
183 lines
8.1 KiB

1999-09-13 Vincent Granet <vg@unice.fr>
---- v2.1.2 ----
* FIXED bug in sort.stk: line 108 stk:<= change to <=
* Added = and != operators to compare string and number
values. Numbers are converted (if possible) to string.
* Changed, now xxl uses the "longtable" package instead of
the "supertabular" package.
* Added parameters in the Preview, Print and LaTeX dialog boxes to
change the sheet layout. Also, help messages have been added.
* Added, a checkbutton in the control-panel to set "on" or "off"
the cell reevalution. For huge sheets, setting off cell reevalution
could avoid wasting time :-).
* Added a help balloon to the button that controls the cell
* FIXED, information about hidden rows or cols are now correctly
saved in the xxl file.
* Changed, hidden rows or cols are no more printed or previewed.
* Removed "Preview" entry in "Print" menu. Added a button "Preview"
in the "Print Document" dialog box.
* Changed, tempory files created in the tmp directory are now deleted
when xxl exits. A new variable *rm* has been defined at
configuration time. So users who have already a file ~/.xxlrc
need to add the line (define *rm* "/bin/rm") in it.(of course, if
/bin/rm is the remove command on the system!)
* Changed. Command print document can now be applied to the selection.
Only contiguous selected cells are printed (not all the
document). Title columns and title rows always are printed.
* Added boolean comparison operators < > <= >= (false < true)
* Changed sort function. It can now sort values of type boolean, string
or number, with the following rule: boolean < string < number.
* FIXED sheet filename after imported file now suffixed by .xxl.
* FIXED bug. The table was not marked saved when a col/row was
* Changed xxl installation procedure. Now ask for deletion of
previous installed versions.
* Added conversion functions 'tostr' and 'tonum'. The first one
converts any value to string (boolean values to 'true' and
'false'). The second one converts values to numbers (a string
value must be a valid numeric expression, true = 1 and false = 0)
* Added function 'round' with 1 argument to give the precision
(ie the number of digit after the dot).
* ADDED sylk format import/export.
* FIXED bug in function text-cell-width.
* FIXED binding Alt-d to a wrong function name
* Added undo function. The 20 last actions are kept and can be undone.
* Added financial functions "etofr" and "frtoe" to convert euros to
francs and francs to euros.
* FIXED bug in setting italic style to selected cells.
* FIXED bug when clicking on an unsed sheet after closing another
* Added rpm packages for distribution.
* Changed function save-sheet. It now checks if the sheet is
really modified before saving it.
* Changed commands called from control panel are now applied
to the selection, even if the selection is not in the active
worksheet. Commands via bindings are always applied to the
worksheet that gets the control sequence.
* Added at sheet openning, selection is set on the last active
cell. Default is cell (1,1)).
* Added adaptation of Blt2.4g (sourceforge.net/projects/blt) to Stk and graph functions.
(special thanks to Brian Denheyer <briand@seanet.com>)
* Provided rpm distributions (i386.rpm and src.rpm)
* Changed copyright and license terms of xxl. Xxl is now released
under GPL.
1999-08-01 Vincent Granet <vg@unice.fr>
---- v2.1.1 ----
* Updated to tkTable2.4.
* Added sheet:spans method (accel Alt-p) for row/col spanning
* Added function count(r) to return the number of non
empty cells in a range(r)
* Added functions day(), month(), year(), hour(),
minute() and second() to return, resp., current day, month,
year, hour, minute and second.
* Added function index(i,r) to return the value at index x
in the range r.
* Added function hypot(x,y) to return the hypotenuse of a right
* Added function substr(s,p1,p2) to return charaters from pos p1
to p2 in string s
* Added functions strupper(s) and strlower(s) to convert string s
to upper case and lower case.
to p2 in string s.
* Added financial functions fv(pmt,i,term), pv(pmt,i,term) and
pmt(pmt,i,term) (got from Xspread, thanks).
