SECTION(2 1) SECTION(3 4) # # # # # # # # # (#t #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f)#t (#t #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f)#f (#f #t #f #f #f #f #f #f #f)#\a (#f #f #t #f #f #f #f #f #f)() (#f #f #f #t #f #f #f #f #f)9739 (#f #f #f #f #t #f #f #f #f)(test) (#f #f #f #f #f #t #f #f #f)# (#f #f #f #f #f #f #t #f #f)"test" (#f #f #f #f #f #f #t #f #f)"" (#f #f #f #f #f #f #f #t #f)test (#f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #t)#() (#f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #t)#(a b c) SECTION(4 1 2) (quote (quote a)) ==> (quote a) (quote (quote a)) ==> (quote a) SECTION(4 1 3) (# 3 4) ==> 12 SECTION(4 1 4) (# 4) ==> 8 (# 7 10) ==> 3 (# 6) ==> 10 (# 3 4 5 6) ==> (3 4 5 6) (# 3 4 5 6) ==> (5 6) SECTION(4 1 5) (if yes) ==> yes (if no) ==> no (if 1) ==> 1 SECTION(4 1 6) (define 3) ==> 3 (set! 5) ==> 5 SECTION(4 2 1) (cond greater) ==> greater (cond equal) ==> equal (cond 2) ==> 2 (case composite) ==> composite (case consonant) ==> consonant (and #t) ==> #t (and #f) ==> #f (and (f g)) ==> (f g) (and #t) ==> #t (or #t) ==> #t (or #t) ==> #t (or #f) ==> #f (or #f) ==> #f (or (b c)) ==> (b c) SECTION(4 2 2) (let 6) ==> 6 (let 35) ==> 35 (let* 70) ==> 70 (letrec #t) ==> #t (let 5) ==> 5 (let 34) ==> 34 (let 6) ==> 6 (let 34) ==> 34 (let* 7) ==> 7 (let* 34) ==> 34 (let* 8) ==> 8 (let* 34) ==> 34 (letrec 9) ==> 9 (letrec 34) ==> 34 (letrec 10) ==> 10 (letrec 34) ==> 34 SECTION(4 2 3) (begin 6) ==> 6 SECTION(4 2 4) (do #(0 1 2 3 4)) ==> #(0 1 2 3 4) (do 25) ==> 25 (let 1) ==> 1 (let ((6 1 3) (-5 -2))) ==> ((6 1 3) (-5 -2)) (let -1) ==> -1 SECTION(4 2 6) (quasiquote (list 3 4)) ==> (list 3 4) (quasiquote (list a (quote a))) ==> (list a (quote a)) (quasiquote (a 3 4 5 6 b)) ==> (a 3 4 5 6 b) (quasiquote ((foo 7) . cons)) ==> ((foo 7) . cons) (quasiquote #(10 5 2 4 3 8)) ==> #(10 5 2 4 3 8) (quasiquote 5) ==> 5 (quasiquote (a (quasiquote (b (unquote (+ 1 2)) (unquote (foo 4 d)) e)) f)) ==> (a (quasiquote (b (unquote (+ 1 2)) (unquote (foo 4 d)) e)) f) (quasiquote (a (quasiquote (b (unquote x) (unquote (quote y)) d)) e)) ==> (a (quasiquote (b (unquote x) (unquote (quote y)) d)) e) (quasiquote (list 3 4)) ==> (list 3 4) (quasiquote (quasiquote (list (unquote (+ 1 2)) 4))) ==> (quasiquote (list (unquote (+ 1 2)) 4)) SECTION(5 2 1) (define 6) ==> 6 (define 1) ==> 1 (# 6) ==> 9 SECTION(5 2 2) (define 45) ==> 45 (#) ==> 5 (define 34) ==> 34 (#) ==> 5 (define 34) ==> 34 (# 88) ==> 88 (# 4) ==> 4 (define 34) ==> 34 (internal-define 99) ==> 99 (internal-define 77) ==> 77 SECTION(6 1) (# #t) ==> #f (# 3) ==> #f (# (3)) ==> #f (# #f) ==> #t (# ()) ==> #f (# ()) ==> #f (# nil) ==> #f SECTION(6 2) (# a a) ==> #t (# a b) ==> #f (# 2 2) ==> #t (# () ()) ==> #t (# 10000 10000) ==> #t (# (1 . 2) (1 . 