannot arise as a result
; of expression composition. in other words, if the outer loop terminates
; on all inputs for a given set of patterns, then the whole algorithm
; terminates. pattern sets that violate this should be easier to detect,
; for example
; (pattern-lambda (/ 2 3) '(/ 3 2)), (pattern-lambda (/ 3 2) '(/ 2 3))
; TODO: ignore quoted expressions
(define (pattern-expand plist expr)
(if (not (consp expr))
(let ((enew (apply-patterns plist expr)))
(if (eq enew expr)
; expr didn't change; move to subexpressions
(cons (car expr)
(map (lambda (subex) (pattern-expand plist subex)) (cdr expr)))
; expr changed; iterate
(pattern-expand plist enew)))))
@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
; tree regular expression pattern matching
; by Jeff Bezanson
(define (unique lst)
(if (null? lst)
(cons (car lst)
(filter (lambda (x) (not (eq? x (car lst))))
(unique (cdr lst))))))
; list of special pattern symbols that cannot be variable names
(define metasymbols '(_ ...))
; expression tree pattern matching
; matches expr against pattern p and returns an assoc list ((var . expr) (var . expr) ...)
; mapping variables to captured subexpressions, or #f if no match.
; when a match succeeds, __ is always bound to the whole matched expression.
; p is an expression in the following pattern language:
; _ match anything, not captured
; <func> any scheme function; matches if (func expr) returns #t
; <var> match anything and capture as <var>. future occurrences of <var> in the pattern
; must match the same thing.
; (head <p1> <p2> etc) match an s-expr with 'head' matched literally, and the rest of the
; subpatterns matched recursively.
; (-/ <ex>) match <ex> literally
; (-^ <p>) complement of pattern <p>
; (-- <var> <p>) match <p> and capture as <var> if match succeeds
; regular match constructs:
; ... match any number of anything
; (-$ <p1> <p2> etc) match any of subpatterns <p1>, <p2>, etc
; (-* <p>) match any number of <p>
; (-? <p>) match 0 or 1 of <p>
; (-+ <p>) match at least 1 of <p>
; all of these can be wrapped in (-- var ) for capturing purposes
; This is NP-complete. Be careful.
(define (match- p expr state)
(cond ((symbol? p)
(cond ((eq? p '_) state)
(let ((capt (assq p state)))
(if capt
(and (equal? expr (cdr capt)) state)
(cons (cons p expr) state))))))
((procedure? p)
(and (p expr) state))
((pair? p)
(cond ((eq? (car p) '-/) (and (equal? (cadr p) expr) state))
((eq? (car p) '-^) (and (not (match- (cadr p) expr state)) state))
((eq? (car p) '--)
(and (match- (caddr p) expr state)
(cons (cons (cadr p) expr) state)))
((eq? (car p) '-$) ; greedy alternation for toplevel pattern
(match-alt (cdr p) () (list expr) state #f 1))
(and (pair? expr)
(equal? (car p) (car expr))
(match-seq (cdr p) (cdr expr) state (length (cdr expr)))))))
(and (equal? p expr) state))))
; match an alternation
(define (match-alt alt prest expr state var L)
(if (null? alt) #f ; no alternatives left
(let ((subma (match- (car alt) (car expr) state)))
(or (and subma
(match-seq prest (cdr expr)
(if var
(cons (cons var (car expr))
(- L 1)))
(match-alt (cdr alt) prest expr state var L)))))
; match generalized kleene star (try consuming min to max)
(define (match-star p prest expr state var min max L)
(define (match-star- p prest expr state var min max L sofar)
(cond ; case 0: impossible to match
((> min max) #f)
; case 1: only allowed to match 0 subexpressions
((= max 0) (match-seq prest expr
(if var (cons (cons var (reverse sofar)) state)
; case 2: must match at least 1
((> min 0)
(and (match- p (car expr) state)
(match-star- p prest (cdr expr) state var (- min 1) (- max 1) (- L 1)
(cons (car expr) sofar))))
; otherwise, must match either 0 or between 1 and max subexpressions
(or (match-star- p prest expr state var 0 0 L sofar)
(match-star- p prest expr state var 1 max L sofar)))))
(match-star- p prest expr state var min max L ()))
; match sequences of expressions
(define (match-seq p expr state L)
(cond ((not state) #f)
((null? p) (if (null? expr) state #f))
(let ((subp (car p))
(var #f))
(if (and (pair? subp)
(eq? (car subp) '--))
(begin (set! var (cadr subp))
(set! subp (caddr subp)))
(let ((head (if (pair? subp) (car subp) ())))
(cond ((eq? subp '...)
(match-star '_ (cdr p) expr state var 0 L L))
((eq? head '-*)
(match-star (cadr subp) (cdr p) expr state var 0 L L))
((eq? head '-+)
(match-star (cadr subp) (cdr p) expr state var 1 L L))
((eq? head '-?)
(match-star (cadr subp) (cdr p) expr state var 0 1 L))
((eq? head '-$)
(match-alt (cdr subp) (cdr p) expr state var L))
(and (pair? expr)
(match-seq (cdr p) (cdr expr)
(match- (car p) (car expr) state)
(- L 1))))))))))
(define (match p expr) (match- p expr (list (cons '__ expr))))
; given a pattern p, return the list of capturing variables it uses
(define (patargs p)
(define (patargs- p)
(cond ((and (symbol? p)
(not (member p metasymbols)))
(list p))
((pair? p)
(if (eq? (car p) '-/)
(unique (apply append (map patargs- (cdr p))))))
(else ())))
(cons '__ (patargs- p)))
; try to transform expr using a pattern-lambda from plist
; returns the new expression, or expr if no matches
(define (apply-patterns plist expr)
(if (null? plist) expr
(if (procedure? plist)
(let ((enew (plist expr)))
(if (not enew)
(let ((enew ((car plist) expr)))
(if (not enew)
(apply-patterns (cdr plist) expr)
; top-down fixed-point macroexpansion. this is a typical algorithm,
; but it may leave some structure that matches a pattern unexpanded.
; the advantage is that non-terminating cases cannot arise as a result
; of expression composition. in other words, if the outer loop terminates
; on all inputs for a given set of patterns, then the whole algorithm
; terminates. pattern sets that violate this should be easier to detect,
; for example
; (pattern-lambda (/ 2 3) '(/ 3 2)), (pattern-lambda (/ 3 2) '(/ 2 3))
; TODO: ignore quoted expressions
(define (pattern-expand plist expr)
(if (not (pair? expr))
(let ((enew (apply-patterns plist expr)))
(if (eq? enew expr)
; expr didn't change; move to subexpressions
(cons (car expr)
(map (lambda (subex) (pattern-expand plist subex)) (cdr expr)))
; expr changed; iterate
(pattern-expand plist enew)))))
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
; pattern-lambda syntax for jscheme
; pattern-lambda abstraction
; this is a generalization of lambda:
; ((pattern-lambda p body) expr)
; Matches expr against p. If no match, return #null. If match succeeds, evaluate body
; with variables in p bound to whatever they matched in expr.
; EXAMPLE: Recognize adding any expression x to itself, replace with 2*x.
; (define selfadd (pattern-lambda (+ x x) `(* 2 ,x)))
; Then (selfadd '(+ (foo bar) (foo bar))) returns (* 2 (foo bar))
(define-macro (pattern-lambda pat body)
(let* ((args (patargs pat))
(expander `(lambda ,args ,body)))
`(lambda (expr)
(let ((m (match ',pat expr)))
(if m
; matches; perform expansion
(apply ,expander (map (lambda (var) (cdr (or (assq var m) '(0 . #f))))
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
(load '|match.lsp|)
(load '|asttools.lsp|)
(define missing-arg-tag '*r-missing*)
; tree inspection utils
(define (assigned-var e)
(and (consp e)
(or (eq (car e) '<-) (eq (car e) 'ref=))
(symbolp (cadr e))
(cadr e)))
(define (func-argnames f)
(let ((argl (cadr f)))
(if (eq argl '*r-null*) ()
(map cadr argl))))
; transformations
(define (dollarsign-transform e)
(pattern-lambda ($ lhs name)
(let* ((g (if (not (consp lhs)) lhs (gensym)))
(n (if (symbolp name)
name ;(symbol->string name)
(expr `(r-call
r-aref ,g (index-in-strlist ,n (r-call attr ,g "names")))))
(if (not (consp lhs))
`(r-block (ref= ,g ,lhs) ,expr))))
; lower r expressions of the form f(lhs,...) <- rhs
; TODO: if there are any special forms that can be f in this expression,
; they need to be handled separately. For example a$b can be lowered
; to an index assignment (by dollarsign-transform), after which
; this transform applies. I don't think there are any others though.
