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;;;; I m a g e . s t k l o s -- The Tk4.0 image mechanism
;;;; Copyright © 1993-1999 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI <>
;;;; Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute,and license this
;;;; software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted,
;;;; provided that existing copyright notices are retained in all
;;;; copies and that this notice is included verbatim in any
;;;; distributions. No written agreement, license, or royalty fee is
;;;; required for any of the authorized uses.
;;;; This software is provided ``AS IS'' without express or implied
;;;; warranty.
;;;; Author: Erick Gallesio []
;;;; Creation date: 26-Jul-1995 11:23
;;;; Last file update: 3-Sep-1999 20:10 (eg)
(require "Basics")
(require "image") ; The one with a lower "i"
(select-module STklos+Tk)
;;;; Images can be seen in two ways in STklos, depending of what you
;;;; want to do with them. If you want just to load an image in a
;;;; button or a label without modifying its parameters (gamma
;;;; correction, palette, ..) you can use the class <Image>. This
;;;; class uses the make-image helper function which knows about the
;;;; *image-path* variable. To create such an image can be done with
;;;; (make <Image> "teapot.ppm")
;;;; On the other hand, if you want to deal with images options you
;;;; have to take the appropriate class depending of the type of image
;;;; you want to manipulate. The available classes for that are
;;;; <Bitmap-image>, <Photo-image>, <Pixmap-Image>, ...
;;;; Here is how the hierarchy is organized
;;;; <Tk-image> common ancestor
;;;; <Image> simple to use images (format independant)
;;;; <Tk-Basic-image> Basic class for "complex" image manipulation
;;;; <Bitmap-image> Bitmaps and all its options
;;;; <Photo-image> GIF and PPM and all their options
;;;; .....
;;;; <Tk-image> class definition
(define-class <Tk-Image> ()
((Id :getter Id)
(image-type :getter image-type
:allocation :virtual
:slot-ref (lambda(o) (image 'type (Id o)))
:slot-set! (lambda(o v) (Tk:slot-is-read-only o 'image-type)))
(width :getter width
:allocation :virtual
:slot-ref (lambda(o) (image 'width (Id o)))
:slot-set! (lambda(o v) (Tk:slot-is-read-only o 'width)))
(height :getter height
:allocation :virtual
:slot-ref (lambda(o) (image 'height (Id o)))
:slot-set! (lambda(o v) (Tk:slot-is-read-only o 'height))))
:metaclass <Tk-metaclass>)
;;; Write-object
(define-method Tk-write-object((self <Tk-Image>) port)
(display (widget-name (slot-ref self 'id)) port))
;;;; <Image> class definition
(define-class <Image> (<Tk-Image>)
((file :initform #f :init-keyword :file)))
(define-method initialize ((self <Image>) initargs)
(let ((file (slot-ref self 'file)))
(unless file
(error "<Image> initialization requires a file name"))
(let ((Id (make-image file)))
(if Id
(slot-set! self 'Id Id)
(error "Cannot create image with file ~S" file)))))
;;; Destroy
(define-method destroy ((self <Image>))
(delete-image (slot-ref self 'Id)))
;;;; <Tk-Basic-image> class definition
(define-class <Tk-Basic-Image> (<Tk-image>)
((file :accessor file
:init-keyword :file
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(data :accessor image-data
:init-keyword :data
:allocation :tk-virtual)))
(define-method initialize ((self <Tk-Basic-Image>) initargs)
(let ((tk-options (get-keyword :tk-options initargs '())))
(slot-set! self 'id (initialize-image self tk-options))
;;; Destroy
(define-method destroy ((self <Tk-image>))
(image 'delete self))
;;;; <Bitmap-image> class definition
(define-class <Bitmap-image> (<Tk-Basic-Image>)
((background :accessor background
:init-keyword :background
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(foreground :accessor foreground
:init-keyword :foreground
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(mask-data :accessor mask-data
:init-keyword :mask-data
:tk-name maskdata
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(mask-file :accessor mask-file
:init-keyword :mask-file
:tk-name maskfile
:allocation :tk-virtual)))
(define-method initialize-image((self <Bitmap-image>) args)
(apply image 'create 'bitmap (gensym "Img ") args))
;;;; <Photo-image> class definition
(define-class <Photo-image> (<Tk-Basic-Image>)
((channel :accessor channel
:init-keyword :channel
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(image-format :accessor image-format
:init-keyword :image-format
:tk-name format
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(gamma :accessor gamma
:init-keyword :gamma
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(height :accessor height
:init-keyword :height
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(palette :accessor palette
:init-keyword :palette
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(width :accessor width
:init-keyword :width
:allocation :tk-virtual)))
(define-method initialize-image((self <Photo-image>) args)
(apply image 'create 'photo (gensym "Img ") args))
;;; [FIXME] functions for photo images should be written here. But is is
;;; really necessary
;;;; <Pixmap-image> class definition
(define-class <Pixmap-image> (<Tk-Basic-Image>)
;; Pixmap extension need that the :file or :data be passed when the
;; image is created => we use a new initialize method rather than the
;; initialize-image scheme used for bitmaps and photos
(define-method initialize ((self <Pixmap-Image>) initargs)
(require "pixmap")
(let* ((file (get-keyword :file initargs #f))
(data (get-keyword :data initargs #f))
(args (if data
(list :data data)
(list :file file))))
(slot-set! self 'id (apply image 'create 'pixmap (gensym "Img ") args))))
(provide "Image")