* Added balloon contexual help on raise button of sheets
* Renamed function "type" to "celltype"
* Replaced in sort.stk string functions by string-lo functions to
sort cell depending on the environment variable LANG.
* FIXED bug in traducteur.y with equal operator.
* Added logical operators: and & or.
* Fixed sheet redisplay after currency or number format changes.
* Changed the word Money to Currency.
* Added shortcuts in menu style.
* Fixed bug in set-sheet-size. *ROW--MAX* and *COL--MAX* always
converted to number.
* Changed open file. If the file does not exist, xxl will open a new
sheet with ist filename. Consquence, Fix option "-doc" when file
argument cannot be read.
* Added the version of xxl in the first line of generated ~/.xxlrc
1998-11-05 Vincent Granet <vg@unice.fr>
---- v2.1.0 ----
* Modified right and down moves extend sheet if necessary
* Extended identification sheet. Author, creation and last modifiation
date, and purpose. Set title changed to set indentification.
* Added utopia font. It is cmr LaTeX font for printing and
* Added choose of default spreadsheet font in the configuration dialog
* Improved html format production.
* Modified xxl libraries. Now, all libraries (traducteur, tradinv,
type, libxxl, tktable) are grouped in one called libxxl (static
libxxl.a or dynamic libxxl.??)
* Replaced in interface (catch (load "~/.xxlrc")) by
(try-load "~/.xxlrc")
* Modified Makefiles to create ${prefix}/lib and ${prefix}/bin if
* Replaced all "require" to widget calls by (require "Tk-classes")
* Modified csv format production to be conform to usage
* Fixed open-file when choosen file has a wrong format
* Fixed Filebox.stklos. It now shows correctly files with proper
* Fixed save-sheet-as. Use of cancel button was bogus
* Upgraded to tkTable2.3.
* Added importation of csv format
1998-08-16 Vincent Granet <vg@unice.fr>
---- v2.0.4 ----
* Fixed bugs in deletion/insertion functions managing absolute cell
* Added distclean rule for Maps directory in the main Makefile.in
* Added balloon contexual help on panel buttons.
* Deleted Online Help entry in Help menu and Help buttons (useless)
* Added stick and hide buttons
1998-07-15 Vincent Granet <vg@unice.fr>
---- v2.0.3 ----
* Upgraded tktable1.8 to tktable2.2
* Removed batchmode slot from class <Table> (tktable2.1)
* Added clear method for class <Table> (tktable2.1)
* Removed clear button. Useless
* Added wrap button
* Removed list-minus function. Used instead remove stk native
* Moved functions apply-a-style, apply-an-anchor and
change-style-or-anchor from cellEdit.stklos to tag.stklos
* Added font family and font size selection.
- POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY - Use script xxl-convert in etc to
convert old format to new format: xxl-convert old > new
* Added multiline cells. Alt-= to in entry to insert newline
* Added code for multiline cell and its latex output. No perfect.
* Changed type.l to match strings including newline char
* Added output support for csv and html formats. (first versions)
Thanks to Brian Denheyer <briand@northwest.com>
1998-06-15 Vincent Granet <vg@unice.fr>
---- v2.0.2 ----
* Updated code to stk 3.99.2. Side effect : bug found in stk
(thanks to to Brian Denheyer <briand@northwest.com> for finding
and fixing it)
Fri Aug 29 11:37:18 1997 Vincent Granet <vg@unice.fr>
---- v2.0.1 ----
* bugs in loop checking and file loading are fixed.
* in v2.0, cells were systematically re-evaluated when displayed,
so scrolling or cell resizing was very slow.
The value of a formula cell is now stored and re-evaluated each
time a cell content is changed. In a formula cell, a "value"
slot is saved in xxl format file.
* bignums are now correctly managed.
* money values with precision 0 are now correctly displayed
* added user init file ~/.xxlrc. This file can be created with new
entry "Configure" in menu "File".