
339 lines
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2022-09-25 09:54:36 -04:00
* star
+ plus
- minus
... dot_dot_dot
/ slash
< less
<= less_equal
= equal
=> equal_to
> greater
>= greater_equal
abs abs
acos acos
and and
angle angle
append append
apply apply
asin asin
assoc assoc
assq assq
assv assv
atan atan
begin begin
binary-port? binary_port_p
boolean=? boolean_equal_p
boolean? boolean_p
bytevector bytevector
bytevector-append bytevector_append
bytevector-copy bytevector_copy
bytevector-copy! bytevector_copy_x
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bytevector-length bytevector_length
bytevector-u8-ref bytevector_u8_ref
bytevector-u8-set! bytevector_u8_set_x
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bytevector? bytevector_p
caaaar caaaar
caaadr caaadr
caaar caaar
caadar caadar
caaddr caaddr
caadr caadr
caar caar
cadaar cadaar
cadadr cadadr
cadar cadar
caddar caddar
cadddr cadddr
caddr caddr
cadr cadr
call-with-current-continuation call_with_current_continuation
call-with-input-file call_with_input_file
call-with-output-file call_with_output_file
call-with-port call_with_port
call-with-values call_with_values
call/cc call_slash_cc
car car
case case
case-lambda case_lambda
cdaaar cdaaar
cdaadr cdaadr
cdaar cdaar
cdadar cdadar
cdaddr cdaddr
cdadr cdadr
cdar cdar
cddaar cddaar
cddadr cddadr
cddar cddar
cdddar cdddar
cddddr cddddr
cdddr cdddr
cddr cddr
cdr cdr
ceiling ceiling
char->integer char_to_integer
char-alphabetic? char_alphabetic_p
char-ci<=? char_ci_less_equal_p
char-ci<? char_ci_less_p
char-ci=? char_ci_equal_p
char-ci>=? char_ci_greater_equal_p
char-ci>? char_ci_greater_p
char-downcase char_downcase
char-foldcase char_foldcase
char-lower-case? char_lower_case_p
char-numeric? char_numeric_p
char-ready? char_ready_p
char-upcase char_upcase
char-upper-case? char_upper_case_p
char-whitespace? char_whitespace_p
char<=? char_less_equal_p
char<? char_less_p
char=? char_equal_p
char>=? char_greater_equal_p
char>? char_greater_p
char? char_p
close-input-port close_input_port
close-output-port close_output_port
close-port close_port
command-line command_line
complex? complex_p
cond cond
cond-expand cond_expand
cons cons
cos cos
current-error-port current_error_port
current-input-port current_input_port
current-jiffy current_jiffy
current-output-port current_output_port
current-second current_second
define define
define-record-type define_record_type
define-syntax define_syntax
define-values define_values
delay delay
delay-force delay_force
delete-file delete_file
denominator denominator
digit-value digit_value
display display
do do
dynamic-wind dynamic_wind
else else
emergency-exit emergency_exit
environment environment
eof-object eof_object
eof-object? eof_object_p
eq? eq_p
equal? equal_p
eqv? eqv_p
error error
error-object-irritants error_object_irritants
error-object-message error_object_message
error-object? error_object_p
eval eval
even? even_p
exact exact
exact->inexact exact_to_inexact
exact-integer-sqrt exact_integer_sqrt
exact-integer? exact_integer_p
exact? exact_p
exit exit
exp exp
expt expt
features features
file-error? file_error_p
file-exists? file_exists_p
finite? finite_p
floor floor
floor-quotient floor_quotient
floor-remainder floor_remainder
floor/ floor_slash
flush-output-port flush_output_port
for-each for_each
force force
gcd gcd
get-environment-variable get_environment_variable
get-environment-variables get_environment_variables
get-output-bytevector get_output_bytevector
get-output-string get_output_string
guard guard
if if
imag-part imag_part
include include
include-ci include_ci
inexact inexact
inexact->exact inexact_to_exact
inexact? inexact_p
infinite? infinite_p
input-port-open? input_port_open_p
input-port? input_port_p
integer->char integer_to_char
integer? integer_p
interaction-environment interaction_environment
jiffies-per-second jiffies_per_second
lambda lambda
lcm lcm
length length
let let
let* let_star
let*-values let_star_values
let-syntax let_syntax
let-values let_values
letrec letrec
letrec* letrec_star
