#| -*-Scheme-*- Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Massachusetts Institute of Technology This file is part of MIT/GNU Scheme. MIT/GNU Scheme is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. MIT/GNU Scheme is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MIT/GNU Scheme; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. |# ;;;; Evaluation Commands ;;; Package: (edwin) (declare (usual-integrations)) ;;;; Variables (define-variable scheme-environment "The environment used by the evaluation commands, or 'DEFAULT. If 'DEFAULT, use the default (REP loop) environment." 'DEFAULT #f (lambda (object) (if (or (eq? 'DEFAULT object) (list-of-type? object symbol?) (procedure-of-arity? object 1)) object (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (k) (bind-condition-handler (list condition-type:error) (lambda (condition) condition (message "Ignoring bad evaluation environment: " object) (k 'DEFAULT)) (lambda () (->environment object)))))))) (define-variable scheme-syntax-table "This variable is obsolete and its value is ignored." #f) (add-variable-assignment-daemon! (ref-variable-object scheme-environment) (lambda (buffer variable) variable (if buffer (normal-buffer-evaluation-mode buffer)))) (define (normal-buffer-evaluation-mode buffer) (let ((env (ref-variable-object scheme-environment)) (inf-repl (ref-variable-object evaluate-in-inferior-repl)) (run-light (ref-variable-object run-light))) (if (not (repl-buffer? buffer)) (let ((value (if (variable-local-value? buffer env) (variable-local-value buffer env) 'DEFAULT))) (cond ((eq? 'DEFAULT value) (undefine-variable-local-value! buffer inf-repl) (undefine-variable-local-value! buffer run-light)) ((procedure? value) (define-variable-local-value! buffer inf-repl (lambda (buffer) buffer (eq? 'DEFAULT (value 'DEFAULT)))) ;; Force run-light to be set: (evaluate-in-inferior-repl? buffer)) (else (define-variable-local-value! buffer inf-repl #f) (define-variable-local-value! buffer run-light #f))))))) (define (evaluate-in-inferior-repl? buffer) (if buffer (let ((buffer (->buffer buffer)) (var (ref-variable-object evaluate-in-inferior-repl))) (let ((value (variable-local-value buffer var))) (if (procedure? value) (let ((value (value buffer))) (let ((run-light (ref-variable-object run-light))) (if value (undefine-variable-local-value! buffer run-light) (define-variable-local-value! buffer run-light #f))) (invoke-variable-assignment-daemons! buffer var) value) value))) (let ((value (ref-variable evaluate-in-inferior-repl #f))) (if (procedure? value) (value #f) value)))) (define-variable debug-on-evaluation-error "True means enter debugger if an evaluation error is signalled. False means ignore the error and resume editing. The symbol ASK means ask what to do (this is the default value). This does not affect editor errors or internal errors." 'ASK (lambda (x) (or (boolean? x) (eq? x 'ASK)))) (define-variable evaluation-input-recorder "A procedure that receives each input region before evaluation. If #F, disables input recording." #f) (define-variable evaluation-output-receiver "Procedure to call with the value and output from evaluation. The value is an object, and the output is a string. If #F, the value is printed in the typein window, and the output, if non-null, is shown in a pop-up buffer." #f) (define-variable enable-transcript-buffer "If true, output from evaluation commands is recorded in transcript buffer." #f boolean?) (define-variable disable-evaluation-commands "If true, evaluation commands signal an error." #f boolean?) (define-variable evaluate-in-inferior-repl "If true, evaluation commands evaluate expressions in an inferior REPL. Also, the inferior REPL's run light appears in all Scheme mode buffers. Otherwise, expressions are evaluated directly by the commands." #t (lambda (object) (or (boolean? object) (procedure-of-arity? object 1)))) (define-variable transcript-buffer-name "Name of evaluation transcript buffer. This can also be a buffer object." "*transcript*") (define-variable transcript-buffer-mode "Mode of evaluation transcript buffer. This can be either a mode object or the name of one." 