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;;;; Copyright © 1993-1996 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI <>
;;;; Permission to use, copy, and/or distribute this software and its
;;;; documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
;;;; that both the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
;;;; all copies and derived works. Fees for distribution or use of this
;;;; software or derived works may only be charged with express written
;;;; permission of the copyright holder.
;;;; This software is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
;;;; This software is a derivative work of other copyrighted softwares; the
;;;; copyright notices of these softwares are placed in the file COPYRIGHTS
;;;; Author: Erick Gallesio []
;;;; Creation date: 8-Sep-1995 11:37
;;;; Last file update: 22-Feb-1996 11:19
;; Tk:tear-off-menu --
;; Given the name of a menu, this procedure creates a torn-off menu
;; that is identical to the given menu (including nested submenus).
;; The new torn-off menu exists as a toplevel window managed by the
;; window manager. The return value is the name of the new menu.
;; Arguments:
;; w - The menu to be torn-off (duplicated).
(define (Tk:tear-off-menu w)
(define (Tk:menu-dup src dst) ;; duplicate src menu into dst
(let ((args '()))
(for-each (lambda (option)
(unless (= (length option) 2)
(set! args `(,(car option) ,(list-ref option 4) ,@args))))
(src 'configure))
(set! dst (apply Tk:menu dst args))
(let ((last (src 'index "last")))
(unless (equal? last "none")
(let loop ((i (if (tk-get src :tearoff) 1 0)))
(when (<= i last)
(let ((args '())
(type (src 'type i)))
(for-each (lambda (option)
(set! args
`(,(car option) ,(list-ref option 4) ,@args)))
(src 'entryconfigure i))
(apply dst 'add type args)
(if (equal? type "cascade")
(let* ((name (format #f "~A.m~A" (widget-name dst) i))
(m2 (src 'entrycget i :menu)))
(if m2
(Tk:menu-dup m2 name)
(dst 'entryconfigure i :menu name))
(dst 'entryconfigure i :menu ""))))
(loop (+ i 1)))))))
;; Duplicate the binding tags and bindings from the source menu.
; regsub -all . $src {\\&} quotedSrc
; regsub -all . $dst {\\&} quotedDst
; regsub -all $quotedSrc [bindtags $src] $dst x
; bindtags $dst $x
; foreach event [bind $src] {
; regsub -all $quotedSrc [bind $src $event] $dst x
; bind $dst $event $x
; }
; Is it really useful? Should we duplicate bindings on the copy?
; Furthermore, most of the time this code should do nothing (even if
; necessary for completude).
; Eventually translate this Tcl code in STk but don't use regexp
; since they could not be compiled for STk
;; Return dst as result
;;******** Start of Tk:tear-off-menu
;; Find a unique name to use for the torn-off menu. Find the first
;; ancestor of w that is a toplevel but not a menu, and use this as
;; the parent of the new menu. This guarantees that the torn off
;; menu will be on the same screen as the original menu. By making
;; it a child of the ancestor, rather than a child of the menu, it
;; can continue to live even if the menu is deleted; it will go
;; away when the toplevel goes away.
(let ((parent [winfo 'parent w]))
(while (or (not (equal? parent [winfo 'toplevel parent]))
(equal? (winfo 'class parent) "Menu"))
(set! parent [winfo 'parent parent]))
(let ((menu (Tk:menu-dup w (format #f "~A.~A"
(if (equal? parent *root*)
(widget-name parent))
(gensym "tear__off")))))
(tk-set! menu :transient #f)
;; Pick a title for the new menu by looking at the parent of the
;; original: if the parent is a menu, then use the text of the active
;; entry. If it's a menubutton then use its text.
(set! parent [winfo 'parent w])
(wm 'title menu (cond
((string=? [winfo 'class parent] "Menubutton")
(tk-get parent :text))
((string=? [winfo 'class parent] "Menu")
(parent 'entrycget "active" :label))
(ELSE "Menu")))
(tk-set! menu :tearoff #f)
(menu 'post [winfo 'x w] [winfo 'y w])
;; Set tk::focus on entry: otherwise the focus will get lost
;; after keyboard invocation of a sub-menu (it will stay on the
;; submenu).
(bind menu "<Enter>" (lambda (|W|)
(set! tk::focus |W|)))
;; If there is a :tearoffcommand option for the menu, invoke it
;; now.
(let ((cmd (tk-get w :tearoffcommand)))
(unless (equal? cmd "")
(cmd w menu))))))