letrec-syntax letrec_syntax
list list
list->string list_to_string
list->vector list_to_vector
list-copy list_copy
list-ref list_ref
list-set! list_set_x
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list-tail list_tail
list? list_p
load load
log log
magnitude magnitude
make-bytevector make_bytevector
make-list make_list
make-parameter make_parameter
make-polar make_polar
make-promise make_promise
make-rectangular make_rectangular
make-string make_string
make-vector make_vector
map map
max max
member member
memq memq
memv memv
min min
modulo modulo
nan? nan_p
negative? negative_p
newline newline
not not
null-environment null_environment
null? null_p
number->string number_to_string
number? number_p
numerator numerator
odd? odd_p
open-binary-input-file open_binary_input_file
open-binary-output-file open_binary_output_file
open-input-bytevector open_input_bytevector
open-input-file open_input_file
open-input-string open_input_string
open-output-bytevector open_output_bytevector
open-output-file open_output_file
open-output-string open_output_string
or or
output-port-open? output_port_open_p
output-port? output_port_p
pair? pair_p
parameterize parameterize
peek-char peek_char
peek-u8 peek_u8
port? port_p
positive? positive_p
procedure? procedure_p
promise? promise_p
quasiquote quasiquote
quote quote
quotient quotient
raise raise
raise-continuable raise_continuable
rational? rational_p
rationalize rationalize
read read
read-bytevector read_bytevector
read-bytevector! read_bytevector_x
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read-char read_char
read-error? read_error_p
read-line read_line
read-string read_string
read-u8 read_u8
real-part real_part
real? real_p
remainder remainder
reverse reverse
round round
scheme-report-environment scheme_report_environment
set! set_x
set-car! set_car_x
set-cdr! set_cdr_x
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sin sin
sqrt sqrt
square square
string string
string->list string_to_list
string->number string_to_number
string->symbol string_to_symbol
string->utf8 string_to_utf8
string->vector string_to_vector
string-append string_append
string-ci<=? string_ci_less_equal_p
string-ci<? string_ci_less_p
string-ci=? string_ci_equal_p
string-ci>=? string_ci_greater_equal_p
string-ci>? string_ci_greater_p
string-copy string_copy
string-copy! string_copy_x
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string-downcase string_downcase
string-fill! string_fill_x
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string-foldcase string_foldcase
string-for-each string_for_each
string-length string_length
string-map string_map
string-ref string_ref
string-set! string_set_x
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string-upcase string_upcase
string<=? string_less_equal_p
string<? string_less_p
string=? string_equal_p
string>=? string_greater_equal_p
string>? string_greater_p
string? string_p
substring substring
symbol->string symbol_to_string
symbol=? symbol_equal_p
symbol? symbol_p
syntax-error syntax_error
syntax-rules syntax_rules
tan tan
textual-port? textual_port_p
truncate truncate
truncate-quotient truncate_quotient
truncate-remainder truncate_remainder
truncate/ truncate_slash
u8-ready? u8_ready_p
unless unless
unquote unquote
unquote-splicing unquote_splicing
utf8->string utf8_to_string
values values
vector vector
vector->list vector_to_list
vector->string vector_to_string
vector-append vector_append
vector-copy vector_copy
vector-copy! vector_copy_x
vector-fill! vector_fill_x
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vector-for-each vector_for_each
vector-length vector_length
vector-map vector_map
vector-ref vector_ref
vector-set! vector_set_x
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vector? vector_p
when when
with-exception-handler with_exception_handler
with-input-from-file with_input_from_file
with-output-to-file with_output_to_file
write write
write-bytevector write_bytevector
write-char write_char
write-shared write_shared
write-simple write_simple
write-string write_string
write-u8 write_u8
zero? zero_p