2)) ==> #f (# # #) ==> #f (# #f nil) ==> #f (# # #) ==> #t (# # #) ==> #t (# # #) ==> #f (# # #) ==> #f (# a a) ==> #t (# (a) (a)) ==> #f (# () ()) ==> #t (# # #) ==> #t (# (a) (a)) ==> #t (# #() #()) ==> #t (# # #) ==> #t (# a a) ==> #t (# (a) (a)) ==> #t (# (a (b) c) (a (b) c)) ==> #t (# "abc" "abc") ==> #t (# 2 2) ==> #t (# #(a a a a a) #(a a a a a)) ==> #t SECTION(6 3) (dot (a b c d e)) ==> (a b c d e) (# (a b c)) ==> #t (set-cdr! (a . 4)) ==> (a . 4) (# (a . 4) (a . 4)) ==> #t (dot (a b c . d)) ==> (a b c . d) (# (a . 4)) ==> #f (list? #f) ==> #f (# a ()) ==> (a) (# (a) (b c d)) ==> ((a) b c d) (# "a" (b c)) ==> ("a" b c) (# a 3) ==> (a . 3) (# (a b) c) ==> ((a b) . c) (# (a b c)) ==> a (# ((a) b c d)) ==> (a) (# (1 . 2)) ==> 1 (# ((a) b c d)) ==> (b c d) (# (1 . 2)) ==> 2 (# a 7 c) ==> (a 7 c) (#) ==> () (# (a b c)) ==> 3 (# (a (b) (c d e))) ==> 3 (# ()) ==> 0 (# (x) (y)) ==> (x y) (# (a) (b c d)) ==> (a b c d) (# (a (b)) ((c))) ==> (a (b) (c)) (#) ==> () (# (a b) (c . d)) ==> (a b c . d) (# () a) ==> a (# (a b c)) ==> (c b a) (# (a (b c) d (e (f)))) ==> ((e (f)) d (b c) a) (# (a b c d) 2) ==> c (# a (a b c)) ==> (a b c) (# b (a b c)) ==> (b c) (# a (b c d)) ==> #f (# (a) (b (a) c)) ==> #f (# (a) (b (a) c)) ==> ((a) c) (# 101 (100 101 102)) ==> (101 102) (# a ((a 1) (b 2) (c 3))) ==> (a 1) (# b ((a 1) (b 2) (c 3))) ==> (b 2) (# d ((a 1) (b 2) (c 3))) ==> #f (# (a) (((a)) ((b)) ((c)))) ==> #f (# (a) (((a)) ((b)) ((c)))) ==> ((a)) (# 5 ((2 3) (5 7) (11 13))) ==> (5 7) SECTION(6 4) (# a) ==> #t (standard-case #t) ==> #t (standard-case #t) ==> #t (#string> flying-fish) ==> "flying-fish" (#string> martin) ==> "martin" (#string> Malvina) ==> "Malvina" (standard-case #t) ==> #t (string-set! "cb") ==> "cb" (#string> ab) ==> "ab" (#symbol> "ab") ==> ab (# mississippi mississippi) ==> #t (string->symbol #f) ==> #f (#symbol> "jollywog") ==> jollywog SECTION(6 5 5) (# 3) ==> #t (# 3) ==> #t (# 3) ==> #t (# 3) ==> #t (# 3) ==> #t (# 3) ==> #t (# 3) ==> #f (# 22 22 22) ==> #t (# 22 22) ==> #t (# 34 34 35) ==> #f (# 34 35) ==> #f (#> 3 -6246) ==> #t (#> 9 9 -2424) ==> #f (#=> 3 -4 -6246) ==> #t (#=> 9 9) ==> #t (#=> 8 9) ==> #f (# -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) ==> #t (# -1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7) ==> #f (# -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) ==> #t (# -1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7) ==> #t (# 1 3 2) ==> #f (#=> 1 3 2) ==> #f (# 0) ==> #t (# 1) ==> #f (# -1) ==> #f (# -100) ==> #f (# 4) ==> #t (# -4) ==> #f (# 0) ==> #f (# 4) ==> #f (# -4) ==> #t (# 0) ==> #f (# 3) ==> #t (# 2) ==> #f (# -4) ==> #f (# -1) ==> #t (# 3) ==> #f (# 2) ==> #t (# -4) ==> #t (# -1) ==> #f (# 34 5 7 38 6) ==> 38 (# 3 5 5 330 4 -24) ==> -24 (# 3 4) ==> 7 (# 3) ==> 3 (#) ==> 0 (# 4) ==> 4 (#) ==> 1 (# 3 4) ==> -1 (# 