'scheme) (define-variable transcript-buffer-read-only "If true, transcript buffer is initialized to read-only when created." #t boolean?) (define-variable transcript-output-wrapper "A procedure that is called to setup transcript output. It is passed a thunk as its only argument. If #F, normal transcript output is done." #f) (define-variable transcript-list-depth-limit "List depth to which evaluation results are printed. #F means no limit." #f (lambda (object) (or (not object) (exact-nonnegative-integer? object)))) (define-variable transcript-list-breadth-limit "List breadth to which evaluation results are printed. #F means no limit." #f (lambda (object) (or (not object) (exact-nonnegative-integer? object)))) (define-variable transcript-disable-evaluation "If true, evaluation commands are disabled in the transcript buffer." #t boolean?) ;;;; Commands (define-command eval-defun "Evaluate defun that point is in or before. Print value in minibuffer." () (lambda () (evaluate-from-mark (current-definition-start)))) (define-command eval-next-sexp "Evaluate the expression following point. Prints the result in the typein window." () (lambda () (evaluate-from-mark (current-point)))) (define-command eval-last-sexp "Evaluate the expression preceding point. Prints the result in the typein window." () (lambda () (evaluate-from-mark (backward-sexp (current-point) 1 'ERROR)))) (define (evaluate-from-mark input-mark) ((ref-command eval-region) (make-region input-mark (forward-sexp input-mark 1 'ERROR)))) (define-command eval-region "Evaluate the region, printing the results in the typein window. With an argument, prompts for the evaluation environment." "r" (lambda (region) (let ((buffer (mark-buffer (region-start region)))) (cond ((ref-variable disable-evaluation-commands buffer) (editor-error "Evaluation commands disabled in this buffer.")) ((evaluate-in-inferior-repl? buffer) (inferior-repl-eval-region (current-repl-buffer buffer) region)) (else (evaluate-region region (evaluation-environment buffer #f))))))) (define-command eval-current-buffer "Evaluate the current buffer. The values are printed in the typein window." () (lambda () ((ref-command eval-region) (buffer-region (current-buffer))))) (define-command eval-expression "Read and evaluate an expression in the typein window." "xEvaluate expression" (lambda (expression) (let ((buffer (current-buffer))) (cond ((ref-variable disable-evaluation-commands buffer) (editor-error "Evaluation commands disabled in this buffer.")) ((and (evaluate-in-inferior-repl? buffer) (current-repl-buffer* buffer)) => (lambda (buffer) (inferior-repl-eval-expression buffer expression))) (else (if (ref-variable enable-transcript-buffer buffer) (call-with-transcript-buffer (lambda (buffer) (insert-string (parameterize ((param:print-with-maximum-readability? #t)) (write-to-string expression)) (buffer-end buffer))))) (editor-eval buffer expression (evaluation-environment buffer #f))))))) (define-command eval-abort-top-level "Force the evaluation REPL up to top level. Has no effect if evaluate-in-inferior-repl is false." () (lambda () (if (evaluate-in-inferior-repl? (current-buffer)) ((ref-command inferior-cmdl-abort-top-level)) (editor-error "Nothing to abort.")))) (define-command set-environment "Make ENVIRONMENT the current evaluation environment." "XSet environment" (lambda (environment) (local-set-variable! scheme-environment environment))) (define-command set-default-environment "Make ENVIRONMENT the default evaluation environment." "XSet default environment" (lambda (environment) (set-variable-default-value! (ref-variable-object scheme-environment) environment))) (define-command set-repl-environment "Make ENVIRONMENT the environment of the nearest REP loop." "XSet REPL environment" (lambda (environment) (set-repl/environment! (nearest-repl) (->environment environment)))) (define-command select-transcript-buffer "Select the transcript buffer." () (lambda () (call-with-transcript-buffer select-buffer))) ;;;; Expression Prompts (define (prompt-for-expression-value