
346 lines
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;;;; H i e r a r c h y . s t k l o s -- Hierachy management widget
;;;; Copyright © 1998 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI <>
;;;; Permission to use, copy, and/or distribute this software and its
;;;; documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
;;;; that both the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
;;;; all copies and derived works. Fees for distribution or use of this
;;;; software or derived works may only be charged with express written
;;;; permission of the copyright holder.
;;;; This software is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
;;;; $Id: Hierarchy.stklos 1.3 Thu, 10 Sep 1998 23:44:28 +0200 eg $
;;;; Author: Erick Gallesio []
;;;; Creation date: 19-Aug-1998 14:02
;;;; Last file update: 30-Aug-1998 14:41
(require "Tk-classes")
(require "pixmap")
(select-module STklos+Tk)
(export <Hierarchy-tree> <Hierarchy-item>
add-item add-node add-leave walk-hierarchy ;; <Hierarchy-tree> methods
label-item select-item open-item close-item) ;; <Hierarchy-item> methods
(define *hierarchy-font* '(Helvetica 12))
(define *hierarchy-y* 0)
(define *hierarchy-node* (make-image "dir.xpm"))
(define *hierarchy-open-node* (make-image "diropen.xpm"))
(define *hierarchy-leave* (make-image "file.xpm"))
(define *hierarchy-box-plus* (make-image "box-plus.xpm"))
(define *hierarchy-box-minus* (make-image "box-minus.xpm"))
; < H i e r a r c h y - i t e m >
(define-class <Hierarchy-item> ()
((parent :init-keyword :parent)
(ancestor :init-keyword :ancestor)
(data :init-keyword :data)
(node? :init-keyword :node?)
(icon :init-keyword :icon :init-form #f)
(children :init-form '())
(label-id :init-form #f)
(open :init-form #f)))
(define-method initialize ((self <Hierarchy-item>) initargs)
(let ((ancestor (slot-ref self 'ancestor)))
;; Update the children list of the ancestor of this item
(if ancestor
(slot-set! ancestor 'children (append (slot-ref ancestor 'children)
(list self))))))
(define-method label-item((self <Hierarchy-item>))
(slot-ref self 'data))
(define-method select-item ((self <Hierarchy-item>))
(let* ((parent (slot-ref self 'parent))
(old-selection (slot-ref parent 'selection))
(old-data (and old-selection (slot-ref old-selection 'data)))
(data (slot-ref self 'data))
(scan-proc (lambda (i)
(let ((D (slot-ref i 'data)))
(if (and old-selection (eq? D old-data))
(set-item-background parent i #f))
(if (eq? D data)
(set-item-background parent i #t))))))
(unless (eq? old-data data)
(walk-hierarchy parent scan-proc)
(slot-set! parent 'selection self))))
(define-method open-item ((self <Hierarchy-item>))
(slot-set! self 'open #t)
(if (eq? (slot-ref self 'icon) *hierarchy-node*)
(slot-set! self 'icon *hierarchy-open-node*))
(update-hierarchy (slot-ref self 'parent)))
(define-method close-item ((self <Hierarchy-item>))
(slot-set! self 'open #f)
(if (eq? (slot-ref self 'icon) *hierarchy-open-node*)
(slot-set! self 'icon *hierarchy-node*))
(update-hierarchy (slot-ref self 'parent)))
; < H i e r a r c h y - t r e e >
(define-class <Hierarchy-tree> (<Scroll-Canvas>)
((root :init-form #f)
(items-type :init-form <Hierarchy-item> :keyword :items-type)
(selection :init-form #f)))
(define-method initialize ((self <Hierarchy-tree>) initargs)
(set! (background (canvas-of self)) "white") ;; Set the canvas bg to white
(unless (member :h-scroll-side initargs) ;; no horiz scrollbar
(set! (h-scroll-side self) #f))
;; Create the root of the hierarchy
(slot-set! self 'root (add-item self #f #f #t)) ; self, ancestor, data, node
;; Refresh the widget (not completly satisfactory)
(after 'idle (lambda() (update-hierarchy self))))
;;;; add-item -- add an item in the hierarchy (low level. See
;;;; add-leave and add-node for higher level functions)
(define-method add-item ((self <Hierarchy-tree>) ancestor data node? icon)
(let ((ancestor (or ancestor (slot-ref self 'root)))
(class (slot-ref self 'items-type)))
(make class :parent self :ancestor ancestor :data data
:node? node? :icon icon)))
(define-method add-item ((self <Hierarchy-tree>) ancestor data node?)