3) ==> -3 (# -7) ==> 7 (# 7) ==> 7 (# 0) ==> 0 (# 35 7) ==> 5 (# -35 7) ==> -5 (# 35 -7) ==> -5 (# -35 -7) ==> 5 (# 13 4) ==> 1 (# 13 4) ==> 1 (# -13 4) ==> 3 (# -13 4) ==> -1 (# 13 -4) ==> -3 (# 13 -4) ==> 1 (# -13 -4) ==> -1 (# -13 -4) ==> -1 (# 0 86400) ==> 0 (# 0 -86400) ==> 0 (# 238 9) ==> #t (# -238 9) ==> #t (# 238 -9) ==> #t (# -238 -9) ==> #t (# 0 4) ==> 4 (# -4 0) ==> 4 (# 32 -36) ==> 4 (#) ==> 0 (# 32 -36) ==> 288 (#) ==> 1 SECTION(6 5 9) (#string> 0) ==> "0" (#string> 100) ==> "100" (#string> 256 16) ==> "100" (#number> "100") ==> 100 (#number> "100" 16) ==> 256 (#number> "") ==> #f (#number> ".") ==> #f (#number> "d") ==> #f (#number> "D") ==> #f (#number> "i") ==> #f (#number> "I") ==> #f (#number> "3i") ==> #f (#number> "3I") ==> #f (#number> "33i") ==> #f (#number> "33I") ==> #f (#number> "3.3i") ==> #f (#number> "3.3I") ==> #f (#number> "-") ==> #f (#number> "+") ==> #f SECTION(6 6) (# #\ #\ ) ==> #t (# #\ #\ ) ==> #t (# #\a) ==> #t (# #\() ==> #t (# #\ ) ==> #t (# #\ ) ==> #t (# #\A #\B) ==> #f (# #\a #\b) ==> #f (# #\9 #\0) ==> #f (# #\A #\A) ==> #t (# #\A #\B) ==> #t (# #\a #\b) ==> #t (# #\9 #\0) ==> #f (# #\A #\A) ==> #f (#?> #\A #\B) ==> #f (#?> #\a #\b) ==> #f (#?> #\9 #\0) ==> #t (#?> #\A #\A) ==> #f (# #\A #\B) ==> #t (# #\a #\b) ==> #t (# #\9 #\0) ==> #f (# #\A #\A) ==> #t (#=?> #\A #\B) ==> #f (#=?> #\a #\b) ==> #f (#=?> #\9 #\0) ==> #t (#=?> #\A #\A) ==> #t (# #\A #\B) ==> #f (# #\a #\B) ==> #f (# #\A #\b) ==> #f (# #\a #\b) ==> #f (# #\9 #\0) ==> #f (# #\A #\A) ==> #t (# #\A #\a) ==> #t (# #\A #\B) ==> #t (# #\a #\B) ==> #t (# #\A #\b) ==> #t (# #\a #\b) ==> #t (# #\9 #\0) ==> #f (# #\A #\A) ==> #f (# #\A #\a) ==> #f (#?> #\A #\B) ==> #f (#?> #\a #\B) ==> #f (#?> #\A #\b) ==> #f (#?> #\a #\b) ==> #f (#?> #\9 #\0) ==> #t (#?> #\A #\A) ==> #f (#?> #\A #\a) ==> #f (# #\A #\B) ==> #t (# #\a #\B) ==> #t (# #\A #\b) ==> #t (# #\a #\b) ==> #t (# #\9 #\0) ==> #f (# #\A #\A) ==> #t (# #\A #\a) ==> #t (#=?> #\A #\B) ==> #f (#=?> #\a #\B) ==> #f (#=?> #\A #\b) ==> #f (#=?> #\a #\b) ==> #f (#=?> #\9 #\0) ==> #t (#=?> #\A #\A) ==> #t (#=?> #\A #\a) ==> #t (# #\a) ==> #t (# #\A) ==> #t (# #\z) ==> #t (# #\Z) ==> #t (# #\0) ==> #f (# #\9) ==> #f (# #\ ) ==> #f (# #\;) ==> #f (# #\a) ==> #f (# #\A) ==> #f (# #\z) ==> #f (# #\Z) ==> #f (# #\0) ==> #t (# #\9) ==> #t (# #\ ) ==> #f (# #\;) ==> #f (# #\a) ==> #f (# #\A) ==> #f (# #\z) ==> #f (# #\Z) ==> #f (# #\0) ==> #f (# #\9) ==> #f (# #\ ) ==> #t (# #\;) ==> #f (# #\0) ==> #f (# #\9) ==> #f (# #\ ) ==> #f (# #\;) ==> #f (# #\0) ==> #f (# #\9) ==> #f (# #\ ) ==> #f (# #\;) ==> #f (#char> 46) ==> #\. (#char> 65) ==> #\A (#char> 97) ==> #\a (# #\A) ==> #\A (# #\a) ==> #\A (# #\A) ==> #\a (# #\a) ==> #\a SECTION(6 7) (# "The word \"recursion\\\" has many meanings.") ==> #t (string-set! "?**") ==> "?