(define (fancy-assignment-transform e)
(pattern-lambda (-$ (<- (r-call f lhs ...) rhs)
(<<- (r-call f lhs ...) rhs))
(let ((g (if (consp rhs) (gensym) rhs))
(op (car __)))
`(r-block ,@(if (consp rhs) `((ref= ,g ,rhs)) ())
(,op ,lhs (r-call ,(symconcat f '<-) ,@(cddr (cadr __)) ,g))
; map an arglist with default values to appropriate init code
; function(x=blah) { ... } gets
; if (missing(x)) x = blah
; added to its body
(define (gen-default-inits arglist)
(map (lambda (arg)
(let ((name (cadr arg))
(default (caddr arg)))
`(when (missing ,name)
(<- ,name ,default))))
(filter (lambda (arg) (not (eq (caddr arg) missing-arg-tag))) arglist)))
; convert r function expressions to lambda
(define (normalize-r-functions e)
(maptree-post (lambda (n)
(if (and (consp n) (eq (car n) 'function))
`(lambda ,(func-argnames n)
(r-block ,@(gen-default-inits (cadr n))
,@(if (and (consp (caddr n))
(eq (car (caddr n)) 'r-block))
(cdr (caddr n))
(list (caddr n)))))
(define (find-assigned-vars n)
(let ((vars ()))
(maptree-pre (lambda (s)
(if (not (consp s)) s
(cond ((eq (car s) 'lambda) nil)
((eq (car s) '<-)
(setq vars (list-adjoin (cadr s) vars))
(cddr s))
(T s))))
; introduce let based on assignment statements
(define (letbind-locals e)
(maptree-post (lambda (n)
(if (and (consp n) (eq (car n) 'lambda))
(let ((vars (find-assigned-vars (cddr n))))
`(lambda ,(cadr n) (let ,(map (lambda (v) (list v ()))
,@(cddr n))))
(define (compile-ish e)
(flatten-all-op && (flatten-all-op \|\| e)))))))
;(trace map)
;(pretty-print (compile-ish *input*))
; (time-call (lambda () (compile-ish *input*)) 1)
(define (main)
(define *input* (read))
;(define t0 ((java.util.Date:new):getTime))
(compile-ish *input*)
;(define t1 ((java.util.Date:new):getTime))
@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
(include "iscutil.scm")
(include "match.scm")
(include "asttools.scm")
;(load "plambda-js.scm")
;(load "plambda-chez.scm")
;(pretty-print *input*)
Overall phases:
I. s-expr output
II. tree normalization
1. control construct normalization, flattening. various restructuring.
2. transformations that might add variables
3. local variable detection
III. var/func attribute analysis
IV. argument normalization
V. type inference
1. split each function into generic/non-generic versions. the generic
one resolves generic funcs to calls to a lookup routine that tries
to find stuff like `diag<-.darray`. the other one assumes everything
is handled by a builtin R function with a known t-function
2. inference
VI. code generation
Useful R lowering passes:
- control construct normalization
. convert while/repeat/various for forms/break/next to while/break
. convert switch to nested if
- local variable detection
. classify vars as (1) definitely local, (2) possibly-local, (3) free
. collect all local or possibly-local vars and wrap the body with
(let ((g0 (upvalue 'var1))
(g1 (upvalue 'var2)))
where (upvalue x) is either (get-global x) or (captured-var n i)
for definitely-local, start as null instead of upvalue
then we have to rename var1 to g0 everywhere inside that.
for the vast majority of functions that don't attempt to modify parent-scope
locals, pure-functional closure conversion would work.
utility for this: fold-along-cfg
. after this the tree is ready for typical lexical scope analysis
(- closure conversion/deBruijn indices)
- argument normalization for call to known function
. convert lambda arglist to plain list of symbols
. move default initializers into body as `(when (eq? ,argname 'missing) ,assign)
. at call site sort args to correct positions, add explicit missing
. if call target unknown insert call to match.args or whatever
- r-block, ||, && flattening
- fancy assignment transformation:
f(v) <- rhs, (<- (r-call f v) rhs)
(begin (<- v (r-call f<- v rhs))
- (<- a b) becomes (ref= a (lazy-copy b))
arguments to functions are wrapped in lazy-copy at the call site, so we can
omit the copy (1) for functions marked as pass-by-ref, (2) where user indicated
pass-by-ref, (3) for arguments which are strictly-allocating expressions,
(4) for user functions proven to be ref-safe and thus marked as case (1)
Useful analyses:
- prove function strictness!!
. strict functions need to open with (if (promise? arg) (force arg) arg) for each
arg, in case they are called indirectly.
- prove global variables constant (esp. function names)
. prove builtins redefined/constant
- need dictionary of builtin properties (pure/strict/t-functions/etc.)
- useful but very general types:
single: has length 1 and no attrs (implies simple)
simple: has default class attributes
array: has dim attribute only
distributed: starp array
(define missing-arg-tag '*r-missing*)
; tree inspection utils
(define (assigned-var e)
(and (pair? e)
(or (eq? (car e) '<-) (eq? (car e) 'ref=))
(symbol? (cadr e))
(cadr e)))
(define (func-argnames f)
(let ((argl (cadr f)))
(if (eq? argl '*r-null*) ()
(map cadr argl))))
; transformations
(define (dollarsign-transform e)
(pattern-lambda ($ lhs name)
(let* ((g (if (not (pair? lhs)) lhs (gensym)))
(n (if (symbol? name)
(symbol->string name)
(expr `(r-call
r-aref ,g (index-in-strlist ,n (r-call attr ,g "names")))))
(if (not (pair? lhs))
`(r-block (ref= ,g ,lhs) ,expr))))
; lower r expressions of the form f(lhs,...) <- rhs
; TODO: if there are any special forms that can be f in this expression,
; they need to be handled separately. For example a$b can be lowered
; to an index assignment (by dollarsign-transform), after which
; this transform applies. I don't think there are any others though.
(define (fancy-assignment-transform e)
(pattern-lambda (-$ (<- (r-call f lhs ...) rhs)
(<<- (r-call f lhs ...) rhs))
(let ((g (if (pair? rhs) (gensym) rhs))
(op (car __)))
`(r-block ,@(if (pair? rhs) `((ref= ,g ,rhs)) ())
(,op ,lhs (r-call ,(symconcat f '<-) ,@(cddr (cadr __)) ,g))
; map an arglist with default values to appropriate init code
; function(x=blah) { ... } gets
; if (missing(x)) x = blah
; added to its body
(define (gen-default-inits arglist)
(map (lambda (arg)
(let ((name (cadr arg))
(default (caddr arg)))
`(when (missing ,name)
(<- ,name ,default))))
(filter (lambda (arg) (not (eq? (caddr arg) missing-arg-tag))) arglist)))
; convert r function expressions to lambda
(define (normalize-r-functions e)
(maptree-post (lambda (n)
(if (and (pair? n) (eq? (car n) 'function))
`(lambda ,(func-argnames n)
(r-block ,@(gen-default-inits (cadr n))
,@(if (and (pair? (caddr n))
(eq? (car (caddr n)) 'r-block))
(cdr (caddr n))
(list (caddr n)))))
(define (find-assigned-vars n)
(let ((vars ()))
(maptree-pre (lambda (s)
(if (not (pair? s)) s
(cond ((eq? (car s) 'lambda) #f)
((eq? (car s) '<-)
(set! vars (list-adjoin (cadr s) vars))
(cddr s))
(else s))))
; introduce let based on assignment statements
(define (letbind-locals e)
(maptree-post (lambda (n)
(if (and (pair? n) (eq? (car n) 'lambda))
(let ((vars (find-assigned-vars (cddr n))))
`(lambda ,(cadr n) (let ,(map list
(map (lambda (x) '()) vars))
,@(cddr n))))
(define (compile-ish e)
(flatten-all-op && (flatten-all-op || e)))))))
;(trace map)
;(pretty-print (compile-ish *input*))
; (time-call (lambda () (compile-ish *input*)) 1)
(define (main)
(define *input* (read))
(define t0 ((java.util.Date:new):getTime))
(compile-ish *input*)
(define t1 ((java.util.Date:new):getTime))
(display "milliseconds: ")
(display (- t1 t0))
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
(r-call library \M\A\S\S)
(r-call dyn.load "")
(<- ppcommand (function ((*named* ... *r-missing*)) (r-call .\Call "ppcommand" (r-call list r-dotdotdot)) ()))
(<- ppvcommand (function ((*named* va *r-missing*)) (r-call .\Call "ppcommand" va) ()))
(<- ppinvoke ppcommand)
(<- pploadconfig (function ((*named* fileName *r-missing*)) (r-call .\Call "pploadconfig" file\Name) ()))
(<- ppconnect (function ((*named* numProcs ()) (*named* machines ())) (r-call .\Call "ppconnect" (r-call list num\Procs machines)) ()))
(<- ppgetlogpath (function () (r-call .\Call "ppgetlogpath") ()))
(<- ppgetlog (function () (r-call .\Call "ppgetlog") ()))
(<- ppshowdashboard (function () (r-call .\Call "ppshowdashboard") ()))
(<- pphidedashboard (function () (r-call .\Call "pphidedashboard") ()))
(<- revealargs (function ((*named* dots *r-missing*)) (r-call .\Call "_revealArgs" dots) ()))
(<- listargs (function ((*named* ... *r-missing*)) (r-call revealargs (r-call get "...")) ()))