(add-item self ancestor data node? #f))
;;==== add-leave
(define-method add-leave ((self <Hierarchy-tree>) ancestor data)
(add-item self ancestor data #f *hierarchy-leave*))
;;==== add-node
(define-method add-node ((self <Hierarchy-tree>) ancestor data)
(add-item self ancestor data #t *hierarchy-node*))
;;;; Internal use methods
;; set-item-background --
(define-method set-item-background ((self <Hierarchy-tree>) item selected?)
(let ((bg (if selected? "red" "black"))
(item (slot-ref item 'label-id)))
((Id self) 'itemconfigure item :fill bg)))
;; update-hierarchy -- display the current hierarchy
(define-method update-hierarchy ((self <Hierarchy-tree>))
;; Delete all items in the hierarchy
(canvas-delete self 'all)
;; Display something in 0,0 otherwise the canvas is not centered on the origin
;; when we finish display. Why?
((Id self) 'create 'line 0 0 0 0 :fill (background self))
(set! *hierarchy-y* 0)
(update-a-hierarchy-level self (slot-ref self 'root) 10)
;; Update the scroll region of the canvas
(let ((bbox (bounding-box self 'all)))
(unless (null? bbox)
(set! (scroll-region self) bbox)))
;; Display the selection
(let* ((selection (slot-ref self 'selection))
(data (and selection (slot-ref selection 'data)))
(proc (lambda (i)
(if (eq? (slot-ref i 'data) data)
(set-item-background self i #t)))))
(when selection
(walk-hierarchy self proc))))
;; update-a-hierarchy-level -- display a hierachy level (recusrive cal if
;; -- a folder is encountered). Dont call it directly
(define-method update-a-hierarchy-level ((self <Hierarchy-tree>) item indent)
(define w (Id self))
;; WARNING: We don't use Tk tags for bindings here because we use a
;; lot of bindings for each layer of the tree (several per item in fact).
;; When using tags, Tk doesn't delete the bindings when canvas items
;; are deleted but when the canvas itself is deleted. This consumes a lot
;; of memory for big hierarchies which are opened and closed several time.
(define (create-icon-n-label w i x y icon)
(let* ((label (label-item i))
(add-bind (lambda (who item)
(bind self who "<Double-1>" (lambda () (open-item i)))
(bind self who "<1>" (lambda () (select-item i)))))
(item (w 'create 'text x y :text label :anchor 'w
:font *hierarchy-font*)))
(when icon
(let ((icon (w 'create 'image (- x 4) y :image icon :anchor 'w)))
(add-bind icon item)
(w 'move item 16 0)))
(slot-set! i 'label-id item)
(add-bind item item)))
(define (create-box w i x y open)
(if open
(let ((img (w 'create 'image x y :image *hierarchy-box-minus*)))
(update-a-hierarchy-level self i (+ indent 18))
(bind self img "<1>" (lambda() (close-item i))))
(let ((img (w 'create 'image x y :image *hierarchy-box-plus*)))
(bind self img "<1>" (lambda() (open-item i))))))
(define (display-item i)
(let ((node? (slot-ref i 'node?))