**" (# #\a #\b #\c) ==> "abc" (#) ==> "" (# "abc") ==> 3 (# "abc" 0) ==> #\a (# "abc" 2) ==> #\c (# "") ==> 0 (# "ab" 0 0) ==> "" (# "ab" 1 1) ==> "" (# "ab" 2 2) ==> "" (# "ab" 0 1) ==> "a" (# "ab" 1 2) ==> "b" (# "ab" 0 2) ==> "ab" (# "foo" "bar") ==> "foobar" (# "foo") ==> "foo" (# "foo" "") ==> "foo" (# "" "foo") ==> "foo" (#) ==> "" (# 0) ==> "" (# "" "") ==> #t (# "" "") ==> #f (#?> "" "") ==> #f (# "" "") ==> #t (#=?> "" "") ==> #t (# "" "") ==> #t (# "" "") ==> #f (#?> "" "") ==> #f (# "" "") ==> #t (#=?> "" "") ==> #t (# "A" "B") ==> #f (# "a" "b") ==> #f (# "9" "0") ==> #f (# "A" "A") ==> #t (# "A" "B") ==> #t (# "a" "b") ==> #t (# "9" "0") ==> #f (# "A" "A") ==> #f (#?> "A" "B") ==> #f (#?> "a" "b") ==> #f (#?> "9" "0") ==> #t (#?> "A" "A") ==> #f (# "A" "B") ==> #t (# "a" "b") ==> #t (# "9" "0") ==> #f (# "A" "A") ==> #t (#=?> "A" "B") ==> #f (#=?> "a" "b") ==> #f (#=?> "9" "0") ==> #t (#=?> "A" "A") ==> #t (# "A" "B") ==> #f (# "a" "B") ==> #f (# "A" "b") ==> #f (# "a" "b") ==> #f (# "9" "0") ==> #f (# "A" "A") ==> #t (# "A" "a") ==> #t (# "A" "B") ==> #t (# "a" "B") ==> #t (# "A" "b") ==> #t (# "a" "b") ==> #t (# "9" "0") ==> #f (# "A" "A") ==> #f (# "A" "a") ==> #f (#?> "A" "B") ==> #f (#?> "a" "B") ==> #f (#?> "A" "b") ==> #f (#?> "a" "b") ==> #f (#?> "9" "0") ==> #t (#?> "A" "A") ==> #f (#?> "A" "a") ==> #f (# "A" "B") ==> #t (# "a" "B") ==> #t (# "A" "b") ==> #t (# "a" "b") ==> #t (# "9" "0") ==> #f (# "A" "A") ==> #t (# "A" "a") ==> #t (#=?> "A" "B") ==> #f (#=?> "a" "B") ==> #f (#=?> "A" "b") ==> #f (#=?> "a" "b") ==> #f (#=?> "9" "0") ==> #t (#=?> "A" "A") ==> #t (#=?> "A" "a") ==> #t SECTION(6 8) (# #(0 (2 2 2 2) "Anna")) ==> #t (# a b c) ==> #(a b c) (#) ==> #() (# #(0 (2 2 2 2) "Anna")) ==> 3 (# #()) ==> 0 (# #(1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21) 5) ==> 8 (vector-set #(0 ("Sue" "Sue") "Anna")) ==> #(0 ("Sue" "Sue") "Anna") (# 2 hi) ==> #(hi hi) (# 0) ==> #() (# 0 a) ==> #() SECTION(6 9) (# #) ==> #t (# #) ==> #t (# (lambda (x) (* x x))) ==> #f (# #) ==> #t (# # (3 4)) ==> 7 (# # (3 4)) ==> 7 (# # 10 (3 4)) ==> 17 (# # ()) ==> () (# 12 75) ==> 30 (# # ((a b) (d e) (g h))) ==> (b e h) (# # (1 2 3) (4 5 6)) ==> (5 7 9) (# # (1 2 3)) ==> (1 2 3) (# # (1 2 3)) ==> (1 2 3) (# # (1 2 3)) ==> (-1 -2 -3) (for-each #(0 1 4 9 16)) ==> #(0 1 4 9 16) (# #) ==> -3 (# (1 2 3 4)) ==> 4 (# (a b . c)) ==> #f (# # ()) ==> () SECTION(6 10 1) (# #) ==> #t (# #) ==> #t (# "r4rstest.scm" #) ==> #t (# #) ==> #t SECTION(6 10 2) (# #) ==> #\; (# #) ==> #\; (# #) ==> (define cur-section (quote ())) (# #) ==> #\( (# #) ==> (define errs (quote ())) SECTION(6 10 3) (# "tmp1" #) ==> #t (# #) ==> (define foo (quote (#t #f a () 9739 -3 . #((test) "te \" \" st" "" test #() b c)))) (# #) ==> #t (# #) ==> #t (input-port? #t) ==> #t (# #) ==> #\; (# #) ==> #\; (# #) ==> #\; (# #) ==> (#t #f a () 9739 -3 . #((test) "te \" \" st" "" test #() b c)) (# #) ==> (define foo (quote (#t #f a () 9739 -3 . #((test) "te \" \" st" "" test #() b c)))) (# #) ==> #t (# #) ==> (define foo (quote (#t #f a () 9739 -3 . #((test) "te \" \" st" "" test #() b c)))) (# #) ==> #t (# #) ==> #t (input-port? #t) ==> #t (# #) ==> #\; (# #) ==> #\; (# #) ==> #\; (# #) ==> (#t #f a () 9739 -3 . #((test) "te \" \" st" "" test #() b c)) (# #) ==> (define foo (quote (#t #f a () 9739 -3 . #((test) "te \" \" st" "" test #() b c)))) Passed all tests ;testing inexact numbers; SECTION(6 5 5) (# 3.9) ==> #t (inexact? #t) ==> #t (max 4.) ==> 4. (exact->inexact 4.) ==> 4. (# -4.5) ==> -4. (# -3.5) ==> -4. (# -3.9) ==> -4. (# 0.) ==> 0. (# 0.25) ==> 0. (# 0.8) ==> 1. (# 3.5) ==> 4. (# 4.5) ==> 4. (# 0 0) ==> 1 (# 0 1) ==> 0 (# "tmp3" #) ==> #t (# #) ==> (define foo (quote (0.25 -3.25))) (# #) ==> #t (# #) ==> #t (input-port? #t) ==> #t (# #) ==> #\; (# #) ==> #\; (# #) ==> #\; (# #) ==> (0.25 -3.25) (# #) ==> (define foo (quote (0.25 -3.25))) (pentium-fdiv-bug #t) ==> #t Passed all tests SECTION(6 5 6) (float-print-test #t) ==> #t Number readback failure for (+ 1. (* -100 1.11022302462516e-16)) 0.999999999999989 Number readback failure for (+ 10. (* -100 1.77635683940025e-15)) 9.99999999999982 Number readback failure for (+ 100. (* -100 1.4210854715202e-14)) 99.9999999999986 Number readback failure for (+ 1e+20 (* -100 16384.)) 9.99999999999984e+19 Number readback failure for (+ 1e+50 (* -100 2.07691874341393e+34)) 9.99999999999979e+49 Number readback failure for (+ 1e+100 (* -100 1.94266889222573e+84)) 9.99999999999981e+99 Number readback failure for (+ 0.1 (* -100 1.38777878078145e-17)) 0.0999999999999986 Number readback failure for (+ 0.01 (* -100 1.73472347597681e-18)) 0.00999999999999983 Number readback failure for (+ 0.001 (* -100 2.16840434497101e-19)) 0.000999999999999978 Number readback failure for (+ 1e-20 (* -100 1.50463276905253e-36)) 9.99999999999985e-21 Number readback failure for (+ 1e-50 (* -100 1.18694596821997e-66)) 9.99999999999988e-51 Number readback failure for (+ 1e-100 (* -100 1.26897091865782e-116)) 9.99999999999987e-101 (mult-float-print-test #f) ==> #f BUT EXPECTED #t Number readback failure for (+ 3. (* -100 4.44089209850063e-16)) 2.99999999999996 Number readback failure for (+ 30. (* -100 3.5527136788005e-15)) 29.9999999999996 Number readback failure for (+ 300. (* -100 5.6843418860808e-14)) 299.999999999994 Number readback failure for (+ 3e+20 (* -100 65536.)) 