(<- ppping (function () (r-call ppcommand "ppping") ()))
(<- ppver (function () (r-call ppcommand "pp_ver") ()))
(<- \S\T\A\R\P\D\I\S\T "../../../linkdist")
(<- \S\T\A\R\P\P\L\A\T\F\O\R\M "ia32_linux")
(r-call .\Call "_setstarpdist" \S\T\A\R\P\D\I\S\T)
(r-call .\Call "_setstarpplat" \S\T\A\R\P\P\L\A\T\F\O\R\M)
(r-call pploadconfig (r-call paste \S\T\A\R\P\D\I\S\T "/config/" (*named* sep "")))
(<- dimdis (function ((*named* v *r-missing*)) (r-block (if (r-call == (r-call r-index (r-call class v) 1) "dlayoutn") (return (r-call as.numeric (r-call r-index (r-call class v) 2)))) (if (r-call ! (r-call is.null v)) (r-block (for i (r-call : (r-call length v) 1) (if (r-call > (r-call r-aref v i) 1) (return i)))) (r-block (return 1))) (return (r-call length v))) ()))
(<- is.scalar (function ((*named* x *r-missing*)) (&& (&& (\|\| (r-call == (r-call mode x) "numeric") (r-call == (r-call mode x) "complex")) (r-call is.null (r-call (r-call .\Primitive "dim") x))) (r-call == (r-call length x) 1)) ()))
(<- p 1)
(<- (r-call class p) (r-call c "dlayout" "numeric"))
(<- darray (function ((*named* id *r-missing*) (*named* shape *r-missing*) (*named* distribution *r-missing*) (*named* isreal *r-missing*)) (r-block (<- shape (r-call as.array shape)) (<- distribution (r-call + distribution 1)) (<- (r-call class shape) (r-call append "dlayoutn" (r-call to\String distribution) (r-call class shape))) (<- d (r-call list (*named* id id) (*named* shape shape) (*named* isreal isreal) (*named* logical *r-false*) () ())) (<- (r-call class d) "darray") d) ()))
(<- darraydist (function ((*named* da *r-missing*)) (r-call as.numeric (r-call r-aref (r-call class ($ da shape)) 2)) ()))
(<- is.darray (function ((*named* x *r-missing*)) (r-call == (r-call r-index (r-call class x) 1) "darray") ()))
(<- is.nd (function ((*named* x *r-missing*)) (r-call != (r-call length (r-call dim x)) 2) ()))
(<- is.darraynd (function ((*named* x *r-missing*)) (&& (r-call is.darray x) (r-call is.nd x)) ()))
(<- is.dlayout (function ((*named* x *r-missing*)) (r-call any (r-call == (r-call class x) "dlayout")) ()))
(<- vdim (function ((*named* x *r-missing*)) (if (r-call is.vector x) (r-call length x) (r-call dim x)) ()))
(<- \[\[.dlayoutn (<- \[.dlayoutn (function ((*named* dl *r-missing*) (*named* n *r-missing*)) (r-block (<- dd (r-call as.numeric (r-call r-aref (r-call class dl) 2))) (if (r-call == (r-call length n) 1) (r-block (if (r-call == n dd) (r-call * (r-call r-index (r-call as.vector dl) n) p) (r-call r-index (r-call as.vector dl) n))) (r-block (<- r (r-call r-index (r-call as.numeric dl) n)) (<- didi (r-call dimdis r)) (for i (r-call : 1 (r-call length n)) (r-block (if (r-call == (r-call r-aref n i) dd) (r-block (<- didi i) (break))))) (<- (r-call class r) (r-call append "dlayoutn" (r-call to\String didi) (r-call class r))) (return r)))) ())))
(<- print.darray (function ((*named* d *r-missing*) (*named* ... *r-missing*)) (r-block (<- sh (r-call as.vector ($ d shape))) (<- shs (r-call deparse sh)) (if (r-call > (r-call length sh) 1) (r-block (<- shs (r-call substring shs 2))) (r-block (<- shs (r-call paste "(" shs ")" (*named* sep ""))))) (r-call print.default (r-call paste "<darray id:" ($ d id) " shape:" shs " distribution:" (r-call r-aref (r-call class ($ d shape)) 2) ">" (*named* sep "")) (*named* quote *r-false*)) (r-call invisible d)) ()))
(<- validdist (function ((*named* dims *r-missing*) (*named* dd *r-missing*)) (r-block (if (\|\| (r-call > dd (r-call length dims)) (r-call == (r-call r-aref dims dd) 1)) (return (r-call dimdis (r-call as.vector dims)))) (return dd)) ()))
(<- dim.darray (function ((*named* x *r-missing*)) ($ x shape) ()))
(<- dim<-.darray (function ((*named* x *r-missing*) (*named* value *r-missing*)) (r-block (if (r-call == (r-call r-index (r-call class value) 1) "dlayoutn") (r-block (<- dd (r-call as.numeric (r-call r-index (r-call class value) 2)))) (<- dd (r-call darraydist x))) (<- dd (r-call validdist value dd)) (if (&& (r-call == (r-call length value) 2) (r-call == (r-call length ($ x shape)) 2)) (r-block (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_reshape" x (r-call r-aref value 1) (r-call - dd 1))) (r-block (<- d (r-call ppcommand "ppdensend_reshape" x (r-call length value) (r-call as.real value) (r-call - dd 1))) (if (r-call == (r-call length ($ d shape)) 2) (r-call ppcommand "ppdensend_clobber_singletons_and_demote" d)) d))) ()))
(<- length.darray (function ((*named* d *r-missing*)) (r-call prod ($ d shape)) ()))
(<- ppzeros (function ((*named* dims *r-missing*)) (r-block (if (r-call == (r-call length dims) 2) (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_zeros" (r-call r-aref dims 1) (r-call r-aref dims 2) (r-call dimdis dims)) (r-call ppcommand "ppdensend_add" (r-call - (r-call dimdis dims) 1) (r-call as.real dims) 1 "zeros"))) ()))
(<- ppones (function ((*named* dims *r-missing*)) (r-block (if (r-call == (r-call length dims) 2) (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_ones" (r-call r-aref dims 1) (r-call r-aref dims 2) (r-call dimdis dims) 1) (r-call ppcommand "ppdensend_add" (r-call - (r-call dimdis dims) 1) (r-call as.real dims) 1 "ones"))) ()))
(<- pprand (function ((*named* dims *r-missing*)) (r-block (if (r-call == (r-call length dims) 2) (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_rand" (r-call r-aref dims 1) (r-call r-aref dims 2) (r-call dimdis dims)) (r-call ppcommand "ppdensend_add" (r-call - (r-call dimdis dims) 1) (r-call as.real dims) 1 "rand"))) ()))
(<- ppback (function ((*named* m *r-missing*) (*named* dist (r-call dimdis (r-call dim m))) (*named* allowScalar *r-false*)) (r-block (if (\|\| (r-call is.darray m) (r-call == (r-call length m) 0)) (return m)) (<- lg (r-call is.logical m)) (if (&& (r-call ! (r-call is.complex m)) (r-call ! (r-call is.real m))) (r-block (if (r-call is.vector m) (<- m (r-call as.real m)) (<- m (r-call dim<- (r-call as.real m) (r-call dim m)))))) (if (r-call is.scalar m) (r-block (if allow\Scalar (return (r-call ppcommand "ppdensend_ppback_scalar" m))) (return m))) (if (r-call ! (missing dist)) (<- dist (r-call validdist dist))) (if (&& (r-call ! (r-call is.vector m)) (r-call == (r-call length (r-call dim m)) 2)) (<- d (r-call ppcommand "pp_dense_ppback" m (r-call r-index (r-call dim m) 1) (r-call r-index (r-call dim m) 2) dist)) (<- d (r-call ppcommand "ppdensend_ppback" (r-call - dist 1) (r-call as.real (r-call vdim m)) (r-call is.real m) m))) (if lg (<- ($ d logical) *r-true*)) d) ()))
(<- ppfront (function ((*named* da *r-missing*)) (r-block (if (r-call ! (r-call is.darray da)) (return da)) (if (r-call == (r-call length ($ da shape)) 2) (r-block (<- l (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_ppfront" da)) (if ($ da logical) (<- m (r-call as.logical (r-call r-aref l 1))) (<- m (r-call r-aref l 1))) (<- (r-call dim m) (r-call c (r-call r-aref l 2) (r-call r-aref l 3)))) (r-block (<- m (r-call ppcommand "ppdensend_ppfront" da)) (if ($ da logical) (<- m (r-call as.logical m))) (<- (r-call dim m) (r-call as.vector ($ da shape))))) m) ()))
(<- vector (function ((*named* mode "logical") (*named* length 0)) (r-call \Use\Method "vector" length) ()))
(<- vector.default (r-call .\Primitive "vector"))
(<- vector.dlayout (function ((*named* mode "logical") (*named* length 0)) (r-block (<- d (r-call ppzeros (r-call c 1 length))) (if (r-call == mode "logical") (<- ($ d logical) *r-true*)) d) ()))
(<- double (function ((*named* length 0)) (r-call vector "double" length) ()))
(<- logical (function ((*named* length 0)) (r-call vector "logical" length) ()))
(<- c (function ((*named* ... *r-missing*)) (r-block (<- args (r-call list r-dotdotdot)) (<- v (r-call (r-call .\Primitive "c") r-dotdotdot)) (<- l (r-call length args)) (if (r-call == l 0) (return v)) (for i (r-call : 1 l) (if (r-call is.dlayout (r-call r-aref args i)) (r-block (<- (r-call class v) (r-call append "dlayoutn" (r-call to\String i) (r-call class v))) (return v)))) v) ()))
