339 lines
14 KiB
339 lines
14 KiB
* Star
+ Plus
- Minus
... DotDotDot
/ Slash
< Less
<= LessEqual
= Equal
=> EqualTo
> Greater
>= GreaterEqual
abs Abs
acos Acos
and And
angle Angle
append Append
apply Apply
asin Asin
assoc Assoc
assq Assq
assv Assv
atan Atan
begin Begin
binary-port? BinaryPortP
boolean=? BooleanEqualP
boolean? BooleanP
bytevector Bytevector
bytevector-append BytevectorAppend
bytevector-copy BytevectorCopy
bytevector-copy! BytevectorCopyX
bytevector-length BytevectorLength
bytevector-u8-ref BytevectorU8Ref
bytevector-u8-set! BytevectorU8SetX
bytevector? BytevectorP
caaaar Caaaar
caaadr Caaadr
caaar Caaar
caadar Caadar
caaddr Caaddr
caadr Caadr
caar Caar
cadaar Cadaar
cadadr Cadadr
cadar Cadar
caddar Caddar
cadddr Cadddr
caddr Caddr
cadr Cadr
call-with-current-continuation CallWithCurrentContinuation
call-with-input-file CallWithInputFile
call-with-output-file CallWithOutputFile
call-with-port CallWithPort
call-with-values CallWithValues
call/cc CallSlashCc
car Car
case Case
case-lambda CaseLambda
cdaaar Cdaaar
cdaadr Cdaadr
cdaar Cdaar
cdadar Cdadar
cdaddr Cdaddr
cdadr Cdadr
cdar Cdar
cddaar Cddaar
cddadr Cddadr
cddar Cddar
cdddar Cdddar
cddddr Cddddr
cdddr Cdddr
cddr Cddr
cdr Cdr
ceiling Ceiling
char->integer CharToInteger
char-alphabetic? CharAlphabeticP
char-ci<=? CharCiLessEqualP
char-ci<? CharCiLessP
char-ci=? CharCiEqualP
char-ci>=? CharCiGreaterEqualP
char-ci>? CharCiGreaterP
char-downcase CharDowncase
char-foldcase CharFoldcase
char-lower-case? CharLowerCaseP
char-numeric? CharNumericP
char-ready? CharReadyP
char-upcase CharUpcase
char-upper-case? CharUpperCaseP
char-whitespace? CharWhitespaceP
char<=? CharLessEqualP
char<? CharLessP
char=? CharEqualP
char>=? CharGreaterEqualP
char>? CharGreaterP
char? CharP
close-input-port CloseInputPort
close-output-port CloseOutputPort
close-port ClosePort
command-line CommandLine
complex? ComplexP
cond Cond
cond-expand CondExpand
cons Cons
cos Cos
current-error-port CurrentErrorPort
current-input-port CurrentInputPort
current-jiffy CurrentJiffy
current-output-port CurrentOutputPort
current-second CurrentSecond
define Define
define-record-type DefineRecordType
define-syntax DefineSyntax
define-values DefineValues
delay Delay
delay-force DelayForce
delete-file DeleteFile
denominator Denominator
digit-value DigitValue
display Display
do Do
dynamic-wind DynamicWind
else Else
emergency-exit EmergencyExit
environment Environment
eof-object EofObject
eof-object? EofObjectP
eq? EqP
equal? EqualP
eqv? EqvP
error Error
error-object-irritants ErrorObjectIrritants
error-object-message ErrorObjectMessage
error-object? ErrorObjectP
eval Eval
even? EvenP
exact Exact
exact->inexact ExactToInexact
exact-integer-sqrt ExactIntegerSqrt
exact-integer? ExactIntegerP
exact? ExactP
exit Exit
exp Exp
expt Expt
features Features
file-error? FileErrorP
file-exists? FileExistsP
finite? FiniteP
floor Floor
floor-quotient FloorQuotient
floor-remainder FloorRemainder
floor/ FloorSlash
flush-output-port FlushOutputPort
for-each ForEach
force Force
gcd Gcd
get-environment-variable GetEnvironmentVariable
get-environment-variables GetEnvironmentVariables
get-output-bytevector GetOutputBytevector
get-output-string GetOutputString
guard Guard
if If
imag-part ImagPart
include Include
include-ci IncludeCi
inexact Inexact
inexact->exact InexactToExact
inexact? InexactP
infinite? InfiniteP
input-port-open? InputPortOpenP
input-port? InputPortP
integer->char IntegerToChar
integer? IntegerP
interaction-environment InteractionEnvironment
jiffies-per-second JiffiesPerSecond
lambda Lambda
lcm Lcm
length Length