2.99999999999993e+20 Number readback failure for (+ 3e+50 (* -100 4.15383748682786e+34)) 2.99999999999996e+50 Number readback failure for (+ 3e+100 (* -100 3.88533778445146e+84)) 2.99999999999996e+100 Number readback failure for (+ 0.3 (* -100 5.55111512312578e-17)) 0.299999999999994 Number readback failure for (+ 0.03 (* -100 3.46944695195361e-18)) 0.0299999999999997 Number readback failure for (+ 0.003 (* -100 4.33680868994202e-19)) 0.00299999999999996 Number readback failure for (+ 3e-20 (* -100 6.01853107621011e-36)) 2.99999999999994e-20 Number readback failure for (+ 3e-50 (* -100 4.7477838728799e-66)) 2.99999999999995e-50 Number readback failure for (+ 3e-100 (* -100 5.0758836746313e-116)) 2.99999999999995e-100 (mult-float-print-test #f) ==> #f BUT EXPECTED #t Number readback failure for (+ 7. (* -100 8.88178419700125e-16)) 6.99999999999991 Number readback failure for (+ 70. (* -100 1.4210854715202e-14)) 69.9999999999986 Number readback failure for (+ 700. (* -100 1.13686837721616e-13)) 699.999999999989 Number readback failure for (+ 7e+20 (* -100 131072.)) 6.99999999999987e+20 Number readback failure for (+ 7e+50 (* -100 8.30767497365572e+34)) 6.99999999999992e+50 Number readback failure for (+ 7e+100 (* -100 1.55413511378058e+85)) 6.99999999999984e+100 Number readback failure for (+ 0.7 (* -99 1.11022302462516e-16)) 0.699999999999989 Number readback failure for (+ 0.07 (* -100 1.38777878078145e-17)) 0.0699999999999986 Number readback failure for (+ 0.007 (* -100 8.67361737988404e-19)) 0.00699999999999991 Number readback failure for (+ 7e-20 (* -99 1.20370621524202e-35)) 6.99999999999988e-20 Number readback failure for (+ 7e-50 (* -100 9.4955677457598e-66)) 6.9999999999999e-50 Number readback failure for (+ 7e-100 (* -100 1.01517673492626e-115)) 6.9999999999999e-100 (mult-float-print-test #f) ==> #f BUT EXPECTED #t Number readback failure for (+ 3.14159265358979 (* -100 4.44089209850063e-16)) 3.14159265358975 Number readback failure for (+ 31.4159265358979 (* -100 3.5527136788005e-15)) 31.4159265358976 Number readback failure for (+ 314.159265358979 (* -100 5.6843418860808e-14)) 314.159265358974 Number readback failure for (+ 3.14159265358979e+20 (* -100 65536.)) 3.14159265358973e+20 Number readback failure for (+ 3.14159265358979e+50 (* -100 4.15383748682786e+34)) 3.14159265358975e+50 Number readback failure for (+ 3.14159265358979e+100 (* -100 3.88533778445146e+84)) 3.14159265358975e+100 Number readback failure for (+ 0.314159265358979 (* -100 5.55111512312578e-17)) 0.314159265358974 Number readback failure for (+ 0.0314159265358979 (* -100 6.93889390390723e-18)) 0.0314159265358972 Number readback failure for (+ 0.00314159265358979 (* -99 4.33680868994202e-19)) 0.00314159265358975 Number readback failure for (+ 3.14159265358979e-20 (* -100 6.01853107621011e-36)) 3.14159265358973e-20 Number readback failure for (+ 3.14159265358979e-50 (* -100 4.7477838728799e-66)) 3.14159265358975e-50 Number readback failure for (+ 3.14159265358979e-100 (* -100 5.0758836746313e-116)) 3.14159265358974e-100 (mult-float-print-test #f) ==> #f BUT EXPECTED #t Number readback failure for (+ 2.71828182845905 (* -100 4.44089209850063e-16)) 2.718281828459 Number readback failure for (+ 27.1828182845905 (* -100 3.5527136788005e-15)) 27.1828182845901 Number readback failure for (+ 271.828182845905 (* -100 5.6843418860808e-14)) 271.828182845899 Number readback failure for (+ 2.71828182845905e+20 (* -100 32768.)) 