(<- rep (function ((*named* x *r-missing*) (*named* times 1) (*named* length.out \N\A) (*named* each 1)) (r-block (if (r-call is.darray x) (r-block (<- (r-call dim x) (r-call c 1 (r-call length x))) (if (\|\| (&& (missing length.out) (r-call > (r-call length times) 1)) (r-call > each 1)) (<- x (r-call ppfront x)))) (if (r-call ! (\|\| (r-call is.dlayout times) (&& (r-call ! (missing length.out)) (r-call is.dlayout length.out)))) (r-block (return (r-call (r-call .\Primitive "rep") x (*named* times times) (*named* length.out length.out) (*named* each each)))))) (if (r-call > each 1) (r-block (<- x (r-call (r-call .\Primitive "rep") x (*named* each each))))) (if (missing length.out) (r-block (if (r-call > (r-call length times) 1) (r-block (<- x (r-call (r-call .\Primitive "rep") x (*named* times times))) (<- times 1)))) (r-block (<- times (r-call ceiling (r-call / length.out (r-call length x)))))) (if (r-call == (r-call length x) 1) (r-block (return (r-call * (r-call ppones (r-call r-aref times 1)) (r-call r-aref x 1))))) (<- x (r-call ppback (r-call as.2d x))) (<- out (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_repmat" x 1 (r-call r-aref times 1) 1)) (if (&& (r-call ! (missing length.out)) (r-call != (r-call r-aref (r-call dim out) 2) length.out)) (r-block (<- out (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_subsref_col" out (r-call as.realarray (r-call : 1 length.out)))))) (<- (r-call dim out) (r-call length out)) (return out)) ()))
(<- globalbinding (function ((*named* sym *r-missing*)) (r-call eval (r-call sym) (*named* envir (r-call globalenv))) ()))
(<- boundp (function ((*named* sym *r-missing*)) (return (r-call != (r-call class (r-call try (r-call globalbinding sym) (*named* silent *r-true*))) "try-error")) ()))
(<- redefining (function ((*named* sym *r-missing*)) (r-block (<- name (r-call deparse (substitute sym))) (<- rname (r-call paste "R" name (*named* sep ""))) (if (r-call ! (r-call boundp rname)) (r-call assign rname (r-call globalbinding name) (*named* envir (r-call globalenv))))) ()))
(r-call redefining array)
(<- array (function ((*named* data \N\A) (*named* dim (r-call length data)) (*named* dimnames ())) (r-block (<- dd *r-false*) (if (r-call == (r-call r-index (r-call class dim) 1) "dlayoutn") (<- dd (r-call as.numeric (r-call r-index (r-call class dim) 2)))) (if (r-call is.darray data) (r-block (if (r-call != (r-call length data) (r-call prod dim)) (r-block (<- data (r-call rep data (*named* length.out (r-call prod dim)))))) (if (r-call all (r-call == dim (r-call as.vector ($ data shape)))) (return data)) (return (r-call dim<-.darray data dim))) (r-block (if dd (r-block (<- data (r-call rep data (*named* length.out (r-call * (r-call prod dim) p)))) (return (r-call dim<-.darray data dim))) (r-block (r-call \Rarray data dim dimnames)))))) ()))
(r-call redefining matrix)
(<- matrix (function ((*named* data \N\A) (*named* nrow 1) (*named* ncol 1) (*named* byrow *r-false*) (*named* dimnames ())) (r-block (<- l (r-call length data)) (if (missing nrow) (r-block (if (r-call ! (missing ncol)) (<- nrow (r-call / l ncol)) (r-block (<- nrow l) (<- ncol 1)))) (if (missing ncol) (<- ncol (r-call / l nrow)))) (<- m (r-call array data (r-call c nrow ncol) dimnames)) (if byrow (r-call t m) m)) ()))
(<- t.darray (function ((*named* da *r-missing*)) (r-block (if (\|\| (r-call == (r-call darraydist da) 1) (r-call == (r-call darraydist da) 2)) (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_transpose" da 0) (r-call ppcommand "pppblas_trans" da))) ()))
(<- runif (function ((*named* n *r-missing*) (*named* min 0) (*named* max 1)) (r-block (if (r-call is.dlayout n) (r-call pprand n) (r-call .\Internal (r-call runif n min max)))) ()))
(r-call redefining diag)
(<- diag (function ((*named* da *r-missing*) (*named* nrow *r-missing*) (*named* ncol n)) (r-block (if (r-call is.darray da) (r-block (if (r-call == (r-call length ($ da shape)) 1) (r-block (<- da (r-call as.2d da)))) (if (r-call == (r-call length ($ da shape)) 2) (r-block (if (r-call == (r-call r-index ($ da shape) 1) 1) (return (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_diagv" da 0)) (if (r-call == (r-call r-index ($ da shape) 2) 1) (return (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_diagv" (r-call t da) 0)))))) (r-call t (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_diag" da 0))) (r-call \Rdiag da))) ()))
(<- dbinaryop (function ((*named* code *r-missing*) (*named* scalarcode *r-missing*) (*named* bscalarcode *r-missing*) (*named* ndcode *r-missing*) (*named* a *r-missing*) (*named* b *r-missing*)) (r-block (if (r-call is.scalar a) (r-block (if (r-call is.nd b) (r-call ppcommand "ppdensend_s_binary_operator" a b ndcode *r-true*) (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_scalar_op" scalarcode a b))) (if (r-call is.scalar b) (r-block (if (r-call is.nd a) (r-call ppcommand "ppdensend_binary_operator_s" a b ndcode *r-true*) (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_scalar_op" bscalarcode b a))) (r-block (if (r-call ! (r-call is.darray a)) (<- a (r-call ppback a))) (if (r-call ! (r-call is.darray b)) (<- b (r-call ppback b))) (if (\|\| (r-call is.nd a) (r-call is.nd b)) (r-call ppcommand "ppdensend_binary_operator" a b ndcode *r-true*) (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_binary_op" code a b)))))) ()))
(<- +.darray (function ((*named* a *r-missing*) (*named* b *r-missing*)) (r-call dbinaryop 1 1 1 2 a b) ()))
(<- *.darray (function ((*named* a *r-missing*) (*named* b *r-missing*)) (r-call dbinaryop 3 3 3 3 a b) ()))
(<- /.darray (function ((*named* a *r-missing*) (*named* b *r-missing*)) (r-call dbinaryop 4 4 5 6 a b) ()))
(<- ^.darray (function ((*named* a *r-missing*) (*named* b *r-missing*)) (r-call dbinaryop 7 10 11 19 a b) ()))
(<- mkdlogicalop (function ((*named* c *r-missing*) (*named* sc *r-missing*) (*named* bsc *r-missing*) (*named* ndcode *r-missing*)) (r-block (function ((*named* a *r-missing*) (*named* b *r-missing*)) (r-block (<- da (r-call dbinaryop c sc bsc ndcode a b)) (<- ($ da logical) *r-true*) da) ())) ()))
(<- <.darray (r-call mkdlogicalop 14 16 17 15))
(<- >.darray (r-call mkdlogicalop 15 17 16 17))
(<- ==.darray (r-call mkdlogicalop 18 20 20 13))
(<- !=.darray (r-call mkdlogicalop 19 21 21 14))
(<- <=.darray (r-call mkdlogicalop 16 18 19 18))
(<- >=.darray (r-call mkdlogicalop 17 19 18 16))
(<- &.darray (function ((*named* a *r-missing*) (*named* b *r-missing*)) (r-block (if (r-call is.darray a) (<- other b) (r-block (<- other a) (<- a b))) (if (r-call is.scalar other) (r-block (if other (return (r-call ppcopy a)) (return (r-call ppzeros (r-call dim a)))))) (<- da (r-call dbinaryop 11 (r-call - 1) (r-call - 1) 9 a b)) (<- ($ da logical) *r-true*) da) ()))
(<- \|.darray (function ((*named* a *r-missing*) (*named* b *r-missing*)) (r-block (if (r-call is.darray a) (<- other b) (r-block (<- other a) (<- a b))) (if (r-call is.scalar other) (r-block (if other (return (r-call ppones (r-call dim a))) (return (r-call ppcopy a))))) (<- da (r-call dbinaryop 12 (r-call - 1) (r-call - 1) 10 a b)) (<- ($ da logical) *r-true*) da) ()))
(<- !.darray (function ((*named* a *r-missing*)) (r-block (if (r-call is.nd a) (r-block (<- da (r-call ppcommand "ppdensend_not" a))) (r-block (<- da (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_unary_op" 2 a)))) (<- ($ da logical) *r-true*) da) ()))
(<- %*% (function ((*named* a *r-missing*) (*named* b *r-missing*)) (r-block (if (r-call is.darray a) (r-block (if (r-call is.darray b) (r-block (r-call ppcommand "pppblas_gemm" a b)) (r-block (r-call ppcommand "pppblas_gemm" a (r-call ppback b))))) (if (r-call is.darray b) (r-block (r-call ppcommand "pppblas_gemm" (r-call ppback a) b)) (r-call (r-call .\Primitive "%*%") a b)))) ()))
(<- -.darray (function ((*named* a *r-missing*) (*named* b *r-missing*)) (r-block (if (missing b) (if (r-call is.nd a) (r-block (<- b a) (<- a 0)) (r-block (return (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_unary_op" 13 a))))) (if (r-call is.scalar b) (r-call dbinaryop 1 1 1 4 (r-call - b) a) (r-call dbinaryop 2 2 2 4 a b))) ()))
(<- ppreduce (function ((*named* da *r-missing*) (*named* axis *r-missing*) (*named* allfunc *r-missing*) (*named* axisfunc *r-missing*) (*named* ndcode *r-missing*) (*named* islogical *r-false*)) (r-block (<- nd (r-call length ($ da shape))) (if (r-call == nd 2) (r-block (if (r-call ! axis) (r-call ppcommand allfunc da) (r-block (<- res (r-call ppcommand axisfunc da axis)) (if (r-call is.list res) (<- res (r-call r-aref res 1))) (return res)))) (r-block (if (r-call ! axis) (r-block (<- (r-call dim da) (r-call length da)) (<- axis 1))) (<- res (r-call ppcommand "ppdensend_reduce" da ndcode (r-call - axis 1))) (if (&& islogical (r-call is.darray res)) (<- ($ res logical) *r-true*)) (return res)))) ()))