let Let
let* LetStar
let*-values LetStarValues
let-syntax LetSyntax
let-values LetValues
letrec Letrec
letrec* LetrecStar
letrec-syntax LetrecSyntax
list List
list->string ListToString
list->vector ListToVector
list-copy ListCopy
list-ref ListRef
list-set! ListSetX
list-tail ListTail
list? ListP
load Load
log Log
magnitude Magnitude
make-bytevector MakeBytevector
make-list MakeList
make-parameter MakeParameter
make-polar MakePolar
make-promise MakePromise
make-rectangular MakeRectangular
make-string MakeString
make-vector MakeVector
map Map
max Max
member Member
memq Memq
memv Memv
min Min
modulo Modulo
nan? NanP
negative? NegativeP
newline Newline
not Not
null-environment NullEnvironment
null? NullP
number->string NumberToString
number? NumberP
numerator Numerator
odd? OddP
open-binary-input-file OpenBinaryInputFile
open-binary-output-file OpenBinaryOutputFile
open-input-bytevector OpenInputBytevector
open-input-file OpenInputFile
open-input-string OpenInputString
open-output-bytevector OpenOutputBytevector
open-output-file OpenOutputFile
open-output-string OpenOutputString
or Or
output-port-open? OutputPortOpenP
output-port? OutputPortP
pair? PairP
parameterize Parameterize
peek-char PeekChar
peek-u8 PeekU8
port? PortP
positive? PositiveP
procedure? ProcedureP
promise? PromiseP
quasiquote Quasiquote
quote Quote
quotient Quotient
raise Raise
raise-continuable RaiseContinuable
rational? RationalP
rationalize Rationalize
read Read
read-bytevector ReadBytevector
read-bytevector! ReadBytevectorX
read-char ReadChar
read-error? ReadErrorP
read-line ReadLine
read-string ReadString
read-u8 ReadU8
real-part RealPart
real? RealP
remainder Remainder
reverse Reverse
round Round
scheme-report-environment SchemeReportEnvironment
set! SetX
set-car! SetCarX
set-cdr! SetCdrX
sin Sin
sqrt Sqrt
square Square
string String
string->list StringToList
string->number StringToNumber
string->symbol StringToSymbol
string->utf8 StringToUtf8
string->vector StringToVector
string-append StringAppend
string-ci<=? StringCiLessEqualP
string-ci<? StringCiLessP
string-ci=? StringCiEqualP
string-ci>=? StringCiGreaterEqualP
string-ci>? StringCiGreaterP
string-copy StringCopy
string-copy! StringCopyX
string-downcase StringDowncase
string-fill! StringFillX
string-foldcase StringFoldcase
string-for-each StringForEach
string-length StringLength
string-map StringMap
string-ref StringRef
string-set! StringSetX
string-upcase StringUpcase
string<=? StringLessEqualP
string<? StringLessP
string=? StringEqualP
string>=? StringGreaterEqualP
string>? StringGreaterP
string? StringP
substring Substring
symbol->string SymbolToString
symbol=? SymbolEqualP
symbol? SymbolP
syntax-error SyntaxError
syntax-rules SyntaxRules
tan Tan
textual-port? TextualPortP
truncate Truncate
truncate-quotient TruncateQuotient
truncate-remainder TruncateRemainder
truncate/ TruncateSlash
u8-ready? U8ReadyP
unless Unless
unquote Unquote
unquote-splicing UnquoteSplicing
utf8->string Utf8ToString
values Values
vector Vector
vector->list VectorToList
vector->string VectorToString
vector-append VectorAppend
vector-copy VectorCopy
vector-copy! VectorCopyX
vector-fill! VectorFillX
vector-for-each VectorForEach
vector-length VectorLength
vector-map VectorMap
vector-ref VectorRef
vector-set! VectorSetX
vector? VectorP
when When
with-exception-handler WithExceptionHandler
with-input-from-file WithInputFromFile
with-output-to-file WithOutputToFile
write Write
write-bytevector WriteBytevector
write-char WriteChar
write-shared WriteShared
write-simple WriteSimple
write-string WriteString
write-u8 WriteU8
zero? ZeroP