prompt #!optional default environment . options) (let ((environment (if (default-object? environment) (evaluation-environment) (begin (guarantee environment? environment 'PROMPT-FOR-EXPRESSION-VALUE) environment)))) (eval-with-history (apply prompt-for-expression prompt (if (or (symbol? default) (pair? default) (vector? default)) `',default default) environment options) environment))) (define (prompt-for-expression prompt #!optional default environment . options) (let ((environment (if (default-object? environment) (evaluation-environment) (begin (guarantee environment? environment 'PROMPT-FOR-EXPRESSION) environment)))) (read-from-string (apply prompt-for-string prompt (and (not (default-object? default)) default) 'MODE (lambda (buffer) (set-buffer-major-mode! buffer (ref-mode-object prompt-for-expression)) ;; This sets up the correct environment in the typein buffer ;; so that completion of variables works right. (local-set-variable! scheme-environment environment buffer)) options)))) (define (read-from-string string) (bind-condition-handler (list condition-type:error) evaluation-error-handler (lambda () (read (open-input-string string))))) (define-major-mode prompt-for-expression scheme #f (mode-description (ref-mode-object minibuffer-local)) (lambda (buffer) ;; This kludge prevents auto-fill from being turned on. Probably ;; there is a better way to do this, but I can't think of one ;; right now. -- cph (for-each (lambda (mode) (disable-buffer-minor-mode! buffer mode)) (buffer-minor-modes buffer)))) (set-car! (mode-comtabs (ref-mode-object prompt-for-expression)) (car (mode-comtabs (ref-mode-object minibuffer-local)))) ;;;; Evaluation (define (evaluate-region region environment) (let ((buffer (->buffer region))) (let ((evaluation-input-recorder (ref-variable evaluation-input-recorder buffer))) (if evaluation-input-recorder (evaluation-input-recorder region))) (if (ref-variable enable-transcript-buffer buffer) (call-with-transcript-buffer (lambda (buffer) (insert-region (region-start region) (region-end region) (buffer-end buffer))))) (bind-condition-handler (list condition-type:error) evaluation-error-handler (lambda () (let loop ((expressions (read-expressions-from-region region)) (result unspecific)) (if (null? expressions) result (loop (cdr expressions) (editor-eval buffer (car expressions) environment)))))))) (define (read-expressions-from-region region) (call-with-input-region region (lambda (port) (let loop () (let ((expression (read port))) (if (eof-object? expression) '() (cons expression (loop)))))))) (define (evaluation-environment #!optional buffer global-ok?) (let ((buffer (->buffer buffer))) (evaluation-environment-no-repl buffer (let ((repl-buffer (and (evaluate-in-inferior-repl? buffer) (current-repl-buffer* buffer)))) (if (and repl-buffer (not (eq? repl-buffer buffer))) (evaluation-environment-no-repl repl-buffer) #!default)) global-ok?))) (define (evaluation-environment-no-repl #!optional buffer default global-ok?) (let ((buffer (->buffer buffer)) (default (if (default-object? default) (nearest-repl/environment) default)) (global-ok? (if (default-object? global-ok?) #t global-ok?))) (let ((environment (ref-variable scheme-environment buffer))) (cond ((eq? 'DEFAULT environment) default) ((environment? environment) environment) ((procedure? environment) (environment default)) ((name->package environment) => package/environment) (global-ok? system-global-environment) (else (editor-error "Package not loaded: " environment)))))) (define-variable run-light "Scheme run light. Not intended to be modified by users. Set by Scheme evaluation code to update the mode line." #f (lambda (object) (or (not object) (string? object)))) (define-variable enable-run-light? "If true, Scheme evaluation commands display a run light in the mode line." #t boolean?) (define (editor-eval buffer sexp environment) (let ((core (lambda () (parameterize ((current-input-port dummy-i/o-port)) (let ((value)) (let ((output-string (call-with-output-string (lambda (port) (parameterize ((current-output-port port)) (set! value (eval-with-history