(<- any.darray (function ((*named* da *r-missing*) (*named* axis *r-false*) (*named* na.rm *r-false*)) (r-block (if (r-call == (r-call length ($ da shape)) 2) (r-block (if (r-call ! axis) (r-block (return (r-call > (r-call ppcommand "ppbase_nnz" da) 0))) (r-block (if (r-call == (r-call r-index ($ da shape) axis) 1) (return (r-call != da 0)) (r-block (<- res (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_any" da axis)) (<- ($ res logical) *r-true*) (return res)))))) (r-block (r-call ppreduce da axis "" "" 5 *r-true*)))) ()))
(<- all.darray (function ((*named* da *r-missing*) (*named* axis *r-false*) (*named* na.rm *r-false*)) (r-block (if (r-call == (r-call length ($ da shape)) 2) (r-block (if (r-call ! axis) (r-block (return (r-call == (r-call ppcommand "ppbase_nnz" da) (r-call length da)))) (r-block (if (r-call == (r-call r-index ($ da shape) axis) 1) (return (r-call != da 0)) (r-block (<- res (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_all" da axis)) (<- ($ res logical) *r-true*) (return res)))))) (r-block (r-call ppreduce da axis "" "" 6 *r-true*)))) ()))
(<- sum (function ((*named* ... *r-missing*) (*named* na.rm *r-false*) (*named* axis *r-false*)) (r-block (<- l (r-call list r-dotdotdot)) (if (r-call == (r-call length l) 0) (return 0)) (<- da (r-call r-aref l 1)) (if (r-call is.darray da) (r-call ppreduce da axis "ppdense_sumv" "ppdense_sum" 2) (r-call (r-call .\Primitive "sum") r-dotdotdot (*named* na.rm na.rm)))) ()))
(<- prod (function ((*named* ... *r-missing*) (*named* na.rm *r-false*) (*named* axis *r-false*)) (r-block (<- l (r-call list r-dotdotdot)) (if (r-call == (r-call length l) 0) (return 1)) (<- da (r-call r-aref l 1)) (if (r-call is.darray da) (r-call ppreduce da axis "ppdense_prodv" "ppdense_prod" 3) (r-call (r-call .\Primitive "prod") r-dotdotdot (*named* na.rm na.rm)))) ()))
(<- min (function ((*named* ... *r-missing*) (*named* na.rm *r-false*) (*named* axis *r-false*)) (r-block (<- l (r-call list r-dotdotdot)) (if (r-call == (r-call length l) 0) (return \Inf)) (<- da (r-call r-aref l 1)) (if (r-call is.darray da) (r-call ppreduce da axis "ppdense_minv" "ppdense_min" 8) (r-call (r-call .\Primitive "min") r-dotdotdot (*named* na.rm na.rm)))) ()))
(<- max (function ((*named* ... *r-missing*) (*named* na.rm *r-false*) (*named* axis *r-false*)) (r-block (<- l (r-call list r-dotdotdot)) (if (r-call == (r-call length l) 0) (return (r-call - \Inf))) (<- da (r-call r-aref l 1)) (if (r-call is.darray da) (r-call ppreduce da axis "ppdense_maxv" "ppdense_max" 7) (r-call (r-call .\Primitive "max") r-dotdotdot (*named* na.rm na.rm)))) ()))
(<- ppcopy (function ((*named* d *r-missing*) (*named* dist 2)) (r-block (if (\|\| (missing dist) (r-call == dist (r-call darraydist d))) (return (r-call ppcommand "ppbase_createMatrixCopy" d)) (return (r-call ppcommand "ppbase_createMatrixCopyRedist" d dist)))) ()))
(<- as.realarray (function ((*named* x *r-missing*)) (r-call as.array (r-call as.real x)) ()))
(<- as.1d (function ((*named* x *r-missing*)) (r-block (<- (r-call dim x) (r-call length x)) (return x)) ()))
(<- as.2d (function ((*named* x *r-missing*)) (r-block (<- (r-call dim x) (r-call c 1 (r-call length x))) (return x)) ()))
(<- as.real2d (function ((*named* x *r-missing*)) (r-block (<- x (r-call as.real x)) (<- (r-call dim x) (r-call c 1 (r-call length x))) (return x)) ()))
(<- to\Index\Vec2d (function ((*named* i *r-missing*) (*named* con *r-missing*)) (r-block (if (r-call == (r-call length i) 0) (r-block (return (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_zeros" 1 0 1)))) (return (r-call ppback (r-call as.2d i) (*named* allowScalar *r-true*)))) ()))
(<- to\Index\Vec (function ((*named* i *r-missing*) (*named* con *r-missing*)) (r-block (if (r-call == (r-call length i) 0) (r-block (return (r-call ppcommand "ppdensend_add" 0 0 1 "zeros")))) (return (r-call ppback i (*named* allowScalar *r-true*)))) ()))
(<- to\Num\Index (function ((*named* i *r-missing*)) (r-block (if (r-call ! (r-call is.darray i)) (r-block (if (r-call is.logical i) (r-block (<- \N (r-call : 1 (r-call length i))) (<- i (r-call r-index \N i)))) (return i)) (if (r-call ! ($ i logical)) (r-block (return i)))) (if (r-call != (r-call length (r-call dim i)) 2) (<- (r-call dim i) (r-call c 1 (r-call length i)))) (<- i (r-call r-aref (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_find" i 1 0 0) 1)) (<- (r-call dim i) (r-call length i)) i) ()))
(<- expand\Linear\Index (function ((*named* shape *r-missing*) (*named* i *r-missing*)) (r-block (<- out (r-call numeric (r-call length shape))) (for n (r-call : 1 (r-call length shape)) (r-block (<- (r-call r-aref out n) (r-call + (r-call %% (r-call - i 1) (r-call r-index shape n)) 1)) (<- i (r-call + (r-call %/% (r-call - i 1) (r-call r-index shape n)) 1)))) out) ()))
(<- to\Linear\Index (function ((*named* shape *r-missing*) (*named* iv *r-missing*)) (r-call + (r-call sum (r-call * (r-call - iv 1) (r-call cumprod (r-call r-index (r-call c 1 shape) (r-call - (r-call - (r-call length shape)) 1))))) 1) ()))
(<- to\Linear\Indexes (function ((*named* shape *r-missing*) (*named* im *r-missing*)) (r-block (<- ds (r-call t (r-call array (r-call cumprod (r-call r-index (r-call c 1 shape) (r-call - (r-call - (r-call length shape)) 1))) (r-call rev (r-call dim im))))) (r-call as.1d (r-call + (r-call apply (r-call * (r-call - im 1) ds) 1 sum) 1))) ()))
(<- starpcolon (quote :missingarg:))
(<- is.colon (function ((*named* x *r-missing*)) (r-call identical x starpcolon) ()))
(<- normalize\Indexes (function ((*named* shape *r-missing*) (*named* idxs *r-missing*)) (r-block (<- li (r-call length idxs)) (<- out (r-call vector "list" li)) (if (r-call == li 0) (return out) (if (&& (r-call > li 1) (r-call != li (r-call length shape))) (r-call stop "wrong number of subscripts"))) (for n (r-call : 1 li) (r-block (<- i (r-call r-aref idxs n)) (if (r-call == (r-call length (r-call dim i)) 2) (r-block (<- i (r-call to\Linear\Indexes shape i)) (if (r-call == (r-call length i) 1) (<- i (r-call as.real (r-call as.vector (r-call ppfront i)))))) (if (r-call ! (r-call is.colon i)) (r-block (if (r-call > (r-call length (r-call dim i)) 2) (r-block (<- i (r-call as.1d i)))) (<- lg (\|\| (r-call is.logical i) (&& (r-call is.darray i) ($ i logical)))) (if (&& lg (r-call == li 1)) (<- i (r-call rep i (*named* length.out (r-call prod shape))))) (<- i (r-call to\Num\Index i)) (if (r-call ! lg) (r-block (<- nonz (r-call != i 0)) (if (r-call ! (r-call is.darray nonz)) (r-block (<- i (r-call r-index i nonz))) (r-block (<- where (r-call r-aref (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_find" (r-call as.2d i) 1 0 0) 1)) (<- i (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_subsref_dcol" i where)))))) (if (r-call == (r-call length i) 1) (<- i (r-call as.real (r-call as.vector (r-call ppfront i))))) (if (&& (r-call is.scalar i) (r-call < i 0)) (r-block (<- i (r-call r-index (r-call : 1 (r-call r-index shape n)) i))))))) (<- (r-call r-aref out n) i))) out) ()))
(<- index\Sizes (function ((*named* d *r-missing*) (*named* idxs *r-missing*)) (r-block (<- n (r-call length idxs)) (<- whichcolons (r-call logical n)) (<- lens (r-call numeric n)) (for i (r-call : 1 n) (r-block (if (r-call is.colon (r-call r-aref idxs i)) (r-block (<- (r-call r-index whichcolons i) *r-true*) (<- (r-call r-index lens i) (r-call r-index (r-call dim d) i))) (<- (r-call r-index lens i) (r-call length (r-call r-aref idxs i)))))) (r-call list lens whichcolons)) ()))