(icon (slot-ref i 'icon))
(x (+ indent 15))
(y (+ (* 20 *hierarchy-y*) 20)))
(set! *hierarchy-y* (+ *hierarchy-y* 1))
(w 'create 'line indent y (+ indent 15) y :fill "gray50")
(create-icon-n-label w i x y icon)
(when node?
(create-box w i indent y (slot-ref i 'open)))))
(let ((initial-y *hierarchy-y*)
(last-y 0))
(for-each (lambda (item)
(set! last-y *hierarchy-y*)
(display-item item))
(slot-ref item 'children))
;; Draw the vertical line linking siblings
(unless (= initial-y *hierarchy-y*)
(let ((line (w 'create 'line
indent (+ (* 20 initial-y) 7)
indent (* 20 (+ last-y 1))
:fill "gray50")))
((Id self) 'lower line)))))
(define-method walk-hierarchy ((self <Hierarchy-tree>) proc)
(let Loop ((item (slot-ref self 'root)))
(proc item)
(if (slot-ref item 'node?)
(for-each Loop (slot-ref item 'children)))))
(provide "Hierarchy")
Simple usage of the <Hierarchy-tree> class:
(define T (make <Hierarchy-tree>))
(pack T :expand #t :fill "both")
(define d1 (add-node T #f "dir1"))
(define d2 (add-node T #f "dir2"))
(define d3 (add-node T d1 "dir3"))
(add-leave T d1 "file2")
(add-leave T d1 "file1")
(add-leave T d3 "file3")
(add-leave T d2 "file4")
Inheritance hierarchy
Another example where we make a subclass of <Hierarchy-tree> and
<Hierarchy-item>. The hierarchy tree must define the slot item-types
which contain the type of the items of the hierarchy. Furthermore,
open-item and close-item have been redefined to ensure that the
the subtree is cleaned when we close a node (i.e. re-opening a closed
node will query its *actual* leaves, even if they have changed).
(define-class <Inheritance-item> (<Hierarchy-item>) ())
(define-class <Inheritance-tree> (<Hierarchy-tree>)
((items-type :init-form <Inheritance-item>)))
(define-method open-item((self <Inheritance-item>))
(let* ((data (slot-ref self 'data))
(children (slot-ref self 'children))
(hierarchy (slot-ref self 'parent))
(subclasses (class-direct-subclasses data)))
(when (and (null? children) (not (null? subclasses)))
(for-each (lambda (x)
(if (null? (class-direct-subclasses x))
(add-leave hierarchy self x)
(add-node hierarchy self x)))
;; Do the redisplay
(define-method close-item((self <Inheritance-item>))
(slot-set! self 'children '())
(define-method label-item((self <Hierarchy-item>))
(class-name (slot-ref self 'data)))
(define T (make <Inheritance-tree>))
(pack T :expand #t :fill "both")
(add-node T #f <top>)
File Hierarchy
In this example, we don't redefine close-item => we have a cache of the
hierarchy (which can be erroneous if disk state has changed)
(define-class <File-item> (<Hierarchy-item>) ())
(define-class <File-tree> (<Hierarchy-tree>)
((items-type :init-form <File-item>)))
(define-method open-item((self <File-item>))
(let* ((data (slot-ref self 'data))
(children (slot-ref self 'children))
(hierarchy (slot-ref self 'parent)))
(when (null? children)
;; This is the first time that we open this item and it has children
(for-each (lambda (x)
(if (file-is-directory? x)
(add-node hierarchy self x)
(add-leave hierarchy self x)))
(sort (glob (string-append data "/*")) string<?))))
;; Do the redisplay
(define-method label-item((self <File-item>))
(let ((name (slot-ref self 'data)))
(if (string=? name "/")
(basename name))))
(define-method select-item ((self <File-item>))
(let ((name (slot-ref self 'data)))
(unless (file-is-directory? name)
(system (string-append "xedit " name " &"))))
(define T (make <File-tree>))
(pack T :expand #t :fill "both")
(add-node T #f "/")