sexp environment)) unspecific))))) (let ((evaluation-output-receiver (ref-variable evaluation-output-receiver buffer))) (if evaluation-output-receiver (evaluation-output-receiver value output-string) (with-output-to-transcript-buffer (lambda () (write-string output-string) (transcript-write value (and (ref-variable enable-transcript-buffer buffer) (transcript-buffer)))))))) value))))) (if (ref-variable enable-run-light? buffer) (let ((run-light (ref-variable-object run-light)) (outside) (inside "eval")) (dynamic-wind (lambda () (set! outside (variable-local-value buffer run-light)) (set-variable-local-value! buffer run-light inside) (set! inside) (global-window-modeline-event!) (update-screens! #f)) core (lambda () (set! inside (variable-local-value buffer run-light)) (set-variable-local-value! buffer run-light outside) (set! outside) (global-window-modeline-event!) (update-screens! #f)))) (core)))) (define (eval-with-history expression environment) (bind-condition-handler (list condition-type:error) evaluation-error-handler (lambda () (repl-eval expression environment)))) (define (evaluation-error-handler condition) (maybe-debug-scheme-error 'EVALUATION condition) (standard-error-report 'EVALUATION condition #f) (editor-beep) (return-to-command-loop condition)) ;;;; Transcript Buffer (define (with-output-to-transcript-buffer thunk) (if (ref-variable enable-transcript-buffer) (let ((output-wrapper (ref-variable transcript-output-wrapper))) (if output-wrapper (output-wrapper thunk) (call-with-transcript-buffer (lambda (buffer) (let ((output-port (mark->output-port (buffer-end buffer) buffer))) (fresh-line output-port) (parameterize ((current-output-port output-port)) (thunk))))))) (let ((value)) (let ((output (call-with-output-string (lambda (port) (parameterize ((current-output-port port)) (set! value (thunk)) unspecific))))) (if (and (not (string-null? output)) (not (ref-variable evaluation-output-receiver))) (string->temporary-buffer output "*Unsolicited-Output*" '()))) value))) (define (transcript-write value buffer) (let ((value-string (string-append (transcript-value-prefix-string value #f) (transcript-value-string value)))) (if buffer (let ((point (mark-left-inserting-copy (buffer-end buffer)))) (with-read-only-defeated point (lambda () (guarantee-newlines 1 point) (insert-string value-string point) (insert-newlines 2 point))) (mark-temporary! point))) (if (or (not buffer) (null? (buffer-windows buffer))) (message value-string)))) (define (transcript-value-prefix-string value hash-number?) (if (undefined-value? value) ";No value" (string-append ";Value" (if (and hash-number? (object-pointer? value) (not (interned-symbol? value)) (not (number? value))) (string-append " " (write-to-string (hash-object value))) "") ": "))) (define (transcript-value-string value) (if (undefined-value? value) "" (parameterize ((param:printer-list-depth-limit (ref-variable transcript-list-depth-limit)) (param:printer-list-breadth-limit (ref-variable transcript-list-breadth-limit))) (write-to-string value)))) (define (call-with-transcript-buffer procedure) (let ((buffer (transcript-buffer))) (let ((group (buffer-group buffer)) (outside) (inside #f)) (dynamic-wind (lambda () (set! outside (group-read-only? group)) (if inside (set-group-read-only! group) (set-group-writeable! group))) (lambda () (procedure buffer)) (lambda () (set! inside (group-read-only? group)) (if outside (set-group-read-only! group) (set-group-writeable! group))))))) (define (transcript-buffer) (let ((name (ref-variable transcript-buffer-name))) (if (buffer? name) name (or (find-buffer name) (let ((buffer (create-buffer name))) (set-buffer-major-mode! buffer (->mode (ref-variable transcript-buffer-mode))) (if (ref-variable transcript-buffer-read-only) (set-buffer-read-only! buffer)) (if (ref-variable transcript-disable-evaluation) (local-set-variable! disable-evaluation-commands #t buffer) (if (eq? (buffer-major-mode buffer) (ref-mode-object scheme)) (begin (local-set-variable! evaluate-in-inferior-repl #f buffer) (local-set-variable! run-light #f buffer)))) buffer)))))