(<- \[.darray (function ((*named* d *r-missing*) (*named* ... *r-missing*)) (r-block (<- n (r-call nargs)) (if (r-call == n 1) (return d)) (<- idxs (r-call normalize\Indexes (r-call dim d) (r-call revealargs (r-call get "...")))) (<- tmp (r-call index\Sizes d idxs)) (<- lens (r-call r-aref tmp 1)) (<- whichcolons (r-call r-aref tmp 2)) (if (r-call == (r-call prod lens) 0) (r-block (return (r-call array 0 (r-call r-index lens (r-call != lens 1)))))) (if (r-call all whichcolons) (return (r-call ppcopy d))) (if (r-call == n 2) (r-block (if (r-call == (r-call length (r-call dim d)) 2) (<- x (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_subsref_idx" d (r-call ppback (r-call as.2d (r-call r-aref idxs 1))))) (<- x (r-call ppcommand "ppdensend_subsref_idx_dist" d (r-call ppback (r-call r-aref idxs 1) (*named* allowScalar *r-true*))))) (if (r-call == (r-call length (r-call r-aref idxs 1)) 1) (return (r-call ppfront x)) (return x))) (if (r-call == n 3) (r-block (<- r (r-call r-aref idxs 1)) (<- c (r-call r-aref idxs 2)) (if (&& (r-call is.scalar r) (r-call is.scalar c)) (r-block (return (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_viewelement" d r c)))) (if (r-call is.colon r) (r-block (if (r-call is.darray c) (<- a (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_subsref_dcol" d c)) (<- a (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_subsref_col" d (r-call as.realarray c))))) (if (r-call is.colon c) (r-block (if (r-call is.darray r) (<- a (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_subsref_drow" d r)) (<- a (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_subsref_row" d (r-call as.realarray r))))) (r-block (if (r-call ! (r-call is.darray r)) (<- r (r-call as.realarray r))) (if (r-call ! (r-call is.darray c)) (<- c (r-call as.realarray c))) (<- a (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_subsref_rowcol" d r c))))) (if (r-call == (r-call sum (r-call > lens 1)) 1) (return (r-call as.1d a))) (return a)))) (if (r-call all (r-call lapply idxs is.scalar)) (r-block (return (r-call ppcommand "ppdensend_subsref_scalar" d (r-call as.numeric idxs))))) (if (r-call == (r-call sum whichcolons) (r-call - (r-call length (r-call dim d)) 1)) (r-block (<- slice (r-call as.realarray (r-call r-aref (r-call r-index idxs (r-call ! whichcolons)) 1))) (<- slicepos (r-call r-index (r-call : 1 (r-call length idxs)) (r-call ! whichcolons))) (if (r-call == slicepos (r-call darraydist d)) (r-block (if (r-call > (r-call length slice) 1) (r-block (<- (r-call dim slice) (r-call c (r-call length slice) 1)) (<- slice (r-call ppback slice)))) (<- result (r-call ppcommand "ppdensend_subsref_extract_slices_dist" d slice))) (r-block (<- result (r-call ppcommand "ppdensend_subsref_extract_slices_local" d (r-call - slicepos 1) slice))))) (r-block (<- idxs (r-call lapply idxs (function ((*named* i *r-missing*)) (if (r-call is.colon i) (r-call - 1) (r-call as.realarray i)) ()))) (<- al (r-call append "ppdensend_subsref_element_list" (r-call append 0 idxs))) (<- (r-call r-aref al 2) d) (<- result (r-call ppvcommand al)) (if (r-call == (r-call sum (r-call > lens 1)) 1) (return (r-call as.1d result))))) (return result)) ()))
(<- \[<-.darray (function ((*named* d *r-missing*) (*named* ... *r-missing*)) (r-block (<- n (r-call nargs)) (<- arglist (r-call revealargs (r-call get "..."))) (<- rhs (r-call r-aref arglist (r-call - n 1))) (<- idxs (r-call normalize\Indexes (r-call dim d) (r-call r-index arglist (r-call + (r-call - n) 1)))) (if (&& (r-call == (r-call length idxs) 1) (r-call is.colon (r-call r-aref idxs 1))) (r-block (<- idxs (r-call rep (r-call list starpcolon) (*named* length.out (r-call length (r-call dim d))))) (<- n (r-call + 2 (r-call length (r-call dim d)))))) (<- tmp (r-call index\Sizes d idxs)) (<- lens (r-call r-aref tmp 1)) (<- whichcolons (r-call r-aref tmp 2)) (if (r-call == (r-call prod lens) 0) (r-block (return d))) (if (r-call ! (r-call is.scalar rhs)) (r-block (if (&& (r-call != (r-call length rhs) (r-call prod lens)) (r-call > (r-call prod lens) 1)) (r-block (<- rhs (r-call rep rhs (*named* length.out (r-call prod lens)))))) (if (r-call is.darray rhs) (r-block (if (r-call == (r-call length (r-call dim rhs)) 1) (<- rhs (r-call as.2d rhs)))) (r-block (<- rhs (r-call as.array rhs)) (if (r-call == (r-call length (r-call dim rhs)) 1) (<- rhs (r-call as.2d rhs))) (<- rhs (r-call ppback rhs)))))) (if (r-call == (r-call length (r-call dim d)) 2) (r-block (if (r-call all whichcolons) (if (r-call is.scalar rhs) (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_setall" d rhs) (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_copyall" rhs d)) (if (r-call == n 3) (r-block (if (r-call is.scalar rhs) (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_subsasgn_idx_s" d (r-call ppback (r-call as.2d (r-call r-aref idxs 1))) rhs) (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_subsasgn_idx" d (r-call ppback (r-call as.2d (r-call r-aref idxs 1))) (r-call ppback rhs)))) (r-block (<- r (r-call r-aref idxs 1)) (<- c (r-call r-aref idxs 2)) (if (&& (r-call is.scalar r) (r-call is.scalar c)) (r-block (if (r-call ! (r-call is.scalar rhs)) (r-call stop "expected scalar value")) (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_setelement" d r c rhs)) (if (r-call is.colon r) (r-block (if (r-call is.darray c) (r-block (if (r-call is.scalar rhs) (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_subsasgn_dcol_s" d c rhs) (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_subsasgn_dcol" d c rhs))) (r-block (if (r-call is.scalar rhs) (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_subsasgn_col_s" d (r-call as.real2d c) rhs) (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_subsasgn_col" d (r-call as.real2d c) rhs))))) (if (r-call is.colon c) (r-block (if (r-call is.darray r) (r-block (if (r-call is.scalar rhs) (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_subsasgn_drow_s" d r rhs) (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_subsasgn_drow" d r rhs))) (r-block (if (r-call is.scalar rhs) (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_subsasgn_row_s" d (r-call as.real2d r) rhs) (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_subsasgn_row" d (r-call as.real2d r) rhs))))) (r-block (if (r-call ! (r-call is.darray r)) (<- r (r-call as.realarray r))) (if (r-call ! (r-call is.darray c)) (<- c (r-call as.realarray c))) (if (r-call is.scalar rhs) (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_subsasgn_rowcol_s" d r c rhs) (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_subsasgn_rowcol" d r c rhs))))))))) (return d)) (r-block (if (r-call == n 3) (r-call ppcommand "ppdensend_subsasgn_idx" d (r-call ppback (r-call as.2d (r-call r-aref idxs 1))) rhs) (if (r-call all (r-call lapply idxs is.scalar)) (r-block (r-call ppcommand "ppdensend_subsasgn_scalar" d (r-call as.numeric idxs) rhs)) (if (r-call == (r-call sum whichcolons) (r-call - (r-call length (r-call dim d)) 1)) (r-block (<- slice (r-call as.realarray (r-call r-aref (r-call r-index idxs (r-call ! whichcolons)) 1))) (<- slicepos (r-call r-index (r-call : 1 (r-call length idxs)) (r-call ! whichcolons))) (r-call ppcommand "ppdensend_subsasgn_slice" d (r-call - slicepos 1) slice rhs)) (r-block (<- idxs (r-call lapply idxs (function ((*named* i *r-missing*)) (if (r-call is.colon i) (r-call - 1) (r-call as.realarray i)) ()))) (<- al (r-call append "ppdensend_subsasgn_tuple" (r-call append 0 (r-call append idxs 0)))) (<- (r-call r-aref al 2) d) (<- (r-call r-aref al (r-call length al)) rhs) (r-call ppvcommand al))))))) d) ()))
(<- unaryops (r-call list (r-call list "ceiling" 9 "ceil") (r-call list "round" 10) (r-call list "floor" 11) (r-call list "sign" 14) (r-call list "abs" 15) (r-call list "sqrt" 16 *r-false*) (r-call list "exp" 17) (r-call list "log10" 19) (r-call list "log2" 20) (r-call list "Conj" 8 *r-false*) (r-call list "sin" 21) (r-call list "cos" 22) (r-call list "tan" 23)))
(<- mkunaryop (function ((*named* code *r-missing*) (*named* oldf *r-missing*) (*named* ndname *r-missing*)) (r-block (r-call force code) (r-call force oldf) (if (r-call is.character ndname) (r-block (<- ndname (r-call paste "ppdensend_" ndname (*named* sep ""))) (function ((*named* x *r-missing*)) (r-block (if (r-call is.darray x) (r-block (if (r-call == (r-call length ($ x shape)) 2) (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_unary_op" code x) (r-call ppcommand ndname x))) (r-call oldf x))) ())) (r-block (function ((*named* x *r-missing*)) (r-block (if (r-call is.darray x) (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_unary_op" code x) (r-call oldf x))) ())))) ()))
(for i unaryops (r-block (<- ppname (r-call (r-call r-aref i 1))) (<- \Rf (r-call eval ppname)) (if (r-call == (r-call length i) 2) (<- ndn (r-call r-aref i 1)) (<- ndn (r-call r-aref i 3))) (r-call assign (r-call as.character ppname) (r-call mkunaryop (r-call r-aref i 2) \Rf ndn) (*named* envir (r-call globalenv)))))
