#| -*-Scheme-*- Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Massachusetts Institute of Technology This file is part of MIT/GNU Scheme. MIT/GNU Scheme is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. MIT/GNU Scheme is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MIT/GNU Scheme; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. |# ;;;; Documentation Strings (declare (usual-integrations)) (define *external-doc-strings?* #t) (define *external-doc-strings-file* #f) (define *doc-strings* #f) (define *doc-string-posn* 0) (define *doc-string-channel* #f) (define *doc-string-buffer* #f) (define (doc-string->posn name str) (if (and *external-doc-strings?* (string? str)) (let ((nlen (string-length name)) (dslen (string-length str)) (slen (if (not *doc-strings*) 0 (string-length *doc-strings*))) (posn *doc-string-posn*)) (let* ((next (fix:+ posn nlen)) (end (fix:+ next (fix:+ dslen 6)))) (if (> end slen) (let ((new (string-allocate (max end (if (fix:zero? slen) 4096 (fix:+ slen (fix:quotient slen 2))))))) (if *doc-strings* (substring-move-right! *doc-strings* 0 posn new 0)) (set! *doc-strings* new))) (let ((doc-strings *doc-strings*)) (vector-8b-set! doc-strings posn (fix:remainder dslen 256)) (vector-8b-set! doc-strings (fix:+ posn 1) (fix:quotient dslen 256)) (string-set! doc-strings (fix:+ posn 2) #\Newline) (substring-move-right! name 0 nlen doc-strings (fix:+ posn 3)) (string-set! doc-strings (fix:+ next 3) #\Newline) (substring-move-right! str 0 dslen doc-strings (fix:+ next 4)) (string-set! doc-strings (fix:- end 2) #\Newline) (string-set! doc-strings (fix:- end 1) #\Newline) (set! *doc-string-posn* end) posn))) str)) (define-integrable doc-string-buffer-length 512) (define (->doc-string name posn) (define (out-of-range) (editor-error "->doc-string: Out of range argument" posn)) (define (fill-buffer channel buffer posn blen) (let fill-loop ((posn posn)) (if (fix:< posn blen) (let ((n (channel-read-block channel buffer posn blen))) (fill-loop (fix:+ posn n)))))) (define (verify-and-extract buffer nlen dslen nposn) (let ((nend (fix:+ nposn nlen))) (if (not (string=? (substring buffer nposn nend) name)) (editor-error "->doc-string: Inconsistency" posn) (let ((dstart (fix:+ nend 1))) (substring buffer dstart (fix:+ dstart dslen)))))) (cond ((string? posn) posn) ((not (fix:fixnum? posn)) (editor-error "->doc-string: Wrong type argument" posn)) ((fix:< posn 0) (out-of-range)) (*doc-strings* (let ((slen (string-length *doc-strings*)) (nlen (string-length name))) (if (fix:> (fix:+ posn 2) slen) (out-of-range)) (let ((dslen (fix:+ (vector-8b-ref *doc-strings* posn) (fix:lsh (vector-8b-ref *doc-strings* (fix:+ posn 1)) 8)))) (if (fix:> (fix:+ (fix:+ posn 6) (fix:+ nlen dslen)) slen) (out-of-range) (verify-and-extract *doc-strings* nlen dslen (fix:+ posn 3)))))) (else (guarantee-doc-string-state) (let* ((channel *doc-string-channel*) (buffer *doc-string-buffer*) (flen (channel-file-length channel)) (nlen (string-length name)) (delta (fix:- flen (fix:+ posn 2)))) (if (fix:< delta 0) (out-of-range)) (channel-file-set-position channel posn) (let ((blen (min doc-string-buffer-length delta))) (fill-buffer channel buffer 0 blen) (let* ((dslen (fix:+ (vector-8b-ref buffer 0) (fix:lsh (vector-8b-ref buffer 1) 8))) (end (fix:+ (fix:+ dslen nlen) 6))) (cond ((not (fix:> end blen)) (verify-and-extract buffer nlen dslen 3)) ((fix:> (fix:+ end posn) flen) (out-of-range)) (else (let* ((rlen (fix:+ (fix:+ nlen dslen) 1)) (result (string-allocate rlen))) (substring-move-right! buffer 3 blen result 0) (fill-buffer channel result (fix:- blen 3) rlen) (verify-and-extract result nlen dslen 0)))))))))) (define (dump-doc-strings output #!optional permanent) (if (not *doc-strings*) (error "dump-doc-strings: No doc strings to dump!")) (set! *external-doc-strings-file* (if (or (default-object? permanent) (not permanent)) output permanent)) (set-string-length! *doc-strings* *doc-string-posn*) (call-with-binary-output-file output (lambda (port) (write-bytevector (string->bytevector *doc-strings*) port))) (set! *external-doc-strings?* #f) (set! *doc-string-posn* 0) (set! *doc-strings* #f) unspecific) (define (guarantee-doc-string-state) (if (not *doc-string-buffer*) (set! *doc-string-buffer* (string-allocate doc-string-buffer-length))) (cond (*doc-string-channel*) ((not *external-doc-strings-file*) (editor-error "guarantee-doc-string-channel: Undeclared doc-string file")) (else (let ((doc-strings (if (or (pathname-absolute? *external-doc-strings-file*) (file-exists? *external-doc-strings-file*)) *external-doc-strings-file* (merge-pathnames *external-doc-strings-file* (edwin-etc-directory))))) (if (not (file-exists? doc-strings)) (editor-error "guarantee-doc-string-channel: Non-existent doc-string file") (begin (set! *doc-string-channel* (file-open-input-channel (->namestring doc-strings))) unspecific)))))) (add-event-receiver! event:after-restart (lambda () (set! *doc-string-channel* #f))) ;;;; Abstraction of help descriptions (define (description? description) (or (string? description) (and (procedure? description) (procedure-arity-valid? description 0)))) (define (description->string description) (cond ((string? description) description) ((procedure? description) (description)) (else (error:wrong-type-argument description "description" 'DESCRIPTION->STRING)))) (define (description-first-line description) (let ((string (description->string description))) (let ((index (string-find-next-char string #\newline))) (if index (substring string 0 index) string)))) (define (description-append . descriptions) (lambda () (apply string-append (map description->string descriptions))))