2.71828182845901e+20 Number readback failure for (+ 2.71828182845905e+50 (* -100 4.15383748682786e+34)) 2.718281828459e+50 Number readback failure for (+ 2.71828182845905e+100 (* -100 3.88533778445146e+84)) 2.71828182845901e+100 Number readback failure for (+ 0.271828182845905 (* -99 5.55111512312578e-17)) 0.271828182845899 Number readback failure for (+ 0.0271828182845905 (* -100 3.46944695195361e-18)) 0.0271828182845901 Number readback failure for (+ 0.00271828182845905 (* -100 4.33680868994202e-19)) 0.002718281828459 Number readback failure for (+ 2.71828182845904e-20 (* -100 6.01853107621011e-36)) 2.71828182845898e-20 Number readback failure for (+ 2.71828182845905e-50 (* -100 4.7477838728799e-66)) 2.718281828459e-50 Number readback failure for (+ 2.71828182845905e-100 (* -100 5.0758836746313e-116)) 2.71828182845899e-100 (mult-float-print-test #f) ==> #f BUT EXPECTED #t To fully test continuations do: (test-cont) ;testing scheme 4 functions; SECTION(6 7) (#list> "P l") ==> (#\P #\ #\l) (#list> "") ==> () (#string> (#\1 #\\ #\")) ==> "1\\\"" (#string> ()) ==> "" SECTION(6 8) (#list> #(dah dah didah)) ==> (dah dah didah) (#list> #()) ==> () (#vector> (dididit dah)) ==> #(dididit dah) (#vector> ()) ==> #() SECTION(6 10 4) (load (#t #f a () 9739 -3 . #((test) "te \" \" st" "" test #() b c))) ==> (#t #f a () 9739 -3 . #((test) "te \" \" st" "" test #() b c)) errors were: (SECTION (got expected (call))) ((6 5 6) (#f #t (mult-float-print-test #f))) ((6 5 6) (#f #t (mult-float-print-test #f))) ((6 5 6) (#f #t (mult-float-print-test #f))) ((6 5 6) (#f #t (mult-float-print-test #f))) ((6 5 6) (#f #t (mult-float-print-test #f))) ;testing DELAY and FORCE; SECTION(6 9) (delay 3) ==> 3 (delay (3 3)) ==> (3 3) (delay 2) ==> 2 (# #) ==> 6 (# #) ==> 6 (force 3) ==> 3 errors were: (SECTION (got expected (call))) ((6 5 6) (#f #t (mult-float-print-test #f))) ((6 5 6) (#f #t (mult-float-print-test #f))) ((6 5 6) (#f #t (mult-float-print-test #f))) ((6 5 6) (#f #t (mult-float-print-test #f))) ((6 5 6) (#f #t (mult-float-print-test #f))) ;testing continuations; SECTION(6 9) (# (a (b (c))) ((a) b c)) ==> #t (# (a (b (c))) ((a) b c d)) ==> #f errors were: (SECTION (got expected (call))) ((6 5 6) (#f #t (mult-float-print-test #f))) ((6 5 6) (#f #t (mult-float-print-test #f))) ((6 5 6) (#f #t (mult-float-print-test #f))) ((6 5 6) (#f #t (mult-float-print-test #f))) ((6 5 6) (#f #t (mult-float-print-test #f)))