(r-call redefining chol)
(<- chol (function ((*named* m *r-missing*)) (r-block (if (r-call is.darray m) (r-block (<- l (r-call ppcommand "ppscalapack_chol" m)) (if (r-call > (r-call r-aref l 1) 0) (r-call stop "chol: not positive definite.")) (return (r-call r-aref l 2)))) (r-call \Rchol m)) ()))
(r-call redefining ginv)
(<- ginv (function ((*named* m *r-missing*)) (r-block (if (r-call is.darray m) (r-block (<- l (r-call ppcommand "ppscalapack_inv" m)) (return (r-call r-aref l 1)))) (r-call \Rginv m)) ()))
(r-call redefining eigen)
(<- eigen (function ((*named* x *r-missing*) (*named* symmetric *r-missing*) (*named* only.values *r-false*) (*named* EISPACK *r-false*)) (r-block (if (r-call ! (r-call is.darray x)) (return (r-call \Reigen x symmetric only.values \E\I\S\P\A\C\K))) (if only.values (<- vl 0) (<- vl 1)) (if (&& (r-call ! (missing symmetric)) symmetric) (r-block (<- res (r-call ppcommand "ppscalapack_eig_sym" x vl))) (r-block (<- res (r-call ppcommand "ppscalapack_eig" x vl)))) (<- out (r-call list (*named* values ()) (*named* vectors ()))) (if only.values (r-block (<- ($ out values) (r-call t res))) (r-block (if (&& (r-call ! (missing symmetric)) symmetric) (r-block (<- ($ out values) (r-call t (r-call r-aref res 2)))) (r-block (<- ($ out values) (r-call diag (r-call r-aref res 2))))) (<- ($ out vectors) (r-call r-aref res 1)))) out) ()))
(r-call redefining apply)
(<- apply (function ((*named* d *r-missing*) (*named* axis *r-missing*) (*named* f *r-missing*)) (r-block (if (r-call ! (r-call is.darray d)) (return (r-call \Rapply d axis f))) (<- axis (r-call + axis 1)) (if (r-call identical f sum) (r-call t (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_sum" d axis)) (r-call stop "starp: unsupported operation"))) ()))
(r-call redefining diag<-)
(<- diag<- (function ((*named* d *r-missing*) (*named* value *r-missing*)) (r-block (if (r-call ! (r-call is.darray d)) (r-block (if (r-call is.darray value) (<- value (r-call ppfront value))) (return (r-call \Rdiag<- d value)))) (if (r-call != (r-call length (r-call dim d)) 2) (r-call stop "starp diag<-: only supported for 2d")) (<- n (r-call min (r-call dim d))) (<- idxs (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_makeRange" 1 (r-call + (r-call r-index (r-call dim d) 1) 1) (r-call + (r-call * (r-call - n 1) (r-call r-index (r-call dim d) 1)) n))) (if (r-call is.scalar value) (r-block (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_subsasgn_idx_s" d idxs value)) (if (r-call != (r-call length value) n) (r-block (r-call stop "diag<-: replacement diagonal has wrong length")) (r-block (r-call ppcommand "ppdense_subsasgn_idx" d idxs (r-call ppback (r-call as.2d value)))))) d) ()))
(<- engine\Arg (function ((*named* arg *r-missing*)) (r-block (<- arg (r-call tolower arg)) (if (r-call != arg "") (r-block (if (r-call != arg "c") (r-call stop "unknown engine specified")))) (return arg)) ()))
(<- pploadcenginemodule (function ((*named* filename *r-missing*) (*named* name "")) (r-block (<- res (r-call ppcommand "ppemode2_evaluate" "c" "ppevalc_builtin:load_module" 1 0 filename name)) (return (r-call r-aref (r-call ppcommand "ppemode2_getelement" (r-call r-index (r-call r-aref res 1) 1) 0) 2))) ()))
(<- ppunloadcenginemodule (function ((*named* name *r-missing*)) (r-block (r-call ppcommand "ppemode2_evaluate" "c" "ppevalc_builtin:remove_module" 1 0 name) *r-true*) ()))
(<- pploadpackage (function ((*named* filename *r-missing*) (*named* name "") (*named* engine "")) (r-block (<- engine (r-call engine\Arg engine)) (if (r-call == engine "c") (r-call pploadcenginemodule filename (*named* name name)) (r-block (<- out (r-call ppcommand "ppbase_loadUserPackage" filename name)) (if (r-call > (r-call length out) 1) (r-block (r-call warning (r-call r-index out 2)) (return (r-call r-index out 1)))) (return out)))) ()))
(<- ppunloadpackage (function ((*named* name *r-missing*) (*named* engine "")) (r-block (<- engine (r-call engine\Arg engine)) (if (r-call == engine "c") (r-call ppunloadcenginemodule name) (r-call ppcommand "ppbase_removeUserPackage" name)) *r-true*) ())))
@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
; femtoLisp standard library
; by Jeff Bezanson
; Public Domain
(set 'list (lambda args args))
(set 'setq (macro (name val)
(list set (list 'quote name) val)))
(setq sp '| |)
(setq nl '|
; convert a sequence of body statements to a single expression.
; this allows define, defun, defmacro, let, etc. to contain multiple
; body expressions as in Common Lisp.
(setq f-body (lambda (e)
(cond ((atom e) e)
((eq (cdr e) ()) (car e))
(T (cons 'progn e)))))
(setq defmacro
(macro (name args . body)
(list 'setq name (list 'macro args (f-body body)))))
; support both CL defun and Scheme-style define
(defmacro defun (name args . body)
(list 'setq name (list 'lambda args (f-body body))))
(defmacro define (name . body)
(if (symbolp name)
(list 'setq name (car body))
(cons 'defun (cons (car name) (cons (cdr name) body)))))
(defun identity (x) x)
(setq null not)
(defun consp (x) (not (atom x)))
(defun map (f lst)
(if (atom lst) lst
(cons (f (car lst)) (map f (cdr lst)))))
(defmacro let (binds . body)
(cons (list 'lambda
(map (lambda (c) (if (consp c) (car c) c)) binds)
(f-body body))
(map (lambda (c) (if (consp c) (cadr c) nil)) binds)))
(defun nconc lsts
(cond ((null lsts) ())
((null (cdr lsts)) (car lsts))
(T ((lambda (l d) (if (null l) d
(prog1 l
(while (consp (cdr l)) (set 'l (cdr l)))
(rplacd l d))))
(car lsts) (apply nconc (cdr lsts))))))
(defun append lsts
(cond ((null lsts) ())
((null (cdr lsts)) (car lsts))
(T ((label append2 (lambda (l d)
(if (null l) d
(cons (car l)
(append2 (cdr l) d)))))
(car lsts) (apply append (cdr lsts))))))
(defun member (item lst)
(cond ((atom lst) ())
((equal (car lst) item) lst)
(T (member item (cdr lst)))))
(defun macrop (e) (and (consp e) (eq (car e) 'macro) e))
(defun macrocallp (e) (and (symbolp (car e))
(boundp (car e))
(macrop (eval (car e)))))
(defun macroapply (m args) (apply (cons 'lambda (cdr m)) args))
(defun macroexpand-1 (e)
(if (atom e) e
(let ((f (macrocallp e)))
(if f (macroapply f (cdr e))
; convert to proper list, i.e. remove "dots", and append
(defun append.2 (l tail)
(cond ((null l) tail)
((atom l) (cons l tail))
(T (cons (car l) (append.2 (cdr l) tail)))))
(define (cadr x) (car (cdr x)))
(defun macroexpand (e)
((label mexpand
(lambda (e env f)
(while (and (consp e)
(not (member (car e) env))
(set 'f (macrocallp e)))
(set 'e (macroapply f (cdr e))))
(if (and (consp e)
(not (eq (car e) 'quote)))
(let ((newenv
(if (and (or (eq (car e) 'lambda) (eq (car e) 'macro))
(consp (cdr e)))
(append.2 (cadr e) env)
(map (lambda (x) (mexpand x newenv nil)) e))
e nil nil))
; uncomment this to macroexpand functions at definition time.
; makes typical code ~25% faster, but only works for defun expressions
; at the top level.
(defmacro defun (name args . body)
(list 'setq name (list 'lambda args (macroexpand (f-body body)))))
; same thing for macros. enabled by default because macros are usually
; defined at the top level.
(defmacro defmacro (name args . body)
(list 'setq name (list 'macro args (macroexpand (f-body body)))))
(setq = eq)
(setq eql eq)
(define (/= a b) (not (eq a b)))
(define != /=)
(define (> a b) (< b a))
(define (<= a b) (not (< b a)))
(define (>= a b) (not (< a b)))
(define (1+ n) (+ n 1))
(define (1- n) (- n 1))
(define (mod x y) (- x (* (/ x y) y)))
(define (abs x) (if (< x 0) (- x) x))
(define (truncate x) x)
(setq K prog1) ; K combinator ;)
(define (funcall f . args) (apply f args))
(define (symbol-function sym) (eval sym))
(define (symbol-value sym) (eval sym))
(define (caar x) (car (car x)))
(define (cdar x) (cdr (car x)))
(define (cddr x) (cdr (cdr x)))
(define (caaar x) (car (car (car x))))
(define (caadr x) (car (car (cdr x))))
(define (cadar x) (car (cdr (car x))))
(define (caddr x) (car (cdr (cdr x))))
(define (cdaar x) (cdr (car (car x))))
(define (cdadr x) (cdr (car (cdr x))))
(define (cddar x) (cdr (cdr (car x))))
(define (cdddr x) (cdr (cdr (cdr x))))
(define (equal a b)
(if (and (consp a) (consp b))
(and (equal (car a) (car b))
(equal (cdr a) (cdr b)))
(eq a b)))
; compare imposes an ordering on all values. yields -1 for a<b,
; 0 for a==b, and 1 for a>b. lists are compared up to the first
; point of difference.
(defun compare (a b)
(cond ((eq a b) 0)
((or (atom a) (atom b)) (if (< a b) -1 1))
(T (let ((c (compare (car a) (car b))))
(if (not (eq c 0))
(compare (cdr a) (cdr b)))))))
(defun every (pred lst)
(or (atom lst)
(and (pred (car lst))
(every pred (cdr lst)))))
(defun any (pred lst)
(and (consp lst)
(or (pred (car lst))
(any pred (cdr lst)))))
(defun listp (a) (or (eq a ()) (consp a)))
(defun length (l)
(if (null l) 0
(+ 1 (length (cdr l)))))
(defun nthcdr (n lst)
(if (<= n 0) lst
(nthcdr (- n 1) (cdr lst))))
(defun list-ref (lst n)
(car (nthcdr n lst)))
(defun list* l
(if (atom (cdr l))
(car l)
(cons (car l) (apply list* (cdr l)))))
(defun nlist* l
(if (atom (cdr l))
(car l)
(rplacd l (apply nlist* (cdr l)))))
(defun lastcdr (l)
(if (atom l) l
(lastcdr (cdr l))))
(defun last (l)
(cond ((atom l) l)
((atom (cdr l)) l)
(T (last (cdr l)))))
(defun map! (f lst)
(prog1 lst
(while (consp lst)
(rplaca lst (f (car lst)))
(set 'lst (cdr lst)))))
(defun mapcar (f . lsts)
((label mapcar-
(lambda (lsts)
(cond ((null lsts) (f))
((atom (car lsts)) (car lsts))
(T (cons (apply f (map car lsts))
(mapcar- (map cdr lsts)))))))
(defun transpose (M) (apply mapcar (cons list M)))
(defun filter (pred lst)
(cond ((null lst) ())
((not (pred (car lst))) (filter pred (cdr lst)))
(T (cons (car lst) (filter pred (cdr lst))))))
(define (foldr f zero lst)
(if (null lst) zero
(f (car lst) (foldr f zero (cdr lst)))))
(define (foldl f zero lst)
(if (null lst) zero
(foldl f (f (car lst) zero) (cdr lst))))
(define (reverse lst) (foldl cons nil lst))
(defun reduce (f zero lst)
(if (null lst) zero
(reduce f (f zero (car lst)) (cdr lst))))
(define (copy-list l)
(if (atom l) l
(cons (car l)
(copy-list (cdr l)))))
(define (copy-tree l)
(if (atom l) l
(cons (copy-tree (car l))
(copy-tree (cdr l)))))
(define (assoc item lst)
(cond ((atom lst) ())
((eq (caar lst) item) (car lst))
(T (assoc item (cdr lst)))))
(define (nreverse l)
(let ((prev nil))
(while (consp l)
(set 'l (prog1 (cdr l)
(rplacd l (prog1 prev
(set 'prev l))))))
(defmacro let* (binds . body)
(cons (list 'lambda (map car binds)
(cons 'progn
(nconc (map (lambda (b) (cons 'setq b)) binds)
(map (lambda (x) nil) binds)))
(defmacro labels (binds . body)
(cons (list 'lambda (map car binds)
(cons 'progn
(nconc (map (lambda (b)
(list 'setq (car b) (cons 'lambda (cdr b))))
(map (lambda (x) nil) binds)))
(defmacro when (c . body) (list if c (f-body body) nil))
(defmacro unless (c . body) (list if c nil (f-body body)))
(defmacro dotimes (var . body)
(let ((v (car var))
(cnt (cadr var)))
(list 'let (list (list v 0))
(list 'while (list < v cnt)
(list prog1 (f-body body) (list 'setq v (list + v 1)))))))
(defun map-int (f n)
(let ((acc nil))
(dotimes (i n)
(setq acc (cons (f i) acc)))
(nreverse acc)))
(defun error args (raise (cons 'error args)))
(defmacro throw (tag value) `(raise (list 'thrown-value ,tag ,value)))
(defmacro catch (tag expr)
(let ((e (gensym)))
`(trycatch ,expr
(lambda (,e) (if (and (consp ,e)
(eq (car ,e) 'thrown-value)
(eq (cadr ,e) ,tag))
(caddr ,e)
(raise ,e))))))
(defmacro unwind-protect (expr finally)
(let ((e (gensym)))
`(prog1 (trycatch ,expr
(lambda (,e) (progn ,finally (raise ,e))))
; (try expr
; (catch (type-error e) . exprs)
; (catch (io-error e) . exprs)
; (catch (e) . exprs)
; (finally . exprs))
(defmacro try (expr . forms)
(let* ((e (gensym))
(reraised (gensym))
(final (f-body (cdr (or (assoc 'finally forms) '(())))))
(catches (filter (lambda (f) (eq (car f) 'catch)) forms))
(catchblock `(cond
,.(map (lambda (catc)
(let* ((specific (cdr (cadr catc)))
(extype (caadr catc))
(var (if specific (car specific)
(todo (cddr catc)))
`(,(if specific
; exception matching logic
`(or (eq ,e ',extype)
(and (consp ,e)
(eq (car ,e)
T); (catch (e) ...), match anything
(let ((,var ,e)) ,@todo))))
(T (raise ,e))))) ; no matches, reraise
(if final
(if catches
; form with both catch and finally
`(prog1 (trycatch ,expr
(lambda (,e)
(trycatch ,catchblock
(lambda (,reraised)
(progn ,final
(raise ,reraised))))))
; finally only; same as unwind-protect
`(prog1 (trycatch ,expr (lambda (,e)
(progn ,final (raise ,e))))
; catch, no finally
`(trycatch ,expr (lambda (,e) ,catchblock)))))
; property lists
(setq *plists* nil)
(defun symbol-plist (sym)
(cdr (or (assoc sym *plists*) '(()))))
(defun set-symbol-plist (sym lst)
(let ((p (assoc sym *plists*)))
(if (null p) ; sym has no plist yet
(setq *plists* (cons (cons sym lst) *plists*))
(rplacd p lst))))
(defun get (sym prop)
(let ((pl (symbol-plist sym)))
(if pl
(let ((pr (member prop pl)))
(if pr (cadr pr) nil))
(defun put (sym prop val)
(let ((p (assoc sym *plists*)))
(if (null p) ; sym has no plist yet
(setq *plists* (cons (list sym prop val) *plists*))
(let ((pr (member prop p)))
(if (null pr) ; sym doesn't have this property yet
(rplacd p (cons prop (cons val (cdr p))))
(rplaca (cdr pr) val)))))
; setf
; expands (setf (place x ...) v) to (mutator (f x ...) v)
; (mutator (identity x ...) v) is interpreted as (mutator x ... v)
(setq *setf-place-list*
; place mutator f
'((car rplaca identity)
(cdr rplacd identity)
(caar rplaca car)
(cadr rplaca cdr)
(cdar rplacd car)
(cddr rplacd cdr)
(caaar rplaca caar)
(caadr rplaca cadr)
(cadar rplaca cdar)
(caddr rplaca cddr)
(cdaar rplacd caar)
(cdadr rplacd cadr)
(cddar rplacd cdar)
(cdddr rplacd cddr)
(get put identity)
(aref aset identity)
(symbol-function set identity)
(symbol-value set identity)
(symbol-plist set-symbol-plist identity)))
(defun setf-place-mutator (place val)
(if (symbolp place)
(list 'setq place val)
(let ((mutator (assoc (car place) *setf-place-list*)))
(if (null mutator)
(error '|setf: unknown place | (car place))
(if (eq (caddr mutator) 'identity)
(cons (cadr mutator) (append (cdr place) (list val)))
(list (cadr mutator)
(cons (caddr mutator) (cdr place))
(defmacro setf args
((label setf-
(lambda (args)
(if (null args)
(cons (setf-place-mutator (car args) (cadr args))
(setf- (cddr args))))))
(defun revappend (l1 l2) (nconc (reverse l1) l2))
(defun nreconc (l1 l2) (nconc (nreverse l1) l2))
(defun list-to-vector (l) (apply vector l))
(defun vector-to-list (v)
(let ((i (- (length v) 1))
(l nil))
(while (>= i 0)
(setq l (cons (aref v i) l))
(setq i (- i 1)))
(defun self-evaluating-p (x)
(or (eq x nil)
(eq x T)
(and (atom x)
(not (symbolp x)))))
(defun functionp (x)
(or (builtinp x)
(and (consp x) (eq (car x) 'lambda))))
; backquote
(defmacro backquote (x) (bq-process x))
(defun splice-form-p (x)
(or (and (consp x) (or (eq (car x) '*comma-at*)
(eq (car x) '*comma-dot*)))
(eq x '*comma*)))
(defun bq-process (x)
(cond ((self-evaluating-p x)
(if (vectorp x)
(let ((body (bq-process (vector-to-list x))))
(if (eq (car body) 'list)
(cons vector (cdr body))
(list apply vector body)))
((atom x) (list 'quote x))
((eq (car x) 'backquote) (bq-process (bq-process (cadr x))))
((eq (car x) '*comma*) (cadr x))
((not (any splice-form-p x))
(let ((lc (lastcdr x))
(forms (map bq-bracket1 x)))
(if (null lc)
(cons 'list forms)
(nconc (cons 'nlist* forms) (list (bq-process lc))))))
(T (let ((p x) (q ()))
(while (and (consp p)
(not (eq (car p) '*comma*)))
(setq q (cons (bq-bracket (car p)) q))
(setq p (cdr p)))
(let ((forms
(cond ((consp p) (nreconc q (list (cadr p))))
((null p) (nreverse q))
(T (nreconc q (list (bq-process p)))))))
(if (null (cdr forms))
(car forms)
(cons 'nconc forms)))))))
(defun bq-bracket (x)
(cond ((atom x) (list cons (bq-process x) nil))
((eq (car x) '*comma*) (list cons (cadr x) nil))
((eq (car x) '*comma-at*) (list 'copy-list (cadr x)))
((eq (car x) '*comma-dot*) (cadr x))
(T (list cons (bq-process x) nil))))
; bracket without splicing
(defun bq-bracket1 (x)
(if (and (consp x) (eq (car x) '*comma*))
(cadr x)
(bq-process x)))
(defmacro assert (expr) `(if ,expr T (raise '(assert-failed ,expr))))
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
typedef struct {
size_t n, maxsize;
unsigned long *items;
} ltable_t;
void ltable_init(ltable_t *t, size_t n)
t->n = 0;
t->maxsize = n;
t->items = (unsigned long*)malloc(n * sizeof(unsigned long));
void ltable_clear(ltable_t *t)
t->n = 0;
void ltable_insert(ltable_t *t, unsigned long item)
unsigned long *p;
if (t->n == t->maxsize) {